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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Do not fear. Why? Because Jesus also said, I'm with you always, I'm with you always, even to the end of the age. I talked about that diagram earlier with the pyramid where you have the elite at the top and the dividing line into the spiritual world and then Satan above them.

But don't ever forget. And there's someone else even higher over everything is Jesus over everything is Jesus. And listen, there's an elite class in the world that is playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers, Satan's playing on a level above them.

But listen, Jesus. Jesus is working things on a level we can't even fathom. Everybody thinks they're making their own choices, but the Bible says man makes his plans, but the will of the Lord prevails.

What Jesus has written about biblical prophecy is not a plan, it's not a prediction he hopes will come true, it is future history. Not one word that the Lord has spoken will fail to come to pass, his word will never return void. What he has spoken will happen with absolute certainty and the final chapter of the Earth.

And the ages to come are already written. You can read about them in the word of God. The ending is certain church. We are getting so close, we're getting so close. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Don't get distracted.
Don't get distracted. No matter what happens, we belong to Jesus, we live for Jesus if you're not doing that. Get serious about the Lord, get serious about the Lord, make up your mind now, make the decision now that you're following him no matter what, no matter where it leads, because the king is coming and he's coming soon.

God bless.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The church is the bride of Christ, that is the identity of the church.

And so as the church navigates these times, there are a lot of questions we should ask. But the one at the top, and we should not be confused about this, the one at the top, the most important question is what does Jesus want us to do?

What does he want us to do in our daily situation, in our corporate gatherings, in response to restrictions? What does Jesus want us to do? The first question is not what does our community think we should do?

The first question is not what do our health authorities say we should do, the first question is not even what's best for my health. You want to know what's not good for your health gathering as the church in a country where being a Christian will get you murdered?

Where it's a capital offense that's bad for your health, and yet this weekend, Christians all over the world in places where they could be killed for loving Jesus will gather together as the church, even though they are risking their health in a far more serious way than we ever will with covid-19.

The question is not what does our community think, what are health authorities say we should do what's best for our health? Those are all questions that, yes, we should consider. But above all of the above, all of them is the question, what does Jesus want us to do? And that will be the question tomorrow, next week, next month, 10 years from now. If the Lord tarries, that is the question. How do we discern the answer?

We stay in the word of God. We pray we fast.

We do our best to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

And and I need to let you know, Christian, that in the days ahead, what God will ask you to do will probably not line up with what you want to do if you have a very independent and contrarian streak, as I do.

You may find that Jesus is going to ask you to comply and obey civil orders much more than you would like you to.

You might find that Jesus will tell you, no, you need to stay home. You need to meet online for several months.

You might not like it, but that may be what Jesus will ask you to do. If you're conflict averse and you care deeply about being at peace with everybody.

Listen, you may find Jesus asking you to engage in civil disobedience much more than you would ever like. But here's the big thing I want us to remember. When the church is making decisions corporately and individually and as families. What Jesus wants is at the top of the list, always, no matter what, no matter what. Christian, we need to also understand that the rapture is God's promise to remove his church before he pours out his wrath upon the Earth.

The rapture is not God's promise to remove his church before the Constitution gets shredded or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is radically revised or before society takes a significantly darker turn in terms of civil liberties.

God doesn't say I'm going to rapture my church before your country embraces communism under another name. It's not what the Bible says. Do you know that living in a time and place where Christians are not persecuted is a historical exception in the church age?

As always, every Christian needs to be ready to live for Jesus to preach, Jesus to go to prison, for Jesus, to suffer for Jesus and to die for Jesus. The rapture is not to deliver the church from persecution. It's to deliver the church from the wrath of God. Jeff, this is some scary stuff. Here's what Jesus told his disciples when he was talking to them about the difficult days that would lie ahead for his followers, Jesus said, see that you're not troubled.

For all these things must come to pass, all these things must come to pass over and over again in scripture, the command, not the suggestion the command appears, do not be afraid.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

These are terms being spoken about by heads of state publicly right now. You can go on to the World Economic Forum's website and read the entire proposal for the great reset.

You can go on to the United Nations website and read about United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 230 something parts of that proposal. These are not conspiracy theories.

These are absolute facts out in the open for anyone to read, being pushed by heads of state simultaneously because these overlapping, existential global threats are all creating fear and this feeling that things need to change right now.

And this is what's being proposed to bring about those changes, the Great Reset and United Nations Agenda 2030.

