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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Well known Christian teacher and author Shaun McDowell says this through the New Testament documents compare with other ancient books, a stack of existing manuscripts from the average classical writer would measure about four feet high. Yet, the New Testament manuscripts would start to more than one mile high. The Bible is unique in how popular it is as well, the familiar observation that the Bible is the best-selling book of all time obscures a more startling fact. The Bible is the best selling book of the year.

Every single year, over 100 million Bibles are sold or given away for free every year in the world, according to The Economist and the Guinness Book of World Records. Record Records estimates that more than five billion copies of the Bible have been printed. None of these facts about the Bible should overshadow one of the most incredible aspects of it. The Bible contains one single cohesive story all the way through from beginning to end. If you are a person who fancies themselves as someone who appreciates things like reason, logic, facts and reality.

Then you will be forced to acknowledge that there is no other book on the planet that even comes close to how awesome the Bible is as a piece of literature. This is the first layer of believing the Bible, believing the facts about it as a book. And many people, both Christians and non Christians, would claim to believe the things I've just shared with you. But the Bible is not just an incredible book because of some of the facts we just heard about it, the Bible is an incredible book because of some incredible things that it says about itself.

It makes out of this world claims. It's one thing to believe the facts about the Bible as a piece of literature, but it's another thing altogether to actually believe what the Bible says about itself. Which brings us to the second layer of believing the Bible. And it's the next villain on your outline later to, we believe, the claims the Bible makes about itself. We believe the claims the Bible makes about itself. There are a lot of them, we're going to break down the claims the Bible makes into eight specific categories.

Claim number one, the Bible is inspired when Christians claim the Bible is inspired. What do they mean? Well, inspiration is about the relationship between God and the Bible. The Bible's authors, these men, were inspired in the way that we typically use the word today. It's not as if the apostle Paul saw a gorgeous sunset and then it was moved emotionally to write the book of Galatians. Nor does it mean he would enter some into some catatonic state where his eyes would roll into the back of his head and start foaming at the mouth and start reciting words.

And someone else would copy those words down. And then he would snap out of it and pick up the parchment and say, OK, let's see what God wrote. First and foremost, inspiration has to do with the fact that the Bible's ultimate author is God. Listen to what Paul says in his letter to Timothy a second one second, Timothy. Chapter three, verses 16 to 17 reads like this. All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The entirety of the Bible is God breathed, exhaled from God, no wonder is commonly referred to as God's word. If God authored it, though, then what were Moses and David and Paul and John and all the rest doing? Weren't they writing Holy Scripture to. Exactly. The Bible was written by God and humans, or more precisely by God through humans. The apostle Peter explains it this way. Second, Peter, chapter one verse is twenty to twenty one.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And I'm going to show you three different layers of belief that a person can have in the Bible. It's possible to believe in the first layer or a couple of them layered on top of each other. Or you can believe in all three of them. As we go through this message, you will see where you are at when it comes to believing the Bible and as we go, you will get to see what we mean here at Gospel City Church when we say we believe the Bible and we want everyone to know this about us.

So layer one, and this is the first fill in on your outline, we believe the facts about the Bible, we believe the facts about the Bible as a piece of literature. There are some facts about the Bible that when you know these facts, they should lead you to at least one conclusion. The Bible is the most remarkable book on the planet. Here are some facts about the Bible, you may or may not have known this, but the word Bible simply means book or books.

The Bible is one book that's made up of 66 different books, and these 66 different books are divided into two main sections or testaments, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains thirty nine out of the 66 books, and the New Testament has the other twenty seven. The two testaments are separated by a time period of four hundred years and the whole Bible was written over a period of 1500 years by a collection of over 40 different authors who came from various backgrounds, most of whom never met each other.

Isaiah was a prophet. Ezra was a priest. Matthew was a tax collector. Peter was a fisherman. Moses was a shepherd. Luke was a physician. David was a king. Just to give you an idea of the diversity in the author's lives, different sections of the Bible were written in different literary genres. I found small traders using the word genre. A genre is a category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style or subject.

