This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.

The 'worm moon' lunar eclipse...

Amazing focus.
I'm using an old Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ that was refurbished by Samsung. I've had it a few years. The battery doesn't hold out for a full day's use now, so I have a choice to replace the battery under the care plan, or shop for a new phone.

The S24 Ultra is on special from Samsung if I trade my old phone, I'll get $400 credit.

Blog family

Celticwitch64. Good morning, yes the beers was very cold and nice and thank you so much , all is well .

RE: WTF like

Why do you think Huzma Yousef's (edited) speech is rhetorical?

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And it's there privately in the house where he actually spends the time to unpack the parables and explain it to them and teach them the parables. So we see the same transition back in Matthew, Chapter 13 as we see in our text in Matthew, Chapter 24, Jesus going from a large public gathering to a smaller private one. If you look for it, you can see this all throughout the three years of Jesus public ministry with his disciples by his side.

Throughout it all, you can see this pattern over and over and over again.

If you're looking for large public gathering, public ministry, smaller, more intimate groups and big public ministry with the disciples are there amongst the crowds and then smaller gatherings where it's just Jesus and his disciples. I'd argue that both atmospheres, the large public gathering and the smaller and more private ones, both atmospheres were and are important parts in the disciple making process. They were important parts in Jesus disciple making process. See, in the large corporate gathering, you're going to often find the time and the space set aside for more of a monologue type proclamation of the word public preaching and teaching and exhortation from the pulpit, from the preacher.

Usually in a large crowd, you have a mix of a whole different bunch of people, all on different parts of their journey of faith.

Usually a mix of disciples of Jesus, followers of Jesus, and those who don't yet know Jesus or who are warm to Jesus, open to him or even hostile to him, and you have a mix usually in the large public gathering. Think of the four soils that Jesus actually spoke a parable about in that back in Matthew, Chapter 13 is the for soils of the four different hearts you have the the hard ground of the the thorny ground. You have the shallow grounding of the good and you have the good soil.

And that's a representation of people that are in the public crowds gathering at any time in public ministry settings, larger sites, larger sized crowds, makes it challenging to have a lot of different people participate actively in their time together in the same kind of way as one person preaching or a couple of people leading worship.

Usually most people are spectating in the large gatherings, but that's why certain things are taking place in the smaller, more private gathering setting.

Not exclusively, but usually in these smaller settings are these are made up of those who already follow Jesus or those who want to learn more about him. Those are usually the ones that are marking those groups.

In those smaller group settings, you're going to often find more opportunities for those who are there to share and to actively participate in what's happening in that time, some things can actually only be done in smaller groups, verse is in larger groups like really hearing from one another, really knowing one another, really building any kind of relational equity with one another.

They set in the Bible in more detail and chewing on it more and wrestling with it together. That happens in smaller group settings and it's virtually impossible to happen in the same kind of way in a large public setting. Why am I highlighting this for us in this message out of our text? Well, I believe that this transition from Jesus ministry in large public gatherings to ministering in smaller, more private gatherings and going back and forth, I believe is given to us as Christians, as the church, as a pattern that followers of Jesus need to be aware of and that we even need to emulate in our own endeavor to make disciples today, because that's what you and I are called to do.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And here we're going to see Pivotal, a pivotal transition marked out in Jesus life and ministry. But not only is this what we're going to see here in this message tonight, not only is it a noticeable transition in his life, we're going to be able to see things in his transition that can have a dramatic effect on the way we live our lives as followers of his.

In this message, the message I want to highlight for you, three transitions in these two verse is that serve as our text for this message in our two verse is our Chapter 24 in Matthew Verse is one, and to let me read them for us. Verse is one. Jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple, but he answered them, You see all these, do you not?

Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down. Here's the first transition I want to highlight for you, and it's going to be the first film on your outline. Jesus goes from spending time with the crowds. To spending time with his disciples. Jesus goes from spending time with the crowds to spending time with his disciples. In order to show you this particular transition better, I want to take a peek with you at some of the larger context surrounding our two verse is.

