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God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

Hmm wonder why she hung up. I would’ve liked to have talked to the woman that saved me. Weird.
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RE: Titanic Carried Salad Dressing Bound For Mexico - Mexico Annually Commemorate The Loss

Bummer. I’m not seeing a black one on my end so that means whatever I send you is going to be black on your end. It was just a video of the titanic violinists playing the music at the end.

RE: God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

Titanic had two sister ships ... Olympic and Britannic.Prior to Titanic, 9lympic had collided with a RN Ship .... was damaged but didn't sink.
Britannic was used was used as a troop ship in WWI and was sunk by a German U-boat

Violet Jessup worked as a maid on Olympic and Titanic and served as a nurse on Brittanic.
She survived all three incidents and worked at sea her whole life.

By the 1950s she was retired.
She received a mysterious phone call...
A voice asked if she'd been given a baby as her lifeboat was lowered from Titanic.
Violet confirmed she'd been given a baby.
The voice said, "I'm that baby." ... and hung up.


RE: God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

I was in the Palm Beach airport last year and saw an advertisement/display for The Titanic Artifact Exhibition. Checking tonight, I see today was the last day of the exhibition.
So much for perfect timing...

Embedded image from another site
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RE: God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

hug Mermaid.
I was caught up with pesky irl stuff & crazy device issues.

I HATE when real life interferes with my Virtual Existence... very mad


RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Ukraine is War done the old fashioned Russian way ... attrition...
And little regard for human life - Ukraine Or Russian.

WWII ...
Hitler will run out of bullets before I run out of Red Army.
Joe Stalin

Ukraine has become an rtillery duel and Russia Will Win.

It's simple numbers ...
The US/West can vote money and be damned.

The US produces30,000 artillery shells/month
Russia produces 30,000 shells/DAY.

Like I said ...Simple Numbers.
sad flower


God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

laugh Hi Mic! Which rock did you come out of hiding under meaning where have you been? It’s good to read ya!

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

I can see your reasoning...looking at the Ukraine in allowing Putin to gain territory for peace sake...only to lull everyone into the idea of peace...
I find the whole thing unsettling...

RE: "China is deliberately allowing the export of devices that turn handguns into machine pistols

Simple solution, just get rid of all guns in the US.

Weapon aficionados say that guns are not dangerous, regardless of how many bullets they can fire, it is the person using the weapon that is dangerous.

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

According to the Shortest War Is Best (or Less Bad) line of thinking ...
It may be argued that providing "Humanitarian Aid" or calling for "Humanitarian Cease Fire" will prolong the war and could be regarded as an Atrocity, War Crime or Crime Against Humanity.


RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

By one line of reasoning ...
The Best (read: Most Humane) War is the Shortest War.

That means inflicting as much destruction, misery, suffering, and death by All means possible as quickly as possible.

This was expounded 8n the US Civil War by Confederate Stonewall Jackson -
And practiced by Union William Tecumseh Sherman.

"War is cruelty and cannot be refined."
Wm. T. Sherman

He later shortened it to "War is hell."

This approach may have become less Practital since the introduction of thermonuclear warfare.

Since WWII the US has become the Grand Master of INhumane War ...
Doing only enough to prolong the suffering, misery and dying for Decades.

I'm aware that some of Y'all 's results will vary.

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RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

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RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

they have been trying to start ww3 for years, these people that make money off the war machine, anyone taking a side and is not on the side of peace, has fallen into their orchestrated plot.
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RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

The fact that you addressed me as miss tells me quite a bit about yourself...
Most people do not have a matter what side...
The powers that be disregard human life for a greater cause...gaining something of worth...religion for example, is just a ruse and a ploy in justifying conflict/behaviour...I find both political sides problematic...

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

How do you propose a starving nation in desperate need of humanitarian aid stand up and fight.Do me a favour.

Past history keeps repeating itself so basically we as humans have learned nothing from 2 World wars followed by many other wars and the war now against Ukraine as well as other parts of the World .

Seems leaders are hell bent on killing others never mind the reasons. Dragging up the past will never mend the future.sigh

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

So what du you suggest miss?
Where lies the solution here, let us know.

I think a revolt inside the strip could come in very handy here.
If that is impossible cos the citizens of Gaza is too afraid
of their own terrorist sons and fathers, well then let IDF do it for them.
That is what is going on.

