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RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

Aha... hehe.
Peace keeping bombers laugh

But it's nice you call me friend, thanks for that Riz hug

RE: So where's THE DUKE

Celtic I am a MD cast off but I try not to log in too often.
People are very negative here.
I only see a few from MD on here..Chat, Agentbob and myself.
Bob isn't here much and I'm here even less than him.
You always seem fair, even if you disagree you do it with style instead of being crass.thumbs up

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The second thing we need to remember when we come across a punishment that seems overly harsh to us in our 21st century context is we need to remember that these punishments were intended. I know this is a crazy concept for a legal system, but they were intended to create genuine deterrence that would discourage crime and all but eliminate serial offenders. And that's a bonkers concept to write laws that way. But that's what God was doing. Do you know that the overwhelming and when I say overwhelming, I mean overwhelming, like in the high 90s, the overwhelming percentage of crime is committed by repeat offenders.

I know cops. I'm not joking.

I know cops from my gym who police all over Greater Vancouver, who deal with people on the regular, who they've arrested hundreds of times, not dozens, hundreds of times.

And that's because the punishments in our legal system are simply not harsh enough to deter criminals. We've actually made the risk worth the reward, especially when it comes to crimes like theft. If you saw this week there was a brewery in Pocho who had ordered two of these massive distillers, these giant metal drums that are like 15 feet high, they're huge. They're worth forty thousand dollars each.

They just had them arrived and they left them outside the back of their brewery.

Because your logically thinking, who's going to steal this? Right. And lo and behold, somebody came with a truck that had a crane on it and stole both of them. And here's what blew my mind. So you've got this. You got to think how are you going to get rid of this thing? They didn't have a crooked inside guy. They just went to a random scrap yard. And we're like here we'd like to sell the scrap metal.

That's like showing up to a scrap yard with a space shuttle on the back of your truck. You're like, I have a suspicion that this wasn't just something you owned previously.

And you're like, oh, I don't need this giant distiller any more for my recreational private brewery.

And so the guy who owned the scrap yard had seen the story and he called the police and they managed to recover them. And so you're thinking, why would these guys take a risk? I mean, this isn't even a clever crime. It's just so lazy. It's a low quality crime. There's no real effort. But why would they feel emboldened to be so reckless? It it's really, really simple.

It's because the theft laws in British Columbia are an absolute joke. These guys are not going to go to jail for this. They're not going to be fined in any way for this. They're almost certainly going to be let go on probation. That's what's going to happen. So for them, the risk is absolutely worth the potential reward.

If we get caught, nothing's really going to happen to us. If we don't get caught, we're all going to Mexico on vacation. So what are we going to do? And that sort of thing that didn't happen under God's laws for Israel. And as we read through these laws in Exodus, I think you will agree that if implemented, they would significantly cut down on the number of repeat offenders. For example, it has been statistically proven that 100 percent of people who received the death penalty never again committed a crime.

This is absolutely amazing, incredible how well it works, etc.. So lastly, before we really get into the text, I want you to know that I'm going to be speaking broadly today and broadly next week. And there are all kinds of unique situations that come up related to these issues in real life that require nuance. There are all kinds of situations that come up that are not as black and white as I may make them sound as I teach today.

I simply can't cover every hypothetical situation.

But there are all kinds of situations that come up in life that require lots of prayer, that require lots of seeking.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Building a Godly Society (Part 1)

Series: Exodus

Passage: Exodus 21:12-17

Speaker: Jeff Thompson

As the Book of the Covenant moves to deal with 4 capital offenses, we gain some profound insights into things God cares deeply about. In this study, we'll examine the value of human life, how we are to relate to our parents, and why God has ordained certain offices of authority that may or may not be occupied by godly people.

Today's study finds us in a portion of the Book of Exodus that is known as the Book of the Covenant, a collection of civil laws given by God to his people, the Israelites, to help them build a society after being freed from slavery in Egypt.

And the goal was not simply to build a society, but to build a society that reflected Israel's status as the people of God by reflecting the values of God in the way that they lived out their everyday lives.