And together, they envision a massive restructuring of the global community economically, socially and politically. As I mentioned, these are wide out in the open. You can go check them out for yourself.

And I'm sharing this video because I don't want to just add to the noise. I don't want to just do a new update on who we think the Antichrist could be every week.

But I don't want to add to the noise or the panic, but I'm doing this video because I think it could be helpful. And I think that these things are potentially imminent. I think we're going to see a lot of movement on these specific issues next year in 2021.

And I'm sharing this because as Christians, we need to know how we should respond to all of this.

Firstly, we need to not get angry at people. We need to not get angry at people.

Listen, the idea that your local health authorities are knowingly part of a grand conspiracy is simply ridiculous. There's too many people involved for that to be kept secret. You can't run a conspiracy with that many people.

But as we talked about earlier, anyone who does not belong to the kingdom of God, who's not saved is susceptible to the influence of Satan. And so Satan is able to make things like closing churches, but keeping bars open.

He's able to make that make sense in the mind of local and national and international health authorities.

He's able to make it seem like a good and considerate, compassionate, logical scientific idea. This is why Paul told us to remember that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.

Don't get mad at people, don't rage on social media. And listen, if you're concerned enough to speak out, then you should be concerned enough to pray. Because your prayers are going to make a whole lot more difference than ranting on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram ever is, there's also no point ranting at people.

There's no point.

And by the way, Paul's commands to honor and pray for our leaders still apply.

We may not be able to always obey our leaders, but we're still required by scripture and by the Lord to pray for them and to honor them and to watch the way that we speak about them publicly.

You know, I see a lot of churches and pastors who are talking about how the church needs to not meet.

We need to not gather because it could damage the church's reputation in the community and we need to keep our neighbors healthy.

Listen, those are good things, they're good things, OK, they really are, but they're not the most important thing.

The most important thing is to remember that the church we've got to be so clear about this. The church does not exist first and foremost for us. Most of us are clear on that, but I'm going to say something now where the church is very confused much of the time. Neither does the church exist, first and foremost for our community. Do you understand that the church does not exist first and foremost for the lost? The church exists first and foremost for Jesus.

The church is the bride of Christ, that is the identity of the church.

How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Some things are more expensive such as electricity and imported goods, but on average it is a lot cheaper here than in the UK.

I bought my home here 10 years ago, so I only have to pay for food and utilities, I eat out most days as cheaper than buying and cooking at home.

I do miss certain food such as real cheese and real bacon, but I live a healthy diet plus living on a tropical island is paradise compared with anywhere in the UK.
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You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

Just watched a video on The View (TV show)...
A short clip about you know who...

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RE: Owning a piece of Trump... stock

laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

That deserves a few rolling men...


Owning a piece of Trump... stock

According to his women... making it last isn't one of his strong points.

RE: Owning a piece of Trump... stock

I can see that happening...but will it last...time will tell...


You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

He should ask Lee Greenwood...for a few lessons...then he could actually sing Greenwood's Album cover...You Got Some Good Love Comin...just in time for Easter...idea

bunny easter egg
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And when I look at the world. I can't help but notice, and I have for a few years now. That we have three major existential threats that are all global in nature and are all being pushed in our faces at the same time, the obvious one right now is covid-19. The second is climate change, and the third is the imminent global debt crisis. I'm not going to get into details about any of those, but I hope what's obvious is that none of those things are conspiracy theories.

You can Google any of them.
They're well-established. They're very real. They're being discussed in all the mainstream circles. But what I want you to picture in your mind right now is a Venn diagram that has those three circles that overlap in one place. And each of these circles represents one of these three things.

You've got three circles, you've got covid-19, you've got climate change and you've got the global debt crisis and where they overlap.

Is where they all create existential fear. For the whole world. And the question, of course, is what is their purpose, what is the ultimate purpose of all this fear? And I believe it's to create a world system that will facilitate the rise of Antichrist in the very near future. But to bring it down, how are we going to get there?

We're going to create a more globalized society across the world. That's what all of this is for.
It's to create the fear that will overlap and create enough fear that people will be willing to accept a new version of the world, the world's economy, the world's industry, the world's civil liberties, the world's borders, all of these things now, all of these things are are real. But there's something very interesting about each of them. You see, the debt crisis has been known to be coming for decades. It's not something that emerged out of the blue.

And we're like, whoa, we blinked. And suddenly the whole world's in debt. The world economic system since the early 20th century. Has been on course to get us to where we are right now, a situation where the world is unsustainable in debt, where countries are trillions of dollars in debt in a hole so deep they cannot possibly dig themselves out. We've known for a very long time this is where this is going and no country has changed course.

