This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.


RE: Does bill gates still claim that cows emit more pollution than running cars?

I have no idea. But if I want quality read meat then I will try to buy it at source, or at least know where the butchers purchased their meat, not being mass produced for

RE: Does bill gates still claim that cows emit more pollution than running cars?

not only is it a different pollution it is also less, gates and his fake meat and buying up farmland all over under being non profit. the farmers taxes will go up because of that ,we will have even less farmers. it was either the governor of oklahoma or nabraska that was mentioning this. that because gates will not have to pay taxes on the land other will have to fill the costs.

God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship

I find it interesting that the cause of the sinking was not due to a hole in the hull plating but it was due to the impact of the iceberg hitting the plating forcing the rivets off. That’s why now everything is wielded shut and not riveted shut. Riveting isn’t it? laugh
Embedded image from another site


RE: False accusations...

I may well dislike comments on the blogs or forums and dislike some attitudes but I can’t say I hate anyone or feel the need to lash out in an aggressive manner. In fact I find the blogs far more interesting than the forums.

Diversity & Inclusion springs to mindlaugh wine
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RE: False accusations...

Users here know full well why they get banned or suspended, they only have to look at their history. There are varying degrees of tolerance on here. It’s glaring obvious that coming up to the stateside election views will be very controversialwine

I just disagree with some of your posts on this blog.

So does this make me a person who sensors free speech, no, though I recognise there are consequences to saying whatever we feel like, well thought out or
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False accusations...

Who me? (say that fast and it sounds like the local sushi chef)
The person wasn't mentioned and maybe logic will come to play and he will find another hobby.

thumbs up
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RE: False accusations...

Corrected before anyone decides to critique me on my English language skills which are a disaster on hererolling on the floor laughing wine

RE: False accusations...

I’m a sense, yes you are reporting it because you out up this blog highlighting your situation, whilst at the same time alerting
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RE: False accusations...

1. People usually like to know that their mates are okay.

2. It's handy to know what people are getting suspended/banned for because the site owner mood appears to vary over time, i.e. over the J6 period and possibly as we move towards the US elections.
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False accusations...

No... that's not in me to report another member who is stalking me.
I'd get an unfair reputation. I'm trying to stay neutral.

Already he's the sheriff/best blogger/critic/blog monitor reads my blogs.
Sadly, he is unable to control his hate for me, but he's really not stupid and since his comments lash out only a few times a month, he's under the radar of administration.

Would the site moderator delete his profile? Doubtful.
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RE: I do not like the idea of Marxism and Communism anywhere in the United States of America.

Woodrow Wilson [ D.

this is the man who gave you the "Progressive" income tax
& helped forward the main Object leading to the World Federation. [ FED Reserve*
this explains why system managers put his face on the $100,000 Fed Reserve not
( this note not intended for circulation except between member banks )

* paradox alert. ) .NOT
federal ....the reserves it has are always Zer0.

corona ) minutemen
money in the grave ) drake
6 feet under ) grave diggas
...sync. ) Full Communism ) downtown boys

RE: False accusations...

If you're suspended from the blog/forums, CS doesn't notify you for how long.

Back in the days of thriving blogs and forums, one might be suspended for a few days, maybe a week. These days it seems people get suspended for weeks, or months with no idea when they'll be able to post again.

If CS doesn't notify the badass sinner, they sure as dammit don't notify anyone else.

There are clues, however:

*A blog goes kapoof! and one, or more regular posters go quiet for a few weeks
*A suspended member PM's a friend and tells them, the friend tells everyone else
*If someone has PM'd in the past, or you 'favourite' them, or they're on your 'who's viewed me?' record, you might see their profile as normal, 'profile hidden' , or 'profile deleted'.

The person who reported Luke PM'd him to say they had reported him for calling everyone and anyone a wanker, or some such thing relating to hostility. That person tells me Luke's profile was active after he was suspended, but about 10 days later Luke hid his profile.

I'm sure a few days, or a week would have sufficed to get the point across about reserving calling people a wanker for high days and holidays, but it appears that's not the way CS rolls anymore.

The source of my information has never PM'd with Butcher and neither have I, therefore neither of us know whether his profile is hidden, or deleted.

If a profile is deleted, you can't tell if that member's exit was voluntary, or not. If it was voluntary, they can reactivate their profile at any time. If it was deleted by CS and they don't create a new profile to get around the ban, they may be able to reactivate their original profile in about 6 months.

Does that help?
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Need cash? Who ya gonna call...

Yes... a few things come to mind.
I heard that Musk laughed about the request to loan money to Trump.
Maybe someone told hem Trump doesn't pay back loans?

