This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

The general R don't give much of a flying f.
It's been the party of the selfish in modern times.
The D's used to be good until Bill came in and made it R light,
and over the years even beat them in their own game.
So both parties suck at its core.
Biden who is senile is shoved in your faces as the most
demonstrative arrogant power trip by the DNC.
I mean why do you think Kamala laugh so much?!...

Still, why R-selfidas really go for Trump to me is harder to understand.
Must be cos they still don't give a f about nothing but winning seats or something.
- - -
Now the voters, that is something completely different!
Thay may have their heart in this and especially goes that for Trumps base,
they really love him! Like I do too.

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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

So, let's hope Trump wins in November and puts an end to this insanity!
If he can. There are strong forces against him who have billions to lose on peace.
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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

You get 4 thumbs up for that? haha
Per capita ha'
Yes they shiver in their underpanties each nite.
Cos Ivan is soo grusome.

You guys go on fearing ok, but trust me there is NOTHING to fear
but fear itself here.
It's all constructed but,
if folks like Nato-Jans and Van der Layen believe their own talking points
even me can't say.
It all sounds like childrens fairy tales to me:
Grusome Ivan may soon come over that ridge. I mean I heard that when I was seriving my time in the army in 1991 man, now 33 years later we're still suposed to believe that fantasy? No I grew up. I heard Putin talk thanks to youtbue, so now OI have a pretty fair idea of who the man is- more or less. U guys been victims of WESTERN propaganda. Yes we thought such did not exists but u cs users here should by now wake up to this new reality. Somebody wants this escalation. And it's not Vlad. Not neseccerilya teh single leadership of each european country either, like Sweden and Finland, but somebody... wants this developement. And we just sit here accept it all, when we could have made friends with this arch enemy in a hand clap!
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Useless trivia

Home / World
An earthquake centred near New York City rattles, and unnerves, much of the Northeast
By Jennifer Peltz, Mike Catalini
6 Apr, 2024 05:51 AM
4 mins to read
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Associated Press
Earthquake interrupts UN Security Council in NYC
3 hours ago
An earthquake centred between New York and Philadelphia shook skyscrapers and suburbs across the northeastern US for several seconds Friday morning (Eastern Standard Time), causing no major damage but startling millions of people in an area unaccustomed to such tremors.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Exactly. When all you have is Trump or Biden to run a country the size of the U.S.A. it speaks volumes.doh

They are both in their dotage and catching me up.laugh
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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

I'm far from confused Grand. Are you aware that Poland per capita pays almost as much percentage as the U.S. Wonder why?
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

That illustrate how weak R is.
They can seriously not come up with a proper candidate to compete with him?
I mean he is fab, but the rest of the field is rather weak.
Are you ashemd of that fact chat, that thay even go as far as to supporting Trump?
I don't blame you if you do.
I feel they are just using him for now, to as you say "stay in power".

He should had gone third party!
With the good Tulsi and Kennedy.jr, what a trio!.
Heck throw Bernie in there too.
It would even work cos it's the "people first".
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And then he says, if you're Jewish and you feel like the world is ending in this time as Antichrist tries to wipe you out, when you see all these things happening, remember, your redemption draws near. Why? Because for them, God is about to open their eyes. And finally.

Finally. Make them recognize him as their messiah and he's going to redeem Israel, our brother Paul tells us in Romans 11 that at this time all Israel will be saved. And the redemption that we're talking about when Jesus is your redemption draws near the redemption that comes along with the second coming. It's not just for the Saints. It's not just for the Jews. It's not just about people. He's talking about the redemption of the earth and the whole universe.

You know, the whole universe is in a state of entropy. It's in a state of decay. The universe itself is winding down. Everything in creation right now is dying.

Everything, every star, every cell, every bit of material matter in the universe is dying.

And when Jesus returns to the earth, entropy will be reversed and everything that is broken will begin to be made whole and made new and put back together and healed and restored and redeemed. They're going to close hospitals and orphanages when Jesus reigns on the earth because we won't need them, we won't need them. People will be made whole. All the people that are in prison because they're part of the cycle of generational abuse and trauma.

They're going to be healed. There's going to be redemption. There's going to be restoration when Jesus comes to the earth. That's why he says now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.

And now, for clarity's sake, I want to make sure we understand the rapture and the second coming are two completely separate and distinct events. The big picture is that the rapture is Jesus coming for his church to collect this church.

