who prayers are answered ?

Some people pray to be cured..ie cancer or some other disease. Some of those prayers are answered..allegedly.

So why is it all of the amputees in the world that pray..theirs has not been answered..not one person has had their limbs grown back. What does God have against amputees.

Answers in a post card please.
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God only listen to those little lizards.

Tail broken, tail grows up again, snakes having brand new

skin as they grows up
I have been cured...I was getting diabetes...cured, I was bone o n bone in my right knee...cured....I had carpal tunnel...cured....I had a bad marriage...cured....all from prayer....sorry to disapoint your non-belief....but, GOd does not have to show you a miracle to get you to believe...you already belong to the shadows...wow uh oh sigh
cal..why doenst god anwers or help amputess ?..can you tell me ?..not one
Most of it has to do with our Subconscious and when our Subconscious believe it ,it is going to happen,because our Subconscious is much of the mover of our Fate.
So it is no matter what God we have create for our self,if we believe enough strong,that something happen,our Fate is going to move in that direction. Praying with no enough believing is never going to realize what we are asking for and the paradox is then that in small things we believe more strong,that we can get it,but when what we are asking is to big for our believing,it is never going to happen,because our Subconscious has not been convinced.

Placebo affection is a very good example about it,there are full of happenings,where doctors give in secret sugar pills and they work in people like curing pills.
A lot of pills what is in use in Medicine in these days,have in fact very little affection in them self,but it is Placebo affection,that do the best job.

So I don't believe in Man made Gods and Religions,but I believe still in Prayers,because with a strong believing,the prayers can work effectively as a Placebo affection.

I was made an Atheist yesterday,by somebody,that wanted me to be an Atheist,who made an own conclusion from my comments,but that is very far away from the truth.

In our Family we can see the wave lengths,that is outside normal peoples Eye sight and why we have that ability is,because we know that it is possible,if we believe that it is possible.

By seeing a wider spectrum,give the ability to see things that is around us and happen around us,what normal people don't see and we want it or not,but there are energy fields,with what ever energy formations from different things going on.

This part of existence,we have dubbed with my Son as Spiritual Science,what normal Science have still very little clue about.

People more close to nature can better recognize that part of existence and it looks like animals have much of it naturally.

So in our family,we don't see only energy formations,we see Spirits and Souls also around and we know that every single Human has at least one Spirit close by,but often 2 or 3 even.

From these Spirits around a person,it is possible to identify,what kind of person we are dealing with!

I know,that some here on CS,that is reading this,are going to make our family just full of crazy individuals,but I think it could be a good idea to first make a question,how it is possible that my Son could create the Stem Cell,that has been a topic for thousands of Medical scientists for decades,not finding the solution and not only that,he has also find a pill to stop Cells to die and he has also already the knowledge to tackle Cancer by using its own ability against it self.

There are other mind braking knowledge what he has and are mostly only in his and mine knowledge,but the question here is,why and how and from where he get all this knowledge? What if the mystery of Life is completely something else what we Human normally believe???

Make your mind by your self,I'm not going to go further!!!

Ian that is the mystery of life. In my thinking, if and when all our prayers are answered as we see fit to our individual agenda, we wouldn't be here anymore questioning it would we? And think of the impact on what each of us would pray for. So my answer to your question why the amputees prayers don't get answered? I leave it to God.

My prayers were answered although not all of them are, but I accept that only God knows what is best for me and not and I accept that. I have overcome not once but twice, the rarest cancer there is and on each time three specialists (all different on each case) can't believe how it happened and disappeared. I have all documents about these findings. But I prayed and I am still here alive at 64. Now what can you say of that? That God choose whom He grants? Maybe.

I have so many questions that ordinary human mind can't answer Ian, and this is the reason I do believe in someone more powerful than any of us, I call Him God.
The thing is your odds of getting your prayers answered are 50/50...very good odds...but odds of a limb growing back..have so far been zero..strange that.
lj...do you think it's impossible for a limb to grow back ?

limbs can grow back,because our body is following the roles of our DNA and the Salamander is a good example of that.....Salamander was the leading point from almost beginning in his regeneration success in Medicine....it is in the future possible to regenerate every single part of the Human body and the Heart is my Sons next project,that should be ready for trials in about 1 year.