Viktor is a perfect example of how to take over a country. Put all your people in place and change the laws. Got that Donald? Oh... he's ALREADY doing it.

Currently the RNC is funding much of Trump's legal bills... good for them.
Good for Trump.
What's the worst that could happen? They won't have funding to support Republicans lower on the totem-pole and without the support for elections, Democrats will have a better chance to take away some key positions.

Back to Viktor... Should he or other foreign nationals lend/gift money to Trump could be a very dangerous difficult illegal compromised situation. While it's not campaign funds, someone going into an election who is suspected of stealing classified documents (yes, I know, it didn't get to court yet) and having meetings with foreign powers (friendly or otherwise) doesn't look good on his resume.

The real problem is, with all the facts, someone who is committed to supporting Trump, would do so at any level and that includes if he is found guilty of insurrection, conspiracy or for possession of classified documents.
He's already been found guilty of business fraud and rape with defamation of character.
Can we make it an even 4?
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RE: False accusations...

If you are really concerned about someone stalking you online then you should report it to CS and the relevant authorities. wine
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RE: False accusations...

Very very tame, was brutal back thenwine

I remember it wellwine

RE: Chronic complainers...

per the mods chief problem is they shooed way all those pesky
geezers WHO turned out to be write! about the nature & purpose of the plandemic*

* a. ] de population per the GA guidestone
b. ] electro shock president elect ...all made possible by the Orange creature.

dont take my word ----read the charts !

sick em ) 7 year bytch
what did you expect from the Vaccines ? ) the Vaccines
ballot results ) minutemen
....$ync. ) electro shock president ) braniac
.rider. ) get ready ) new Order.

RE: Alone

Be kind to yourself
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False accusations...

True, so speaking the truth about my stalker would keep the gossip mill going outside of CS.

Thanks for the comment!
thumbs up
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RE: Chronic complainers...

Same here. The list is endless and keeps growingwine

RE: False accusations...

Forums are tame compared to say,ten years or so ago!grin

RE: False accusations...

some members are allso Friends on other sites,like FB etc.
So word does get around!
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RE: False accusations...

Users here do notify each other, they have built up friendships so will use other methods of informing others.

Enquiring mindslaugh That also means having a pop at people? Take advantage of their inability to post and refute any accusations?wine

Users can always report profiles to CS, it’s that simple.


RE: Chronic complainers...


I believe it. You made one member go gray here. He was so incredibly rude on everyone’s blogs. I think you know who I mean. Glad he’s gone. I forget his name. Shoot.

RE: Chronic complainers...

I haven't start to complain as yet.

When I do your head will spin. tongue


That is similar to something my mom has said. She said don’t take everyone’s opinions verbatim. Just take the bit of truth they say and apply it to your life that’s it. So thank you for saying that.

False accusations...

Inquiring minds want to know. jac answered a few questions.
If a person gets ejected, for whatever reason, there isn't notification to the other members.

Some have returned with new profiles and life goes on...
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RE: Alone

Keep on being yourself and only change if it is right and beneficial to your own well-beingwine
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Chronic complainers...

Yes and that's why there's always room for more complainers...
Some get better with practice.

RE: False accusations...

What’s the purpose of advertising this? Is it really relevant? To inform others? Why not give the individuals the opportunity to tell others themselves, if they do

Generally you write more interesting posts. wine
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RE: Chronic complainers...

My complaint is about people complaining about others complaining who complain to others about them complaining about those who complained about them for complaining when the others were complaining to them complaining they were complaining about who they were complaining about.

The complaining never stopped it just went round in circles until no one knew who or what they were actually complaining about. wine

RE: False accusations...

quit ya gossipingrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing wine

Come on really, it’s getting a bit laughable and slightly ridiculous now.

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Chronic complainers...

Not sure Bob... Do you have to pay a deposit on soda in plastic bottles?

As a kid, we would gladly stand in line at the grocery store with empty glass bottles for the refund.

RE: False accusations...

To note there has been far worse on the blogs and forums. This one time a user was pursued relentlessly by other members around 2022, mainly on the forums, bitter, twisted, trying to really run the person down with no success. In fact it had the opposite affect. Eventually it was locked down.

It was not a matter of liking or disliking the individual concerned, it was about the vicious behaviour that member was subject to.

In my opinion, strictly mine only, I do not think this blog was necessary, At the end of the day where is the evidence, based on what, a greyed out profile or a user not posting, sending messages only? Many users who get into conflicts, disagreements or arguments here called each other names, follow each other around. That is to be expected.

We all know people get banned or suspended for one reason and another.

If one starts off with a provocation then expect a reaction.