Why is that? Why is that? And then we get to climate change and covid-19 both real things, but both, quite simply, extremely inflated and extremely exaggerated and constantly pushed in our faces.

There's a reason why Al Gore can make entire documentaries like An Inconvenient Truth, where every single prediction fails to come true.

And yet he's still considered an authority to speak on the subject of climate change.

There's a reason why people just ignore facts like the environmental damage caused by producing the batteries for electric cars and the environmental damage caused by disposing those same batteries when they die out in seven to 10 years.

There's a reason why nobody wants to look at that information. It's because there's something bigger, there's an influence behind the scenes driving all of these things, and when you get to countries that have a more independent streak, there's even smaller circles in this Venn diagram, things like racial issues and police shootings, all these things, they all overlap to create fear and to create the impression that the whole world is in imminent danger and it's falling apart and something has to change.

Now, that's where they all overlap.
And what's very interesting. Is that we now seem to know specifically what is in those overlapping areas? Yes, we know it's to set up the infrastructure for the emergence of Antichrist, but I would suggest how we're going to do that is actually out in the open.

Now, if you haven't heard, it's called the Great Reset. It's called United Nations Agenda 2030. And please understand, these are not things spoken about in whispers.

You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

I had no idea about that...good to

Next thing you know he will be selling his followers prayer ones...laugh
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 6

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

How do you how do you get people to give this stuff up?
I mean, some countries that would be easy, because Third World countries, you're only offering them the potential of something better.

But first world countries, nationalistic first world countries that have an independent streak, well, they're a real problem because they value personal freedom and personal freedom is antithetical to globalism. So what do you do?

You have to attack the concept of nationalism. And that's really what we've seen in the media over the past few years, haven't we?

We've seen this rhetoric develop where if you're a nationalist, then you're a Nazi. If you're concerned about your personal freedoms, then then you're a nut job.

This is the emerging narrative, but it's still not enough. We see that in America right now, don't we? You know, 50 percent of the population still hasn't bought into that idea of becoming essentially a more socialist state.

And so not everybody is on board with the idea, and the problem is in some of these countries, you can't just take everybody's rights because they might rebel could be a real problem.

And what you're doing suddenly has to become revealed as being brutal rather than enlightened.

So you can't just take everybody's rights and freedoms, you have to make them give them to you. Now, how in the world do you do that, how do you make people who value individual rights and freedoms give you their rights and freedoms? It's really not that difficult. It's been done in history over and over and over again. And we saw it happen after 9/11, didn't we, when even those who value freedom were willingly giving it away because they were scared?

And they were offered the promise of safety in return. See, that's how you do it. If you can create fear and then offer security in exchange for freedom, most people will take that deal all day, every day.

That's what happened with the Patriot Act after 9/11, and things like intimate body searches became the standard protocol at airports, we got to do it, got to stop the terrorists. Well, I'm scared. So I'll let you invade my personal body space. The Patriot Act led to things like mass surveillance on citizens, which was later exposed by people like Edward Snowden. People were scared, they said, go ahead and do it, just keep us safe now, hang with me because I'm going somewhere with this.

In First Thessalonians five, Paul is writing specifically about the day of the Lord.
It's a term that applies to the whole coming season when God will judge the Earth, including the tribulation.

And here's what Paul says about that time. Listen to this. Paul says, for when they say peace and safety. Peace and safety. Then sudden destruction comes upon them. Paul tells us that the rapture and the tribulation and the rise of Antichrist that whole day of the Lord is all going to unfold in a time when people are crying out for what?

Peace and safety. And I think that's because this global system of governance, this infrastructure out of which Antichrist will emerge, can only be implemented and created when there's an atmosphere of fear where people are crying out for peace and safety, give us peace and safety. And I suspect their fear is what will be used to create this new version of the world.

Now, keep following me down this train of thought. If the goal is to create global governance, if that's the goal, and if the way to get there is by creating fear, that makes people willing to give up their rights because people are crying out for peace and safety, then the fears that you create, the fears that people have, will need to be global in nature.

They will need to be existential threats. Are you tracking with me?
If you want to bring the whole world under global governance, you have to create fear on a global level.

RE: Not a terrorist act

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

All joking aside, my heart goes out to the families who has a loved one missing, and has lost someone from this tragedy.