By the way how do you feel when I tell you our own heroes of ww2
bombed a 100.000 civilians to death in one single night over Tokyo 1945?
That was fine wasn't it.
"On March 10, 1945, US Army Air Forces dropped nearly 1,700 tons of fire bombs on Tokyo. The attack was an escalation of Allied air raids on Japan during World War II. The attack killed up to 100,000 Japanese people and injured another million, most of them civilians."
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RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

I think it is too easy for someone (the poster to your above comment) to bask in the comfort of his own home and safety (distance) to spout such cavalier remarks in regards to others (women and children and the aged) who are having to live/exist in the hell that they are if they actually have a say in this...
Considering the lack of food and water or other aid that have been reported...I doubt the leaders and their minions involved in this conflict are going without...

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Nothing new under the sun ... As we're taught in the book of Ecclesiasties.

Jerusalem is a Very Ancient city and the name predates the entry of the Hebrews into the land.

It was originally U ru sa lim ...generally taken to mean City of Salim or City of PEACE.

This has to be the greatest Historical Sarcasm of All Time for what's Likely the most blood drenched piece of real estate in the known Universe.

sad flower


RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Nothing new under the sun ... As we're taught in the book of Ecclesiasties.

Jerusalem is a Very Ancient city and the name predates the entry of the Hebrews into the land.

It was originally U ru sa lim ...generally taken to mean City of Salim or City of PEACE.

This has to be the greatest Historical Sarcasm of All Time for what's Likely the most blood drenched piece of real estate in the known Universe.

sad flower

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RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Over 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7. They would have no say in their leadership surely.

Whatever the outcome of this terrible tragedy on both sides ,sad to say I very much doubt it will be the last as there is so much dissent in the Middle East from many sides.handshake

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

What you probably what we all probably what we all really need is, you know, a couple of close confidants, a couple of close, like really close friends, trusted friends or mentors. We have people on a regular basis where you can say, what, I got this going on in my heart and I need to I need to share it. Things look good on the somebody I need to share what's going on here. Can you can you know me at this level.

I got to do this with with Pastor Jeff yesterday. We were hanging out at the end of our time. I just told him about a couple of things going on in my life right now. And I got to share those things with him and let him, you know, speak into my life and bring me counsel and pray for me and would desperately need that. Why? Because we have problems on the inside. It was always there, and pretending like there's no problem doesn't make the problems go away.

And so. Inscribed in the Ferris's, they appear nice on the outside, but inside they were spiritually dead and we can do the same thing today, two thousand years later if we're not aware of it. So those are the two walls from Jesus in these verses. In verses twenty five to twenty eight, they identify two feeble attempts to fix our heart problems while doing nothing to actually fix our heart problems. We can try to clean the outside or we can just put up appearances.

That's what. Those are feeble, feeble attempts that do nothing. Well, now we get to get to some good stuff, I'm going to give you the solution to humanity's problem, to humanity's inside heart problems back in reverse in verse twenty six and Matthew twenty three. Jesus says this here is the solution. As you put in the outside, I'm going to tell you what you need to do. You need to clean the verse twenty six, clean the inside of the cup and the plate that the outside may also be clean.

We need our hearts fixed. We need the inside of our life cleansed, healed. We need it made new. We need forgiveness for the things that our heart has produced in our life. We need a cleansed heart that starts producing something other than a sin. That's what we we need. And Jesus says, just clean the inside. And I would retort with easier said than done, Jesus, if it was so simple, everyone would just fix themselves, would be we would read the next self-help book and we would just take it and just clean, clean the insides of us.

The problem is not a small problem. The big problem is that is actually impossible for us to clean ourselves spiritually on the inside. We can't. So what do we do? What do we do? This is where Jesus comes in, and this is why Jesus is so incredible and so amazing, it's the gospel where Jesus came to do to make unclean people clean, to make people who have broken unclean hearts, to have new clean life producing heart.

This is what he came to do, is the gospel. Jesus came to make us clean on the inside. When Jesus came, he had and still has a perfectly clean heart. His heart never produced the stuff that we read earlier. It never produced anger, murder, lust desex. It wasn't in him. Nothing unclean ever came out of Jesus. Why was because Jesus was wasn't born like you and I were born, he wasn't born into sin like you and I were born, we inherited an unclean heart.