Keep on zapping the scammers. But could you stomach reporting sites where there is really bad stuff involved causing pain and harm to humans? Because those kinds of sites do get shut down only for more to appear, it’s a job that many simply would not do. So I give those involved a lot of credit in reporting such horrendous abuse.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Putting It All Together
As we look at our contemporary world, we see much that is evil and tragic. It seems that the dam holding back evil has collapsed and we are being buried alive in a tidal wave of depravity. The peddlers of this depravity want to destroy every manifestation of decency and the core beliefs that once made America great.

However, there is another group, growing in number and notoriety. It includes a group of perceptive thinkers and high-profile figures, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali—and also others like the “Son of Hamas,” Mossab Hassan Yousef, the son of the founder of Hamas. These are people who have found that Christianity has a slant on life that is truly appealing in its power to transform and to provide intellectually coherent answers to the big questions of human existence.

New York Times bestselling author Joel Rosenberg carefully details the amazing work of God in his 2009 book Inside the Revolution: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World. In the book Final Fire: Is the Next Great Awakening Around the Corner, a book which I co-authored with Tom Horn and Donna Howell, we document the rising wave of revival fires around the world.

Though at present the world is focused on the Middle East, we must not forget the work of God in Communist China. Though illegal, the unlicensed Underground Church is seeing a harvest of souls, as is documented in the book China and End-Time Prophecy: How God Is Using the Red Dragon To Fulfill His Ultimate Purposes. Author, Eugene Bach (a pseudonym), ministers with the Underground Church. The back cover states that this volume “will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable.” This New Year would be a good time to commit (or re-commit) our lives to world evangelism.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Ali seems to anticipate some evangelical critics who might say she is approaching the Christian faith as a theoretician or philosopher. However, I think it is significant that she writes: “I would not be truthful if I attributed my embrace of Christianity solely to the realization that atheism is too weak and divisive a doctrine to fortify us against our menacing foes. I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable—indeed, very nearly self-destructive.”

For Ali, her faith has personal elements to it, like it does for all of us. But I heartily approve of the conviction that her faith is not just limited to a “friendship with Jesus.” Yes, Peter did say, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). I don’t want to trample underfoot the individual’s personal relationships with the Son of God. But I also believe one of the weaknesses of much evangelicalism in America is that many Christians have not developed a consistent, Christian-theistic worldview. Whether or not we admit it, we are battling ideologies and systems of erroneous thinking. We are to be pulling down “strong holds … and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:4–5).

Not a Passive Faith

In a day of societal confusion, one of the most important passages in Scripture reminding us of our identity and purpose on Earth is Genesis 1:26–28. We were made in God’s image to create, to produce, to invent. We were made to be creative and productive, yes, even to be the Lord’s entrepreneurs! This is not a passive faith but a faith that propels us into every nook and cranny of culture and human existence. While we all love John 3:16, there are many more verses, thoughts, and ideas in Scripture.

Ali writes, “We can’t withstand China, Russia, and Iran if we can’t explain to our populations why it matters that we do. We can’t fight woke … and we can’t counter Islamism with purely secular tools.”

Where shall we look for a unifying principle of life that gives life the meaning that we need? Ali writes, “And fortunately, there is no need to look for some new-age concoction of medication and mindfulness. Christianity has it all.”

While Ali admits that she has “a great deal to learn about Christianity,” she indicates that she understands that it is “a better way to manage the challenges of existence than either Islam or unbelief had to offer.”

For those of my readers who would like to learn more about Ali and her penetrating analysis of contemporary issues that divide humanity, I would suggest the YouTube video titled, “What do wokeness and Islam have in common?” In short, Ali answers that they are both totalitarian. Her statements and courageous beliefs like this have led Brandeis University to deny her an honorary degree. She is also critical of Black Lives Matter and says that the group has raised a lot of money after the George Floyd murder, but BLM has used the funds on themselves. Ali has the right enemies.

I would also suggest that my readers pray for Ali that she would grow in grace and the knowledge of Scripture. What she reads about the Bible and those who mentor her are all critical to her grounding in the faith.

Ali faces danger from Islam, and is a target, along with her Scottish husband, Niall Ferguson, an author and historian.

Ali is also enraging the ProgressiveLeft, a group that finds her views “outrageous and divisive.” In addition, after being in ministry in a variety of formats for more than fifty years, I am concerned that she also faces harsh criticism from the extreme Christian Right. Fault may be found in her testimony because it does not have the usual evangelical buzzwords, or because she doesn’t use the correct translation of the Bible, or a dozen other issues. New Christians are tender. Please don’t crush them under heel.

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