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How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I believe in proven facts, not BS AND LIES,

I get up at 5am every morning and take the dog for a walk along the beach, I’m not frightened to leave my house, why should you be so scared to not venture outside?

Here in the Philippines they are scared that there will be a three day eclipse which is factually impossible, but then some are easily manipulated by conspiracy theories.
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Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello Jac,

I would argue that is debatable.

Not all women are terrible people; however, they do exist. Would you consider yourself a fine example of one?


RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

FOMO is what every single blog you have ever written, pretty much, is about. You never stop fretting about missing out rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

If a woman knows a guy is a bit bigger it is, no denying, a factor in attraction. Not the main factor. But a factor. The worst question either partner ever has to ask is "is it in". rolling on the floor laughing

10 inch tonkers, though, are you serious? No thanks. Women may be briefly titillated by the idea of a once-off with a freak dong - especially the kind of women who would talk about such things on TV, by the way - but nobody would want to be long-term with a guy who could usually only run the flag halfway up the post before starting to feel a bit faint. Takes a LOT to inflate the larger tonker. Takes a LOT to get a woman ready to take one. Half the time, when it has settled into a longer term relationship, the guy passes out and the woman falls asleep and their sex life is not a fraction as fun as other couples.

Women can say this until they are blue in the face, you guys don't listen. It isn't what you've got, it is how you use it. MEN are obsessed with size. A bigger man is confident because he IS a bigger man and knows other men are envious. Women go for confidence and so yup may be attracted - but by the confidence, not the size. If it turns out he can't use the thing worth a damn, so all he is offering is a blunt weapon to be worked around - that is not appealing. And he's back on the market. And you guys say enviously that he gets a lot of action.

Ask yourself if your female friends would date a guy whose knuckles hung to his knees because he was bigger than average? Bet they wouldn't. Size matters more to men than to women. WEIRD.
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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Ok, but can we fine him say 50.000 dollars maybe. I say that is plenty to give him a lesson.

Is the real truth being hidden?

As an important side note:

FOMO (fear of missing out). What is fear? Fear is an emotion.

Women make decisions on how they feel. What instills feeling in a woman? Emotions instill feelings.

Therefore....FOMO is real within women.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

And you sound rather dumb,
but I'll not hold it against you... even if this used to be a dating site. purple heart

RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

If you're wondering why you're not getting any, Johnny, it's because you fall for that sexist shite on the internet that blames women for everything.

No amount of c*ck can compensate for a bitter and twisted c*nt like you.

Just satin'.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Well obviously the judges and court see things differently from the wannabe lawyers.

Trump has been found guilty of fraudulent activity, now he needs to pay up.
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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

It is you who is naive, Trump was bought by Putin and Xi Jinping, both offered to allow him to build in their respective countries. Both had refused that building prior to Trump becoming President.

To suggest a criminal like Trump cannot be bribed is nativity on a grand scale.
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Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello Daphne,

I do agree with you, men can make up for inadequacies in other areas....with humor, being handsome, being wealthy, or being s*xually stimulating in other ways.

The problem with this is, we live in the era of social media. Thus meaning, women remember the guy who piped her down good....or always has potential contact with a top percent guy. The moment one of those guys rekindle old connection or another top percentage guy establishes new contact with that woman, there is a very HIGH percentage odds that she will be leaving her current guy to meet up with this top percent guy. Remember....FOMO (fear of missing out)....that is a real thing with women.


Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello MD,

I agree with you 100%. Thank you for your honesty.

What happens is that women have FOMO (fear of missing out). They leave their nice man, the man that treats them right, for the opportunity to sleep with that top percent guy (large pen*s guy). Then what happens is, they get piped down good from this top percent guy and now this is what that woman wants and desires. But what she fails to realize is, this guy is a top percent guy. Meaning...there are only a very few of these guys that exists. Because of that, this guy has a lot of women options. Remember, women are only going after these top percent guys. Let's say 80% of women are going after that top 5% guy....that means that 5% guy is going to have tons of options. He does not have to be loyal to one woman, he has 10+ more to sleep with. He can treat that woman like absolute crap and cheat on her....and kick her to the curb.

So, then what happens, is this lady goes back on the dating sites to find another one of these rare men...and the same thing happens over and over again.

