Oswald Chambers: When I have really transacted business with God on the basis of His convenant, letting everything else go, there is no sense of personal achievement-no human ingredient in it at all. Instead, there is a complete overwhelming sense of being brought into union with God, and my life transformed and radiates peace and joy.

Oswald Chambers: Every element of our own self reliance must be put to death by the power of God. The moment we recognize our complete weakness and our ((dependence)) upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power.

The man and women who understands their need for the Lord and not a need for self righteousness are the one's who find the power of Christ flood their life.
I don't want the righteous man of the year award,
As long as the Love of Christ floods my life, you have to know your righteousness is in Him not the hearsay of man.

I believe in a higher standard, and I believe in being moral and being a respectful person to the good people of this land. But I'm not carrying a guilt burden on my back and drive myself nuts. And if you can, good for you if you have the ability to good for you, I tip my hat, I can't bow or be a pushover to people who choose evil in this life, can't do it I tried.
And I stay in His love 24/7 so ??? maybe not meant to be who knows.

Evil is a choice and evil has costs in the laws of the Land and the judgments of God. Caught doing evil things in this Nation you go to jail right?? And if you choose an evil to do list, you have separated yourself from the Lord and the judgment is forever torment, separation from God in the place the bible calls Hell.

I can have a label 24/7 as a Believer and I can fool everyone and even get the pride of a Christian or whatever, but when its all said and done, only one thing that matters, am I in the Love of Christ or do I stand alone??? Really that simple, and sorry fence riders, people in the Love of Jesus doesn't have an evil to do list and if you do person with a label, that's all you have.

That was a bold statement>>?? Kinda cocky and confident statement?? yes in a way yes, reason being is I have His love in my life and I hate evil and want nothing to do with it. And I will forever hold up my I am an American and free to be Holy card day in and day out, and even without that right, as the past tells.
We are some hard headed Jesus loving fools, get used to it and for the record respect it, should be respected His Gospel is peace and Love.

In the fires and pressures of this life, we all have to face ourselves in them. Do the right things even when it hurts or sell out to the bad for whatever reason. Its a daily choice and really no pressure. It's a battle won for the Believer who understands He loves you and died for that door to open to His love for those who cry for it, in humility and a ((((want)))) to be a good person.

We come in this world naked with nothing, and we leave this world with nothing but one thing, salvation or none and your ((character)). We need His Love not the righteous person of the year award, dirty rags apart from His Love. The Love of God is our
salvation, and the righteousness we claim.
And that's about it.
God Sense 101
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Comments (2)

Well, you talked a lot here,but only some of it can be right,
by the way you as christian know not the Lord yet as it need,
and know not the perfectness.and when you say hell is forever in torment and punish for people, you are wrong !
and any way you can,t learn all truth to be saved from bible only a small part of truth is in bible.

so don,t be proud any more of it that you are christian or that you know the lord.

you say no one is good, you are wrong .
there are many good and many evil too.
for example:sun shine is good and many other things from perfect.
so you are wrong again !

if you read this, you need understand if you will and no need to answer!

Not trying to be rude, but that made no sense to me.
Kinda gotta look at things in a ((common sense)) way and be real with yourself. We all do good things make good choices and look good, but not 24/7 be real with yourself.
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