The Book of the Covenant takes the timeless values of the Ten Commandments and applies them to the very specific historical and geographical context of the Israelites in the century following their release from Egypt.

And so what we are interested in is the heart of God, the values of God that are revealed in these commands. We're not really concerned with how to live well in the ancient Near East. That's not what we're looking for here.

We're not looking for guidance on how to properly manage our oxen, OK? We're concerned with learning more of the heart of God and how then we can apply that heart to our everyday lives.

Last week, BJ walks us through the issue of slavery and verse is one through 11. And so we're going to pick things up in verse 12 of Exodus 21 in just a minute. I know that we shared that we were going to touch on the sensitive subject of abortion this week. But as I was studying, I realized this really needs to be a two part study. And I think you're going to see why as we get into this.

So today's message is going to lay the foundation for some of the main discussions surrounding the subject of abortion, which will take place next week. But they're going to tie together and we just want to approach the issue as best we can as graciously and as biblically as we can. And the last thing that we want to do is be rushed through it and risk being insensitive on something so important. So this week's going to be part one and the next week is going to be part two.

As always, have your heart and mind open to the Lord today.

So if I go through something and the Holy Spirit nudges you, just says, hey, you need to look into that further, make a note on your outline, say I got to study this more this week because the Holy Spirit is drawing your attention to something and God has something he wants to show you now as we work through the Book of the Covenant.

This collection of civil laws, one of the contextual issues to always keep in mind is that there were no jails under God's laws. There were no prisons. Issues were brought before judges. If a punishment was required, it was administered immediately and the issue was done with. So when we come across punishments in the Book of the Covenant or the whole Old Testament, that might seem severe to us or harsh to us, there are two things that we need to keep in mind, and I put them on your outline.

The first thing we need to recognize is that it could be revealing how seriously God views the issue.

Do you realize there are things that we don't take very seriously today, but God takes very seriously and we're going to talk about why God takes some of these things so seriously as we make our way through the text.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

I am not condemning all public-school teachers. There are some godly teachers who have a unique calling to work in the public school. However, they are fighting a battle they can’t possibly win. And they are deceiving parents who say, “Mrs. Jones is a good Christian woman and she teaches at the public school. It must be OK.” It’s not. Mrs. Jones does not write the curriculum and she is surrounded by a multitude of teachers who have been indoctrinated in state teachers’ colleges.

Joe Biden is a firm believer in “transgender rights” and recently condemned “conversion therapy,” yet he and his supporters think “Drag Queen Story Hours” in the local public library are harmless. Fortunately, an increasing number of parents are protesting. They don’t want their boys and girls groomed for the gay lifestyle.

Yeonmi Park, a young woman who defected from North Korea, told a Fox News reporter that she is worried freedoms are being lost in America amid what she describes as “the left-wing indoctrination in K-12 schools.” “This is exactly the dictator’s handbook,” Park said. “It’s Hitler’s youth. Mao’s youth and Kim Il-Sung’s youth. They always go for young children because they have not lived their life long enough to have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable, and easy to absorb information and believe it and they are innocent. And big killers who want to seize power from the people, they always mobilize the youth.”

Yes, kids are young and innocent. But what excuse can adult parents give for surrendering their kids to the devil?

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Christians resisting woke cultural shift
Larry Spargimino
September 27, 2022
America is in the process of destroying itself. In 1940 the top leading problems in schools were talking out of turn, chewing gum, making noise, running in the halls, cutting in line, dress-code violations and littering. Today it is alcohol and drug abuse, pregnancy, suicide, rape, robbery and violent assault.

We have gone from public schools which taught moral principles and good citizenship with high scholastic achievement, to schools that have disrespect for authority, murderous rage, low SAT scores and an avoidance of anything Christian.

John Adams, second President of the United States, gave a speech to the military in 1798. In it he warned, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by religion and morality.” He was right. “Righteousness exalted a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34).

I’ve pastored in Tennessee, and now in Oklahoma. In both states, i high school students drove to school during hunting season with a shotgun or rifle in the gun rack, very visible for everyone to see. Today, such a scene would bring out the SWAT team. What has happened to us?