Yes Ian, in fact there is already proven way of making all our parts be grown. But the world has not set up the protocols yet to make it ethical and or bounds by laws so as not to go wayside. The cloning and or stem cells are no longer far from the truth as to how it can alter our lives and I believe that it is a matter of time when all the rules are set for universal conditions so as not to create chaos.
so its up to man to create limbs, cure cancer etc..and not god..?
Ian I meant not impossible. You remember Molly? The cloned goat? And scientifically it is already known that all our parts of our bodies can be harvested from stem cells to duplicate and can be stored for repair. But the ethics on how it can be done is the major challenge the world has now so as not to create chaos, etc. I know for sure there is no stopping of our progress and development of some unheard of scientific breakthroughs and yes it is so mind boggling to say the least.
Ian no one ever told me that God must and should be the one to cure our illnesses. Yet it is us humans, specifically me, to believe that there is a way God can help me. This doesn't make it so that God should be the one to cure all our illnesses and imperfections. Slowly but surely man is working towards all progress of improving our lives including health. All the things that are happening today from the development of anti biotics to anesthesia and pain relievers are all made by man. Just because some give so much emphasis that God should directly cure all diseases and imperfection does make it so.
I meant doesn't make it so. Sorry for the typos Ian.
Ian...they are praying to the wrong god. You get general practitioners and specialists. Think it is the same with gods. They must pray to the limb specialist god.

There is no ethic challenge any more,you are just one big step behind in knowledge,my Son can make it from skin,blood and now last taken from the Patients own bone marrow,so when it is not coming from the fetus and not from anybody others body,there are no other Medical challenges either.

My Son is very known,if you only touch the right Scientists,he was even given about 7-8 years ago, to work out the Stem Cell law in Massachusett,what is as a Law there now.

To make it little more clear,the cells from the body work like a platform and to change them to Stem Cells you need the prosess,that is coming from nothing into life and then we have the Stem Cells in a amount of 20 miljon and not like taken from the womans body as very minimum.

This is the new technic and it EXCIST FOR SURE<what ever somebody try to be smart here,tellingg something else.


we talk about only one man that can make these Stem Cells and he has to be involved in everything else to,like he was here in Antigua 2 weeks ago,talking with Ministers an the best Doctors,to work out things here too,so unfortunately it take to much time,but he is just working out for to make these Stem Cells with help of Robots and when he get that done,then he get the cost closer to US insurance interest and it can help much in money way and again make everything faster.


Tell us some stories of your commando life...religion just got boring.
Rold I subscribe and read the Popular Science Magazine and it is where I have been given all the information on new development, that if only I saved all my magazines 25 years ago when DNA, Helix etc were all presented, it would be so nice to reread them now. I am saving all my copies now because they do present some guarded information that are otherwise not available for the public until here.

Now I am not discrediting what your son is up to or have discovered. I just hope that it will enhance for the benefit of mankind whatever that maybe. In response to your ethic point of view, why then the government of US doesn't allow the harvesting of these cells for human repair?


About 7-8 years ago,the big Companies in Medicine wanted to by 51% of the shares in his then Company and they was ready to pay something between $ 50-100 million,but he refused,because he knew,that if they get 51%,then he don't have the control any more and these companies make billions from pills,so of course they are not happy with clear one time cur,so he refused to do it.

I'm sure,that most people in the same situation,had for sure take in that money and start a easy life,not caring if there was pills or cur in work.

When he was not ready to work with them and with the scientists,that was in one way or an other bound to these companies,they call him ant told,that they are doing what ever they can to stop him,and they really succeeded in that,so the Animal trials was don,with Rats spinal cord completely cut and Pigs damaged 60 % as they are like Human,more than 60% and they are dead.....all cases was walking again between 10-12 weeks.
But he was stopped in many different ways to do the trials on Humans,but 1 year ago,Russia gave the green light and there it is no going on very successfully.

Here are several other Countries,that is ready to do the same and even strat for paying patients,because they know enough about inside knowledge,what has happen in Russia.

There is a Professor from Harvard,that got the hole Picture of everything what my Son has found out and he said,that it is so mind blowing,that there are no Scientist,that can take it all and that my Son should start with something small first,from what my Son said to me,that but then he has to start with a little fraction of what he know and then he can not get it all out to Humans in his lifetime.

This is how you by your self is acting too,even I have told just about fractions.

Rolf you are not answering my questions instead you are going around and around how the world and or the big companies for that matter is playing around your son.

I am not interested in any of that. What I said is that these medical advance in relation to stem harvesting is still not figured out exactly how to go over without creating chaos. Ethics on the conduct, on the application, on the control is what I mentioned. I am not interested in any of your son's squabbles. I am sure he is one of those that are involved in the creation of these scientific undertakings.

This blog is not about your son. This is about prayers and what bothers me is that your son always come out.

Sorry about the hijack Ian. Still I don't know why other's prayers are not always answered including mine.
Hi IAN.... Do you pray?confused

Commando life,LOL...I was trained first as a soldier to survive in wilderness inside enemies territory to get info and to destroy what ever what was important for the Enemy.
Then I was I went trough under officers scool and finally Officers school and in that way was ready to lead other men in special tasks.....it took 11 month and I never experienced real war,even I wanted in that time,young as I was,move outside Finland to fight in where ever there was war,I wanted to show,that I was not scared to die and not afraid for anybody and anything....happily I met my first wife and it never happened,because almost sure I had come back in a Box.

