The True Will

You only think you know what you want. To know what you truly want you'd have to go backwards in time and remember how you felt about everyone and everything when you were yet a young child. Remember how you loved everything and everyone and wanted everyone to feel loved and happy and safe. Remember how there were no "inanimate objects" and everything was endowed with life and energy and presence. Maybe you can't remember this state of innocence any longer, but I do.

This world is but a dream based on the concepts of limitation, competition and dearth. Resources, we are taught, are scant. There is not enough to go around and, to get what we think we want, we must compete, and someone else must do without in order for us to "have". But the actual fact is that, the only way to "have", and to demonstrate that having, is to be be the source of all you "desire". The True Will, as it turns out, is antithetical to the concepts of competition and dearth. The True Will is echoed in the blessedness we feel when giving because that alone demonstrates that we are the source of all we desire. This Truth, being lived and real-ized, how can be ever be without? And the True Will is that no one "go without" and that everyone re-cognize who they truly are: Source.

How can we be happy when our brothers and sisters are suffering in dearth? Oh, we can and do take our passing pleasures and assuage our pain, but we are not truly happy because what we Will is to celebrate with all the utter surcease of abundance and cooperation. We Will to live lives that are meaningful and have purpose. Caught up in the illusions of dearth, competition and of "taking", we fall into a dream of meaninglessness and the pursuit of passing pleasures as we try to escape the messages that the metaphor of revelation has etched upon the world. We do this because we do not know that we are the source of the Miracle that heals every illusion. But, to find that power, we must ask the meaning of what appears to present.

EVERYone who comes into my life comes for one of two purposes and, sometimes, for both: They come to heal or to be healed. Sometimes we heal each other mutually, both of spiritual/emotional pain and physical dis-ease. All physical dis-ease is an echo of emotional/spiritual discomfort: an issue unreconciled. You can treat symptoms or you can address the cause. There is nothing in this world that is not a physical manifestation of a deeper spiritual reality. Life is a streaming revelatory experience in metaphor.

If I could heal the world myself of one error it would be the belief in dearth and the need for competition. The next great healing would be the idea that things happen TO us, rather than FOR us. No dis-ease presents that is not there to point our awareness at the deeper spiritual issue that is in need of being reconciled. Reconciliation is forgiveness and forgiveness is the real-ization of the concept that "Nothing happens TO us. It ALL happens FOR us." Your Shepherd never leaves you. Everything He sends He sends out of love that we not leave this world of physicality with anything left unreconciled/unforgiven.

I am the Miracle that you have been looking for - and so are you. The only difference is I know what I am, while you are yet identified with your dream. You are my reason to be. I am what you believe you lack, here to remind you of what you already are.
I love you all. teddybear

The cost of Nothing is Everything and the price of Everything is Nothing: Nothing but your unhappy dreams of separation wherein someone must be damned that you can be saved. No one can be saved without their brother at their side. We will laugh together in mutual salvation or weep in apparent isolation in illusions of damnation, trapped in a dream world of our own projected fear. We rest in our Father's arms and only dream of our exile from Heaven's abundance.
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Comments (29)

good advice i go read this book Discover the True WillEnchiridion of Thelema
Libri of A. E. Crowley
Quick Guide

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." (AL I.40)handshake thumbs up
Marvelous Cailin
really enjoyed reading this blog
Hi Cailin

I believe my True Will, is knowing where I came from..knowing why I'm here...and knowing where I want to be.
Time is the Master... when you look back at where you does that make you feel today? Happy or Sad.

I feel truly blessed...

Loved the blog,great style.hug bouquet kiss angel wave
Jarred, don't read that. It will only confuse you. Crowley's mind was a muddled mess. He had spent too much time in the lateral realms. Moreover, he was not trying to be clear. He was trying to hide the truth so that only those with a certain knowledge base would understand his references.

Read "A Course in Miracles". It will open your mind if it is ready to be opened.

"Love is the Law: Love under Will." Choose Love. Will Love. You get what you give. You summon what you are.
I am awfully fond of you too, Dedovix. batting

Shine on, you crazy diamond. The world is a delicious jest. 'Twould be entirely laughable, were it not so tragic and nonsensical.
"My reason to be is to help. The posting is an open offer. The price of Everything is nothing at all..."

Aren't we all here to help? We have all come to this planet by choice, and our greatest purpose is to "serve"...and spread unconditional love - which means without asking anything in return.

"I believe my True Will, is knowing where I came from..knowing why I'm here...and knowing where I want to be."