After her daughter was born, pop star Madonna said, “I want her to read the Bible, but I will explain to her that these are stories that people made up to teach people … It’s not the rule.” That’s what happened to America.

Yet, Christians are impacting the culture. The number of sanctuary cities for the unborn has grown exponentially, and many parents are now taking an active part in speaking out at school board meetings. Parents are now realizing the dangers of woke ideology and the cancel culture. Though our president calls it “domestic terrorism,” it hasn’t deterred parents who disagree that “the school owns your child.”

There is one thing, in particular, that is especially encouraging to me: More students who are coming to America to study from countries hostile to Christianity are experiencing new life in Christ. I know some of them personally.

The hour is late and the time is short, but don’t forget the opening words of our program: “God is still on the throne, and prayer changes things.”

Anti-God schools, society mobilizing our youth

Tyrants know that tyranny is not generally popular. Nobody wants an elitist snob ruling over them. Hence tyrants have to resort to indoctrination. People who are indoctrinated will tolerate what they would not tolerate before their minds were indoctrinated.

Are our children being indoctrinated? Is that why we are losing more and more of our constitutional freedoms and large segments of our population don’t seem to mind? Is that why China and Russia are raising soldiers who will win wars and we are raising gay pride flags that will make us look like fools?

Why are more and more American men and women no longer joining the military? Why don’t we have pride in our history and a wholesome love for our country? Statistics reveal trends and certain trends are alarming. Eighty percent of our kids who were raised in church no longer attend church or live a consistently Christian life. The No. 1 reason they have repeatedly given, “The church’s values are not our values.”

That’s no surprise. A good Bible-believing church has not changed its biblically based values but the public schools in America, and some so-called “Christian” schools, have.

As our society and public schools become increasingly more corrupt and anti-God those who attend anti-God schools will find they are increasingly uncomfortable with their church’s values. Parents have raised their kids on the best of diets, brought them to the best of doctors, and then turned them over to the TV and the public school.

RE: Getting some surprising health answers.

Mail them to me. I haven’t quite “seen the light” yet. laugh

Is Europe going to War soon?

Any nato country sends troops to ukraine, and there are two nato countries speaking about doing so already, nato will be in a nuclear war with russia.

RE: Just for me, my thoughts.

I don't think wanting to change someone is necessarily a bad thing, after all there is self improvement within us all .. unless of course, one claims to be perfect innocent lol

As true as you might like to think you know yourself, strangers can introduce you to yourself, better ..
hope that makes some sense to you conversing

Nice seeing you again Jewels, good to read you're doing well wave

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

What utter rubbish, NATO is a peace keeping organization, just show me one instance where NATO has instigated a war.

You really need to learn some history my friend, your knowledge is sadly lacking with regard to NATO.
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 16

Where is Kate Middleton

The younger people have always being trying to take over from their elders, such is life ...
but in my opinion since the death of Elizabeth any respect for the royal family, died with her and rightfully so as she was the only person among them all that earned it... she had my fullest as a Queen sad flower

Their latest behaviour, Never have I seen the likes of such before thumbs up
how disrespectful to their people.

Where is Kate Middleton

Typo error, would WHAT then ....

No Spitz, I'm not referring to Frederik, so I hope I don't get shot for my wrong wording hole
but I'm sure no doubt a time will come when a king shall be gay, when it happens it will be interesting to see how people will deal with it conversing

If I did not know any better I would question are you trying to dirty Fred's bib so Williams would not look so stained roll eyes

Again, no sign of Kate today.

So where's THE DUKE

Now now Blue, no need to insult the mules roll eyes


So where's THE DUKE

I have asked you nicely but since you decided to ignore...
I've just gone and removed you myself.

Keep coming and I'll keep deleting just as I have your last comment.

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

Cos it can bring us into ww3. Dissolve it.

RE: Getting some surprising health answers.

The healthiest person I know has got to have to worst diet ever.
good, bad health... it's all down to luck JMO conversing

G'luck with your results wine

When peaceful protests fall on deaf ears

Despite our massive win in the referendum last week our protest are still falling on deaf ears ....
too many greedy bastards and traitors in Ireland these days mumbling
nevertheless I'm holding out for a miracle regarding Sean and his cabin.

