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RE: Game Night

Comments from the other viewers always
A rich gooey noughat of snark.

RE: Game Night

Sounds groovy....the ultimate game is to beat / tap your 'smart phone ' into a slave existence of making Coin with no time off...

You know , the way $acto treats it lower class real time.


RE: How to raise $454 Million...

i couldn't read all the comments. not enough "adults" in it from the start.

trump most likely doesn't need to raise any money.

there's an amendment that can be used for appeal and then some.

the fact that it was a civil suit with twisted people in charge tells me all i need to know. it should never have been allowed in a court room to begin with. corruption protects corruption and the demonrats needed it to happen.

no damages any where except from the use of a very corrupt illegal system claiming to be legal and getting away with it so far.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

the site died on me. I hope, though, that I managed to provide the most of my opinion :)
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

My ground education being economics and my current employment being statistics, I cannot classify that my opinion is right on what is what in the current state of affairs in the world. As they say: it is not my desc. And it is not. I am not a specialist. But I do pay attention to a few things in this world and, of course, the election in USA is one of them. (I also read a lot of different analysts on that subject. I do like to hear different opinion on the subject when a speaker has an appropriate background, like education or experience or relevant positive rumour at least. (Like Chirsto Grozev). Breakfast Show has their correspondent in USA right now and she's reporting straight how it is.)

From what I know right now: Trump is to pay a certain sum (hefty,ld say, but it depends on the context) and the questions is if he has those money. If not, what is the source that would provide it? Russian budget can. Sure. It can provide grater sums. Just ask. Do you watch the space? I do.

As to ideologies... putler has none. A politologist analyesed one of putler's speeches and came to a conclusion that he talks to different groups without any main idea. He promise everything to every one. For sovkodrochers he promise restoration of USSR. For those, longing for tsarist times he promise restoration of the great impire with all its saving of the Slavic world of Bulgrian and
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RE: Who is next?

Many people worldwide care deeply about the state of affairs in Ukraine, not just regarding Ukraine but the fact Russia decided to make an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation, these people can see that should Russia succeed, then the many countries around Russia will also be targets for an invasion.

It is imperative that Ukraine is allowed to maintain its sovereignty and stop Russia's highly illegal war, not just for Ukraine but for all Russia's bordering nations.

The world needs to support Ukraine and end this war.
View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 23

How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

You really don't get it, Putin couldn't care less about NATO, he knows full well that NATO cannot attack, Using NATO was just an excuse to instigate a war on the lucrative sovereign nation Ukraine.
Russia needed money, Ukraine was rich and he decided to invade, it is that simple.
View Blog    4 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 24

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

What errand is that Tulefell? To end the war on Ukraine with a Russian takeover of those 4 regions at the sout-east? I think that might be the end result regardless if who is the president. The irony is that if they had not taken away the seat from underneath Trump in 2020 then Ukraine would most likely not been invaded at all, cos Trump would ease up on US presence and at a minimum grant Putins wish of no Nato membership to Ukraine - et voila! No war, no more lost land than what they had to let go of in 2014 that was Krim.

Now, under Biden everything looks dim. Because nobody ever listened to Putin and his very reasonable demands to the west.

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How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I think Putin is also following many of the same ideologies that Trump/Hitler is using, Hitler, Putin and Trump are all peas in the same pod.

They all want total control, and don't give a flying feck about their respective countries or people.

I don't think your opinion is irrelevant, as whoever leads the US will affect most of the world, good and/or bad
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RE: Shit happens

Ad spot. | Grip store.

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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Well... unpopular opinion: Hitler's playbook isn't possible in a healthy democracy.

Another question: is USA democracy healthy? Is it really possible that 2 parties absorb and then represent all the variety of opinions?

Those are my questions. I don't possess USA citizenship and I cannot vote. Which makes my opinion a insignificant noise.

Nonetheless with all my noise: it's not Hitler's, it is pootler's errands that our boy trumpsy is running.
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Brain salad surgery. ) .E L P
Black • • D O T S. ) Bad brains.
Electric president) braniac

Skynet is here. - Arnold.