In Matthew, Chapter 21, 22 and 23, we can see Jesus mostly, almost predominantly ministering to large public crowds in Jerusalem around the temple as Passover in Jerusalem. The city has swollen to one to two million people have come in. Jews from all over the surrounding area, around the world come once a year to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. This bombing is happening and the temple is right in the center of it all. And this is where our scene is is based and where it's coming out of here.

This is where Jesus had been going back and forth with the religious leaders of his day, as we've seen in Chapter twenty three. With everybody watching. Large crowds packed, Jesus is there, his disciples are there, his friends are there, his enemies are there, everyone is there and he's ministering publicly.

But then we get to chapters 24 and 25, and here we see that Jesus transitions to ministering privately to a small group of his disciples. See again in verse one says that Jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple to Jesus leaves the crowds. And it's just his disciples who come to him, who follow after him to spend time with them. And then he spends chapters twenty four and twenty five, teaching only his disciples.

The crowds are gone, and now it's just Jesus with his disciples. This kind of transition going from a large crowd to a small group is not an isolated example in the Ministry of Jesus. One other example, will we see the same pattern play out as back in Matthew? Chapter 13 there, Matthew records for us a bunch of parables that Jesus preaches publicly to the crowds in Matthew 13.

The crowds were so big it tells us that Jesus had to actually get into a boat, push away from the shore and then speak to the crowds on the shore. But he had to make some buffer room between us, between them and him, because he was getting crushed and pressed up by the crowds because it was so intense and it was so it was so big.

But after he had finished addressing the crowds from his boat, teaching them all these parables in Matthew 23, go back and look at the at the scene. At the story, you can see Jesus leave and go into a house. And we also see who follows after him. His disciples, his disciples come after Jesus.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Date:8/9/20....Series: Matthew...Passage: Matthew 24:1-2
Speaker: BJ Chursinoff

Transitions happen in our lives, and they happened in Jesus’ life too. In this message, we'll highlight 3 transitions that took place in Jesus’ ministry after He left the Temple, and discover the lessons they teach us today.

Transitions, our lives are marked by them, both big and small throughout the entirety of our lives, our lives are so marked by transitions that we even are affected by transitions before we're even born. I'm going to keep this PG, but to speak with me briefly. There is a major transition where one time you were just a twinkle in your daddy's eye and then some time later you were conceived in your mom's womb.

The transitions were just getting started and there was no sign that you were in there. And then several weeks later, your mom transitioned to having a cute little baby bump. Some more weeks passed and that little baby bump grew to a ginormous bump. Then the transition transitions keep coming because then you came out and you weren't in there anymore.

And for a good chunk of the early part of your life, you were a little baby and you did a sum total of four things in no particular order.

You ate, you slept, you cried and you poured. And sometimes those things happen simultaneously. Sometimes they're going from one thing to another. But there's a season of your life. That's all you're doing as a baby. And then you transition to being able to sit. You transition to be able to be able to crawl around you. You transition to be able to stand and then walk and then you're running and then you're transitioning to ruin and everything in the house.

You keep growing. Right. And fast forward a few years. There's a favorite time in everyone's life, a major transitional time in our life. The big P word, puberty marks a transition in our growing up in our adolescence.

And then you then you get old and like me, I'm coming up on 40 next year and I'm more tired than I was when I was twenty. I'm weaker and I'm getting you can't see me from the camera, but I'm even getting sprinkled with some whites in the beard.

Transition, transition. A lot of transitions in school. You know, big moments in your life when you transition to going into kindergarten, you transition to going into middle school. Today, back in my day, it was junior high. You transition into you transition into high school. Some of us transition out of high school into post-secondary education. And then we eventually have to transition into the out of school and into the into the workforce. Transitions, transitions, transitions, transitions.

Some transitions are permanent in nature, but some transitions are back and forth. They're cyclical. Think of the seasons in the calendar year. We're in the summer right now and not too long. We're going to transition into the fall and fall from the transition into the winter. And winter is going to transition in the spring and spring, transition back in the summer. And around we go every year. Every day we have transitions. Every day you wake up and you transition to the sun rising and you starting your day.

