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One in four women don't have a choice.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Chapter 3
Preaching of John the Baptist
Baptism of Jesus

John the Baptist was a prophet foretold by Isaiah. John prophesied about the Messiah coming after him. He prepared the people with Baptism of water and repentance, but He also speaks of something more, Baptism of Fire from the Holy Spirit, which some today refer to as Confirmation.

There is some question as to why Jesus was baptized? He was the son of God, without sin, so He did not need it for repentance or to clear any original sin for Himself. But in doing so, He fortified what John the Baptist was preaching, that we all need repentance and Baptism.

Baptism of Jesus
If Jesus was Baptized, and God is pleased with Jesus, His son, then there is no question we need to be Baptized too.

This passage gives us a moment to see the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all acting as one. The Word ‘Trinity’ is not in the Bible, yet the concept is. God in three person is shown to us in the Baptism of Jesus.

We may also be reminded of the beginning of Genesis, where God says, let ‘us’ make man in ‘our’ image. This plural usage in Genesis makes sense when we understand the Trinity of 1 God in 3 persons.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

[b]Chapter 2
Visit of the Magi
Flight to Egypt
Massacre of the Infants
Return from Egypt

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the location foretold by the prophet Isaiah. When the Magi came to Jerusalem inquiring about a newborn king of the Jews, King Herod became troubled and found out the Messiah would come from Bethlehem.

Herod’s secret plan was to send the Magi to Bethlehem and once they found Jesus, Herod could come to kill him. The Lord was aware of Herod’s thoughts and warned Joseph in a dream to escape from Egypt.

The Magi worshiped Jesus and were also warned by the Lord in a dream and did not return to Herod.

When Herod learned that the Magi were gone, he had all the male children under 2 years of age killed. Theses children are the first Christian martyrs, now in heaven, given a day of remembrance each year as the Holy Innocents.

The slaughter of the children in Bethlehem can be compared to the slaughter of the male children in Egypt. Moses, the future deliverer of the Israelites, escaped. Jesus the deliverer of us all, escaped.
The Holy Family’s flight to Egypt can be compared to Israel fleeing to Egypt to avoid death.

RE: Soaring gas prices

No president has control of oil prices, aha... but does he
have a say in ordering pipelines blown up? confused
Does he have a say in foreign policies including wars?
Does he have a say in how to handle national crises like Covid?
Does he and his government have a say in what countries to put sanctions on?
Does he and his gov have a say in what national energy politics should be on
What about green power and investments vs more traditional energy sources?
Is the present adm for or against fracking?

Basically are you a 100% sure "no president has control of oil prices" whatsoever?
These things are not intertwined?

. popcorn
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Bible Summary Matthew
Written by Ken Searle in Bible Books

Chapter 1
Genealogy of Jesus
Birth of Jesus
The Gospel of Matthew opens with a list of people’s names, the genealogy of Jesus. Don’t skip it. Matthew is proving to the people of his time (the Jews) that Jesus is the Read thMessiah, who must come from the line of David, the line of Judah, the line of Abraham. If he does not, a responsible Jew would ignore the claim.

Matthew proves Jesus’ ancestry in the line of David and gets their attention.
Read through it to see if you recognize any of the names. If you are reading through the 14 books of the narrative approach, you may recognize some that you have been reading about. It is alright if you don’t recognize them all. Over time more names may look familiar.

Matthew then speaks about Jesus, who is born from a woman and the Holy Spirit, not from Mary and Joseph, It is a true miracle from God.

The birth of Jesus fulfills Gen 3:15 where God promised there would be a battle between the Devil and the woman & her offspring. Mary is the woman and Jesus is the offspring who will ultimately crush the head of the devil; sin and death.

Matthew is only concerned with the Virgin birth of Jesus at this time, explaining there was no possibility that Jesus was conceived by Joseph or any other man.

The genealogy is real people in history that God made a promise with and His promise is about to be fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah.
Emmanuel. God with US

RE: Jury selection...

We eventually got rif of the jury system here,
it was found they be too dumb ... professor
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RE: Jury selection...

I think it would be difficult to find a jury that has not heard, seen or read anything about Trump and others affiliated with him...laugh
So it might be a tad bit difficult accomplishing the task of selecting people who are impartial...
I can imagine how hard it would be to endure the endless hours of listening to testimony/arguments and trying to stay awake...yawn
I hear that someone tried to subpoena Stormy regarding the documentary that just came hmmm
I thought Trix were for kids... bunny
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

How do I apply this?

