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Liberals on Trump

Liberals on this site when the topic is Donald Trump.
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Liberals on this site when they get proven wrong again and again.
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What should a ‘new’ year mean…

Nothing new, same old ‘stuffwink? Just a bit older and a bit closer to death? Another year of man-made and natural diseases and disasters? Another opportunity to begin again, to try to do better, to make new friends and meet someone that could be extra special?

Of course, it would mean different things to different people based on one’s hopes, and fears, too. The thing is, I think that this new year would probably be a mix of all of that and more, sadly with more of the negatives than the positives.

But… dwelling on the negatives is no way to start with anything that’s new. If I got a new house, car, job or boyfriend tomorrow I’d only be imagining the possibilities, not the unforeseen problems that could arise. I’d have a smile on my face and a skip in my step, in anticipation of the ‘what’s next’.

“New” usually means ‘better’, so… just maybe… this coming year will be better. If not as it relates to the current global situations, then at least for each one of us in our personal life. Fingers and toes crossedgrin.

Have a fantastic New Year, everyone. Blessings!wine cheering heart wings angel2
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Trouble in Journeyland

Jonathan Cain, keyboardist and guitarist for rock band Journey, has responded to the cease-and-desist order bandmate Neal Schon filed against him for performing hit song "Don’t Stop Believin" during a Trump event at Mar-a-Lago last month.

A representative for Cain sent the artist's statement to Fox News Digital on Thursday, which started with Schon should "look in the mirror" when accusing Cain of "causing harm to the Journey brand."

In the cease-and-desist letter obtained by Variety, Schon said Cain's decision to play the song during the November event politicizes the band and "polarizes the band’s fans and outreach."

"Mr. Cain has no right to use Journey for politics. His politics should be his own personal business. He should not be capitalizing on Journey’s brand to promote his personal political or religious agenda to the detriment of the band," the letter continued.

Cain's response on Thursday accused Schon's alleged behavior over the years of being more harmful to the brand than anything.

"I have watched him damage our brand for years and am a victim of both his--and his wife's--bizarre behavior. Neal sued Live Nation twice, losing both times, and damaging our ability to ever work with them again; Neal outrageously tried to take away trademarks from Steve Perry; Neal and his wife continually insult the professionalism of numerous accountants, road managers, and management firms with endless legal threats and their bullying, toxic, and incoherent emails; Neal argues online with fans who don’t see eye to eye with him; and Neal and his wife recklessly spend Journey’s money until there is none left for operating costs," he wrote.

The statement finished with saying "if anyone is destroying the Journey brand, it is Neal – and Neal alone."

The longtime bandmates have reportedly been at odds for a while, as a recent legal battle took place over Schon's alleged denied access to the band's American Express card and its records.

At the time, Cain's lawyer argued Schon's access to the corporate account was limited because he charged more than $1 million in "improper personal expenses" to the card.

Despite the tension, Cain and Schon are expected to perform together on the band's upcoming Freedom Tour celebrating its 50th anniversary and newest album, according to Journey's tour announcement.

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Twas the night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
There were empties and butts
Left around by some louse.
And the best quart I'd hid
By the chimney with care
Had been swiped by some creep
Who'd discovered it there!
Our hung-over guests
Had been poured into bed
(They'll wake in the morn
With a God-awful head)
My tongue, cotton-coated,
Hung down to my belt
And only the seasick
Could know how I felt!
My wife - she had long ago
Gone up to bed
While visions of Redskins
Danced in her head.
And I in the parlor
Sat all alone,
I'd unplugged the cat
And put out the phone.
Just then, through a window
Came noise and smells
Like an overturned beer truck
And tinkle of bells!
I sprang from my chair
To see what was the matter
To see what was causing
The smell and the clatter.
When what to my wondering
Eyes did appear
But eight drunken reindeer
And sled full of beer!
With a little old driver,
Nose red as a brick,
I knew it was Santa
As tight as a tick!
Weaving upward and downward
His reindeer they came
While he hiccoughed and burped
And called them by name:
"On Gallo! On Ripple!
We ain't got all night!
You, too, Manischevitz!
And you, Miller lite!
"Ho Bud! Easy, Boh!
Give Busch there a hand!
Now now, Lowenbrau -
You can go when we land!
Head up for that roof --
Watch out for the wall!
Get going, you guys
We've got a long haul!"
So up to my roof
Went his reindeer and sled
But my TV antenna
Hit him right in the head!
And then in a twinkling
I heard Santa swear
So hot that it melted
The snow everywhere!
I could tell in a moment
This guy had no class
For he fell down my chimney
Right smack on his sack!
He was dressed all in fur
From his head to his toes.
Red were his eyeballs,
His coat and his nose.
He had a round face
And toy-filled sack
His breath would have blown
A freight off the track!
He was chubby and plump
And he tried to stand right
But he couldn't fool me -
He was high as a kite!
He spoke not a word
But went straight to his work
And missed half the stockings,
The plastered old jerk!
Then putting five fingers
To the end of his nose
He gave me the word
As up the chimney he rose.
Crossing my rooftop
He went at a run
Not seeing what one
Of his reindeer had done.
He skidded, and then
Fell flat on his face!
His remarks after this
Were a total disgrace!
Then he got in his sled
And I heard Santa moan:
"Why did I stop there?
Bux's kids are all grown!"
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Why Do Liberals Hate Trump So Much?