And at the end of the day, you transition to to pulling the plug out and resting and tapering down into sleep. You wake and you sleep and you wake and you sleep, sleep and you transition in and out of that every day of your life. So some transitions are permanent, but some we go in and out of all the time. Transitions are a common and a necessary part of our life. Which brings us to the place in our study in the Gospel of Matthew.

One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

A Russian lawmaker wrote on Telegram that Tajik passports were found inside the car the suspects allegedly used to flee before being caught by Russian police in the Bryansk region, about 340 kilometers southwest of Moscow. Russian police said that four of the suspects taken into custody are the migrated citizens from the erstwhile Central Asian State of Tajikistan.

Tajikistan has been a close ally of Moscow even after she joined other CARs in declaring their independence after the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Generally known as the underbelly of the Russian State, Tajikistan had its security compulsions to remain glued to the Russian Federation. President Emomali Rahmon, the Secretary of the Tajikistan Communist Party during Soviet power, became the first president of the independent Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan in 1991. He continues to hold that position. He has proved to be one of Moscow’s most trusted allies.

Tajikistan is a 90% mountainous region with very little arable land. It was the poorest State of the erstwhile Soviet Union, mostly underdeveloped and economically fragile. After declaring independence, Tajikistan remained a recipient of Russian largesse and signed a defense agreement with Moscow.

In 1996, when the Afghan Taliban seized control of Kabul and executed the Russian protégé, Dr Nagibullah, Tajikistan had fears that the advancing Taliban could cross the Tajik-Afghan border and impose a fundamentalist regime in Dushanbe.

President Rahmon had no option but to obtain a firm commitment from Russia that it would become a partner in protecting its southern border.

Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, disclosed this information in a recent testimony on Capitol Hill. His remarks shed light on China’s ambitious military modernization efforts and their potential to reshape global power dynamics.

Aquilino, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21, asserted, “the world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” regarding the People’s Liberation Army.
Thailand ‘Sacrifices’ Submarine For Chinese Patrol Boats; Argentina Dumps Chinese Jets For F-16s

Useless trivia

The regional municipality of Niagara is proactively invoking a state of emergency to prepare for the event. The declaration announced on Friday sets in motion some additional planning tools to prepare for the day, which could involve major traffic jams, heavier demands on emergency services and cell phone network overloads.

Aye, the Kraken...

Weekend recap:
I'm getting about 6 minutes per flight with easy flying and not hard stunts. I put new blades on it and have 4 sets of batteries. Limited by time, I only flew it 3 times on Sunday, with 2 of those flights making adjustments for the blade pitch range, RPM and speed of the controls.

So far, I like it, as it's easy to see in the sky, behaves well with no unwanted vibration or quirks. Power and speed when I want it and precise when I'm doing some slow maneuvers.

While the Kraken has been around for a few years, it hasn't been discontinued by the manufacturer, so repair/replacement parts are available. The helicopter I used in the trade was actually one of my favorites, but an older model where the American distributor often has back-orders on parts and new kits from Germany.

Always waiting for parts to arrive, we've heard rumors they aren't doing well. Most of the other helicopter companies have issued new models (even if they share parts from previous models) every other year. We haven't seen anything new in at least 6 years and a few of their models were discontinued. Not a good sign for the future with that brand.

RE: Blog family

All in a nudge but you're welcome Ann bouquet
glad you are yours are sorted.

Hope the beer went down well beer lol

Useless trivia

Sounds a little "batty" to me


Useless trivia

Sound and touch devices will be available at public gatherings on April 8, when a total solar eclipse crosses North America, the moon blotting out the sun for a few minutes.

“Eclipses are very beautiful things, and everyone should be able to experience it once in their lifetime,” said Yuki Hatch, a high school senior in Austin, Texas.

Hatch is a visually impaired student and a space enthusiast who hopes to one day become a computer scientist for NASA. On eclipse day, she and her classmates at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired plan to sit outside in the school’s grassy quad and listen to a small device called a LightSound box that translates changing light into sounds.