The second coming is Jesus coming with this church. We're with him at the second coming. The rapture takes place before the tribulation. The second coming takes place at the end of the tribulation and we move on to verse 32. We'll make it through two whole words here. Jesus says, now learn, now learn. And I want you to underline the word learn, because there's only three times that. Jesus says specifically we are to learn something.

And I think there's something significant here in Matthew nine 13, Jesus says, go and learn what this means.

I desire mercy and not sacrifice in Matthew. 11-29.

Jesus says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For I am gentle and lowly off heart and you'll find rest for your souls.

And then here in verse 32 in Matthew 24, once again, Jesus is going to say Learn now, learn.

Now, let me ask you again, not a trick question.

Do you think that Jesus was serious those other two times he said learn he was serious? You bet.

So I think we can safely assume he's serious here, too. And according to those verse is, there are three things that Jesus wants us to be students of now. Now, when we say students, we mean Jesus are saying, I don't want you to just read this. I don't want you to just believe this and agree with this. I want you to dig into this and understand what it means. I want you to really dig into this and study this and understand what it means.

According to Jesus, the three things he wants us to especially be students of are mercy, Jesus himself and Bible prophecy. He says, you got to learn mercy. You got to learn how to understand it. You've got to learn about me. You've got to know me personally. And then you've got to understand Bible prophecy because it'll change the way you live your life.

With that in mind, he says in verse 32. Now learn this parable from the fig tree when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves.

RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

Trump and nato- Trump want something very logical for Nato:
to be more independent and less dependent on American support.
America first u see.
So all this pulling out is rethorical to make each member state pay more.
That is why you'll be confused by his appearant u turns as his goal is not to pull out as such
but to pull more money out of member states pockets.
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Unbelievably, there's going to be a force allied to Antichrist and Satan, and they're going to think that they can take on God with weapons. It's bizarre, but that's what they're going to think. And when Jesus returns with all of us with them, his church, his saints with him, that battle is going to be over in an instant with one word from the mouth of Jesus.

And so I don't know that it deserves to be called a battle when it's over in one word from the king of kings. So that's what's going to happen.

Jesus tells us that as the whole world sees him, they will mourn.

They will mourn. That's a strange word. Why would that be the case? Jesus is coming back to the earth. Why are people mourning?

Well, just imagine this. Hundreds of millions of people who have rejected Jesus rejected the gospel over and over and over, wouldn't listen, wouldn't repent. Even as God is raining down, judgment from heaven wouldn't listen. Even as angels fly across the heavens, preaching the gospels wouldn't listen because no sign is ever enough. And then all of a sudden those people see Jesus coming on the clouds and glory and power. And you know what, disappears in an instant.

At that moment, every stupid argument that says God doesn't really exist when he's right there. There he is.

And every eye will see him.

And in that moment, in that instant, when they're confronted with the reality of Jesus in his glory and power, here's why they're going to mourn, because they're going to know it's too late.

It's too late. That's why they're going to mourn. I had you underline the word see, because it's a fascinating thing in the original Greek, the word sea actually means sea and that's important because of everything Jesus is talking about has already happened.

If it all happened in the first and second century A.D., I got to think, at least, at least like a few people would have noticed, the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and glory. If everyone's going to see it, I think a few people would remember.

Obviously, again, the only rational explanation here is that Jesus is talking about events that have not happened yet. And so just to make sure we're all on the same page here, make note of this.

It's your first fill in. The second coming takes place at the end of the seven year tribulation.

The second coming takes place at the end of the seven year tribulation and will go on in verse 31, it says, and he that's Jesus will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

And I like the way that Mark 13 records these same words of Jesus. Mark says it like this from the farthest part of Earth to the farthest part of heaven.

You see, when Jesus refers to his elect, he's referring to those on the earth who turn to Jesus during the tribulation and somehow survived, as well as all of the surviving Jews.

But I want you to notice that, as Mark points out, these elect are both on the earth and in heaven. And so this tells us that that this is a gathering of all the saints of God, those on the earth and those in heaven.

And they're all coming together to join with Jesus on the earth in Jerusalem for what is basically is welcome back party. That's what it is. And it's going to be the greatest party that has ever taken place in the history of the world up to that point.

And then Luke, 21, adds this comment from Jesus.