After enduring four hundred years of prophetic silence, God’s people must have wondered whether or not He had deserted them. After centuries of regular communication from God, the people found themselves without a genuine prophet or spokesman for God. However, the ministries of John and Jesus reminded God’s people that He had not forgotten them. God’s silence during that period was merely a precursor to pulling the linchpin of His redemptive plan. God hadn’t forgotten—He remembered His people. Matthew made that clear.

It was true then, and it is certainly true today. Do you ever feel as though God has deserted you or that He sits in silence in the face of your requests? As we read through the pages of Matthew, not only do we see Jesus Christ revealed as Israel’s King and Messiah, but His coming to earth as God in the flesh reminds us of His deep love for us. Now resurrected and ascended, the Lord Jesus will always be with us, even to the end of time (Matthew 28:20).

Christ’s commission to His followers is still His mandate to us today: “Make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). Christ’s work of building His church is the work He does through each of us.

Copyright ©? 2010 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

RE: Another Public Apology


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Jury selection...

It won't be me...
Vito Roscuttio will be juror number eleven. laugh
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RE: Another Public Apology

Well thanks for your advice Merc. I want the best for you, I actually do.
You can get out of this web as well. I sometimes feel you and me should had been together even, but it's a tad risky business so to speak as both are sensitive folk; some feelings could get hurt along the way and that. But even If I am not available and you are not available to me, we can both find happiness elsewhere. Yes I am a tad desperate, true. Cos time is running out you see. But to be liked is not it, not really. But being able to speak my mind freely is important to me, and the ones I like on here I wanna help and support. I see similar tendencies in you. And that is fine and makes sense. I love you. That is the truth and no mean words can change it. You may think I'm joking here but I'm not. hug
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Book Of Matthew

Who wrote the book?
While Matthew did not sign his own name to “his” gospel, the early church uniformly attested to the apostle’s authorship of the book. As early as AD 140, a Christian named Papias wrote that Matthew had compiled the sayings of the Lord in Hebrew (presumably before Matthew translated them into Greek for a larger audience).

Matthew’s name appears in all the biblical lists of the twelve apostles, though Mark and Luke refer to him as Levi. His history as a tax collector distinguished him from the other apostles, and immediately after his call to follow Jesus—an event he recorded in Matthew 9:9—Matthew hosted a feast for Jesus in his home with an invitation list made up of Matthew’s sinful friends. Apparently Matthew did not think it odd that Jesus and he would associate with the sinful and downtrodden of society.

Where are we?

Matthew is the most Jewish-centric of the four gospels. The apostle regularly invoked the writings of the Old Testament prophets in an effort to illustrate Jesus’s identity as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah.

However, the Gospel of Matthew has been notoriously difficult to date. Several factors speak to a date ranging from AD 60–65. First of all, the book makes no mention of the destruction of the temple, an event which occurred in AD 70. Such a cataclysmic event likely would have received some comment, particularly in a book so clearly influenced by Judaism. The largely Jewish character of the book also suggests it was written at a time when much of the evangelism by Christians was directed more exclusively at Jews, something that became less and less common as the decades passed. Finally, many scholars believe Mark to have been the first gospel composed, making it most probable that Matthew was written soon after.

Why is Matthew so important?
The apostle Matthew, a Jew himself, offered a decidedly Jewish perspective on the ministry of Jesus. He included more than fifty direct citations—and even more indirect allusions—from the Old Testament. This exceeds any of the other gospels and indicates that Matthew had the Jewish population in mind when he sat down to write. Matthew’s extensive connections between Jesus and the Old Testament provide ample prophetic evidence for Jesus’s ministry but also give contemporary readers a glimpse into how first-century readers approached the Old Testament with a Christ-centered mind-set.

In addition, Matthew’s gospel answers the question on the mind of every Jewish reader: “If Jesus is the King of the Jews, then where is God’s promised kingdom?” Matthew reveals that Jesus did offer the kingdom to Israel, but the offer was rejected (Matthew 4:17; 16:13–28; 21:42–43). God’s primary work in the world is now accomplished through the building of Christ’s church, after which Jesus will come again to earth and establish His kingdom—ruling the world from Israel.

What's the big idea?

Matthew wrote his account of Jesus’s ministry to show that Jesus was and is indeed the King, Israel’s long-awaited Messiah. He reflected this concern in his opening line, “The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). From there, Matthew consistently took his readers back to the Old Testament, providing Old Testament testimony regarding the birth of Jesus, Bethlehem as the location of Jesus’s birth, the flight to Egypt, Herod’s slaughter of the infants, and the beginning of Jesus’s ministry. In a world where many in the Jewish community had claimed the role of Messiah for themselves, Matthew’s commitment to grounding the life of Jesus in the Old Testament raised Jesus above the multitude of these false messiahs. The apostle painted a portrait of our Lord that highlights His uniqueness among all others to ever walk this earth.


