? or !

There are only two ways we humans can posture ourselves. Either we’re bent over like a question mark or we’re straight as an exclamation point. It depends on our view of God. Our lives only have meaning within the context of a Creator. His life, love, holiness, and ultimate ends—these are the things that give us hope and purpose. Reject God, and the answer to “Who am I?” doesn’t even require a single word. A simple question mark will do. Without Him, we feel we’re nothing but momentary sparks that flicker in meaninglessness and die into nothingness. There are no answers, only question marks.

When our view of God is true and biblical, we’re as upright as an exclamation mark. We’re made in God’s image for His purposes, recipients of His peace and perpetual life through Jesus Christ who loved us and died for us. We stand firm with hope and purpose.

We’re only able to understand who we are when we understand the Creator. Our secularized culture yields despair, but how different when we exclaim with Psalm 8: “O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!”
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Comments (47)

Well said Jim and I am a exclamation point!!! wave wave wave
I totally agree with you GJ.
I too am an exclamation Mark!!

I truly stand all amazed at his love and goodness for each one of us. I stand amazed that he can love me with all my flaws... It is truly wonderful to me.

Thanks for a blog reminding us of who we are! Sons and daughters of God.

I love this saying

I am a child of Royal birth
My Father is King of Heaven and earth
My spirit was born in courts on high
A child beloved.. A Prince/Princess am I!

I believe no matter what our status here on this earth we each have a divine and noble heritage.

You need only to read trough the Book Destiny of Souls,based on scientific work with regression and you can see,how much more the mystery of life is and how much more we can have,than what the Man made lors are explaining.
Just give your self a try!

With respect,

Thanks BC. I try to be.
Hi Wallops!

Yes, when I read this online from Dr. David Jeremiah, I was impressed and wanted to pass it on.

I like what you posted:

I love this saying

I am a child of Royal birth
My Father is King of Heaven and earth
My spirit was born in courts on high
A child beloved.. A Prince/Princess am I!

I believe no matter what our status here on this earth we each have a divine and noble heritage.

I agree with you 100%! Thanks!hug
You know what amazes so much is that we don't have to take the word of any book.. Though they can lead us to truth and God .. But that God Himself will teach and tell and reveal things to us personally if we but ask with a sincere heart. I love that... You don't have to take anybody else's word for it... He Himself will testify to our hearts the truth and when He does, you know it And could never deny it. This happened to me... And I do know!
How wonderful that He takes time out to answer a simple prayer.. But that is how much He loves us.

Very well put! God gave us the Bible (His unchanging word) as our guide! In the Bible, I believe from the first word of Genesis to the last word in Revelation! He never stears me wrong!thumbs up

I don't believe in "man made lores" as you claim. Newton who wrote the book you referred to me got most of his info from studying eastern religions and what people disclosed to him. Then he drew his own conclusions.

I only believe one way. The Christian Bible and what it says! PERIOD!

Have a good day!thumbs up
Hi Jim, teddybear hug

It is very clear,that you have never read Newtons Book,because it has nothing to do with what you are saying,his work was done for over 40 years as an scientist and with scientific data,so please don't mess up the truth.

Also the Bible is done by order from the Roman Emperor,that needed a uniting Religion with a new God,mixed with different Pagan believing as you can already see in the Christmas day,that was the Pagan use in that time and how Orthodox Catholics keep Christmas at Jan 7,even Roman Catholics and Orthodox was united up to about 1000....also Orthodox is not accept Jesus as a God,so these historical facts,so what else can it then be,if you look at it in a realistic way,than Man made.

Over all,I just wonder,why we Humans have so big problems to accept facts and to respect the truth.

Hi Usha!hug teddybear

Read in the bible, Luke 1 v 31. The angel Gabriel said to Mary, Jesus mother: "You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus".

This has nothing to do with some emperor! By the way I am familiar with the early church history.

No more debating. You believe what you want and I will do the same!
Again from the Bible created by the Roman Emperor, LOL

Hello brother

I agree Jim, for apart from God, there is no objective meaning, and as a result, man through his own efforts, tries to subjectively "determine" his own meaning for why he is here, apart from a Meaner (God), through which we "discover" life's ultimate purpose and meaning for our lives, that has lasting value for time and eternity.

Good blog! thumbs up handshake

God bless! peace


There is an important difference between when a New Testament book was accepted as "canonical" and when the Christian church in general eventually recognized it. It misleading if one does not see this important distinction.

For the historical evidence clearly demonstrates that virtually all the New Testament books were recognized and cited by some Church Father or canon within the first century or so after the New Testament was completed. For instance, by AD 182 to 188, during the time of Irenaeus, every book except the tiny one-chapter book of 3 John was accepted. Of course, since travel and communication was slow, not all the books were recognized everywhere until the Council of Hippo (AD 393).

