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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - XV

Chapter I:
"What is a True Woman to me? Everything. The Human Being that entirely completes me. I am incomplete without her being present in my life. But how can she be present, not yet knowing her? I have only one memory for the one that will be. And so simple. A memory, not an imagination. I don't live in illusions. So, I cannot idealize, nor projecting illusions. Any woman would do, and can fit, but the question is: what is a True Woman? for each of them, to recognize such Value. Thus, is simple. When I will know her, then I will feel complete. And when I know, she will be - complete, with me. Until then, I just remember her. Yes. I remember her. A fond memory of the one who completes me entirely. I can't say it's not hard for me, not knowing her. But, I live in Reality. What kind of Love is that, without Suffering?!.. For such True Woman, this Sacrifice is worth it."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - XIV

Chapter I:
"No, it is not surprising to me, how Friendship, in these times, becomes a Betrayal, while Affection, a Lie, - as for Love, discovering a Deception. I am aware, I live in hostile times, dehumanization being more than obvious, for these are the Times of Deceit. What value, on the Human Being, when more value is beset on things, posessions, ranks, medals, fame and richness, when greed and envy conquers humans hearts, when wickedness, hate, revenge, wrapping people's minds? What is the Soul, in this world full of deceit and lawlessness?! Should I be surprised, then, to wake up departing myself, of such a world, to sit aside, to not mix and looking it from a distance?! But all this has its uses. Acknowledging them, as much as I can, of all this, I can support others, fewer and fewer in number, who in turn, awakened to the Reality, recognize that they are not alone, - because one like me, will tell them, whenever necessary: I know what you are going through, I know it becomes hard, but know from me, that you are not alone. Do the same throughout the world, telling those who know how to recognize darkness and deception: you are not alone. That in this way, you will save them from that hopelessness that encompasses them, awakened to Reality and crushed by the world's hostility. Therefore, watch over one another. As many of you are still alive among the almost dead ones. Remember, you who know you are in times of deception: you are not alone."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - XIII

Chapter I:
" The man who knows himself, easily embraces the recognition of the Woman at its truest value, while the unsculpted one in its foolishness, contributes to the destruction of the Woman. The gravity of these modern times I live in, is the fact that many, too many men, do not take responsibility to protect the Woman, the real meaning of what she is to the Man - while the women themselves, in their wandering, reaching to contribute to the lowering the value on what a true Woman is, being taught by society to deny their own significance, under the raising of a false image, built on a Woman, from precepts which studied, beyond their logic, would show in detail, the change of Beauty into an ugliness, of Intelligence into a stupidity, while of summed Qualities, wandering and madness. When hypocrisy and wickedness penetrate deep into the hearts of people, the relationships between them, breaking down, indicate Disunity, Separation, Division."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - XII

Chapter I:
" In order for you to understand, my dear Woman, that you do not know what Man is at all, and you only seem to know him, from an imagination being nurtured in your heart, I will tell you a story:
There was once a woman who in the pride of her heart thought that she knew everything that was happening in the garden of the soul that was given to her by God, but from the conceit of her mind sinking in vanity, when a man joined her, by God's permission, she came to believe that she knew better how to take care of his own soul garden, even better than he would care himself. And so it happens that she planted a tree, one of a kind, a rare one, in the garden of the soul of the man who joined her, in the union; the years passed, and she still took care of that tree, even together with the man who was subject to her, obeying her out of the love he felt for her, although did not wanted woman to command him, accepting all, for the sake of her soul; the woman, satisfied for ruling in all the way, over his will, giving him everything what she thought was best for the tree’s growth. Or, the tree grew for years, but it still did not bear fruit. Sometimes, it still gave flowers, but those were immediately passed away, withering without setting any fruit.