I had hoped RTE or Virgin news would of covered how the march/protest went today, but no surprise really when neither channel aired it thumbs down
so apart from word of mouth I've no idea how it went today, can't even find any footage on Utube, if anyone has any? I'd appreciate any updates in here in did many turn out in support of Sean?

you go Mattie applause

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

Why are you so scared of NATO?
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 16

Getting some surprising health answers.

Ha ha laugh. Probably. But I like to eat in moderation. Usually, I would stuff my face with potato chips every day, but I have kind of stopped eating them.

I have a bunch of bags laying around, but I am thinking of getting rid of them. The desire to eat them simply isn't there

Getting some surprising health answers.

That video isn't really relevant to me. Mainly because the food he mention in the video isn't something I am consuming on a regular basis. Margarine has been banned for the past 20 years, and artificial sweeteners is mainly found in sugar-free stuff, which I don't consume. Good shout, though

RE: Man 64 yr-old man seeking woman, 18-35

at 64 his hands be wrinklier than his balls

RE: God Bless the USA !

You are shit stirring
Your efforts to gain attention is seems you have a limited education background...not just in schooling but in life...I wonder if you ever traveled out of the USA or perhaps just in areas that cater to some who like all inclusive trips with the notion that they keep the locals out...laugh
Kate Smith is dead...leave her out of it...

View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

RE: Man 64 yr-old man seeking woman, 18-35

There is this guy who is 77 yrs old and he told me that he would like us to start a relationship. I told him I am into younger guys and when the younger ones try . I tell them I am into older men . Just loving my life .

RE: Man 64 yr-old man seeking woman, 18-35

Hi there jagmaster I'm with you on this one. We were talking on this subject but email to you had been blocked???? Tawny

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

Yes I do.
Cos he takes Nato more seriously than me who cosider that USAs P.C way of expand their sphere of influence, however falsly presented as some peace keeping org. He reread article 5 a few times I'm sure. Those (Baltic States) are lost in Putins eyes, too late to keep Nato out now.

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

You really think Poo-Tin is going to stop now!
There are more Russian Minorities in the three Baltic States that need to be "liberated",and I bet he will find a few in other localities!uh oh

Embedded image from another site

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

But I agree with macG and Rit thou- ofcourse.
It's a dangerous game to show no respect eastwords whatsoever.
+ if this gender neutral crap is to be taken seriously...well then maybe AI robots a la terminator will be there just in time to "save" is from defeat (lol).

You know I do believe in peaceful solution at the end of the day.
I choose to still believe there must be a few adults left
in the western room who can drag the handbrake in the last minute if need be.
Putin is not playing games here.

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

Rainbow oh no... lol.
Reg.Idiots, actually rather smart by the dnc to push forward
them crazy idiots w hair colored in all rainbow colors there
(Greta and her friends) cos they make so much noise and thereby
deflect from real reflection of a large group of voters.
Imagine if they all engaged in real healthy meaningful debate
instead of calling Donald names ha'... lol
had been 49 or 50 red states in a heartbeat.



@OP: 'galdars' sais hello laugh

dancing cheering

RE: Is Europe going to War soon?

M O | men only

M & M | Macgregor & the Marine [ Ritter

These guys are giving you the straight whiskey on WW3. The USA is being run
By psycho babbling rainbow* idiots.

* With the deepest & covert Fe [ iron
.eYe remind you that the Allied battle plan
For W W 2 was called; RAINBOW.sigh
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 31

The dyslexic bookkeeper...

I saw a sign on a truck this morning:
4 out of 3 people don't know how to work with fractions
View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

RE: A rigged Russian election... how is that possible?

Per the Ukraine war...he has an 85% approval
. rating in Russia.
In Moscow, just in case you be interested..
$7 @ McDonald's buys
2 cheese burgers & fry's
1 large Cola
1 big slice of chocolate cake.

RE: So where's THE DUKE this must be the "hate" blog...

...and for the record:

( and eYe was the burn ward Dr. ) .. bringing balm or fire as needed.

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