RE: Not a terrorist act

A fitting analogy of what this loser has done to America! barf

RE: You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

I have to admire he's learned so much about the bible in these few years.
Remember his response when asked what his favorite verse was?

"Too me that's very personal..."

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Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello Grape,

Well....I think you are telling the truth, but it is only a partial truth. There is more to it, a little more complicated than that.

...coming from a male here, not female. laugh

If you want me to elaborate more, I would be more than happy to.


Is the real truth being hidden?

Fair enough Daphne. Thank you.

RE: You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

I am grateful for my Masonic Heirloom Bible, beats the hell out of TKJ 'version'..


Owning a piece of Trump... stock

Okay... who bought?
Stock opened around $61 and closed today around $71 with peaks as high as $77.

The savvy investor buying 1,000 shares would have made 10 grand today.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Thanks, that must be some kind of compliment. kiss
Ehmm no I'll have to sleep on it.
But I can tell you for sure that Trump is a kind man and you can safely vote for him.

easter egg

RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

No, does not matter what size it is , performance matters…

RE: Old Time Superstitions & Charms

I believe in the energy that people emit when people pass on...I did also see a dark shadow and it was very creepy...wiped my eyes and refocused again because I could not believe what I was seeing...
It was at work nit in my home but I have heard stories of people living with some haunted or paranormal happenings...
As far as ridding warts the way you it luck! laugh
The explanation of the blood being stopped is not that clear but I just remember that when it comes to any remedies from the past...plants are used and is the basis of pharmaceuticals

RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

When you become will know what it is like...until then...grow your bank account, work on your physique and grow your p*nis if
Thankfully most adult women like complements but do have brains and work out to be healthy not just for men to look at...
The thing regarding your message to another here about emotions...
You sound condescending and seems you generalize about women in regards to their emotions...
Why not keep it short...idea
Less problematic and you are not continuing a stereotype... wine

Is the real truth being hidden?

By the way, I am not saying there is anything wrong with a woman using her feelings to make decisions.

They are wired that way since caveman days. It is necessary for them to do so for their survival. Women are survival creatures. They need to use their feeling/intuition. Most of the time they are right.

I only point this out the display to people that men and women make decisions differently.

Is the real truth being hidden?

You probably wouldn't want to know what is said about women who have tattoos.


Is the real truth being hidden?

Daphne, are you saying I am wrong with a woman's emotions? If so, how so? I would genuinely like to know.


RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Juvenile as I said...
Any more wisdom coming from you in regards of the topic at hand?...
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Is the real truth being hidden?


Very true what you say.

However, one could argue that women enjoy being objectified (especially the highly attractive ones). Believe it or not, many other women objectify women just as much as many men do. However, when some of those many women objectify other women, it is viewed as competition. But it is also said today, that 50% of women are bis* those women are also objectifying them on a s*xual nature as well.

But you are absolutely correct about relationships becoming more transactional today.

I would advise that men guard their feelings and emotions toward a women they believe they love.


I would advise that women not sleep with men until they are certain the man is very serious with having a relationship with them.

RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

I do not know if you are being sarcastic but the part about the emotions and being a woman...Jesus Christ

You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

Apart from Mein Kampf...

A quote from Donald on Truth Social video about the Bible...
“It’s my favorite book. It’s a lot of people’s favorite book,” he added.

“Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country, and I truly believe that we need to bring them back,” he said. “It’s one of the biggest problems we have, that’s why our country’s going haywire, we’ve lost religion in our country.”

Well that so
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Is the real truth being hidden?


I am only doing this because I like you as a person.

I am going to impart a bit of wisdom on you.

But, I are a woman, you do not forget, you let your emotions rule your behavior.

Let me ask you a question. How long has it been since we really butted heads? I am thinking...what??...a year ago or longer?

You see Jac, I have forgotten about that and let it go.

Do you know why?

Because carrying the weight of hate on my shoulders is a heavy burden.

When you learn to forgive and will find yourself with a smile on your face more often.

You are welcome.


RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

She's been like that since I said her muffins were more like fruitcakes.
My fault, I deserve her retaliation. rolling on the floor laughing

Mind you I thought it would have ended before now. blues

You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

He now has 10 more days to come up with that money...perhaps the God Bless The USA Bible will aid in that endeavor...
Steaks and vodka too for his fellow parishioners...a Great deal...laugh for only...$59.99 not including shipping...complete with chorus of Lee Greenwood hit and more...hurry while supplies last...

View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 30

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