And then, she blamed the man, that his soul is not fruitful, because the tree she planted for her dreams, was one of a kind that no one had known, except her. And that man, unjustly accused, resigns himself, taking away the guilt, without to even argue, in a clear acceptance of one’s truth, as if in the end, they to split up, breaking the union, and each one goes its own way. She, the woman, very angry because she met the wrong man, - saying to herself, - and the man, remained troubled, with a guilt to bear, without looking for another recognition, other than he feeling responsible for such a twist of fate. The years passed, and the woman, having found no one worthy of her, counting measures and values, as entrusted to her, - thus, the age of giving birth in the womb passed, and she, remaining without the blessing of a child, began to harbor anger , on any man she encounter. While the man, in his guilt, isolating himself more and more, withdrawing from the way of the world, considered his unworthiness, - the woman who had left him, deepened her state of mind, her anger becoming hatred, that afterwards, out of revenge, she would blame all men, considering them unworthy of all what is her, and the cause of her unhappiness, measuring them by the pride of her heart and weighing them with the conceit of her mind sinking in vanity, until at last, when she saw himself alone, after years and years, to blame life, fate, and even God.

During all this time, the man deigned to find a wife, with whom he could get along so well, that he would forget the bitterness that consumed a good part of his life, as well as the guilt that was once being brought to him. He and her wife had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, who grew up in good order, watched over by a mother who loved them, alongside a husband and father who protected them. The years passed, and at one point, when they were all leaving the church, they met the one from his distant past on the way, and she did not recognize him, but only his enlightened heart, knowing her, - and when he heard her blaspheming God, he stopped, apologizing to his wife, to whisper softly to the unworthy woman: God gave you a tree of the best variety, but you did not know how to thank Him, seeking a pollinator, so that it bears fruit, - may your ignorance be forgiven!.. - and only then, she realizes the truth. She was in tears, finally humbled. And then God blessed her, easing such much burdened soul."

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2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - XI

Chapter I:
"Man and Woman are like two soul gardens. If you, Woman, do not take care of your own garden, how will you take care of the other one, joining you, - or, how will you allow such care, if you don't even know how to take care of yourself, but you always want to change something in the other?!. As for you, oh, Man, if you haven't been busy gardening, to the fullness of your soul, what will you do, when the one who joins you, has only the same expectations such as yours?! Shall we say, therefore, that there is any use, from these, or, discarding them, as useless?!.."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - X

Chapter I:
"What is the Woman, for the Man who completes her in all the meanings and within every sense of its being? All that the Man is, for the Woman who is twinned with him, requires Simplicity, Harmony and Wisdom. Can a woman say that she did not choose her own man to live with?! - or, perhaps, somehow, any man, to deny that it was not of his choice, to have accompanied the one with whom he had joined the path of his life? Both had their own choices, for the right one, or denying what was the right one, for them. They, in the same way, we also find in Reality. Choices within choices, with different results; instead being contended, both men and women, seems to complain. Which is then, the right one?! - Do you want a good man, Woman? Make him good, with your love, or choose the good one, through soul consideration, use your heart, to such noble choice. And you, Man, do you want a good woman? Make her good, the one you notice in the crowd, through the truth of your heart, or choose the good one, being wise. Woman, you say there are no good Men? I would ask you: if tomorrow, I were to present one of the good ones to you, would you recognize it?! - and if you will recognize him, what will you see, - your worthiness, or the lack of measure?! - And you, Man, who say that there are no good Women, by taking you aside, so you won't be ashamed, I would question your heart: why do you think you would be worthy, towards a Woman who, as you find yourself the one imagining such Goodness, would perhaps not be in able to distinguish it, to not talk anymore of you rising to its measure?"

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - IX

Chapter I:
"What a wonder, within a moment when to discover such rarities, in a modern world! To walk down the street, quietly, mingling among people, in an exercise of admiration, a silent observer of the world surrounding you - and in such contentment, to notice those passing by, - each with its own fashion, with its specific tone, with its alternation,... - then suddenly distinguish the Woman who, by her simple attire, radiates around her, waves of Femininity! It is a rarity, to see the Woman who wears the robes of beauty, but above all, a joy, to see that she is not shy to meet your gaze and in a silent thanks, along with an acceptance, as if deciphering her thoughts, writing them all around in beams, wherever she passes: I wear a dress, because this is the clothing that crowns the Woman!. . And I, then, obviously moved, by such attitude of expression from the simplest of things, looking towards the distance where this fairy seems to vanish, whispering lightly, agreeing: may happiness dwell onto you, dear Woman!.."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - VIII