So the main genres found in the Bible are law, history, wisdom, poetry, narrative, epistles, prophecy and apocalyptic literature. The Bible was written on three different continents, Asia, Africa and Europe. It was written in three original languages. The Old Testament was written predominantly in Hebrew, and the New Testament was written predominantly in Greek. And there are portions in both testaments that were written in Aramaic. The Bible has been translated from his original languages into a bunch of different languages, including English.

As of September twenty-twenty, the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages. The New Testament on his own has been translated into an additional one thousand five hundred and fifty one languages, and Bible portions or stories into another one thousand one hundred and sixty languages. The Bible is easily the most heavily authenticated piece of ancient literature in existence today, and it's not even close. Ancient writings are tested using something called manuscripts. A manuscript is any handwritten copy or portion of a text.

The more manuscripts we have of any ancient work, the more we have to test the reliability of that work. A biblical manuscript is only handwritten copy of a portion of the text of the Bible. And how many manuscripts do we have of the Bible compared to other pieces of ancient literature? Well, according to Wikipedia, the New Testament has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work of literature, with over five thousand eight hundred complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts cataloged ten thousand Latin manuscripts and nine thousand three hundred manuscripts and various other ancient languages, including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopia, Coptic and Armenian.

RE: By all means

Work with him is code for end up on a missing persons list. He is correct though in one thing, you could pass for 30 conversing
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 10

RE: False accusations...

I have concluded that some people on CS with mental illness make this place miserable.

Sometimes ignoring them does not work. They don't understand "speak when you are spoken to."

Happy Sunday to all CS'er.

wave beer
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 12

RE: I like the idea of Trump 47 / Agenda 47 listed by a Woke influencer herein

Agenda 47 thumbs up

Yea, America out of Nato and Russia in. laugh
I vote for that.
He didn't mention that in Agenda 47
but I threw it in there for him lol.
We can all agree Russia is more suitable to protect Europe
than America who is a whole ocean away. professor
Right? Right.

RE: By all means

It is good you make sure any potential suitor has good intentions.
I read on CS some people who want to travel, but don't want to pay for board and lodging will befriend others from other countries just to travel on the cheap.

CS is like a box of chocolate.
laugh laugh

RE: False accusations...

In further news, Luke was suspended around the 5th February, but his profile didn't become 'hidden' until about 10 days later. His profile hasn't been deleted.

Butcher last posted on the 20th February, but no news on whether he's hidden his profile, or if it's been deleted.

And it's just occurred to me that I think all three were vocal Russophiles. Perhaps that might be a potential legal sticky wicket for the site owners in the same way that J6 talk was at the time. dunno
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 10

RE: False accusations...

I had forgotten that some blogs had been deleted recently, too.

Come to think of it, whatsername, TenofCups may have had her last blog go kapoof! and I haven't seen her since. It was funny watching her desperately trying to pick a fight and no one biting, so I don't know why that one disappeared. Maybe she deleted it herself in embarrassment. giggle

I'm thinking Spitz is likely right, though - CS is spring cleaning.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Part 1: We Believe the Bible

Series: Who is Gospel City Church?

Speaker: BJ Chursinoff

Gospel City Church is a brand new church, and we don’t want to waste any time letting everyone know some of the most important stuff about us. In this first message, we start unpacking what we believe as a church by talking about what we mean when we say, "We believe the Bible."

If you are single and you're dating or you find yourself in a dating relationship, let me give you some advice. Don't wait too long to share some of the most important stuff in your life that the other person needs to know. You don't want the relationship to go so well that you find yourself getting married to this person. But then on your honeymoon is the time when the big stuff finally comes out. You don't want to find out on your honeymoon that they don't want to have kids.

But you really, really, really want to have kids. You don't want to wake up on your honeymoon to find out that they're actually an atheist and you're a devout Jesus loving Christian. You don't want to find that out on your honeymoon. You don't want to find out on your honeymoon that they don't think Die Hard is a Christmas movie. But because you're a normal person, you absolutely believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Some of the big stuff doesn't have to come out on the first or the second date, but the big stuff has to come out before you decide to get married.