What a great day for the Irish

Well I can assure you I won't be feeling sorry for any leftie when they get their due....
they all can't just step aside runaway, as Leo has just did.

RE: Serious relationship

So, what is your country?

Who is next?

Thank you for caring!

I do understand when people don't care about events that happened in a faraway land they know nothing about and don't know nothing about. It is normal.

But I don't understand people, who support plundering and humiliation of a nation they don't care about. That's beyond me.

Thank you one again!
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 23

What a great day for the Irish

You would imagine so handshake

80 if not more of our TD's and senators are landlords, landowners or both .. a clear indication lining their pockets is their priorities, not the Irish people.

RE: What a great day for the Irish

I think I would answer "I'm not much more racist than the average dude walking down a street in Islamabad". Wonder what her comback would be on that. drinking
I feel sorry for these leftie good doers who deep down must know thayre being had but has no other way out than to shout a bit louder than before in hope something miraculously good will happen.

Useless trivia

A plot to assassinate Germany's Adolf Hitler came within 120 seconds of success on March 21, 1943.

With growing military failures in World War II, senior army officers planned to kill the Nazi Fuehrer and bring an end to the conflict. With Hitler surrounded by tight security, Colonel Freiherr von Gersdorff offered to make the ultimate sacrifice as he accompanied the Nazi leader on a tour of a military museum in Berlin.

?Von Gersdorff had two bombs in his coat pockets, each with a 10-minute, fuse. Keeping a careful eye on his watch, he planned to embrace Hitler seconds before detonation and kill him in a suicide bombing.

But Hitler suddenly changed his schedule, and departed the museum's exhibition hall after only eight minutes. ?Von Gersdorff had just enough time to rush to a bathroom where he defused the bombs.

Useless trivia

An eastern Kentucky couple has been accused of trying to sell their newborn twin girls.

The couple offered to sell the babies, who were born February 28, to a relative for US$5000 (NZ$8225), the Jackson County Sheriff's Department said in arrest citations.

The mother and father, both in their early 20s, were each charged with promoting human trafficking.

Authorities say the relative reported the attempt to police with evidence that included text messages and a video recording.

RE: Serious relationship

Surich Bern?
Might need to correct that!
That place doesn't exist anywhere in Switzerland!confused

Useless trivia

A Queensland camper has made a momentous scientific discovery after taking a closer look at a hairy poo.

Entomologist James Tweed was chilling out in the lush rainforest that sits behind the Gold Coast's busy beaches a while back.

As he wandered off to clean his teeth, his gaze fell upon what he thought was a blob of bird poo, turning furry with mould in the humidity.

But it turned out to be Australia's newest creepy-crawly – a longhorn beetle so distinct from its relatives that it's not just a new species, but a whole new genus.

What a great day for the Irish

Must be a welsh thing blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

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RE: What a great day for the Irish

Sorry to hear that. We expect those we vote in to better our futures but most better their own sad to say.sigh

What a great day for the Irish

Unfortunately Spitz we won't when their all as corrupt as the rest....
maybe some day but not in this present time.


Mcbob .) hold my raisins ...






RE: Useless trivia

As I stated on another blog relating to the above Trump seems to have forgotten his past links with drug cartels.doh
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RE: Serious relationship

Guten Morgen.

wann heiraten wir? rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: What a great day for the Irish

And refreshingly honest, has integrity, cares about Ireland and it's people? dunno

We have a new First Minister as of today: Humphrey Vaughn ap David Gething, our first Black person to hold the role.

Indeed, the first Black leader of any European country.

Many congratulations to Vaughn Gething for his historic achievement. applause


Unreal for sure.....................:
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

. Preterism does not do justice to the dramatic nature of the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the subsequent changes that follow. Despite the preterist claims that the Kingdom has been realized and that we are now in it, a person who knows and understands their Bible will reject those claims. In the absence of the King, there can be no Kingdom.

It is the return of Christ to earth that brings about the destruction of the kingdom of man and brings about a new order of things. The Kingdom in its glory will not be established until Christ returns. Hence His return is pre-millennial (Dan. 2:34–35). The Kingdom is not established by a gradual process of infiltration and permeation, but by a sudden and devastating blow. “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war”(see Rev. 19:11–21). Preterists seem to have missed the glory of the Kingdom Age. “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isa. 2:4; 11:6–9; see also Jer. 31:35–37; Ezek. 36:25–32).

