SemsuSemsu Blog Comments (673)

RE: who prayers are answered ?


There is no ethic challenge any more,you are just one big step behind in knowledge,my Son can make it from skin,blood and now last taken from the Patients own bone marrow,so when it is not coming from the fetus and not from anybody others body,there are no other Medical challenges either.

My Son is very known,if you only touch the right Scientists,he was even given about 7-8 years ago, to work out the Stem Cell law in Massachusett,what is as a Law there now.


RE: who prayers are answered ?


limbs can grow back,because our body is following the roles of our DNA and the Salamander is a good example of that.....Salamander was the leading point from almost beginning in his regeneration success in is in the future possible to regenerate every single part of the Human body and the Heart is my Sons next project,that should be ready for trials in about 1 year.


RE: ? or !



you don't need to believe it at all,but you are going to see it and benefit from it by your self and then you are going to see who are the real arrogant.

The first hint you are going to feel inside 3-6 month,when the Medical data is coming public from Russia,where already 4 patients are injected with Stem Cells and next two are going to be done next month,in a row of 30-60 patients,paid by Russian Government.

All 4 patients already injected have got feelings back in the skin,ability to sweat and movement in legs ,foots and toe,training already to stand independently after some weeks after the bone correcting and Stem Cell injections.

The patients was selected from the most worst cases,with up to 7 cm of damage in the spinal cord,still there was already in different cases only between 1-2 weeks and contact to the Brain could be seen.

You act exactly as a person,who believe he or she has knowledge about something,but don't have still enough,they just mock other people as you did now.

You don't need to wait so long any more to know,but can you be shame when you know that you have been wrong and mock somebody wrongly,that can only future show.

Have a good day'


RE: who prayers are answered ?

Most of it has to do with our Subconscious and when our Subconscious believe it ,it is going to happen,because our Subconscious is much of the mover of our Fate.
So it is no matter what God we have create for our self,if we believe enough strong,that something happen,our Fate is going to move in that direction. Praying with no enough believing is never going to realize what we are asking for and the paradox is then that in small things we believe more strong,that we can get it,but when what we are asking is to big for our believing,it is never going to happen,because our Subconscious has not been convinced.

Placebo affection is a very good example about it,there are full of happenings,where doctors give in secret sugar pills and they work in people like curing pills.
A lot of pills what is in use in Medicine in these days,have in fact very little affection in them self,but it is Placebo affection,that do the best job.

So I don't believe in Man made Gods and Religions,but I believe still in Prayers,because with a strong believing,the prayers can work effectively as a Placebo affection.

I was made an Atheist yesterday,by somebody,that wanted me to be an Atheist,who made an own conclusion from my comments,but that is very far away from the truth.

In our Family we can see the wave lengths,that is outside normal peoples Eye sight and why we have that ability is,because we know that it is possible,if we believe that it is possible.

By seeing a wider spectrum,give the ability to see things that is around us and happen around us,what normal people don't see and we want it or not,but there are energy fields,with what ever energy formations from different things going on.

This part of existence,we have dubbed with my Son as Spiritual Science,what normal Science have still very little clue about.

People more close to nature can better recognize that part of existence and it looks like animals have much of it naturally.

So in our family,we don't see only energy formations,we see Spirits and Souls also around and we know that every single Human has at least one Spirit close by,but often 2 or 3 even.

From these Spirits around a person,it is possible to identify,what kind of person we are dealing with!

I know,that some here on CS,that is reading this,are going to make our family just full of crazy individuals,but I think it could be a good idea to first make a question,how it is possible that my Son could create the Stem Cell,that has been a topic for thousands of Medical scientists for decades,not finding the solution and not only that,he has also find a pill to stop Cells to die and he has also already the knowledge to tackle Cancer by using its own ability against it self.

There are other mind braking knowledge what he has and are mostly only in his and mine knowledge,but the question here is,why and how and from where he get all this knowledge? What if the mystery of Life is completely something else what we Human normally believe???

Make your mind by your self,I'm not going to go further!!!


RE: ? or !


I read trough the Bible already when I was about 18 as I told before,I'm not like most believers,that have hardly open the Bible,so I know what there is and I dont like it,only Salomon's verses have real value,there are so much wisdom in them.
But what about you,have you open any other religion books,I have a lot of them and the Book about Buddha is my favourite of religious Books..."don't believe in anybody,not even in me,find the truth by your self" as Buddha said is what I believe in.
As average,more narrow your knowledge are,more stubbornly you stick to what you believe.


RE: ? or !


you have to study,Biology,Cemistry and Physics,then you get the Son has 5 degres,in Medicine,Busines,Biology,Cemistry and Physsics and when he creat the Stem Cells,he use the last three,starting from nothing,that has no life,all the way to material and finally put life into he could best explain it to you,but it is a secret how he do it and in his opinion,we Humans are not ready yet for that knowledge,so he said,that he is going to take some of the information with him when he die.

This is how life came to Earth,I know in prinsipe how it happen,but he only know the details.


RE: ? or !