Now, there's always a chance that letting the big stuff out early might deter the other person from moving forward in the relationship. But it might not. I think it would be wise to take that chance. Either way. And this is the big idea behind our new Surman series that we're kicking off with this message today, we're calling this three part series who is Gospel City Church. And over the course of this series, we're going to be answering three big questions.

What do we believe? What do we love and what do we do? Gospel City is a brand new church and we don't want to let too much time pass before we let the big stuff out. There are some things about our church that we want everyone to know right up front, right out of the gate. No matter who you are, we want you to know these things about us. If you aren't a Christian, but you've decided to come and check our church out, we want you to know these things.

If you are a Christian, you just happen to be visiting from another church. And we want you to know these things. If you are a Christian and you call gospel city church home. We want everyone to know so that if you ever decide that one day you might want to become a member of Gospel City Church, none of the big stuff that we're going to share in this series is going to catch you off guard or catch you by surprise.

You will know what you're getting yourself into. So what's the big stuff you might be thinking to yourself? Well, in this first message, we're going to be talking about what we believe here at Gospel City, what a person believes or what a church believes will shape everything that they say and do. There's one main overarching thing that we believe, that gospel city church. And it's this we believe the Bible. Now, that may seem simple and obvious to many of you that probably didn't catch a lot of you by surprise.

We are a church, after all. Isn't the Bible kind of a big deal for Christians? It is. But we need to realize that the statement we believe the Bible needs some clarification because everyone believes the Bible in some way, but not everyone believes the Bible in the same way. Everyone believes the Bible in some way, but not everyone believes the Bible in the same way. Everyone doesn't believe the Bible the same way that we do here at Gospel City Church.

False accusations...

Thanks jac for the reminder, I forgot about the bickering on some of his blogs that had to be locked/deleted. That in itself would have been sufficient invitation for the moderator to take action without anyone reporting him.

RE: I like the idea of Trump 47 / Agenda 47 listed by a Woke influencer herein

Wow! It all sounds great to me. Biden is the most ANTI-American president I have ever seen in my entire life. He has put Americans last in everything.
View Blog    5 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 14

False accusations...

Thanks for your comments... thumbs up

RE: Who is next?

From the last word of the journalist Roman Ivanov, sentenced a few days ago to seven years in prison for “fakes” - that is, for telling the truth about the crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine:
“I don’t want to talk and discuss about journalism, about its problems in Russia, because there is no journalism in Russia anymore. I don’t want to talk about the judicial system, about the court, because there is no judicial system, no justice in Russia either. I don’t want to talk about politics, which doesn’t exist in Russia either. I just want to say about us, about all people, about Russians. To say that we all want to be happy.
Man is designed in such a way that he dreams of his own happiness. Will those who brought this criminal case against me, who persecuted me, who judge me, who protect me, be happy? if I am unhappy, if my family is unhappy? Of course not. We must ask ourselves why we sow grief and misfortune around us, while our country has simply turned into an avalanche of grief and misfortune."

View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 23

RE: False accusations...

I consider myself privileged when I have an interaction with you, so thanks more making the effort on several occasions.

RE: False accusations...

Don't let it bother you Chat.

I've had the finger pointed at me on occasions and also kicked to the kerb for standing up against antagonists.

I've noticed almost a dozen people missing in action from both here and in the Forums so I guess the C.S broom is in action cleaning up the site.

I've stopped taking offence at other people's remarks and become more selective ,for want of a better word, as to whom I respond to and when to click the "sign out" button.handshake
View Blog    4 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

RE: False accusations...

Not if those others are intelligent to any extent. Your character is clear to be seen (just as the poor character of some others is also).
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

By all means

Good morning everyone. .
There is this guy who sent me a message telling me that he saw my profile and he is interested in me . I clicked on his profile to check his age , he is 46 years . I message him and I said I am 60 years , he said you look like 30 , hahaha, was my response, flatter me . He said age is just a number and also that he is married , but he would like me to work with him . Could someone, anyone , tell me who told this guy that I am a lawyer ? Work with him . rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Have a bless day people.