III. Preterism has a tendency to minimize the reality of Satanic conflict in the present hour and how it fits the prophetic picture. Revelation 13 delineates future events that line up with this present day. There is an emerging one-world government (vs. 7), an ever increasing effort to centralize all religious expression (vs. 12), and a one-world economy (vs. 17). COVID-19 has promoted the idea of a cashless society because cash is “dirty,” and plastic is safer. Reasonable efforts to close the American borders are ridiculed. The legalization of homosexual marriage, transgenderism, and the collapse of the traditional family is now on fast-forward. We are slipping into national insanity. Those who protest against the destruction of traditional roles are now seen as being on the “lunatic fringe.”

Bible prophecy, as understood from a futurist perspective, gives us great insight into the present times. It reminds us that things are not falling apart but falling into place. Bible prophecy reveals the plan of God and demands our surrender to the God who knows “the end from the beginning,” according to Isaiah 46:10, “and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”

One of the sad effects of postmodernism, evolutionary historiography, and the godless innovations of man-centered theology, is that it removes the glory and majesty of God. Man becomes a substitute deity. The watering-down of Bible prophecy is one of the casualties of this sad state of affairs. It’s time to let the prophets of old speak. Only when that happens is there hope for true worship and a hell-busting revival. We need to thank God for Bible prophecy, not deny that it even exists.

Larry Spargimino
Dr. Larry Spargimino is co-host of the SWRC broadcast and joined the ministry in 1998. Larry researches and writes books and articles for the ministry, assists on tours, and helps answer listeners' theological questions when they call the ministry. Larry holds a doctorate from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and pastors a local church.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Since the destruction of Jerusalem occurred in a.d. 70, preterists have to date the writing of the book of Revelation as pre-a.d. 70, maybe a.d. 66 or a.d. 67. An early date for the book is absolutely necessary for the preterist viewpoint to be valid. Most scholars, however, hold to a much later date for the writing of the book of Revelation, like around a.d. 90. If preterists are wrong here, their whole view collapses. If futurists are wrong and if the book of Revelation was written pre-a.d. 70, futurism does not really lose much. The dating of the book of Revelation is not critical to futurism, but it is to preterism.

I attended a debate between Dr. Mark Hitchcock who argued for the late date and Hank Hanegraaff, “The Bible Answer Man,” who argued for the early date. He believes that the book of Revelation was written during the reign of Emperor Nero (a.d. 37–68), and is the Antichrist of the book of Revelation. The debate occurred at the annual Pre-Tribulatio Study Group Meeting, Dallas, Texas, on December 10, 2007. Several videos of the debate can be accessed on the Internet. Dr. Hitchcock had written his Ph.D. dissertation on the dating of the book of Revelation and made a number of irrefutable points. Dr. Hitchcock told me that he had sent Mr. Hanegraaff a copy of his dissertation several months earlier, but Mr. Hanegraaff, evidently, had not read the dissertation. Here are some of the dangers that I see in the preterist system.

I. Preterism totally ignores how technology has now put the most destructive and frightening prophecies well within reach of the human race. For centuries Christian commentators have had to spiritualize many of the prophecies of the book of Revelation. There was no way that the horrors described in the book of Revelation could literally come to pass. That is no longer true.

Several years ago Richard Abanes wrote End-Time Visions, a book in which he totally discounts the destructive potential of modern warfare and the precarious position of the human race at the present hour. Abanes argues that “there is no significant trend upward … in the number of wars, or their severity or magnitude.”

There is no way this statement can be justified. In recent years, there has been the widespread proliferation of nuclear weapons. My daughter was in the Air Force and stationed at an ICBM base in Montana. One of those missiles could hit a target the size of a birdhouse on the other side of the world with the equivalent of several million tons of TNT.