But Jesus was born a miraculous virgin birth by passing the inheritance process that we all inherited, tracing all the way back to Adam and Eve. Jesus wasn't born in that line. He was born of the Holy Spirit. And so we didn't inherit an unclean heart and Jesus lived a clean life at the end of his clean life. Jesus did. He traded his clean life up and he gave it up in place of and for our unclean, all of humanity's unclean sin tainted lives.

"China is deliberately allowing the export of devices that turn handguns into machine pistols

Basic info on the Glock Switch -

The quarter sized gizmos don't even need to be smuggled in -
With a 3D printer, they can be cranked out for about $20/copy.

Long story short - A $20 pocket sized gizmo converts one's Glock into the near-equivalent of a WWII German Schmeiser sub machine-gun.

Should the US again experience something like the '20 George Floyd riots -
We might expect an escalation by an order of magnitude.

Pleasant Dreams, Y'all.


What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And so Jesus died inside the tomb, a spiritual death, spiritual uncleanliness. But on the outside, what do you see? It's not a translucence coffin or tomb. So Pake and his white, white, fresh white paint keep those tombs looking really nice and clean. Don't look up on the inside of them, though, but just look how nice they are on the outside. Just stay focused on what the outside looks like. And Jesus told the religious leaders that what that's what they were doing.

They were doing the same thing. They're just there is appearing clean to everyone that came in contact with them. Look how clean we are. Look washed we are. Look white. We are. But again, don't we do the same thing in our day and age today, in our in our culture today, we don't look far for examples. All of social media. Is this all of it? Our personal social media, Instagram, Facebook, people snap and now and tick tock and the whole thing.

I've done my own personal kind of unofficial, and I and I check off and I go on social media probably too much. But you know what I never see? I never see people posting for the world to see their marriages falling apart or them having breakdowns mentally because their kids are out of control or they're not sharing their failures at work or their despair or their regrets. Do you know what they're sharing just three times? Just the family portraits where everyone's smiling and you can see the little light of the teeth, you know, the Christmas postcard around the tree, everyone hugging in their sweaters and everyone having a good time or days at the beach or the highlights or the good stuff.

And I'm like, hey, celebrate the good stuff. But what I'm saying is when you look at the social media, you only see. The good stuff, you only see the white wash. You don't see what's really going on, you look at celebrities, their lives are jacked up. Do you think it's so cool to have dollars, not millions of dollars, to be movie stars? Their lives are falling apart on the inside. Your athletes who are idols and role models, you know, different political figures, anyone that you look up to and even your neighbors that you look up to or church members that you look up to you and there's all this good.

It's not all good. Reality television is not all good, but that's what social media is. It's a white it's a whitewash. There's what you can see. But I'm not going to take a look at what's on the inside of us. Another place that this takes place is in the church lobby. This happens all the time. And here is the hypothetical scenario. Everyone's hanging out before or after church and you have the classic conversation starter. So how are you doing?

How are you doing these days to tell me what's going on? What's the answer? Always in the church lobby. Great things of great things. I'm so I'm so blessed. God is so good. And, you know, I'm not, If that is you, and you have seasons in your life for that is true of you. I don't want you to make up stories of disappointments and, you know, anxiety and difficulty, you know, because everyone else is doing.

No, no. If you have, if it's a good answer, honestly. But my point is that's how anybody ever answers, only all the time. Like, what are the odds in one church lobby? Everyone's life. Life is great all the time. Here's something to probably consider. It's not great all the time we say we smile and it's good and we're blessed and God is good and that's all true. But we very rarely go and say, you know what?

This is what's actually going on in my heart. Can I remove the whitewash for a bit? Can I open it up and let you know what's going on here? Church lobbies are infamous. No, no, no. Just whitewash. A very important tip at this point, though, what I'm not advocating for is now everyone to gather together in church functions and everyone just vomit out all of their stuff, all of their all of the time 24/7.


Yes, I was found out eventually after a long period. School report showed absences, and raised questions.
My new school, a comprehensive, brought considerable change. New friends, activities, introduction to smoking. One thing that I remember particularly was getting the bus home for lunch and sitting next to someone who would become famous as a pop/rhythm & blues star, with his unique voice and group of musicians. We smoked during the ride and this was the routine for many days. Too young to smoke of course, but the bus was virtually empty & smoking was allowed then on the top deck.