Then what happens, because women are only going after these top guys and the rest of the 80%+ of men are invisible to her, she then starts thinking that ALL men are sh*t. When, in reality, it is only that top 5% guy she has been with that are sh*t.

Then after she determines that ALL guys are shit....and of course....after she has been piped down by that top 5% guy, now she thinks she deserves that top percent guy and will NOT settle for less.

Because she will not settle for of two things happen....either she buys a pet and dies alone OR she will bite the bullet and get with one of these lower percentage men and treat him like sh*t because she is angry with him because she had to settle. a rare occasion, she will become a lesbian.


RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

Depends who answered with humour or sarcasm...or just having to answer that question at all...most probably do not care but if the male is too caught up in it...the insecurity alone can be a challenge to deal with...
I happen to know of a situation that happened to a female who went on a couple of dates with a guy who clearly was obsessed with his lack of the point that she really did not want to deal with his insecurities anymore...
Instead of being creative in the bedroom most men will do when size is not the ideal (in society)...he failed to make any effort in that perhaps the advice to women and men who either have small breasts or small secure in yourself and be

Or...get breast implants or penile implants and go forth and enjoy!!

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

You sound rather
It is not about you...
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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

This ain't the court of law u know.
It's the court of free exchange of thougts. Pretty amazing ha'


RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

You seem very much on this guy Jac. Do you have a personal vandetta against mr.Trump?
And how about Merlot, do you wish to get his scalp? Or can he speak his mind.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

@gz, you finally quelled my tongue.
I have no comeback to that.
At this lavel of a serious debate (lol) I have nothing.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really not understand how Trump's fraudulent behaviour was a breach of Executive Law § 63(12)?
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

He wants to unite the world in rebellion against God. And the interesting thing is that in Satanism and in the Satanic Bible and in the writings of lead Satanists like Aleister Crowley, you find that Satanism isn't really about worshiping Satan. Satanism is about worshiping yourself. Do what thou wilt. This shall be the whole of the law that is satanic theology in a nutshell.

It's about finding the God in you and learning to live out your desires so that you are God. That is the essence of Satanism because that is the essence of Satan. That's what got him thrown out of heaven, his desire to be God himself, to be equal with God.

And I believe that Satan truly desires globalism, grab a hold of our planet so that the whole world can be united in secular humanism, the exultation of self and the rejection of God.
And I say this because firstly, in the Garden of Eden, this was his appeal to Eve, wasn't it?

Either the fruit, then you will be what, like God.
But even more compelling when the world's first civilization begins to emerge in Mesopotamia, in Babylon, specifically, Satan stirs up the first Antichrist Nimrod to attempt to lead all of human civilization in the pursuit of self, this secular humanism, this paganism.

But that's really about the worship of self, he says. Let us build a tower, the Tower of Babel. And his whole idea was, let's unite the world in the pursuit of self and the rejection of God.

And if you know the story, then you know what happens in Genesis one. God comes down, and he confuses the speech of people by creating different languages and different ethnic groups, and they're scattered across the world.

But do you remember what Nimrod tried to do? When all the world was living together in the same place, when they were all one community, Scripture says that the people got together and said, come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens. Let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.

It all sounds so wonderful, doesn't it? We can reach our human potential. Let's be united. Let's move into a new age of of enlightenment, a new age of fulfilling ourselves. But then God comes down and he breaks all that up because at the center of it is this satanic philosophy of self exultation and turning the self into God.

And ever since then. I believe that Satan has been waiting for the time when he could once again rally humanity together under one leadership in the pursuit of this humanist philosophy.

The problem is people have been scattered and Satan's plans have been hindered. But this is why we saw the League of Nations as soon as Satan could do that, then that was followed by the U.N. when he could do that, then by the EU, Satan was always doing the best he can to build a globalised society with what he had available.

But what Satan has really been waiting for and needing is technology. Satan has been waiting for international travel to become the norm. He's been waiting for more trade alliances between countries. He's been waiting for a world wide system where you could disseminate information and mislead the entire population of the world by controlling the information that they receive.

