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Random Education Blogs (20)

Here is a list of Education Blogs ordered by Random, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Love exist

Love is from God and so God given you love,God exist.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as your self (love all people).
This will lead you to life and salvation.
Is important to believe and obey truth.
Anyone who love can forgive also.
The pure in heart shall see God.
Love is stronger than death.
Love heals.
Do love and be good and you shall progress daily.
God bless.
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Repenting and improving will help you

You need repent of your sins and improve daily that you get better and better and good.
believing and obeying God will save you.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as yourself.
God bless.
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I do not like the idea of Marxism and Communism anywhere in the United States of America.

"The U.S.A.'s National Motto ‘In God we Trust’ was adorned above the rostrum in the House of Representatives (Lower Chamber) as a rebuke of the cold war era philosophy of the Soviet Union. That philosophy was Marxism and Communism which begins with the premise that there is no God."

Hear it from the Speaker

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Against LOVE is no law

You can hate and kill and so you get condemned and suffer from your sin and suffer hell.
But if you LOVE GOD with all heart..,and love your neighbours as yourself (love all people) and other things that need, against your love is no law !
GOD is Love.He who love can,t be judged nor condemned,because is no law against love!
So learn to love all creation of God, and you become Victories and will be no law against you!
Love melt the hate as the sun melt the ice!
So love and hate not!
LOVE always makes you win and survive!
God bless you.
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whatever thought against God is sin

There are many people that think against God.Cause of sin is rebellion and rebellion comes from devil.
whatever thought against God is sin and sin lead to destruction.
You need to repent and improve to not go in hell or to not be judged.
You need believe and obey God,at least two greatest commandments:1. Love God with all heart...,
2. love your neighbours as yourself (love all people).
This will an able you to have eternal life and lead to salvation.
You need trust God,God is love and is good .
God is Perfect and his judgement is right.
anything that make you dishonur God make you Demon possesed.
Honouring God and be humble to God makes you free from demons.
whoever you are you need God to save you and become children of God.
you will live in heaven and on earth with God.
God bless.
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Trump Haters

In my quest to try and understand the haters mind, I came across this article.

December 11, 2020

Why They Hate Trump

By Jeffrey Folks

Simply put, they hate Trump because he represents ordinary Americans — those who are not part of the political and corporate elite, who lack the advantages and connections of the Deep State, who are not media, academics, or celebs.  President Trump puts ordinary Americans first, and it drives the elite nuts.

The elite have spent so many years enjoying their advantages, including the psychological advantage of despising ordinary people, that they panicked when someone tried to take it all away from them.  They can't go on living without that warm, reassuring sense of superiority.

Contempt for average Americans was palpable in Hillary Clinton, which is why she lost the election of 2016.  It was just too obvious.  Joe Biden conceals it somewhat better, or perhaps he just cares more for other advantages of office — for both himself and family members.  Either way, he is taking advantage of ordinary people.   

What really upset the elite was that average Americans were beginning to believe in themselves.  Their wages were rising for the first time in decades, and they felt proud to be restoring America to what it could be.  If Biden wins, that will be lost.  The everyday American can crawl back to his cell and watch the country stagnate for another four or eight years.

What if the deplorables — the guy who delivers the bread to your supermarket, the woman caring for three children at home, the insurance salesman, the Target checkout clerk — were actually smarter than the Washington types, smarter than you in the universities and the media?  For the elite, it would mean that the world had been turned upside-down.

That's exactly what President Trump began to accomplish in four years.  For four years, those everyday Americans were treated like something special, listened to, moved to the front of the line.  Trump rallies were exciting because they were primarily a celebration of the rise of the real America — of those who get up five mornings a week to an alarm clock, start the car in the cold, drive to work in the dark, put in eight or ten hours, come back to football on TV in a two-bedroom apartment, bathe and sleep, and do it again and again.  On weekends, they coach and volunteer and attend church and care for family and neighbors.

This is a way of life that the Washington elite despise.  They prefer $300 restaurants, chauffeured limos, escort services funded by lobbyists, drugs and alcohol, junkets to exclusive resorts, secret bank accounts, and the status of high office.

The elite think they are so far above us, but they are not happier for it.  It's the parents in Oklahoma with their newborn child, the kid in Indiana receiving his first promotion, the grandparents in Florida living on not much more than Social Security but still giving of themselves — these are the great Americans who understand what President Trump is talking about, and they are the Americans he understands and respects.

Can you say Obama understood and respected these ordinary Americans?  Or the Clintons, or even the Bushes, with their New England heritage and Texas money?  Or Nixon, LBJ, or Kennedy with his serial adulteries?  Or Carter, with his twisted ideology of "save everyone in the world at the expense of the American middle class"?  Only Reagan and Trump put ordinary Americans first.

Now, unless the Supreme Court steps in, it's back to "normal."  Already the word has come down from Biden appointees — herd the riffraff back to their pens, tape their mouths, steal their votes, and strip them of their rights.  It's high times again in Washington.
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Licensedtothrillonline today!


Some years ago I revisited one of my old schools. A huge Victorian building with a large area of land at the rear. Football, netball, and huge grassed site.
The building was no longer there and had been replaced by some 2 storey insignificant dwellings.
I was disappointed at the removal of a part of my history. The headmistress was formidable and I received the caine, which had a split end, on at least two occasions. I hated her, but in my last year there, the pupils elected me school captain.
The school had 200 pupils. My new school had 2000 pupils.
I discovered that the headmistress was killed in a road accident 7 years after I left.

Let us never Forget the Boston Massacre and lead forever England the oppressor.

NOTE: This thread is about the Boston Massacre. All unrelated post will be towed away sooner or later.

On this day in 1770, tensions between British soldiers and American colonists erupt. British soldiers fire into a crowd in an event that came to be known as the Boston Massacre.

For the next several years, an oration was given on the anniversary of that terrible tragedy. Speakers commemorated the event—but also urged their fellow colonists to action.

War against Great Britain loomed. “If you, with united zeal and fortitude, oppose the torrent of oppression,” Joseph Warren asserted in his 1772 oration, “if you feel the true fire of patriotism burning in your breasts . . . you may have the fullest assurance that tyranny, with her whole accursed train, will hide their hideous heads in confusion, shame and despair.”

He expressed confidence that the “SAME ALMIGHTY Being” who’d helped Americans in the past would help again. “May we ever be a people favoured of GOD,” he concluded. “May our land be a land of liberty, the seat of virtue . . . .”

John Hancock echoed such themes in 1774. “I glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity to tyranny,” he declared. He, too, sought divine assistance in fighting British tyranny.

“et us humbly commit our righteous cause to the great Lord of the Universe,” he concluded, “who loveth righteousness and hateth iniquity. And having secured the approbation of our hearts, by a faithful and unwearied discharge of our duty to our country, let us joyfully leave our concerns in the hands of him who raiseth up and pulleth down the empires and kingdoms of the world as he pleases . . . .”

Would our Founders still think we were resisting tyranny? Would they wonder why we don’t seek divine assistance? Would they be surprised that abandoning some of these principles has left us so angry and divided?


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We don't have a defense anymore. Support your County Sheriffs and LEO's.

We are under attack and on our own. Our infrastructure won't handle another 100 million people expected here in the next couple of years (air water food transportation.) The world is screwed when we go down. Support your County Sheriffs and local LEO's (Law Enforcement Officers.) The U.S. Sheriffs want to do their jobs protecting us, even though our current Federal admin won't. Educate yourselves.

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