When the sun is bright, there will be high, delicate flute notes. As the moon begins to cover the sun, the mid-range notes are those of a clarinet. Darkness is rendered by a low clicking sound.

RE: The 'worm moon' lunar eclipse...

A late member of CS who lives in Ohio, has purchased a proper filter for his Olympus camera for taking images of an eclipse so hopefully will manage to photograph the it, the eclipse will not be visible from Australia.
your welcomewave

Only the Irish can save Ireland

National protest 6th of April good luck good luck good luck good luck

See you there irish
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 24

Only the Irish can save Ireland


Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
we will remember them sad flower

good luck good luck good luck good luck

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Come quickly, Lord Jesus
Then the angels showed me the river of the water of life. Bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. Also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its 12 kinds of fruit yielding its fruit each month, the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed that the throne of God and the Lamb will be in it. And his servants will worship him...– Revelation 22:1–5

I did something similar in the previous podcast episode, just praying through five verses. And I want to do the same here as we see some of the most beautiful verses in all the Bible here. And there’s so much we could pray according to them. So we’re just going to jump right in once I’ve read them.

This Verse Leads Us to Ask the Lord to Come Quickly

They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads and night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun for the Lord God will be their light and they will rain forever and ever. Yes, Lord Jesus come quickly. In light of this scene, we pray it today over and over again in the rest of Revelation 22:1–5. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. We long for the day, when we will see your face, we will be with you, you As our light. And we will reign with you, Lord Jesus. We will reign forever and ever. Who are we to reign with you? Oh God, we praise you for your grace in our lives. We praise you for your healing in our lives. We deserve curse. And we deserve condemnation. Lord, we deserve judgment.

We have sinned just as Adam and Eve did with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the very beginning. And now we see healing flowing from this tree of life in Revelation 22:1–5, with fruit for all the nations. Oh God, bring in all the nations. We pray for the spread of the gospel to all the nations. Oh God, may it be so for the Maratha people of India for 32 million of them, hardly any followers of Jesus. God, change that.

We want the Maratha to be around your throne. That day, Jesus, you died to make it possible for the Maratha to be around the throne that day. We pray you would help us to faithfully spread the gospel to the Maratha and every other people group in the world so that they might see your face, that they might experience healing of the nations.

Revelation 22:1–5 Leads Us to Obey the Great Commission
God, we pray you would help us to obey the great commission as your church today to make disciples right around us of the nations, far from us of the nations. God, help us to faithfully proclaim the healing power of the gospel to the nations. As your servants, we’ll worship you, verse three, day and night in perfect communion with you enjoying all that flows from you. Even what’s written later in this chapter, let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who desires, take the water of life without price.

We praise you for the hope that we have today, amidst whatever we are walking through, amidst whatever happens to us in this world to know that for all who trust in you, Lord Jesus, Revelation 22:1–5 is coming. So help us to hold fast in faith and hope today to the day when you, oh Lord, God will be our light and darkness will be no more. In Jesus’ name, we pray according to Revelation 22:1–5. Amen.

RE: The 'worm moon' lunar eclipse...

I feel I have been mooned in the best possible way...GREAT pictures.
I totally missed it, but I better be paying attention to April 8th .. I live in Southern IL.
According to this video and some of the material is from NASA, so you might be interested, but it's suppose to criss cross Southern Illinois.
Up until now nothing has ever happened when we would be warned so it's a wait and see situation.

RE: Hospice...

Happy release for her.sad flower

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

What mystery, the Father, Son, and Spirit,
In person three, in substance all are one.
How glorious, this God our being enters
To be our all, thru Spirit in the Son!
The Triune God has now become our all!
How wonderful! How glorious!
This Gift divine we never can exhaust!
How excellent! How marvelous!
How rich the source, the Father as the fountain,
And all this wealth He wants man to enjoy!
O blessed fact, this vast exhaustless portion
Is now for us forever to employ!
How wonderful, the Son is God’s expression
Come in the flesh to dwell with all mankind!
Redemption’s work, how perfectly effective,
That sinners we with God might oneness find.
The Spirit is the Son’s transfiguration
Come into us as life the full supply.
Amazing fact, our spirit with the Spirit
Now mingles and in oneness joins thereby!
How real it is that God is now the Spirit
For us to touch, experience day by day!
Astounding fact, with God we are one spirit,
And differ not in life in any way!