He's been waiting on the Internet. He's been waiting for mass surveillance to be possible. He's been waiting for communication to increase. He's been waiting ever since Babul for the infrastructure to truly implement globalism yet again and try and turn the whole world into what he tried to make Babylon in Genesis 11. And in case you're not picking up on what I'm putting down. I think his wait is over. The wait is over, and so now the question really becomes, if you're Satan will, how do you get the world to buy into globalism?

How do you get the world to buy into the idea of becoming one of giving up personal identity, national identity, personal individual freedoms, going to a one world currency?

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

It's scriptural. That's biblical.
But Satan is currently restrained to a degree, there's a reason that that's not just total hell, Satan is restrained to a degree by the physical presence of the church on the earth because the church made up of men and woman is full of the Holy Spirit.

Everywhere there's a Christian, the Holy Spirit is there. And so the Holy Spirit is all over the Earth, inside believers and in acts.

Chapter two, when God gave the Holy Spirit to the church, the church was deputized, so to speak, by Jesus to resist Satan schemes on the Earth. And in second Thessalonians, two seven. It all comes together as the apostle Paul declares The mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.

And ultimately in that verse, when we're talking about he who now restrains, we're talking about the fact that Jesus has placed the church on the earth.

And so the question becomes, is there a coming time when that restraining force of the church, is there a coming time when scripture says that that restraining force of the church is going to be removed from the earth so that lawlessness will no longer be restrained?

Yes, there is at the moment of the rapture, the church will be removed from the earth and the restraining presence of the Holy Spirit and believers across the world will suddenly be dramatically diminished.

And Satan will not be restrained the way he is right now in this church age.

That is why the Rapture will be shortly followed by the rise of Antichrist.
It will only be possible when the restraining force of the church is removed from the earth. And so what I want, what I really want us to understand is, is the implication of Paul's phrase. The mystery of lawlessness is already at work.

What Paul is saying is that Satan has been trying to lay plans for a very, very long time, even when Paul was writing this in the first century, he was saying Satan is already at work trying to work his plans that will facilitate the rise of Antichrist when he has opportunity.

He's been working on that for a long time now. The church is not going to be on the earth when Antichrist rises to the fore.
Paul tells us that in Thessalonians.

But we will be here for many of the preparations that will precede the emergence of Antichrist. And we will likely be able to see and recognize and identify some of those preparations. I heard one pastor put it this way.

He said, you know, that when you see Christmas decorations in Costco, it's almost time for Thanksgiving.

Here's the idea, when we see preparations for Antichrist being established and made across the Earth, we know that the rapture is almost here.
That's the biblical side of things.

And I really want to share with you some of my own personal observations about what's going on in the world right now.

As I said, I'm not saying;" thus sanest the Lotd", that is a very serious thing to say. And I'm not saying that these are just my observations.
You can consider them for what they're worth, but I hope they'll be helpful to you.

I believe that Satan is a globalist. If you don't know what a globalist is, a globalist is someone who has a political and sociological philosophy that the whole world should essentially be one community.

They're in favor of things like open borders, essentially a one world system of governance, a one world currency, so that the whole world can be one true global community. That's what a globalist is.
We don't need to have individual identities as countries. We need one global identity. And I believe that Satan is a globalist for one simple reason.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

From the Legal Dictionary.

Definition of Fraud

Wrongful deception with the intent to gain personally or financially.

Intentional deception in order to persuade another person to part with something of value.

A person who pretends to be something or someone he is not.

Check all. Nothing to see here.

Standard negotiation skills.


What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

So for now, even though he doesn't hold the title deeds, Satan is still running the show on Earth. And if you've never heard this before, you're probably thinking, where's that in the Bible?

Jeff, that doesn't seem very biblical. Well, it's in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, which record the famous Temptation of Christ. Perhaps you recall the interaction from Luke, Chapter four verses five through seven.

It says then the devil taking him, that's Jesus up on a high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment in time. And the devil said to him, to Jesus, all this authority I will give you and their glory for this. Listen to me. This is what Satan says to Jesus.
He says, for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Therefore, if you will worship before me, all will be yours.

And Jesus doesn't say, don't be ridiculous, Satan, you don't own the world, you can't make that offer. I already own it anyway. Your offer is meaningless.
He doesn't do that.
Jesus responds to Satan's offer seriously, because it's a serious, legitimate offer, because at that moment in time, Satan did indeed own the kingdoms of the world. In John 14 /30, Jesus calls Satan the ruler of this world.