There are billions of Galaxy out there not millions and as Scientist already believe,other Universes in close unite with our Universe,so if we are at least in some way living in reality,yes,there are alien life out there too and almost sure a lot of it,so about your God,is he concentrated only on humans,because then all other life form is sinners.

I have already said many times,that as everything work so perfectly,what you can see so clearly in science,there is no doubt about it,there exist for sure an Intelligent mind behind it,but it is also for sure to much for us Humans to understand.

It is not important to know what it is,important is,that we are able to adopt in our mind an universal Love,then we can all live in peace and we don't need any man made religions that create only intolerance and wars.


RE: ? or !


if you can explain how your God did it and not using only one word "creation "for it,berhas we get easier out from this dilemma,because to explaine in a scientfic way,it is little more complex and I'm not so sure if you have knowledge enough to understand it.

But a little hint att least,When my Son make the Stem Cell,there is happening a creation,that take about 3-4 days and it stat from nothing and in a similar way as the particle are identified from the wave in Quantum mechanics (Physic)and if you know what TAO means,so that is similar also how it start the creation.


RE: ? or !


so without believing in your God,my Son should feel,that he is NOUTHING.

But I tell you something,if you get in an accident and you can not move anything down from your neck and not feel anything either,what ever you make him NOUTHING,his good Heart is still going to be there for you too and if he face you and what ever you tell him that he is a sinner,he is going to do all he ever can to help you bach to walk and to Life and that is how we think in our Family.


RE: ? or !


I feel exactly as you feel and what bother me a lot is,when people with extreme faith,make everybody else like sinners and acting like they know,when most of them has never read even their own Book trough.

I can not over all understand,why it could be so important for a real God to have Humans building Churches and Temples to him and using hours for prayers,a real God can not be that conceited!

This is completely to Human like,I'm asking very much more from a perfect God,like using all these money for hospitals and free time to help Humans in problems,in short showing Universal Love.

My Son,who is the Medical Scientist and almost killing him self with work,he don't have any time for fun and he has not have even a TV in 7 years already.

Yes,he don't believe in any God,but deeply in a Spiritual existence,but he is not anything NOTHING still and when I said to him,that he should get Married and get grandchildren for me,his answer was,that there is no Woman that is ready to accept the way hi live,but that for him,the most important is,that he can get his findings,the ultimate cure out in public use ,to help all Humans,that suffer from what ever sickness and then he is ready to leave.

Yes,it is very hard to hear something like that from your own Son,but still it make me very proud to be his Father,because I know that the right seeds,the seeds I planted in him from small,had grown to a beautiful Flower,he just have the Universal Love in him self,he is giving his life to the well being of Humanity.

But as a sinner because he is not believing in the God in the Bible,he should of course be put to death and as an unbeliever he is just NOUTHING!!!


RE: ? or !


you are coming up with little more information,but you still leave the important facts out.....about 30 % of the Gospels do not exist in the Bible at all,I have them collected in one book at home,that is almost tick like the Bible.....the text is also changed in the Bible itself from the original Gospels to fit better into the Roman Emperors needs to get peace between Pagans and different sects,because the priority was not to get only Christians behind the new God,he wanted all other to adapt it also.
When asked from one leader in the convent,why they had change old texts,he answered,that they did it to get it better to fit in to the life in that time.

All to that they have also find different versions of the Bible from that time and even to day different splits from the Roman Catholic are using slightly different versions as Bible.

The story about Jesus on the cross is not existing in old scripts and Prophet Muhammad,Who lived with an Christian sect,got from them the information,that there never happened a crucifixion.
Also Romans crucify all the criminals on the side of the road to show people what happen if you do wrong,so a special place on the side from public only tell that it was put into the Bible,for some special purpose,but it never happen in fact.

The Gospels that is left out from the Bible,because they did not serve the purpose what was in the mind of the Council,are in fact in many cases the better part of all Gospels,but they don't support the story of Jesus what the Bible makers wanted.


RE: Do we really love God


are your name in the begining of my comment or it is Sista???,so if you furst can made that conclusion,then you should understand to who my comment is directed!!!




LOL,Ken is ver,very right,LOL,and your comment is extremely fundamental,LOL.

Ometimes you really can have a good laught and a good laught extend your life,so thank's for that gift my friend.




that what it is,but there are no other God,that has so much blood on his hands as the God in the Bible.
Of course everybody have the rights to believe in what ever they want,even like children in fairy tales,if they only could keep it by them self,and not drag us people living in reality,into their cartoon stupidity and by drumming religious war,that is going to burst the societies sooner or later into crazy blood letting.


RE: ? or !

Again from the Bible created by the Roman Emperor, LOL




When you try to use Bible to explain,you just use the book that the Roman Emperor put together!!!
Ken here is telling more deeper the fact about how the Bible was created and with everone involved,as I also know from before also,but as he advise me,it looks to be very close to the facts,"DON'T TELL THEM THE TRUTH,THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"

Many people put in their profile,that they are honest and truthfull,but are dey???


RE: ? or !