Rich kids don't end up on the streets or if some do it's extremely rare.

Your blog is about the decline in births in Japan and I've given you an explanation . All I'm saying is if you can't afford to feed and clothe the children you have don't keep having more . doh

RE: Jury selection...

You can’t be impartial Chat....that’s quite obvious.

RE: Soaring gas prices

I'm not and it's a fact that no President has control over price reductions whatever you might choose to believe.
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RE: Soaring gas prices

I filled my tank this morning...$3.60 a gallon.

At the heart of all inflation is a government who is spending money that it does not have...

As long as we do not get a handle on the national debt...we will continue to see everything cost more...
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RE: Soaring gas prices

I was here druring the troll days bunn, I'll give you an example:

I'll hump Trumps leg any day.
In fact I'd be jelux at that chiahuahua,
I'd kick his nuts

Here in Norway prices went down a notch last year.
Riz is very read up on fake news and then he adds some of his own
for good measure.

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Do you think there should be a law to stop people having children if they have insufficient finances to support them adequately? Perhaps completion of an application form should be submitted to authorities for permission to reproduce.


I don't think the kids starve. That's being extreme. They have the right to a life and it's unfortunate that their parents are poor. But they will grow up better and not spoiled like many rich kids.

RE: Another Public Apology

Saw this and thought of you Mermaidhair hug

Embedded image from another site
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I don't control what others do ,it's their choice, same as how many they have,but I do think that the Japanese have got it right in their thinking.don't you?

Are you in turn saying that lots of kids born into a family that can't afford to feed them deserve to starve?


I haven't smoked for almost 25 years and have no desire to after losing people to lung cancer .sigh

RE: Soaring gas prices

Everything is getting more expensive...sigh
Lots of people are upset and prone to finger pointing...
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But you're denying families the right to have kids just because they're poor. Are you saying kids are only for the wealthy?


Did you manage to get a pack?


I was in the queue at W.H.Smiths the other morning and the guy in front of me was asking the price of brands of cigarettes. I nearly fainted when she said £19:50 for a packet of 20 though I can't recall the brand.

For a heavy smoker he/she would be burning away over a £100 or more a weekwow


Not if you can't afford them . That's the problem with today's society as can be seen by our own country and the amount of benefits dished out to large families whose parents can't afford to feed and clothe them.sigh

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Each of these terms describes parts of the same problem—the fact that the average temperature of Earth is rising. As the planet heats up (global warming), we see broad impacts on Earth’s climate, such as shifting seasons, rising sea level, and melting ice.

As the impacts of climate change become more frequent and more severe, they will create—and in many cases they already are creating—crises for people and nature around the world. Many types of extreme weather, including heatwaves, heavy downpours, hurricanes and wildfires are becoming stronger and more dangerous.

Left unchecked, these impacts will spread and worsen, affecting our homes and cities, economies, food and water supplies as well as the species, ecosystems, and biodiversity of this planet we all call home.

All of these terms are accurate, and there’s no perfect one that will make everyone realize the urgency of action. Whatever you choose to call it, the most important thing is that we act to stop it.

Is climate change caused by humans?
Yes, scientists agree that the warming we are seeing today is entirely human-caused.

Climate has changed in the past due to natural factors such as volcanoes, changes in the sun’s energy and the way the Earth orbits the sun. In fact, these natural factors should be cooling the planet. However, our planet is warming.

Why is the planet warming?
Scientists have known for centuries that the Earth has a natural blanket of greenhouse or heat-trapping gases. This blanket keeps the Earth more than 30 degrees Celsius (over 60 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than it would be otherwise. Without this blanket, our Earth would be a frozen ball of ice.

Greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane, trap some of the Earth’s heat that would otherwise escape to space. The more heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, the thicker the blanket and the warmer it gets.

Over Earth’s history, heat-trapping gas levels have gone up and down due to natural factors. Today, however, by burning fossil fuels, causing deforestation (forests are key parts of the planet’s natural carbon management systems), and operating large-scale industrial agriculture, humans are rapidly increasing levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.

The human-caused increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is much greater than any observed in the paleoclimate history (i.e. ancient climate data measured through ice sheets, tree rings, sediments and more) of the earth. As a result, temperature in the air and ocean is now increasing faster than at any time in human history.