Canonicity is determined or established authoritatively by God, and is merely discovered by man.

God bless!
Gentlejim what your saying is not all true. I can only talk about me, and i must say I am something. I am something for all people that asks for my help to solve probs. I do that gladly. I do deny all gods and all religions. I respect people that believe in gods or whatever they believe , I have no probs with that. But saying we feel we are nothing cos we do not believe in gods, I think that is taking it a bit far. However if you had stated it was according to your opinion I could have respected it. Now, well lets say I cant respect this sorry have a great life
My respect. It is well told, the interesting blog.handshake

you are coming up with little more information,but you still leave the important facts out.....about 30 % of the Gospels do not exist in the Bible at all,I have them collected in one book at home,that is almost tick like the Bible.....the text is also changed in the Bible itself from the original Gospels to fit better into the Roman Emperors needs to get peace between Pagans and different sects,because the priority was not to get only Christians behind the new God,he wanted all other to adapt it also.
When asked from one leader in the convent,why they had change old texts,he answered,that they did it to get it better to fit in to the life in that time.

All to that they have also find different versions of the Bible from that time and even to day different splits from the Roman Catholic are using slightly different versions as Bible.

The story about Jesus on the cross is not existing in old scripts and Prophet Muhammad,Who lived with an Christian sect,got from them the information,that there never happened a crucifixion.
Also Romans crucify all the criminals on the side of the road to show people what happen if you do wrong,so a special place on the side from public only tell that it was put into the Bible,for some special purpose,but it never happen in fact.

The Gospels that is left out from the Bible,because they did not serve the purpose what was in the mind of the Council,are in fact in many cases the better part of all Gospels,but they don't support the story of Jesus what the Bible makers wanted.


I have the right to not debate or agree with anyone on here if I like! That is my perogative! As long as I do not break the rules!

If you don't like my blog/s, then move on! I am not forcing anyone to accept what I have posted!
So Jim, are you saying that anyone that disagrees with you on this subject is not welcomedunno
excellnt blog,jim!!!!
He is not saying that....those of you with your own agendas.....We can all argue...or we can ask God who to argue with????? Arguing with those that love to argue accomplishes nothing...in the end...is it love?sigh uh oh wow
I have no agenda Calwink Couldnt care less what people believe indunno no need to be so touchy...funny how these subjects get so seriouslaugh

I feel exactly as you feel and what bother me a lot is,when people with extreme faith,make everybody else like sinners and acting like they know,when most of them has never read even their own Book trough.

I can not over all understand,why it could be so important for a real God to have Humans building Churches and Temples to him and using hours for prayers,a real God can not be that conceited!

This is completely to Human like,I'm asking very much more from a perfect God,like using all these money for hospitals and free time to help Humans in problems,in short showing Universal Love.

My Son,who is the Medical Scientist and almost killing him self with work,he don't have any time for fun and he has not have even a TV in 7 years already.

Yes,he don't believe in any God,but deeply in a Spiritual existence,but he is not anything NOTHING still and when I said to him,that he should get Married and get grandchildren for me,his answer was,that there is no Woman that is ready to accept the way hi live,but that for him,the most important is,that he can get his findings,the ultimate cure out in public use ,to help all Humans,that suffer from what ever sickness and then he is ready to leave.

Yes,it is very hard to hear something like that from your own Son,but still it make me very proud to be his Father,because I know that the right seeds,the seeds I planted in him from small,had grown to a beautiful Flower,he just have the Universal Love in him self,he is giving his life to the well being of Humanity.

But as a sinner because he is not believing in the God in the Bible,he should of course be put to death and as an unbeliever he is just NOUTHING!!!


In other words you are of the opinion that you can post anything you like and not take responsibility for the viewpoint you hold? The blogs are open for public viewing and comment. Provided any person sticks to the rules they do have full rights to debate the issue or disagree with you. People have the right to challenge content placed within the public domain. Within another blogger's blog you make a comment and then state that the debate is over – and end it with period. On what authority do you have the right to tell other people to effectively shut their mouths just because you are uncomfortable with what they are saying? You most certainly do not need to agree with anyone who posts comments and should you not wish to continue a debate it is your perogative. It is, however, not the issue. People have the right to differ and voice their opinion should they wish to do so, unless they are oppressed without such freedom.

so without believing in your God,my Son should feel,that he is NOUTHING.

But I tell you something,if you get in an accident and you can not move anything down from your neck and not feel anything either,what ever you make him NOUTHING,his good Heart is still going to be there for you too and if he face you and what ever you tell him that he is a sinner,he is going to do all he ever can to help you bach to walk and to Life and that is how we think in our Family.