It is very clear,that you have never read Newtons Book,because it has nothing to do with what you are saying,his work was done for over 40 years as an scientist and with scientific data,so please don't mess up the truth.

Also the Bible is done by order from the Roman Emperor,that needed a uniting Religion with a new God,mixed with different Pagan believing as you can already see in the Christmas day,that was the Pagan use in that time and how Orthodox Catholics keep Christmas at Jan 7,even Roman Catholics and Orthodox was united up to about 1000....also Orthodox is not accept Jesus as a God,so these historical facts,so what else can it then be,if you look at it in a realistic way,than Man made.

Over all,I just wonder,why we Humans have so big problems to accept facts and to respect the truth.


RE: ? or !

You need only to read trough the Book Destiny of Souls,based on scientific work with regression and you can see,how much more the mystery of life is and how much more we can have,than what the Man made lors are explaining.
Just give your self a try!

With respect,




I'm sorry to tell you,but Jesus Christ as the name,was decided by the Roman Emperor after the Bible was done ,that start as a a work by the Council of Nicea in 325 by about 1200 members.....they had come up with two name and about 600 members wanted Jesus and about 600 Christ,so the Emperor made peace between the members and decided,that they are going to use the both names for the new God of Roman Empire.
The authentic sects in Israel,that was predicting about a coming King,that could safe Israel from Romans was talking about RIGHTOUS,but the Council in Nicea wanted a more attractive name.
Our life involve also Historic facts and not only Lors.




CS is a place of objectivity,noot subjectivity and if we try to find somebody here for a relationship,it is important to know their mind little more than just the surface and that looks to be the best of CS.


RE: Do we really love God


it is because normal people are objective in their mind and not subjective as people in a narrow faith and the difference is coming even more clear,when it has to do with fundamentalism as what is shown in your comments.

It could be interested to see you face to face in a conversation with an ISIS fundamentalist.......................................................!

Also I think we all people with a wider Heart and objective mind could be happy to see all different fundamentalists skipped to the same place,where they could go on in a religious war with each other and we people that want to live in peace could make together a better world to live in.


RE: big window .....

You have a bulk of facts here and what consern me most is that Internet destroy the universal Human need for closenes,where you can identify gestures from your body,feel the warm hug and many other important things.

We are already so much Robots,with all working technically,loosing all abilities to survive in possible catastrophs,but also our feelings for closeness are soon gone,we braiwash our self to believe,that our life alone are better than together.




You looks to support that Wild West trend and when the street war is going to build up in Europe as it almost sure are going to do,it is going to be much like a Wild West,but guns are still not what I feel is good in everybody's hands!


RE: Hows your mental health?

Lukeon ,

you are just on the point!


RE: Hows your mental health?

Most Animals dont kill own species,but we Humans kill even in mass,so my own mind and heart often wonder are the Animals more Human,than we Humans???!!!



Cartoons about Prophet Muhammad are for sure stirring up men's anger and it did not only killing people from the News Paper,it killed several people,that was not involved and did not had any intention to stirring anybodies anger.

If we drive fast and put other in danger,we are fined for that and if we drive over somebody and are reason to somebody's death,we are in Jail and it is because we are the reason,but when somebody make cartoons and they are the reason why some very innocent people are now dead,they are just prised for that and most people are even supporting them to make more reason,to stirring up men's anger and to kill more.

If I go and moch some 3-4 men that is together on the street,about their out look or what cloth they have,I'm 100 % sure that I,m going to be beaten up badly and in some cases,even could be killed,so why should we believe,that mocking Prophet Muammad can be done without concequences????

Where is the protecting Law here,is the Western world a double Faced and double standard society????!!!!


RE: So, You Have Been Had


I know,I have been in almost 40 different Countries around the world,most of them in business and meeting people in their normal life,but still,what I learned from small,is still in my blood and other people can do what ever they want,but I follow how I feel how a woman should be respected.
When I was some years ago in Canada and a Lady was coming down together with me in a lift,she was more iside,but I move aside when the door opened and show her to go first,when we was both outside,she came in front of me and said,"you did someting I really like,but there are so very few men that act like you anymore"....I think it made the day for us both.


RE: So, You Have Been Had


but professionals need help by them self and you can not send cat there,nobody survive their pills....thats why my Son try to find out cure,lol.


RE: So, You Have Been Had


everything in your Blog is exactly how I think too and all the women I have been with,was my own choice,it is my own mistakes and nobody else to blame.

Also I am of the opinion,that even these all women was not good for me,they can sure be good for somebody else....the matter is,that similar children play together best and to normal people that are very different from each other,can grow very quickly devils!


RE: Horoscopes Reloaded 2


I don't know from where you have pic up this information,perhaps you are the master your self,but when I was reading trough Taurus,yes,the story is completely crazy and nothing at all has to do with Taurus fact it is so crazy,that I was laughting loud by my self.

I think I have to put up a shadow Blog,that is not for sure better,but anyway the fact about Taurus.

L O L,


This is a list of blog comments created by Semsu.

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