The question in the title needs, I believe, critical examination. Why DOES the Left hate Trump so much?

The answer, as usual, can largely be found by analyzing history.

But first. Do they hate him because the average price of a gallon of gas in his administration was far lower than under Biden? Is it because inflation was low (around 2%) and trending downward? Is it that the USA was energy independent and didn’t need to beg our enemies for oil, deplete our strategic oil reserve or sell it to China? Is it because black and Hispanic unemployment was lower than at any time in history? Is it because Trump forced China into a fairer trade agreement, got a strong trade deal with Japan, and a solid peace in the Middle East?

Are these the reasons (more in a subsequent article) that the Left despises Trump so much?

These reasons may be symptoms, but don’t touch the main issue. If you ask a liberal why they hate DJT so much, they aren’t going to say, “Well, because gas prices and inflation were manageable, minority unemployment was at record low levels, America was energy independent” etc., etc. Those aren’t the answers you are going to receive. More likely, they might mention something about his “mean, hateful tweets” or maybe opposition to their Green God. Mr. Liberal, are you better off now than you were four years ago? “Trump is a Nazi racist!” Are you paying less for gasoline, groceries, and heating oil? “He is an insurrectionist and dictator!” I truly doubt any of them will respond, “I hate Trump because we now have to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil.” I’ve just a hunch you’ll get a different reply.

But, we all know the Left’s hatred of Donald Trump is real. It is a visceral, vicious, primeval, vindictive, animal. Unending and never ceasing. To them, he is the worst President the country has ever had. The above accomplishments of Mr. Trump mean absolutely nothing to liberals. Theirs is a total, and blind, unreasoning hatred.

But, crucially, it isn’t just Mr. Trump they hate. He is simply the current target. If Mr. DeSantis, or some other conservative Republican, gets the nomination in 2024, the hatred will simply be transferred, and perhaps worse. They loathed George W. Bush, they especially despised Ronald Reagan, and you are deplorable.

Most “common” Leftists probably can’t tell you why hatred of the Right runs so deeply, and many would probably deny it does. But you and I know better. Most folks don’t understand the historical or ideological reasons why the leadership of the Left is so vindictive toward the Right. There is no one, single, simple explanation, but it starts with the leadership’s arrogance and lust for power, and their inherent belief in their right to have and exercise it. They are elitists, which makes them better than you, and thus, by right, they should rule and you should obey. It isn’t a new feature in human history; the current manifestation spins out of Darwinism and Marxism. But elitism itself isn’t recent.

Read more:

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The Reason

The reason Democrats keep blogging about Donald Trump is they have nothing good to say about their own party and are trying to keep the hate alive until the 2024 election. This is what losers do.
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A Special Day To Someone Special

Today is the day , a long time ago ,

Ray Of An Enlightening Light First Time Touched The Surface Of The Earth.

Wishing this day to That Special Ray Of Light. heart beating

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Thinking like a man….?

There are many dating and relationship books on the market, but not all of them explain things logically. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" may have its audience but it didn't do anything for me at the time that I read it.

I’m a fan of Steve Harvey and his many perspectives on the male-female dating dynamic. His book “Act like a Lady, Think like a Man” was very popular and spawned at least 2 movies from it. He used his past television show to promote his theories about the Dating/Marriage dynamic, and successfully hosted segments that explored the dating process, and guided women through love-relationships and marriage, as well as other family-oriented interactions.

Thinking like a man is something that I only learned to appreciate within the last 10 years or so, as I had more time then to really focus on trying to understand the male perspective/s. Steve Harvey explained how men viewed money/finances, women, relationships, sex and so much more, and the way that he explained them seemed very logical, to me. I may not have agreed with his perspectives on everything, but I did learn a lot, which broadened my understanding considerably (at least, I think so).

But I have questions. Does ‘thinking like a man’ cause conflict with ‘acting like a lady’? If I thought like a man, wouldn’t I be tempted to act like a man? Would a man think that I was competing with him, or that I was more masculine (than feminine) and so ‘friend-zone’ me? Should men learn to “Act like a gentleman, Think like a Woman”, in order to balance out the equation?