RE: False accusations...

I know who did report the regular blogger you allude to, Chat, and it wasn't you and it wasn't me. laugh

I think the initial report was on the basis of the aforementioned blogger calling other members 'wankers' repeatedly, but given Butcher disappeared at the same time and both profiles have gone dark, I wonder if there might be more behind their disappearance than punitive measures for one of them name-calling.

Perhaps the initial complaint raised the site's awareness, but with an election looming (remember our political blog ban post J6?)and CS trying to fatten their coffers with their 'premium' jiggery pokery, maybe some of the stuff going on wasn't a good look/legally kosher for the site owners to allow. dunno

Ultimately, if a certain person hadn't taken to calling people a wanker quite so frequently that it looked like he was signing his name at the end of every comment, that certain person might still be here merrily poking his own personal bear (who may, or may not have been self-pleasuring.)
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 10

False accusations...

Thanks... the problem is if someone lies enough about another person, others tend to believe it's true.
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

RE: False accusations...

Don't let the bastards grind you down!
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 15

RE: So where's THE DUKE

I would tend to agree about that but what happens if one person is constantly offensive, bullying and foul-mouthed? In that case you'd have to get rid of the person and that's what happened here.
View Blog    4 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 16

RE: How to grow hair faster and thicker

Make your own egg mask? uh huh. wink

RE: Donald who...?

If my comment left you feeling defensive, I apologise, but I'm a bit confused.

Why do you raise awareness about political prisoners in Russia to people like us who can't vote in Russian elections?

And didn't you say to me when I asked how we might contribute to resolving this issue, 'live well'?

I'm trying to raise your awareness about the consequences of the new rulings in the US and how it has it's roots in reaffirming second class citizenship for women and people of colour.

RE: Is Joe Biden an AI

Or probably Oodles of ADDERALL.laugh

By all means

Celticwitch64 . Same thought

Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 5

RE: Evidence that Scripture is Divine

Celtic I've not read the Bible from cover to cover, and he still accepted me, loved me, tolerated me. I've not been the perfect example of a Christian my whole life, I've done about everything wrong that you can legally do. I finally got serious about it and he was silent.. it scared me. I thought what have I done now, I've waited too long. But I didn't give up and in my ignorance I got mad. I got mad at the church, the people even God..but he was there all the time. He waited for me calm down and I did and simply just ask him, no I didn't ask him I told him God I want whatever you want me to have... I found out he wanted me to have all good things...especially peace.
He's there for all of us, we don't have to understand everything, he doesn't expect us to know everything. He just wants us to be willing to live a better life, treat others as we would like to be treated..simple things. bouquet

RE: HUMILIATION: Creepy Joe’s SOTU Address Receives Worst Polling in Past Quarter Century

You can thank his speech writer for the speech. He's getting a little better at reading them, but still uncomfortable to watch.
It's not totally his fault. Democrats chose him to do their dirty work for them.
I say shame on them...please let his advisers run for President.
Let this man retire.
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 9

RE: So where's THE DUKE

awwww that's too bad...he was one of the good guys too.

He wished me a happy new year and when I came back he was gone.
I thought maybe it was his choice to take a break.
I didn't think people still got kicked out of this site. There is so much to do online now, I would think owners of this site would welcome everyone.
I think deleting offensive blogs and comments would be a better way, instead of deleting the person.
View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 10

RE: So where's THE DUKE

Welll alot of old faces are
Not on the Blog anymore
So we ask What is happening here ?confused confused

Useless trivia

Two Ohio women have been accused of driving the body of a deceased 80-year-old man to a bank to withdraw money from his account before dropping his body off at a hospital.

RE: So where's THE DUKE

Ask the self appointed sheriff if he ran the varmint out of Dodge

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Another great blogger gone to boot hill sigh

On a TRUMPED up charge no doubt


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