Joe Biden was speaking on August 13 on Wall street about risks it would be to have Wall street run without strong over sight. And used the term they would put you back in chains.

Republican Rick Santorum said the same exact thing dealing with their attacks on Obama care. If you watch Fox News or see how they attack constantly and have attacked the President pretty harshly. But good Lord if Obama or Biden say anything they are low?

It is not low to care about people and their well being and lives. It is not low to say we need Government oversight on greed and con artistry among people. People work hard for a lot of business owners to make millions and billions. The least these business's can do is give them their rights and allow Government to ensure these rights. Has life become all about power and money and greed? What happened to humanity and good conscience towards people?

The Republicans attack wel fare like its a crime. Ask around Republicans some wel fare Mom's daughter's and son's become elite military or very important politicians. Sometimes wel fare is a source to some people well being. A lot of you say charity is good, but you attack Government aid to people in need? Yes people abuse all things in this life, but if its doing more good than harm why use it as a evil thing?

Republicans you say you are Children of God? Jesus said don't worry about tomorrow today has enough worries. But you consistent to say you are worried about the debt. Well Obama seems to understand common sense you have to spend money to make money. And by Government job's and construction Obama kept us from a great depression. Also the process of Government loans have really open up doors to small business. I also know this aid is abused by con artistry, we stop the con's and keep what works!!

Cutting tax for business's isn't going to make us competitive. It is just going to make the rich richer. See the common sense the Business's are doing from free trade is all about labor cost. If they can pay someone 5.00$ an hour overseas and we demand 7.00$ an hour do you see the money they are saving? And we are buying their products and they are not giving us jobs in return, because we cost to much based on American law and minimum wage.

We could break down the cost of living and bring minimum wage back down to 5.15$. Do you see the problem in my few statements made here? There is nothing wrong with making money and there is nothing wrong with being successful. The problem is created when you loose your humanity based on greed and wanting more when you have plenty. Most of these company's are billion dollar company's. After a billion what is more? ............................

Obama believes in Government watching and keeping everyone in check. Republicans want us to trust these people and hope they do us right? Well in my personal life and experience I rather see law enforced rather than blind trust. Republicans I see your polices and the intent of. I am free to my opinion, and for the record you should be 100% ashamed of yourselves. There are people suffering and creating a worst economy based on greed is spitting in their faces.
We have to meet our maker one day, He doesn't take bribes and isn't for sale.
let the Spirit of Grace testify to my words.
Common Sense 101
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