Well spoken Semsu!handshake
Children! Let's live in peace and friendship!!!
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Should have been EARTH, UNIVERSE, and millions of galaxies out there. Not made by man. So why don't you let me believe and based my belief to anything that make sense to me?

if you can explain how your God did it and not using only one word "creation "for it,berhas we get easier out from this dilemma,because to explaine in a scientfic way,it is little more complex and I'm not so sure if you have knowledge enough to understand it.

But a little hint att least,When my Son make the Stem Cell,there is happening a creation,that take about 3-4 days and it stat from nothing and in a similar way as the particle are identified from the wave in Quantum mechanics (Physic)and if you know what TAO means,so that is similar also how it start the creation.

The old woman decrepit told … Remember truth, the friend … You in life of happiness don't learn … When in soul the lock hangs … You don't eat that an eye doesn't want … Don't climb there, where not yours … Life a boomerang returns … Everyone will be responsible for the.
Embedded image from another site

There are billions of Galaxy out there not millions and as Scientist already believe,other Universes in close unite with our Universe,so if we are at least in some way living in reality,yes,there are alien life out there too and almost sure a lot of it,so about your God,is he concentrated only on humans,because then all other life form is sinners.

I have already said many times,that as everything work so perfectly,what you can see so clearly in science,there is no doubt about it,there exist for sure an Intelligent mind behind it,but it is also for sure to much for us Humans to understand.

It is not important to know what it is,important is,that we are able to adopt in our mind an universal Love,then we can all live in peace and we don't need any man made religions that create only intolerance and wars.

If there was NO Bible but only one scripture; John 3-16 where it says;
For God so loved the world (YOU) that He gave us His only Son. That who
so ever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.
Now the true question is? Are there religions that kill you just because you don't believe in theirs?
EXCELLENT BLOG JIM.. God, our Lord Jesus Christ and the heavenly host are rejoicing as you and we ALL agree as having all things in common regarding our Savior Jesus Christ, and making it known to the world that we are standing in oneness about the gospel truth of our faith and belief, as we have been so commanded to do, and should EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH THAT WAS ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS Jude 1

Semsus, and to all other nonbelievers who suggest Christian believers should read and believe apostate material written by false teachers... why not you guys try reading the Book of John objectively, as you suggest Jim and all of us to read the books and material you believe in>Book of Destiny of Souls... as a matter of truth, why not YOU try to reading any of the Books in the Gospel written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, and even Dr. Luke the book of Acts, and of course, the Apostles John and Peter and make sure to touch bases in reading the Apostle Paul's writings anywhere from Romans to Titus... the choices are your's to make which book (s) you would like to read, and see what God has to say about the destiny of the souls of those who do not believe in Jesus Christ and where they will end up...

Oh, sorry... better yet, to make it easy and simple for you... why not read the last four chapters of the book of the Word Revelation chapters 19-22, its only four small chapters, much shorter reading that the book you've suggested. In these chapters you will find out where unbelieving souls go who are lost in their unbelief in Jesus the Christ.

you have to study,Biology,Cemistry and Physics,then you get the answer....my Son has 5 degres,in Medicine,Busines,Biology,Cemistry and Physsics and when he creat the Stem Cells,he use the last three,starting from nothing,that has no life,all the way to material and finally put life into it.....so he could best explain it to you,but it is a secret how he do it and in his opinion,we Humans are not ready yet for that knowledge,so he said,that he is going to take some of the information with him when he die.

This is how life came to Earth,I know in prinsipe how it happen,but he only know the details.

Sista Cally, our faithful sista In Christ wave
Who will answer me?
How did humans arrive on this planet, swam out of the ocean, or from apes
As I said before it takes more faith to believe than it is to believe in a Creator.
This comment is directed to everyone who commented on my blog!

First of all, I was not trying to start a firestorm! Everyone is entitled to their opinion! I copied this post because it touched me!

Everyone has their own beliefs! I am not trying to change it as some think on here. Let's just stop here and hopefully part as friends!

Please no more comments!handshake

Thank you!
Cheers Jim: thumbsup:

I read trough the Bible already when I was about 18 as I told before,I'm not like most believers,that have hardly open the Bible,so I know what there is and I dont like it,only Salomon's verses have real value,there are so much wisdom in them.
But what about you,have you open any other religion books,I have a lot of them and the Book about Buddha is my favourite of religious Books..."don't believe in anybody,not even in me,find the truth by your self" as Buddha said is what I believe in.
As average,more narrow your knowledge are,more stubbornly you stick to what you believe.

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unknown, Wisconsin, USA

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created Feb 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Feb 2015
Gentlejim has 705 other Blogs

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