The Native People of Mexico

The Native People of Mexico (Tribe of Issachar - He Is HIred (Genesis 30:18) Their symbol is the donkey,were the first people to domesticate corn (Genesis 30:18 And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, because I have given my maiden to my husband: and she called his name Issachar)

Vanilla was first cultivated by the indigenous people of Mexico

Cacao was also first cultivated by the indigenous people of Mexico which gave us chocolate

Mexico has the largest indigenous population in all of North & South America

Native people of Mexico independently invented the wheel despite claims saying there was no knowledge of it in the pre-colombian Americas

The earliest archaeological evidence of the use of rubber was by the indigenous people of Mexico

Nahuatl (originate from the Hebrew language), an indigenous language of Mexico, is one of the most (if not the most) spoken indigenous languages in North America with over a million speakers

Turkey’s were first domesticated by the indigenous people of Mexico and all of the commercial domestic turkey varieties today descend from the domestic turkey raised in Mexico

Indigenous people of Mexico had pressurized plumbing before it was introduced to the Americas by Europeans
Their creations -

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