The O.I. Saga Ch. 3: Ultimatum (1/2)

Apparently there's an invisible character limit for these blog posts, so I'm actually gonna have to split up this post into two seperate parts. If you haven't seen my previous posts, I recommend you read those first to get a better understanding of what's going on. With that, let's jump right in.

So since my last post, not much has changed honestly. I'm still cooped up in my house, doing the same routine I do every other day. Wake up, eat breakfast, work on some YouTube stuff, watch some videos, sometimes playing games while LISTENING to videos in the background, eat lunch, chat with friends on Skype, maybe have a snack, get ready for bed, then go to sleep to repeat it all the next morning. Sounds fun right? Well...yeah. I won't lie, it's certainly not a routine I don't enjoy. BUT, as usual, there's that nagging feeling in the back of my head that wants something more than that.

In my previous blog post, I explained that I didn't want to tell my parents about my current thought process until I knew for an absolute FACT that what I'm aiming to do is actually a possibility. This still remains true. They still don't know about this conflict that's rattling in my brain right now. I want to try to find solutions first, to ensure that this isn't just a lost cause, and that I can actually do what I'm aiming to do. To this day however, I've found no solutions, and don't even know where to even BEGIN to start looking for possibilities to finally get out of this house, and start living my own life. A few days ago however, I thought of one last place I could look to try to find a solution. Not really a place, but a person rather.

Some of you here might know of a guy named Sean Stephenson. He's a motivational speaker who has the same bone disease that I have. I figured if anyone knew how to accomplish the goals I'm aiming to achieve, it's him. So last night, I sent him an email explaining my situation, and what I'm wanting to achieve. I'm....not expecting a response in all honesty. He's a pretty big guy, and probably gets tons of emails a day. But I'm giving it a shot regardless, cause it's not like I have a whole lot of options right now. If he does reply however, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, I might FINALLY get some answers to all these questions that have been spinning around in my head.

Now at this point, you're probably wondering what the title of this blog post is about. What "ultimatum" am I referring to exactly? Well here's the deal. I have completely ran out of ideas on how I can find answers to this issue, and it's looking like this is a situation that I can't even BEGIN to resolve on my own. Not even the researching part of the process, which I THOUGHT would be the easiest part, before I wound up finding nothing. So here's my ultimatum. As I said, I'm not expecting a response from Sean due to his most likely busy schedule, but I'm gonna give him some time to see what happens. If he doesn't respond within the next, say...week or so, then I'll be left with no other choice. I may have to tell my parents about this issue sooner than I initially planned.
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by gamemaster468
created Jun 2016
Last Viewed: 14 hrs ago
gamemaster468 has 13 other Blogs

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