Added to this is the fact that though many undeveloped nations do not possess the technology to make and deliver a nuclear warhead, they can, nevertheless, make and deliver bioweapons, the effects of which would also lead to the deaths of millions. Toxins can be sprayed from small aircraft. Such weapons have an appeal to terrorist nations because bioweapons have a delayed action. A lag period, or incubation period—sometimes several hours or even several days—must elapse between the time the victim is exposed to the infectious agent and the actual time symptoms begin to show themselves.

On May 12, 1951, newspapers around the world reported the following: “The explosive equivalent of several million tons of TNT was released here today on the tiny atoll of Eniwetok as scientists of the Atomic Energy Commission detonated the world’s first thermonuclear device—the H-Bomb.”

Technology has changed so many aspects of our lives. In Revelation 11:7–9 we read of the death of the two witnesses. “Their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord also was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies. …” Modern technology makes that possible, just as it is now possible to view Olympic athletes in Beijing on American TV.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Preterism On Trial – Part I...Larry Spargimino...March 15, 2022

What would you think if someone told you that all prophecy has been fulfilled? Moreover, what if that person argues that the Bible does not speak about the future, nor does it even speak about what is happening in today’s world.

You might agree. If you do, you are a preterits. If not, you are a futurist. Preterists believe that the future events so labeled by futurists are really past events. They have all been fulfilled.

What Is Preterism?

There are two kinds of preterists. Full preterists believe that all so-called future events, even the return of Jesus Christ, have already happened. How could you miss it? Partial preterists do believe in a literal, bodily physical return of Jesus Christ, but everything else—the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, God’s promises to Israel, the Gog-Magog War—have all been completely fulfilled. Barcode technology and the RFID chip have nothing to do with prophecy and should not be viewed as having anything to do with “the Mark of the Beast.”

Preterism has become very popular for two reasons. First, it helps to justify replacement theology. Israel is like every other nation of the world. It has no special future in the plan of God. Lots of nation became sovereign states in the 1940s—Israel did, but so did Pakistan and others. Preterits don’t believe that May 14, 1948, has anything to do with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

The second reason why preterism has become popular is because of what preterists often call “last days madness.” Wild predictions, a lack of good biblical exegesis, and plenty of sensationalism have caused a push-back against prophecy. Let’s face it, how many times can you write about “final signs” when it is clear that they are not final. “Final” means “final.” When you are at the airport and you hear, “This is the final call for flight ABC,” you don’t expect any more calls.

Preterit “Time Texts”
Everyone has a text. The preterists have “time texts.” Revelation 1:1 reads: “The revelation of Jesus Christ … to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass.” Preterits take this to mean, “in a very short time, not thousands of years in the future.”

Another time text is Matthew 24:34, “Verily, I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Jesus uttered these words in the first century a.d. The generation on earth when Jesus spoke these words shall not pass until everything in the Olivet Discourse occurs, namely, in the first century a.d.

The preterits understanding of these time texts are problematic—for preterits. I think they are so eager to disprove the existence of prophecy that they pounce on these texts like a hungry fox pouncing on a rabbit.

Preterits generally see “the end” as occurring in a.d. 70 when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and slaughtered multitudes of Jews. It was, no doubt, a terrible time, but certainly does not fit Tribulation scriptures unless they are spiritualized. It’s on this basis that full preterits also spiritualize the Second Coming.

Since the destruction of Jerusalem occurred in a.d. 70, preterits have to date the writing of the book of Revelation as pre-a.d. 70, maybe a.d. 66 or a.d. 67. An early date for the book is absolutely necessary for the preterit viewpoint to be valid. Most scholars, however, hold to a much later date for the writing of the book of Revelation, like around a.d. 90. If preterits are wrong here, their whole view collapses. If futurists are wrong and if the book of Revelation was written pre-a.d. 70, futurism does not really lose much. The dating of the book of Revelation is not critical to futurism, but it is to preterism.

RE: What a great day for the Irish

He had his good points .

1. Avoiding a hard border during Brexit

2. Legalising abortion

Of course you may entirely disagree with these points.

Hope you get someone in office that can unite not destroy Celtic.Anyone in mind ?dunno
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RE: How to raise $454 Million...

'Vetting, or un-vetting' what, or whom? confused

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