That can be found out easily. First, we are all here on this planet to serve, also to spread unconditional Love.
Then, on top of that, each individual has their own mission to accomplish, their soul contracts and their roles to play in this big movie called "LIFE".

Or, as Mr.William S. would say: "The whole world is a stage, and we are just actors upon it"

Have fun! We are all having fun!danceline hug teddybear
smoking Callin: This is a great blog! yay yeppie!
Minerva, you said "...Aren't we all here to help? We have all come to this planet by choice, and our greatest purpose is to "serve"...and spread unconditional love - which means without asking anything in return..."

Very true, (although this remains the UNrealized purpose of most) but I AM asking for something in return (and, recieving my offering, you Will want to make your own offering): I ask your joy and salavation from fear and the illusion of separation -- and that you spread that awareness and joy as a necessary part of your own salvation from the illusion. This teaches you that you are the Source of that blossoming understanding. You can never then lose what you know you are.

Yes, I am indeed plotting to make you all deliriously happy. (I know, diabolical of me. batting)

"I can light the night up with my soul on fire. I can make the sun shine from pure desire..." heart wings
Heya Ms. Angel Peppers! Well I thank you and hope I have at last managed to say this clearly!

"...Out on the ocean of life, my Love, there are so many storms we must rise above. Can't you hear the spirit calling as its carried across the waves. You're already falling. The one that it's calling is YOU..."
I don't like what and how u write. It sounds like the world stops spinning the next moment.

There is always something new what people want as long as their mind is sane. And this has nothing to do with long, long time ago.
Minerva, 'Tis a blessing to be of use at all. ...And another Bodhisattva is real-ized! Hare hare!

"Beauty I'd always missed, with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can't say any more. Because I love you. Yes, I love you. God, how I love you... Just what you want to be, you'll be in the end, and I love you."
scold Callin: " We must rise above" wine
Guadal, do not let fear confuse you. Nothing can hurt you, ever. You are eternal.

Guadal. Guten Abend meiner Schatzen!

"I don't like what and how u write. It sounds like the world stops spinning the next moment".

But this is called "poetry" meiner lieber Freund...
Is this getting too deep for you?doh comfort Never mind...

Hopefully Cailin's words will be reaching someone, somewhere, some time... until it reaches everyone, everywhere and all of the time...hug teddybear
scold Thank you! CallingC. . . .
Oooh, Minerva, won't that be grand: We'll all go free instantaneously and this Universe will appear to disappear, replaced by another in which we are eternally vital and Time's passage only makes us stroinger, wiser and more loving, for surely, this is Time's only purpose.

Angel! bouquet teddybear

You should join my cult where we bow to the legacy of sponge Bob square pants and his sidekick Patrick star
flipping burgers under water quite an achievement grin
" 10/4 " . . . .teddybear
"We'll all go free instantaneously and this Universe will appear to disappear, replaced by another in which we are eternally vital and Time's passage only makes us stroinger, wiser and more loving, for surely, this is Time's only purpose".

Ok, my dear friends, I shall all love you and leave you for now, until such time when we'll all disappear...
I must get my "beauty sleep" now to get stronger and be ready for it...angel teddybear
Dedovix! ONLY if you quit smoking and grow a mustache and goatee for me! heart beating bouquet
Thank you, Angel! hug

Good night, Minerva! Suenos dulces y suante! bouquet hug
I don't underestimate the power of denial. I don't underestimate the power of denial. I don't underestimate the power of denial. I don't underestimate the power of denial. I don't underestimate the power of denial.
BOGIE! laugh You slay me...

Got any more amusing nonsense for me? I adore whimsy! The world is but a delicious JEST!
teddybear wine
no, problems are my problems and they are the only problems I have.dunno
Yours, YOURS, YOURS!" eh? Well, since you are so covetous of your problems I shall never try to deprive you of them (unless you ask me nicely). batting
today i a have a problem ...houston
This is Houston... Dude, there are NO problems. There are only situations. Everything comes in its proper time. Relax. Nae worries... bouquet Feel better.

Life is a dance of what appears to be chance, orchestrated by The Fiddler. dancing
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Jennings, Florida, USA

I've an abundance of derring-do, but you would call it "rash". I am quintessentially fluid, indulgent, unmatched in ardor. I am unflinchingly faithful, secretive & illusive, & I cherish your confidence as you cherish mine. Two approaches work with me [read more]

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created Sep 2013
Last Viewed: Apr 22
Last Commented: Sep 2013
CailinCallaghan has 103 other Blogs

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