Now, when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near. Jesus says, listen, if you're one who turns to me in the tribulation, you weren't saved when the rapture happens, but you turn to me in the tribulation and you see all these signs happening, it's good news for you because I am you're king.

Jesus Christ is about to return to the earth. Hold on. I'm coming, he says.

RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

I know that but it seems Grand is totally unaware of Putin's intentions.grin

Same as Trump doing a U turn about pulling out of N.A.T.O. if he's re-elected.
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

]They're going to heaven, but they have a different view on this. And they will say, well, Jesus is really talking about events that actually all happened between 70 A.D. and 1-28 between the fall of Jerusalem and the diaspora and these events where Israel was scattered all over the Earth and all these things have already happened. And the interesting thing is the first part of Verse 8 -29 shows that cannot be the case because the tribulation that Jesus describes here is going to be, in his own words, immediately followed by the second coming of Jesus to the earth.

Now, let me ask you, this is not a trick question. Was the tribulation experienced by Israel between 70, 80 and 120 A.D. immediately followed by the second coming of Jesus, back to the earth?
No, even if you weren't there, you know, no, it was not so therefore, Jesus is clearly referring to a tribulation that is coming in the future. It hasn't come yet. And here's what Jesus says is going to happen at the end of that future tribulation right before the second coming.

He says the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Now it means what it says. When this time comes, the sun and the moon are not going to give any visible light.

And when it says the stars will fall from heaven, the word fall in the original Greek means be without effect.

And so when you put it all together, I believe that Jesus is telling his disciples that at that time the sky is going to be completely blacked out. The sun, the moon and the stars will not be visible. There will be no light at all coming from the heavens.

And it could be the result of a nuclear winter or it could be just a straight up supernatural event. God can do whatever he wants.

Whatever the case may be, it's going to be pretty terrifying for those on the Earth at this time.

And again, this has not happened yet in history and it didn't happen between 70 A.D. in 120 A.D. Luke's gospel records the same teaching by Jesus.

And I put something from Luke's gospel on your outlines. Luke adds these details. And on the earth, distress of nations with perplexity. That just means problems with no solutions. The sea in the waves, roaring men's hearts, failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming upon the earth. You see, during the seven years of the tribulation, people are going to be terrified because one terrible judgment from heaven after another is going to rain down on the earth.

And so everyone is going to be wondering with dread what's next.

Kind of like how we feel in 2020, but way, way, way, way worse, and yet we know from Scripture that most of the people on the earth at that time will continue to stubbornly reject God.

And their desire to reject God will be even stronger than their fear.

And they still won't turn to God. Now let's go back to Matthew 24, In verses 30, and this is one of those verse is that it just hypes me up and I honestly generally struggle to read this aloud because I'm just so overwhelmed by it. This is like it's going to be the greatest moment of my life when this happens Verse 8 30 than the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven.

And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, with power and great glory.

And I want you to underline the words see other places in scripture.

Tell us that when Jesus returns to the Earth at this time, he's going to make a pit stop at a place in Israel called the Valley of Megiddo, where the poorly named Battle of Armageddon will take place. I say poorly named because it's not going to be a battle.

Unbelievably, there's going to be a force allied to Antichrist and Satan, and they're going to think that they can take on God with weapons. It's bizarre, but that's what they're going to think.

RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

The provocation of the expansion of NATO and Ukraine applying for EU membership was the final straw.

As long as a country is at war they cannot join NATO, so Putin imposed war on Ukraine, and will maintain war for the foreseeable future or he will create a buffer zone, the eastern half (or third) of Ukraine which he will want to keep.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Are you saying that Trump can get two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate to approve a constitutional amendment? If yes please explain because I think it's unlikely.
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Second Coming & Israel

Series: Matthew...Passage: Matthew 24:29-35......Speaker: Jeff Thompson

Jesus wraps up His Olivet Discourse prophecies by talking about when He will return to the earth again at the Second Coming, and how Israel's miraculous return will mark the beginning of the end times "season".

And today, we're in the third part of our study through the Olivet discourse, a famous teaching given by Jesus to his disciples on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem just before his arrest, trial and crucifixion.

And in this teaching, Jesus talks about the future, including the end times.