John the Apostle declares, Long after Jesus returns to heaven, the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

And in Second Corinthians four, again, long after the resurrection, our brother Paul speaks about those whose minds the God of this age has blinded the God of this age.

And here's what that means in terms of the world's power structure.
I want you to imagine this will use some really nice conspiratorial imagery. OK, we'll imagine a pyramid. And then just the way it is on the American one dollar bill, imagine the top of the pyramid, the cap of the pyramid separated from the rest of the pyramid. And we'll say that this pyramid represents the world's power structure.

And however you view the world, we all understand that at some point there is a top to the pyramid.
There is a group of people who make the biggest decisions on Earth who are calling the shots and earthly politics and industry and things like this.

And so whatever you believe, let's call that group at the very top, the elite. Now, if you don't believe in conspiracies at all that, then you believe that these are essentially just heads of state that's as high as the power structure on earth gets.

That's fine. That's cool. If that's what you believe, that's who is at that level.
They're part of what we'll call the elite. If you believe in conspiracies at this level, at the top elite level, then let me show off my conspiratorial bona fides here a little bit.

If you believe that's the Illuminati, the Bill de Bergers, the Trilateral Commission, the UN, the deep state, the World Economic Forum that gathers in Davos, the world banking families, the Merovingian bloodline, the lizard people, whatever you think, whatever you buy into, you believe that they're at the top and they're part of the elite. What the Bible tells us is that whoever those people are.

Above them is actually another level that's not where the power structure ends, you get to the top of the pyramid. That's not where the power structure ends.

You have to cross over into the spiritual world to get to the next level, because at the next level, above those people is Satan, the God of the sage, the one who holds the world system under his sway.

That is what the Bible teaches, that Satan is ultimately at the top of the world's power structure.

And so the people at that elite level, whether they realize it or not, are ultimately under the influence of Satan.
We need to understand that according to the Bible, anyone who does not belong to Jesus is under the influence of Satan. They are susceptible to being used by him for his purposes.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Bible Prophecy Update (12.7.2020)

Series: Special Messages...........Speaker: Jeff Thompson

In this special update, Jeff discusses the current state of the world and shares some Biblical insights to help Christians make sense of everything that's going on. We'll touch on COVID-19, climate change, the looming global debt crisis, the Great Reset, United Nations Agenda 2030, and more, and highlight some important things for Christians to remember in the days ahead.

If you find this video useful, please share it!

The Great Reset (World Economic Forum):

United Nations Agenda 2030:

Full List of Agenda 2030 Indicators:

Hey, everybody, I wanted to do something a little bit different with this video. This is not a normal Bible teaching message. This is something much more informal.

I wanted to address the fact that if you haven't noticed, there's a whole lot going on in the world right now. And as I read what Christians are posting on social media and I listen to questions, there 's's so much confusion still. There's so many conspiracy theories out there. There's so much that we know is going on.

But we can't quite decode we can't quite make sense of.

And so I wanted to make a video that I hope will be helpful to you as you take a look at the world around you and seek to understand biblically what's going on.

I want to be very clear. This is not a Bible study. Again, these are some of my own personal insights, thoughts and opinions and views based on what I see. But looking with eyes that have spent a lot of time studying eschatology, a lot of time studying biblical prophecy. So with everything I teach, as we often say, don't believe it because I say it. Check for yourself. You pray, you discern, you get into the scriptures and you come to your own conclusions.

But I can tell you this, this video is going to give you some very, very interesting things to talk about with your friends and your brothers and sisters in the Lord and your small group.

So let's talk about conspiracies.

Let's talk about what is going on in the world right now.

And when I thought about things to cover, the very first thing that you need to understand as a Christian is that Satan is running the show on Earth right now.

Let me say that again, Satan is running the show on the earth right now. When the Lord created man and woman, he created Adam and Eve. He gave them, he gave Adam what was essentially the title deed of the Earth. He gave Adam rule and charge over the Earth to steward the Earth. Adam had that authority.

However, when Adam and Eve sinned, they transferred they gave up that title deed to Satan and Satan held the deed to the earth and had authority over the Earth.

