What about the Heathen?

Is it fair that people who have never heard about Christ,can be condemned to eternal hell? Now that's the real $64,000 dollar question! First of all we must ask...

Are the Heathen Lost?

All human beings are born in sin(Ps.51:5)and are "by nature the children of wrath"(Eph.2:3),for "just as sin entered the world through one man,and death through sin,and in this way death came to all men,because all have sinned(in Adam)-"(Rom.5:12). Explicitly referring to the heathen(who have only general revelation),Paul declares,Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen ,being understood from what has been made,so that men are without excuse"(Rom.1:20).

(Indeed ,when Gentiles,who do not have the law,do by nature things required by the law,they are a law to themselves,even though they do not have the law(of Moses),since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts,their consciences also bearing witness,and their thoughts now accusing,now even defending them.) Now this will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ,as my gospel declares(Rom. 2:14-16).

Then summing up his conclusion from the whole section,Paul pronounces that "there is no difference,for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"(Rom.3:22-23).

Yes,the heathen are lost apart from Christ.

Can the Heathen be saved Apart From the Work of Christ?

There is no salvation apart from Christ's finished work on the cross. Jesus said,"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"(John 14:6). Paul adds,"There is one God and one mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus"(1 Tim.2:5)."Salvation is found in no one else,for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved"(Act:12). In our age there is no way to be saved without believing in Christ(Acts 4:12; Rom.10:9; John 3:16,18,36; 5:24).

Is it Just to Condemn Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

Yes,for at least three reasons.

First,they have received God's general revealation. They know about His "eternal power and divine nature"(Rom.1:21). They are informed that He "made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them"(Acts 14:15). They are aware that God"has not left himself without testimony:He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons"(Acts 14:17).

Second,God has revealed Himself to the unevangelized both in creation and in conscience;if they reject that light,God is not obligated to give them more,since they have turned against the light they already have(Rom.1:18). If man were lost in the darkness of a dense jungle and had just one glimps of light,he should go for it;if he turns his back on it and then is forever lost in the darkness,he has no one but himself to blame. "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world,but men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil"(John 3:19).

Third,as we have seen,God will provide the heathen with special revelation sufficient for salvation "if they seek Him through the general revelation"(nature & conscience).

Broadly,this can be done in at least two ways:(1) sending a believer to share the gospel with them or(2) using dreams,visions,and special revelation.

Sending a Missionary

It harminizes with scriptural examples of God sending a preacher to those whom He knows will respond to the gospel;for example,Peter being led to Cornelius(Acts 10). the writer of Hebrews(11:6)tells us that those who seek will find.

Using Visions,Dreams,or Specific Special Revelation

While it is normative(and perhaps even more fruitful)for God to use believers to bring the gospel to the unevangelized,it is possible that He may use other means at His disposal to deliver the message of the gospel to those who would believe if they heard it...
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God has employed many such means-for instance,radio,TV,recordings,literature.

One day God will use an angel to preach the gospel "to every nation,tribe,language and people"(Rev.14:6).

Historically,God has miraculously conveyed special revelation through visions and dreams. God is more willing that all be saved than we are(2 Peter 3:9). His justice demands that He condemns all sinners,but His love compels Him to provide salvation for all who,by His grace,will believe:"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"(Romans 10:13).

God speaking: You will seek me and find me when you seek me and find me with all your heart(Jeremiah 29:13).

God bless everone!teddybear
God Bless everyone in CS!!!wave
Sir sorry I didn't read much of the story but I can still tell you the answer? I believe we are all sinners but to be a Christian takes asking for the Lords to come into your heart and then live according to the word however I believe that if you don't know Christ doesn't mean your going to hell we cannot stand in judgement of others. Christ died for all and who are we to say that someone can't go to heaven? God says that He will spare whom He wills? You and I can only look at it in the way we all see ourselves being worthy to enter but it is still no certainty that we will? Only our Father in Heaven does. We could debate on it for the rest of life and it would not get us any closer to Heaven but live as though everyday is your last and be good to your brothers and sister in this life that we are given by God.

Thanks Good stuff!!!
I believe we are only responsible for what we know....which verse is that, Serendipity.....confused
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment,though I humbly disagree with the fact that salvation can be found apart from Christ. For the Bible makes exclusive truth claims in regards, to there being only one way to the one true God(John 14:6; Acts:4:12; John 10:7-10 1 Timothy 2:5). This is not based in my opinion,but based upon the authority God's Word.

If people don't need to know Christ,then what would be the need for the great commission,"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,to the very end of the age(Matt.28:16,17).

God bless you,sir!
Sorry You miss understood I am a christian and I know and you know that is to be the way to heaven but we are not our Father, it is up to Him and only Him to say who shall stay or not. He will call all into Heaven and then He shall separate the wheat from the chaff so yes I do believe as do you my brother but we can not say who God will keep or make go, His will be done.That was my point He pulled every soul out from the Guff and placed it into everyone who lives for His own reasons so we cannot say anything we can just believe what we are taught by the Holy Spirit. God has all the power we just serve and do what we think and believe is right for we have the mind of Christ and through our belief we stand and do our best to be good and spread the good word.

God Bless You Too Sir!!!!

I agree that God is the ultimate souce and basis of salvation(Eph 1:11). In no sense is the will of man,the source or the basis of salvation(John 1:13). Election is based on God's Sovereign Will and His choice,though He knows who will freely choose Him(Believe).

God bless you brother!wave
God Does not Rig the Polls!!!.. peace
I just lurve the way Morgan Freedman addresses Kevin Costner in Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves movie as Heathen....laugh

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Hi Elmo .....

I think I missed this one .... So who is the heathen in this movie lol .......
I agree Particolor!rolling on the floor laughing Always nice to see you!

God Bless you,friend!handshake thumbs up

St Elmo: Yes,that seems hilarious.laughrolling on the floor laughing Thanks for the laugh. God bless!peace
Hi Serendipity,

I think of God as of Love. So I don t think about punishment, at least not in the sense we humans understand it.

We are given choices, including to believe or not. The question as you (and many others has) put it, is if the ignorance is an excuse. I think everyone finds their path in one way or another even if they define themselves as atheists. There are different paths to what we, the believers, call God. hug wave
Thank you for your thoughts and quotes, dear Serendipity! I am not an expert in theology, but I think it s all up to our choice. We humans are given the sacred right of choice which means that God trusts us. He trusts our ability to learn, in one way or another.

BTW what do you think of reincarnation? teddybear
Dear Serendipity,

Thank you for comparing and clarifying the two concepts (one life : reincarnation)! It was very interesting to read your insightful yet very clear explanation. I guess it sounds very tempting for many to think they have multiple lives, therefore possibilities to "make it up". Like school years. It s kind of scary to think that you have only one "school year" to complete your education. But fear comes from the unknown and I guess it can be compensated by faith...

Yes it d be very interesting if you blog on this topic! thumbs up teddybear
Consider it a done deal, Ariel!

May God richly bless you! Your friend Serendipity!thumbs up hug
Heathen by birth, saved by grace! applause

Surely I was sinful at birth,sinful from the time my mother conceived me(Psalms 51:5).

Thank God, for amazing grace that saves a wretch like me.

I appreciate you sharing on God's grace! May God richly bless you!peace
Sorry,but .."children being born in sin.."A child is innocent surely... i can´t get much past that part...confused
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Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA

I would describe my personality as someone who is friendly, honest, easy going, respectful, and thoughtful, with a great sense of humor. I'm easy to get along with and have a positive perspective in how I veiw life, from a realist standpoint. I'm cer [read more]

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created Nov 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 18
Last Commented: Nov 2012
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