He shares some incredible prophecies, some of which have already come true and others that lie in the near future. And if you missed either of the last two weeks or pastor BJ's introduction to the Olivet discourse before that, I encourage you to hop on Facebook. If you're a member of God Rock New Hope Church's website, if you're part of that church and just catch up, because this is fascinating stuff and it all builds upon itself.

And in this study, we're going to take a look at what I think is one of the most amazing prophetic subjects in the Bible. And it's a huge, prophetic subject because it was actually fulfilled potentially. In less than 100 years from where we are right now, it happened in the 20th century and so I hope I've intrigued you with that.

I'm just going to leave that hanging as we get into the study.

And if you're wondering why we would take the time to study a subject like Bible prophecy, if you're thinking, why don't we just talk about something more practical and related to everyday life? It's because Bible prophecy builds our faith.

It reminds us that God is real. His promises are real. His word is true. He knows the future and he holds it in his hands. And so let's allow the Holy Spirit to build our faith as we discover more that God has said in his word that has already happened and is yet to come.

If you were with us last week, then you will recall that in Matthew 24, Jesus spent Verse is 15 to 28 talking about events that are going to take place in this span of time called the seven year tribulation. We're talking about some freaky stuff like Antichrist, the abomination of desolation and all that stuff. And if you don't know what I'm talking about and you're suddenly scared that you've maybe stumbled upon a cult, you haven't, I promise. Just hang with us, see where we're going today.

Go back and listen to last week's message and you'll be caught up on everything. Says we dive into today's study at Verse 8/ 29. Read there with me. Jesus shifts gears and he says immediately after the tribulation of those days. And I want you to underline that if you're a note taker, because whatever Jesus is about to talk about next, he's telling us that it's going to take place after the seven year tribulation.

But I want you to notice what Jesus also says. He says it will take place immediately after the tribulation immediately. In fact, this event could easily be considered the event that ends the tribulation. Jesus is going to be talking about the event known as the second coming. You supposed to gasp there, let's do that one more time, OK? Jesus is going to talk about the event known as the second coming. I know, I know. It's incredible.

It's incredible. I had to underline that first part of Verse 8 /29 for a simple reason. You know, when you talk about Matthew 24, the Olivet discourse, Jesus talking about the future, there are many Christians who love Jesus.

They're going to heaven, but they have a different view on this. And they will say, well, Jesus is really talking about events that actually all happened between 70 A.D. and 1/28 between the fall of Jerusalem and the diaspora and these events where Israel was scattered all over the Earth and all these things have already happened.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I listened to a few podcasts about this. As much as Republican lawmakers despise dislike him, they also fear him... The Republican party has become the party of Trump and they will follow/support him as it's the only way they can remain in power.
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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

Okay mum.
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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

What provocationdunno Putin didn't like the idea of Ukraine joining N.A.T.O. so that's an excuse to go in and destroy the country. Oh no I forgot it was to get rid of the Nazis.

Same as in 1999 when he decided to attack Chechnya the West were not involved.

Stop making excused for Putin.scold
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RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

I have a lot to say about this- but I'll try to keep it half short:
it's just silly making Putin into this monster
when what he did was react to OUR provocation.
It's just immature to think that he or any of his successors
will ever try to make a move on scandinavia.

I simply do not understand that these statesmen in scandinavia seriously think Putin is a threat to our security. I can almost not believe it to such a degree that I sometimes wonder if they are just lying to us on purpose, making the illusion there is a threat only to make american and european arms producers happy.
Or any of the other contractors involved.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Come to what? That he gets the majority?

It's hardly likely, but feel free to blow your horn any time.

Just a reminder, I'm not pro-Trump.

This is about one man changing the Constitution.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

"That's all just Bluff and Bluster."

Exactly what we need in a President.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

... and should it come to that, can I come back and tell everyone "I told you so" ??
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

That's all just Bluff and Bluster. He can't change the Constitution single handed. He needs a lot of cooperation from government (2/3 majority in both houses) to make changes to the Constitution. No, there are a lot of people (MAGA people) who love Trump’s fighting talk, that's all it is.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

"Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post"

Is this a campaign promise?
He tells the people what he plans on doing:
"Build a wall"
"Abolish the Constitution"

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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Morning Merlot.,

For starters he will try to annul all the charges against him possibly claiming Presidential immunity and that in itself will be a huge issue for the Constitution.Oh yes ,of course he is totally innocent of any claims made against him according to his fans.