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Done well at hiding the pain in your life
You've hidden the sorrow that calms you each night
If there is something you need to share
I want you to know someone cares

You don't have to bear your burdens alone
You've got a friend you're not on your own
So just take my hand we'll find help at the throne
You don't have to bear your burdens alone

At times life seems unfair and so hard to stand
You reach out for someone just to hold to your hand
Remember the words of our Savior are true
His promise, "I will never leave you"

You don't have to bear your burdens alone
You've got a friend you're not on your own
So just take my hand we'll find help at the throne
You don't have to bear your burdens alone

You don't have to bear your burdens alone
You've got a friend you're not on your own
So just take my hand we'll find help at the throne
You don't have to bear your burdens alone

No, You don't have to bear your burdens alone
You don't have to bear your burdens alone

You don't have to bear your burdens alone
No, You don't have to be alone
You don't have to bear your burdens alone
No, You don't have to be alone.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King.
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
We are going to see the King.
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King.
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
We are going to see the King.
No more crying there,
We are going to see the King,
No more crying there,
We are going to see the King.
No more crying there,
We are going to see the King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
We are going to see the King.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah.
No more dying there,
We are going to see the King,
No more dying there,
We are going to see the King.
No more dying there,
We are going to see the King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
We are going to see the King.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah.
Should there be any rivers we must cross,
Should there be any mountains we must climb,
God will supply all the strength that we need,
Give us grace 'til we reach the other side.
We have come from every nation,
God knows each of us by name.
Jesus took His blood and He washed our sins,
And He washed them all away.
Yes, there are some of us,
Who have laid down our lives,
But we all shall live again,
On the other side.
Oh so soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King.
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
We are going to see the King.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah.

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Andrae Crouch

RE: What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............


“We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19)


My niece texted me this morning to say the woman died on Thursday and was cremated.

Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello Suzie,.....I agree, FOMO is something that both men and women experience. However, which gender experiences that feeling stronger? Stronger feelings lead to actual motivation for action.

Is the real truth being hidden?

Thank you Jac...for your information. Some of it might actually be useful. I do agree about paid actors telling people what they want to hear. I think that is very important. Men and women both....must always deduce information with a very critical mind. Yes, there is intentional deception being spread.

The funny thing Jac...that is primarily the purpose of this blog. Let's find out some truth.


Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello MMH, is a bit private, especially on a personal level. However, if it is spoke about in a general sense. Instead of making it a personal thing, maybe address it as all women in general.


Freaky Story

Hello CW,

Maybe you are right...about something wanted blowing up in my face. Dreams use symbolism to convey a message.

No, I did not die. I did wake up a few minutes after being shot.


Useless trivia

But no one will ever see it 3 times


Useless trivia

If your lucky you may see it twice in your lifetimewow

Useless trivia

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – also known as the “devil comet” and the “Mother of Dragons” comet – is currently visible in the night skies of the northern hemisphere, providing a unique spectacle for both amateur stargazers and professional astronomers.

This Halley-type comet, which orbits the Sun every 71 years and has a nucleus about 30 kilometers in diameter

RE: Not a terrorist act

Just a recap on this comment.Are you referring to the attack on Crocus Hall? If so there was a blog created by tulefell which I posted on.dunno
View Blog    5 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 4

Freaky Story

Hello Robert....nice to see you again and you are still around.

Hmmm, did the woman on your date get screwed, or was it you by leaving Robert? laugh

If you are interested Robert in making yourself more regular, just let me know. I think I can come up with some other ways, other than scaring it out of you. laugh


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