RE: Such Nice People

aaawww, so very true. Excellent post Postneoludite! applause

Hugs and kisses for you!hug lips kiss reunion rose
make sure you put the rose in a nice vase, and make fresh water everydaylaugh

Online profile dating cliches decoded

Calmheart, I forgot to add, how do you know I'm not the author? confused dunno I'm still not obligated to tell you anything or provide proof of nothing to you or anyone else.laugh

Online profile dating cliches decoded

Ken, both are correct when spiritually understood in the context and content in which both were spoken. "God doesn't force people to do anything, He gives them free choice,"
vs. "what God planned has already been accomplished."
Were you by chance a Calvinist? laugh

God preordains the beginning, the middle, and the endings of all things, He has foresight and He knows what, who, and how everyone involved is going to react and respond. Aside from that, He knows the free choices everyone will make without His forcing a choice on them, and whatever choice a person makes, His plans always accomplishes the end results of a thing. purple heart

Calmheart, what?... are you now wearing the hat of a copyright police?laugh You know I'm not obligated to provide you or anyone else proof of anything or nothing I say or do... get out of town wowlol

And Calmheart, there is no need for you to apologize to me...its all good... maybe I misread your comment, or maybe it was the tenor or spirit it in which it was written that I perceived. "you weren't suppose",... maybe that's what got me.

Calmheart's comment: And did you know that you weren't supposed to copy and paste it without their permission?

The question sounds presumptuous to me, your comment came across as a "matter-of-fact" kind of a statement, it is not a question providing information of concern as to whether or not I knew or didn't know. Nevertheless, this is a nonessential and has nothing to do with the information in the article. All is well... some times we speak out of range when we're upset about a matter... it happens to the best of us. keep-it-moving heart wings

You and Ken have a great weekend. peace violinangel2

Thanks for your comments.


iotaoo, I'm sorry, please forgive me and send your request back to me,or either you can post it, and if I can give you a good report trust me I will. I enjoy discussing with youconversing

Hey 123, I love Walmart! was there just two days I know you're not judging me, this is for those who are not so much judging me, but are indeed judging and condemning Versaviaand our Christian beliefs, and for what she is posting in her blogs. I thought I should post this topic because there have been some who have stated she was judging them when she has only been posting what God says in His Holy Word.heart wings

RE: On being Born Again- Part 2

thank you serendipity615,for your comment. Yes, we as true Christians believers must learn the difference in real love toward those who hate God, which does not include sugarcoating the truth, or compromising the truth about God just to keep peace or make friends. Jesus and the Apostles caused an uproar everywhere He/they went teaching and preaching. If we are indeed followers of Christ, we are to disregard everything that is not essential to the kingdom, including family, friends, houses, land, children and for sure, those on CS who express hate toward God...

RE: Will God forgive a murderer?


RE: Will God forgive a murderer?

Thank you for your reply,but I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't have an idea or a clue as you what you speak! You know nothing on a personal level in a relationship to, about, or with God Himself, therefore, why must you be presumptuous about the things of God and what you THINK I don't know? Neither do you have an idea or clue about me.

I can only speak for myself. You know nothing about me or who I am, or what I do know spiritually about God, thought are your own thought of what you think. However, if you would like for me to hang my credentials before you I have no problems with that either. (1) As I do have a very close personal relationship with God my Father, this give me VIP entrance into who He is, His mind, heart, and His Holy Spirit, so I think I do know what He likes and dislikes, requires and commands of all who believe that He is God and Creator of the universe and He is over all things in heaven and on earth, and I believe in His darling Son Jesus Christ my Savior.

(2) SIDE BAR: Since YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND ASSUME THINGS ON YOUR OWN ABOUT ME, I have an earned Doctorate degree in Biblical Studies, btw, does that qualify me as a scholar or what? Moreover, I would think knowing God in a personal relationship and knowing His Word through FAITH TO BELIEVE, personal experiences, Bible Study and research. I would guess that I do KNOW MORE ABOUT GOD THAN YOU KNOW, AND I HAVE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW, EXPERIENCE, OR LEARN ABOUT HIM IN YOUR LIFE TIME.