Don't you find it odd that a man would try to sell "his" Bible along with sneakers and perfume on a campaign trail dunno That in itself smacks of egotism.

The financial camps which he is relying on have very different ideas about what a second Trump administration should look like, and finance types are not keen on funding Trump’s legal battles — not to mention his plan for a 10 per cent import tariff.

Both Trump and Biden are unfit for purpose. America needs to wake up.J.M.O
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

These were the remarks I was addressing.

"They believe he will destroy the constitution."


"Trump will force dictatorship onto a once land of the free."

That's comedy.

Can you tell me how he will actually accomplish these things. conversing
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Several formerly close allies of Donald Trump have turned against him.They include his former vice president, secretary of state, and attorney general.

Trump's political brand does appear damaged as he gears up for another bid for office.

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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I had to check if this blog was in the comedy section, why not? Someone might take you seriously. rolling on the floor laughing
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RE: Landfills of EV batteries...

New tech's potential to significantly reduce energy storage costs

Researchers are hoping that a new, low-cost battery which holds four times the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries and is far cheaper to produce will significantly reduce the cost of transitioning to a decarbonised economy.

Led by Dr Shenlong Zhao from the University’s School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, the battery has been made using sodium-sulphur – a type of molten salt that can be processed from sea water – costing much less to produce than lithium-ion.

Although sodium-sulphur (Na-S) batteries have existed for more than half a century, they have been an inferior alternative and their widespread use has been limited by low energy capacity and short life cycles.

Using a simple pyrolysis process and carbon-based electrodes to improve the reactivity of sulphur and the reversibility of reactions between sulphur and sodium, the researchers’ battery has shaken off its formerly sluggish reputation, exhibiting super-high capacity and ultra-long life at room temperature.
Australia alone produces 52% of the world's lithium. Unlike Chile, where lithium is extracted from brines, Australian lithium comes from hard-rock mines for the mineral spodumene. China, the third-largest producer, has a strong foothold in the lithium supply.
In Australia, Talison Lithium Ltd (51% owned by the Chengdu Tianqui Industry Group and 49% by US-based Albemarle Corporation), is the world's largest producer of hard-rock spodumene, from the Greenbushes Lithium Operations, 250 km southeast of Perth.

Chile has the largest lithium reserves worldwide by a large margin. Australia comes in second, with reserves estimated at 6.2 million metric tons in 2023.

With 22 million metric tonnes of global lithium reserves and a single EV requiring an estimated eight kilograms of lithium, global lithium reserves may be exhausted by 2030 for EV use alone. Not only the limited volume but the limited concentration of reserves pose supply chain risks for manufacturers and governments.

AS Above
Sodium-ion batteries simply replace lithium ions as charge carriers with sodium. This single change has a big impact on battery production as sodium is far more abundant than lithium. In fact, you can use salt from the oceans to extract sodium just about anywhere in the world.

RE: Landfills of EV batteries...

another question!
Where will all the Lithium,Cobalt and all the other Strategic Metals come from,if the Mandate of full Electrification with Solar and Windpower plus EV takes place!
There aren't enough of them any where on Earth to feed the demand,and recycling won't be of any help,since that only is turning over the existing quantity of those Metals,however does not increase the amount that is required !
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RE: Landfills of EV batteries...

i'll also add that ev fires are about a .0012% chance vs. roughly .1% for gas powered. that doesn't mean it's safer by any means. the number of gas powered vs. the number of ev's on the road is extremely different.

estimated that 1 in 250 cars on the road are ev. 2.2%.

not a whole lot to bass any type of less fire hazard on. i think i ran across the number of 1.3 billion gas powered cars on the roads.

batteries are pretty expensive. might be better off of the op posts recycling processes. i've looked them up quite a while back. only about 90% recyclable. higher or lower depending i guess. the whole mining and manufacturing process? toxic.

gasses during the recycling process? mostly under control i hope.

RE: Landfills of EV batteries...

better to go with a hybrid than any type of ev for most people.

reading about the ford maverick lately. it might be in the regular price range for many. there are others.

still not all the negatives about evs but covers most i think. shame that the larger part of the industry is backed by tax payer dollars when it shouldn't be. let alone be shoved down peoples' throats. extreme weather conditions and hauling alone could cause more than a few safety hazards.

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