"China is deliberately allowing the export of devices that turn handguns into machine pistols

I've noticed an unusually high number of local news reports of use of weapons in the past few months,.and heard a national news report a couple weeks ago of large numbers of the "Glock Switches" coming across the US Southern Border.



Nobody can tell better. So, nothing to add…Yes, this war going for third year and no end…


Why would Russia embark on a nuclear war when it knows it would be the end of its existence?
The last scene from Planet of the Apes illustrates this.

Useless trivia

Not many people if any while on their hands and knees can look up at the stars either

But I have heard a few bark, and howl at the moon

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

But they have to chose better leadership, not some same 'ol hamas crap,
until then I don't have an ear to lend. Not one.
Israel been too kind for too many years and here we are.
I hope they nwill NOT allow Hamas to continue after the dust clears.

What do you think gz, do you think Hamas will will represent the ganzians when all this is over with?
I think they will still be in charge yes.

So that is what I think of these "innocent ones":
they have to throw their own leadership!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And I'm like, hey, celebrate the good stuff. But what I'm saying is when you look at the social media, you only see. The good stuff, you only see the white wash. You don't see what's really going on, you look at celebrities, their lives are jacked up. Do you think it's so cool to have dollars, not millions of dollars, to be movie stars? Their lives are falling apart on the inside. Your your athletes who are idols and role models, you know, different political figures, anyone that you look up to and even your neighbors that you look up to or or church members that you look up to you and there's all this good.

It's not all good. Reality television is not all good, but that's what social media is. It's a white it's a whitewash. There's what you can see. But I'm not going to take a look at what's on the inside of us. Another place that this takes place is in the church lobby. This happens all the time. And here is the hypothetical scenario. Everyone's hanging out before or after church and you have the classic conversation starter. So how are you doing?

How are you doing these days to tell me what's going on? What's the answer? Always in the church lobby. Great things of great things. I'm so I'm so blessed. God is so good. And, you know, I'm not I'm not. If that is you and you have seasons in your life for that is true of you. I don't want you to make up stories of disappointments and, you know, anxiety and difficulty, you know, because everyone else is doing.

No, no. If you have if it's a good answer, honestly. But my point is that's how anybody ever answers only all the time. Like, what are the odds in one church lobby? Everyone's life. Life is great all the time. Here's something to probably consider. It's not great all the time we say we smile and it's good and we're blessed and God is good and that's all true. But we very rarely go and say, you know what?

This is what's actually going on in my heart. Can I can I can I remove the whitewash for a bit? Can I can I open it up and let you know what's going on here? Church lobbies are infamous. No, no, no. Just whitewash. A very important tip at this point, though, what I'm not advocating for is now everyone to gather together in church functions and everyone just vomit out all of their stuff, all of their all of the time 24/7.

What you probably what we all probably what we all really need is, you know, a couple of close confidants, a couple of close, like really close friends, trusted friends or mentors. We have people on a regular basis where you can say, what, I got this going on in my heart and I need to I need to share it. Things look good on the somebody I need to share what's going on here. Can you can you know me at this level.

I got to do this with with Pastor Jeff yesterday. We were hanging out at the end of our time. I just said he tried to me about a couple of things going on in my life right now. And I got to share those things with him and let him, you know, speak into my life and bring me counsel and pray for me and would desperately need that. Why? Because we have problems on the inside. It was always and pretending like there's no problem doesn't make the problems go away.

And so. Inscribed in the Ferris's, they appear nice on the outside, but inside they were spiritually dead and we can do the same thing today, two thousand years later if we're not aware of it. So those are the two walls from Jesus in these verses. In verses twenty five to twenty eight, they identify two feeble attempts to fix our heart problems while doing nothing to actually fix our heart problems. We can try to clean the outside or we can just put up appearances.


I agree...I visited those countries and others despite the political history...all I can tell you is that people need/want to earn a living and actually want to enjoy life without conflict...
Keep in mind that some are easily duped or ignorant of how others live as some do not read about other countries or travel that will expose themselves to differences...(politically or culturally)
One reason some countries try to ban or block the internet from their people to reduce exposure to what the government does not want you to know...
Profile Deleted

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

I doubt Putin cares about his people...the Iranian government or the North Korean government...Kissinger was another one who had no problems with the needless American human casualties of war...the list goes the USA has Sampson (Trump) in their elections once again...siding for fundamentalists who will vote for him to spread their agenda...
Meanwhile...the Ukraine is being ignored...

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