Scientists have looked at every other possible reason why climate might be changing today, and their conclusions are clear. There’s no question: it’s us.
One of the main reasons scientists are so worried about climate change is the speed at which it is occurring. In many cases, these changes are happening faster than animals, plants, and ecosystems can safely adapt to – and the same is true for human civilization.

We’ve never seen climate change this quickly, and it is putting our food and water systems, our infrastructure, and even our economies at risk. In some places, these changes are already crossing safe levels for ecosystems and humans.

The Preppy Killer

Cocaine or any drug that induces an euphoric state of mind can reek havoc on one's psyche...
Although, it might be a combination of factors for the Preppy that young age most emotional and intellectual parts of the brain are under developed, but adding drugs to the mix can further impair brain function. This, on top of a gross sense of entitlement or lack of empathy and an underlying rage may have given Robert the ability to kill not just steal from his rich friends...
It does not help at the time that society (in general) bought into his BS story...and in doing that the victim conduct came into question. With time...his true character became known to all...
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Apparently it's Just been revealed that smoking is increasing in the UK amongst middle class women. I suppose they can afford it.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

[b]Last ‘Generation?......NOVEMBER 2019

Millions of people believe that if we do not immediately address climate change, we will literally be in the early stages of mass extinction, and this will be the LAST GENERATION on this earth—with worldwide devastation happening in the next few decades.

A few months ago (on September 19, 2019), millions of people demonstrated across the world demanding urgent action to tackle global warming, as they united across timezones and cultures to take part in the biggest climate protest in history.

People protested from the Pacific Islands, through Australia, across Southeast Asia, Africa, into Europe, and also in the Americas. It was an explosion of the youth movement that was started by a Swedish school ‘striker’ Greta Thunberg just over a year previous to this event.

For the first time since the school ‘strikes’ for climate change that began in 2018, young people called on adults to join them—and they were heard. Trade unions representing hundreds of millions of people around the world mobilized in support, employees left their workplaces, doctors and nurses marched, and workers at firms like Amazon, Google, and Facebook also walked out to join the climate protest.

Demonstrations took place in an estimated 185 countries, but the overall message was unified. It was a demand for an urgent step—immediate action to cut emissions and stabilize the clim

Inspired by the Swedish teenage climate activist, fellow climate-change warrior Lucas Barrero, said in his new book, “The World You Are Leaving Us,” “We are the first generation that will suffer, or rather, is already suffering the effects of the ecological and climate crisis. But we are the last generation that can do something to stop the disaster.”

Here in America, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), made headlines when she said (in January 2019) that she and other young Americans fear that “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” She also remarked that the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change is her generation’s “World War II.”

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) joined fellow Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in predicting the climate change-induced doomsday, but he said that, “The world only has 10 years left.” (His climate change proposal, that seeks to hit net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, is estimated to cost about $5 trillion over the next ten years).

However, on the other ‘side’ of the argument, many prominent climate scientists refuted AOC’s claim, with NASA climate scientist Kate Marvel stating that climate change is not a “cliff we fall off” but rather “a slope we slide down.”

RE: Another Public Apology

To Mer no need for apologies my opinions on the internet are no different to my opinions when it comes to face to face moments with my friends here in the real world I'm simply not a fan of men gaslighting & playing games with woman Nor am I fan of woman playing games with men i just can't lie knowing that person could end up getting sucked in & taken for a ride by a person of the opposite sex Take real good care of yourself
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RE: Another Public Apology


You mean the disgusting gang you participated in so don't start this gang crap as there isn't any gang now that you were a part of for a long time

So it's insanity when people aren't needy & desperate like yourself desperate to be in a relationship

You must have way too much time on your hands Too much time Lonely & desperate

Your so desperate to be liked you don't dare to be honest with Mer because you would rather see the lady get hurt telling the lady what you think she wants to hear all for the sake of you being liked & then you have the hide to try & spin it that those who have an opinion whom aren't into being desperate to be liked are in a gang & insane for not being interested in being in a relationship

If you can't be real with Mer then that explains why you will always be single

Be a real friend to Mer for her own safety because being a real friend isn't about sucking up ones arse to be liked

Unlike you
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Also, African countries are seeing the biggest increase in population numbers. Syria also expanding.

RE: Soaring gas prices

In the UK car insurance prices have shot up by 50 - 60%. So, not just fuel prices that have increased. All allegedly down to inflation. Cost of repairs, paint etc.
If you're a young person starting life with a car, then you would expect to pay over £1000 insurance premium.
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