When Jesus came to the Earth, died and rose again at the resurrection, he took back that title deed from Satan. Jesus now holds it. However, Jesus has not yet cashed it in, so to speak. He holds it, but the scroll has not been opened yet.

The title deed has not been opened yet because as soon as Jesus reclaims the earth, the opportunity for people to join the family of God, the opportunity for people to be saved will be over.

That door will close. The apostle Peter puts it like this.

He says The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness, but his long suffering taught us his patience toward us. Why? Because he's not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

So Jesus is not yet cashing in that title deed to the Earth because he wants to give more time for people to turn to him and be saved.

So for now, even though he doesn't hold the title deeds, Satan is still running the show on Earth.

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

From the order:

" Executive Law § 63(12) now reads as follows:
Whenever any person shall engage in repeated fraudulent or illegal
acts or otherwise demonstrate persistent fraud or illegality in the
carrying on, conducting or transaction of business, the attorney
general may apply… for an order enjoining the continuance of such
business activity or of any fraudulent or illegal acts, directing
restitution and damages and, in an appropriate case, cancelling any
certificate filed under and by virtue of the provisions of section four
hundred forty of the former penal law or section one hundred thirty
of the general business law, and the court may award the relief
applied for or so much thereof as it may deem proper. The word
“fraud” or “fraudulent” as used herein shall include any device,
scheme or artifice to defraud and any deception, misrepresentation,
concealment, suppression, false pretense, false promise or
unconscionable contractual provisions. The term “persistent fraud”
or “illegality” as used herein shall include continuance or carrying
on of any fraudulent or illegal act or conduct. The term “repeated”
as used herein shall include repetition of any separate and distinct
fraudulent or illegal act, or conduct which affects more than one
person. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all monies
recovered or obtained under this subdivision by a state agency or
state official or employee acting in their official capacity shall be
subject to subdivision eleven of section four of the state finance law."

It's not shrewd business practises, it's fraud as you can see from the statute under which Trump et al were adjudicated liable.

No, in the interests of equalityjustice should follow the evidence equally.

Nobody says that individual murderers shouldn't tried because other murderers aren't being tried at the same time.

Nobody says an individual murderer is being unfairly singled out if they are successfully prosecuted.

Nobody say every person should be investigated for murder if one person is, just make it fair.

Your argument is entirely specious. People should be investigated and prosecuted on the basis of evidence, of which the prosecution had plenty in this case.

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really not understand how Trump's fraudulent behaviour was a breach of Executive Law § 63(12)?
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RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

the size will not matter in the long run, people always think they want something until they get it. a person you get along with is the most important, that you shares values and goals

RE: Actual footage of liberals watching main stream media

Plenty of pigs at troughs on your "last meal " on the Forums.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

You informed meconfused

Why would you expect others to foot your bills when you are supposedly worth billions .dunno

Lobbyist running D.C. Well it was Trump's family when he was in office so what's the differencelaugh
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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Sarcasm doesn't suit you Merlot. This was an extremely tragic case of abuse and inequality. One of many. It's so easy to say "Black lives matter "when you are seeking re-election.

Same as saying" keep the immigrants out "when you've actually employed them to build your so-called empire.

Two faced springs to mind.

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RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Exactly, they been loyal to him for years. Not the other way around.

Did you know before now when I informed you-
that the lobbyists, for the most part, are the ones who run D.C?

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Ok so I missed the exceptions clause in the Constitution for 16 yr old black people who 'Shall not be given equal rights', my bad.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I don't judge the world and events based on hard evidence alone.
If I did I could not get out of the house each morning, or take a bus, go into a shop, pay bills, answer a phone, cross the road on green etc.
But thanks for
showing me the light here... lol
Is it a beautiful world by the way, the one where DT is shelved for good?

RE: God Bless the USA! Court Lowers Trump Bond From $464 Million to $175 Million. Due in 10 days.

Well it seems that he can be paid for . Wake up Grand.

Trump turns to his 'old cast' to raise millions for 2024 and the PAC paying his legal bills. Donald Trump is turning to a group of wealthy fundraisers who have been loyal to him for years to help raise money for his campaign and assist in paying his legal bills
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