If thinking like a man is helpful to women, then thinking like a woman should be helpful to men.hmmm

Isn’t that a logical deduction, men?winkgrin
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Just Wondering

We don’t let athletes bet on games they have the ability to influence. Why do we allow Congress to invest in companies they regulate?
•Why is it that when archeologists find human remains, they always determine that they are either male or female and none of the other hundreds of genders?
•Why is it that so many are more outraged that Brittney Griner is stuck in Russia than they were about Americans being stranded in Afghanistan?
•How is it that the government can’t control gasoline prices…but the weather is something they can fix?
•We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.—Mike Rowe
•If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank goodness nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery—Bill Maher
•Why were we told to lower our AC usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the electric grid while simultaneously being told to trade in our gas cars for electric vehicles?
•Why is canceling student debt a good idea? Does it make sense to reward people who do not honor their financial commitment by taxing the people who do?
•Does it make sense to cut off oil from an ally and buy it from an enemy who calls for your death?
•Are we living in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended?
•Is this a great description of America: Andy has left town and Barney is in charge?
•Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered s*xual harassment to adults…but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school considered education?
•Who else had a ‘ministry of truth”…Hitler…Goebbels…Stalin
•Eliminating the production of 500,000 American barrels of oil a day to buy 500,000 barrels a day from Russia is sim
•I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns; it was called Schindler’s List.
•If your electric car runs out of power on the interstate, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity?
•Why are we running out of money for Social Security and Medicare and not for welfare, illegals and free college?
•I just got a full tank of gas for $22. Granted, it was for my lawn mower, but I trying to stay positive.
•There is a coin shortage. America is officially out of common sense.
•If an 18 year old isn’t mature enough to own a firearm, then maybe five year olds aren’t mature enough to change their gender
•Nobody called it “Toxic Masculinity when we were saving the world.
•Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free. Just like socialism.
•The most powerful governments on earth can’t stop a virus from spreading…but they say they can change the earth’s temperature if you pay more taxes.
•Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s how gun control and COVID lockdowns work.
•If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem, perhaps you should give your legs to a veteran who lost his. That way a real man can stand in your place.
•If socialism is so good and capitalism is so bad…then why aren’t the caravans heading to Venezuela?
History is not there for us to like or dislike. It is there for us to learn from. And if it offends you, even better…because then you are less likely to repeat it. It is not anyone’s to erase…it belongs to all of us.
This explains why the United States is not the country that I grew up in.

Ted Nugent
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Chance vs Purpose

1.a possibility of something happening.
"there is a chance of winning the raffle"
2.the occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious intention or cause.
"he met his brother by chance"

1.the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
"the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee"
2.a person's sense of resolve or determination.
"there was a new sense of purpose in her step as she set off"

In different cultures around the world, there have existed certain expectations of women and ‘how’ they procreate. In the past, and still today amongst mainstream society, having children out of wedlock was/is frowned upon. In some cases, the child/children happened by accident, whilst others happened by choice.

Not only was/is the former circumstance deemed ‘unfortunate’, but also, the child/children were often treated poorly (called a 'bastard', deprived of appropriate care and attention, shunned, relegated to a low status in society, etc) as a result of the mother’s ‘indiscretion’. Such treatment have caused many of them to go through life having low self-worth. And notice that it hardly ever seemed to be about the father's indiscretion, just the mother's, for which both mother and child suffered greatly. Fortunately, based upon changes away from this once-popular practice within the last century or so, that has lessened.

Even so, there are persons who behave as though they are here “by accident”, seemingly lacking purpose, or as though their purpose is one that based upon chance. For example, some live their life in such a chaotic manner, stretching the boundaries of enjoying life to the point of destroying life (i.e. through substance, s*xual and other forms of self-abuse, as well as the abuse of others such as their own loved ones). Is it because they live by chance, without real Purpose?

And what about those of us who behave as though every second of life needs to be used up to accumulate wealth, no matter the lengths we must go to in order to do so (i.e. working 24/7 at multiple 'jobs', stealing, swindling others out of their money, playing the lotto/gambling, investing heavily in the stock market, etc). Is our purpose all about making the most of Chance?

Whether one is born in or out of 'wedlock', we were all created 'on purpose', and for a purpose. Whilst, in some cases our purpose can be decided on by the society and physical environment that we are born into, it is usually we who eventually decide what we want our purpose to be about.

"...The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all..."(Ecclesiastes 9:11). Yes, time and chance are part of our everyday life, but having a positive purpose is what really makes our life worth living. Don't you agree?

Blessings!heart wings bouquet wine
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