But then The Finnish army took contact and wanted me to volunteer in a secret task,where I had to in 24 hour get a company about 100 men ready to fight and we had to be the first one in contact with the Enemy or if serious inside problems had happen,then to restore stability in the society.
I had to be 24 hours available and if I went outside my home Town,I had to inform in forward,where I'm going to be.
In last war was 90% of these commanders killed,so you have to be crazy to take it,but I was not thinking 1 seconds,I was just ready.
I had in that time only the lowest grade as Officer,but the Commander of that unit should had been Kaptain at least,so they told me,that they are going to put up my grade very quickly.
In fact I was to young and to low officer,so I was for years vondering,why they wanted just me,but later I start to understand,they had for sure follow me already for long time,they had record of everything and I was already top in sport so that was one reason,but the real reason was,that I went several times against the army regulations,when I was trained and I did it because I could not accept that anybody commanded us to do something that was not right. In fact,they could had punish me with jail,but I think they was already preparing me for a crazy task

I was over 25 year volunteering,but then I got a negative Kundalini and my hole my life came to a cross road.....the Spiritual life start to affect me and I informed the Army,that I'm not ready to kill any bode any more by order,what was a hard time for the Army,because we are in Finland still the reserve up to some 64 years old and if you don't accept gun,then they should put you in jail......but it was a real dilemma for the army,because my position as an Officer and a Commander in a secret commando unit,was very sensitive issue and I think nobody in that position had never refused to take the gun......they clearly did not want it to come in Public,so after hard negotiating the ask me if I could in a war or conflict still serve without gun,what I accepted.

To make it clear still, for me to use the gun,it is possible only if it is to protect,but not because somebody order me to kill,I need to have the freedom to decide by my self,but if I feel that there is a real dangerous situation to whoever person,then I have no problem to use the Gun and I'm not afraid to die either.

thanks for sharing rolf..interesting story..
no i dont pray, its nonsense in my eyes.

LOL,yesterday gentle ordered us to be quite on his Blog,when we had different opinion,but you make it one step better,you order me to stay with Prayers on Ians Blog and to not talk about my Son...I'M SORRY THAT I IN MISTAKE DID AGAINST YOUR COMMAND AND START TO TELL ABOUT MY LIFE AS COMMANDOS ,AS IAN ASK ME TO DO.

Ebola was taken care,by skipping FDA,it took 1 year in Russia to get the rights for operations and Stem Cell injections in Humans,there are no chaos situation and 4 patient already in a success story.
More details you are not going to get from me,because you don't looks to understand,that the Public sector is far behind and I have not time to teach anybody in details.....you just have to wait when your Medical publisher is coming out with these new information after 5 years,perhaps in the same time when the Publish about the Ebola medicine,that has already been in use for such a long time.


First, I became interested on what was it that you were talking about because of believing or not believing in God, then all of sudden all your directions of information was singlehandedly focused on your son's achievement which I have no problem and not interested either, as I have mentioned, I am very aware of all these advance scientific studies. Unbeknownst to many including majority of my families except very few close people around me, I was involved indirectly on all the research and studies made in CERN which is sitting at the bottom of France and Geneva. During those years that I happened to be involved with it, it was as very secret item that anybody who goes through the gates would have to swear and sign their life of: WHAT YOU SEE, WHAT YOU HERE WHEN YOU LEAVE LEAVE IT HERE.

Now this doesn't mean that it is still the situation because for all I know all these, NUCLEAR research, stem cells harvest, cloning people as well as the creation of the most advance weapon is well up on to my reach of some not so privilege information. Having said that, it is not a matter of me not believing about your son's brilliant accomplishment. Perhaps the world's ignorance is well off enlightened by you but the truth is that you come on questioning my belief in my God and then you followed through with all these detailed information of things that has nothing to do with it.

In conjunction: You haven't responded to my important question when you claim to believe that THAT KNOWLEDGE WAS GIVEN TO HIM, BY WHOM?

You are good at twisting information and actions based on your response without relating it to my line of thinking which give you the arrogance of claiming that I am mocking your son? That I would be shamed when all is said and done?

Shame on you Rolf for putting those judgment on the account of your son's accomplishment when it was you who blatantly questioned the merits of my belief to my God? or was it only my belief to my God that you put out your mockery in my believing of my God?


It looks like Ken was right in an earlier Blog,when he said to me,DON'T TELL THEM THE TRUTH,THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH.

It looks that when you lie,hide and made stories,then you are accepted and everybody are happy.....but when you tell very transparent truths,exactly how something has happen,then you have to be down graded.

Happily here are many great people also,because if not then it could be crazy to stay here at all.

Hej,kalm down,calm down,you get in this way an heart attack and then My Son has to take care of you.

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by Ian158
created Feb 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Feb 2015
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