Chapter I:
"The heart of a true Woman is like that of a nest of Love, this through humility acquiring three virtues more than the Man. The first virtue she has is the crowning of all that is Woman through the Holy Mother of God the Virgin Mary. The second virtue that every woman has - native - is of giving birth to babies, a child being a blessing from God, upon the woman. And a third virtue, above that of any man, is the crowning of woman, as a mother. A mother has a deeper love, than any woman who haven't received such blessing, as much as any woman who has her womb sealed, and can not have babies, but she becomes humble mother, for others. Who else can testify against the Woman, if not all those who steal her Crowns? The worldly spirit, hates holiness, and robs the Woman of her true Value, blaspheming her, mocking her, deceiving her so as to distance her from God. Then the adversaries of God, wiping out every treasure of a Woman, and even eradicating its true Value, men and women alike, turning her one by one, individually and all together, into a copy of the first, robbing her of her Beauty and Intelligence, to destroy her ability to seek that her heart be a nest of Love, through Humility, so that in the end, stealing from her all the qualities of any endowment, leaving her a prey to worldly vanity that leads her to Disunity, destroying her being, and at the same time her soul nest, her core. And who can say then, to any woman, that she was not loved first of all, by God, - or that she was not given to a man, also by God? And what will the Man say who recognizes what the Woman is? You fell, get up. I am with you. Near you. Beside you. I have my sins, too. I understand your fall. It is my duty to tell you in each of your fall, to get up. Has the world defiled you? Let me kiss your forehead, get up, I will bless you myself, and then, telling to the world: where you have broken, depraved and shamed, God my Master, bless!.."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - VII

Chapter I:

"The real Woman is not a chaos in the Man's world, and the real Man is not a storm in the Woman's heart.
The Man and the Woman are like two soul vessels, one bigger and the other smaller, - one stronger and the other, weaker - but each with its significance, each has its own identity, attribute, and role, one to its own self, and one for the other. The Man who finds himself, in Awareness throughout the lore of a Soul, takes care of his Woman, as a weaker vessel, having an additional responsibility, compared to the one who completes him entirely and brings Harmony. The Woman who finds herself, within Soul Awareness, has a double responsibility, out of a virtue, which is to take care of the big vessel so that it does not run out of water, destined to dry up, in the heat of the sun, and thus crack; thus, the Woman, in her nature, has one virtue, more, through her submission, opening it, filling it with water and caring its wounds, to make it whole, - while through the second virtue, as through the love that she carry to him, in the sublime depth, reintegrating him to her core. Thus, one is useful to the other, as both intertwine, through the perfection of their nature, for that is Harmony between Man and Woman, obtained through the Lore of a Soul, understanding Humility."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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The APIARY - Chapter I - LANDSCAPING: (Fragment) - VI

Chapter I:

"When the Woman recognizes herself at her true Value, everything in her world acquires Purpose and Meaning. The woman who has recognized herself knows all what is Blessing, for she is a blessed one, beside her man, - she understands when it is the right time of budding, being like a child rediscovering the Breath of Life, - she knows when to be like the leaf that tends to Light, being like the long-dreaming teenage girl in the nurture of Feelings, allowing herself moments of tranquility, dreaming of her happiness, - knows when the flower secretly calls the long-tempered bee, being like the dew of youth, opening its petals so that in her wonderful soul Love can dwell , - knows when bearing fruit begins in the natural ascent of maturity, in serenity finding its favorable time to share the blessing, in a Harmony that finds abode with the dear man to share the deepest thoughts and emotions, feeling his as a whole which she contributes to, - knows when from all these understandings and teachings, discovering its treasures within the soul, which both collects in their chest of memories throughout blessings of life, to make a nest of love and fulfillment for themselves in their union, so that later, following their bedding, finding rest, on the chest of the one who twines, covering her under the cloak of amber, to wait for the coming of the sheltering snow..."

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- Shall be continued…

2023 © Th3Mirr0r
Translated from Romanian Language

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