Duckie123456789Duckie123456789 Blog Comments (120)

This is a list of blog comments created by Duckie123456789

RE: How many people meet right one for CS?


I don't know if you have found a nice man or not. I can tell you that I recently met a man here that I have found to be a total package. Nice with a gritty side. A gentleman that has no fear of speaking his other words he has my undivided attention. Time will tell, I plan to let what happens happen. I pray for the best, but am prepared if we just become good friends.

RE: What Is Fear Can You Tell Me?


Thank you. I still garden (have a big vegie garden), but I wear gloves (taped at the wrist), boots (socks also taped), and I only use tools instead of baree hands. So, all in all, I am okay. It is not that often you encounter worms unless you are in the garden.

Like I said, I really have no other fears, not even of death. So, this is not some fear that when I die I will be eaten by them or anything. It is rather funny. My nephews used to have loads of fun chasing me with worms. And, it is okay for you to laugh. teddybear

RE: What Is Fear Can You Tell Me?


I have done everything to get past my unrationale fear of worms. I have gritted my teeth and tried to hold one, I have had people hold me so I will not run just to look at them....Nothing works. So, I guess there are some fears that you just can not conquer. Any suggestions???

RE: What Is Fear Can You Tell Me?


Nicely put. By the way check your last blog. I gave you the steps on how to block a specific sender..

RE: My Son got good news

You must be very proud. Well done and congratulate your son for me. I wish him well in his studies!

RE: What Is Fear Can You Tell Me?

There is defined in many ways by different views. What makes one afraid, is merely a walk in the park for another. I am, for the most part, without fear. I do not fear the dark, lightening, flood, snakes, spiders, or the end of the world. I do have one fear that most people would consider funny--I am afraid of worms. Yes, you read that right. I can not control it, there is no reason such as trama or being chased by one, but still each time I see a worm my heart pounds, I want to run! I have no fear of snakes or lizards...only those squiggly brown or red worms that is so helpful in the garden, have no teeth, can not strike me or chase you know.

RE: I dont think i can do this....


It is only my opinion, but like women, men do not want to have to fight for anyone. Men are looking for the same thing that many women look for, a faithful partner. Again, only my thoughts but how can a man see you as faithful if they have to take a number and stand in que for your attention. Sometimes when we are so busy going here and there, we do not take the time to get to know anyone, love can only come after you get to know a person. It is apparant that you are popular, that is a good thing. If I were in your position I would narrow the list down to one person. Concentrate on that person and if they prove not to be "the one" then move on. You are young, pretty, witty, and nice....I have faith that there is a good man just waiting for you.

RE: I don't need you...


One other thought, I know that there are times when we need each other, like in times of sickness (physical or mental) and yes I would not have a problem with taking care of someone else, but when they become well then it should revert back to a balanced situation of respect...etc.

RE: I don't need you...


In terms of need. We all have needs but I would not want to be needed by anyone. I want to be loved, appreciated and respected. I want to love someone, appreciate them, and respect them. I want to share my life not because they have a need for me, but rather that they want to be with me. Does this make sense to you? This is the best that I can explain it. I know that it may be an inadequate explaination, but it is as best that I can do.

RE: falling in love


The story goes that she was created at the same time as Adam. They lived together but had issues. Adam turned his back on her and complained to God. God removed her from the garden and made Adam fall asleep and created Eve. Eve, being made from Adam, was more obedient and they had children. Lilith daughter married Cain.....and the story goes on..

RE: Temporary Sabbatical


You will be missed. Have you thought about using Dragon? It is a voice activated program developed that allows you to blog, write, and all of that through voice command. It is easy to sit up and works quite well. I have a contractor who is visual impaired and I got the program for him to use. He is a very productive programmer who is blind. This program is faster than Brail for him. It is also inexpensive (about $60 US).

RE: I've kind of been anticipating it for the past few



Sorry I missed your blog. I will go in search for it. I think that you may have ESP.....I have a friend that gets "feelings" about things and I always pay attention to her when she says that I should be careful becuase she had a feeling.handshake

RE: I've kind of been anticipating it for the past few


I am so pleased that you are okay. Question, please do not think me rude, but are you clairvoyant? I have read about people who are. Just asking becuase you said that you were anticipating the accident.

RE: needed or wanted


Wanted without a doubt.

I think this echos my feelings...!

RE: falling in love


You are right, Adam had no choice in his first wife who was sent away. But, I am sure that before God made Eve he had a whole laundary list from Adam filled with requirements. wave



I really like you. You are like Barney!

I just want to reach through the screen and across the miles and give you a big hug!teddybear

RE: how


Good question. I guess no one really knows if a person is real or playing a game. But, IMO everything has to start with trust. Yes, you let your guard down and you could be hurt but there is always a chance of finding joy and love.

RE: I Like Horror Films... So What?

The one I liked, but could not watch, was Hellraiser. The guy with the nails in his head gave me nightmares! Funny, they still come out of my brother's collection on Halloween. We have a party every Halloween, people dress up and we have movies running all night, a BBQ going, and ghost stories are told by one and all. Fun!

RE: are


What a took your photograph down??? Why??? You had some photographs that were real nice. Your choice, but I almost slipped by without replying to your last input.

Honey do not change to fit in with the people here on CS, you are real, a joy to talk with. There are some of us that understand you and like you just the way you are. My mother always said, if you change to conform to other people's expectations then you are not being true to yourself. People that can or are your true friends will not try to change you, but accept that you are not a mini me. teddybear

I am off to work, so have a great day and be yourself, you brighten many people's day.

RE: dating goals


I really am happy for you. I hope there is a good one in the lot for you.

I have never thought about reverseing things other than tracking down a computer problem. Thanks for the tip.

RE: dating goals


Thinking about my comment, I guess I let it off too short. His email told a big story about CS and how much in demand you men are.

RE: dating goals


Like fecal matter...body waste, excrement, excreta, excretory product, excretion. I just can not bring myself to use the other word. And yes, whales eat so it has to go someplace. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: dating goals


Yes, the focus is wrong. But, we live in a world of instant gratification. There are so many women on this site, the buffet is too large for most men. They start talking to a woman and then send them an email that go like this: I am sorry I did not write earlier, but my mail box is so full that I must be selective to whom I write. I got that email and it made me feel like whale waste at the bottom of the ocean.

RE: are


I missed you. I always look forward to reading your comments, but I don't read every blog so I may have missed you because of that.

I am doing well, been busy myself. But you know how CS is, like chips it is hard to keep the hand out of the bowl. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: are


I have not seen you for awhile, how are you?

You alwasy give the best advice.

I do not know about the time table, I posted a blog yesterday and it just moved down the list until it fell off the current page.

RE: are


You are most welcome. dancing

RE: are

Correction. By entry will show you every blog that has ever been by date and time.



I was told not to try to mentor anyone, but I am ignoring them.

So here goes. Stay calm, some people will see your anger as weakness and we both know you are a strong woman. Try to ignore those that are angry or jealous of you. There are some on CS that are very unhappy and they take pride in making other people feel badly. I personally like you, you are an up front, in your face, and confident.

RE: Earthquake


There is a fault line here and another one in TN that has not shown much activity for quite some time. The next quake, according to scientist will be the one in TN.

I am glad that you are okay. Gotta run, have to do head count.

Take care and stay safe!

This is a list of blog comments created by Duckie123456789.

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