As I've stated the Holy Spirit of God is very good at convicting people of the sins and faults, that's His job, not mine, it is the work God has assigned Him to do. That's why you people are so hostile in your comments... YOUR HEARTS ARE BEING CONVICTED... BUT GUESS WHAT? THAT'S A GOOD THING! So that you may reap the rewards and blessings from,and of God... I ain't mad atcha!laugh

love ya much, love heart wings teddybear kiss

RE: Rhapsody of Realities

Good blog.
So glad God instituted pray as a means for Christian believers to stay connect to Him, and talk with Him. It is a powerful tool of communication with the Father to get our needs met, get directions and seek counsel from God. The power of Prayer can move and change people, places, and things when we pray according to God's will.

God's blessings in all things,angel2

RE: Will God forgive a murderer?

Yes, Versavia, my post are long, I had much to say... and those who are interested and wish to read will take the time to do so..

Cal, thank you for your comment, and I might ask you A CLUE ABOUT WHAT? Are you referencing not having a clue about the topic? Please 'xplain' yourself. Thanksteddybear

RE: On being Born Again- Part 2


Theresa, I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you in part, in that they don't have a clue as to what we are talking about and this is why I spoke what I spoke, but I'm not too good about easing back on the truth, that's called compromise...

I'm not on this site to seek or save the lost, I post on the forums and blogs of my choice to edify other Christians, and since those who do not believe in God, still see fit to come on my thread or blog, I appreciate this and they are welcome and we get alone fine even with some of their smart-mouth comments, but I do understand why. But on another Christians's thread or blog with their mess, I will defend the Word and my faith along with that person against the mockers without compromising one word I must say...

I've read some of your posts, and some of the things you've said have not been as nice as I'm sure you would have liked them to have been. Yes, You're right, sometimes we forget mockers and scoffers don't have a clue, but if a person makes a choice to be in a fight as a mocker or a scoffer, hopefully, as Jesus has said, they will also come after counting the cost of being unprepared.

BUT, there is no where in Scripture can we find where Jesus or the Apostles or the Apostle Paul in His writings compromised one word of what He/they had to say to the Pharisees, mockers, or scoffers, and neither will I. I will indeed boast in the Lord, and speak in defense of the faith according to what is spoken against MY GOD AND HS WORD. Now if it should convict and is taken as fire and brimstone, judging, or self-righteous, or whatever you or anyone else would like to call it, then so be it, that's not my problems. Conviction of the heart is a terrible things, this is the work and job of the Holy Spirit of God to convict the hearts of people of their sins, not mine. I'm only to speak the truth as I know it from the Word, in season (meaning when its proper) and out of season( when its not proper), and God will handle the rest.

"Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for teaching, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, for training in righteousness (meaning in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)". 2 Timothy chapter 3: verses 16.

be blessed

RE: How marriage affects men

oooooooopppps! there it is!conversing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing playball too funnnneee!

RE: Woman For President

OH< MY! I've got it! Angel could very well be the first female President yawn conversing conversing wow hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm NOPE! after much thought, it ain't happening, she is already begging too much for votes to be President and we still have a year to go, that's a loooong time to listen to her begging. naw!rolling on the floor laughing sleep sleep yawn rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Makings Through Breakings

Good Word. God is the only one who can break us into a zillion pieces, and then make us over WHOLE AGAIN from the inside out! Now that's good news!PRAISE GOD! danceline

Article findings...

Ken: "Should narrow it down I think to exclude the ones 'borrowed' from the Catholics such as Christmas, Easter, Christmas trees, caroling, gift giving at Xmas and marriage and instead focus on the ones unique to Baptists." :)

I've explained why Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, and we celebrate Easter which is to mean Passover and is found in the Bible. We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave for the redemption of our sins, and we Baptist call Easter Resurrection Sunday. I see not one thing wrong with this, or caroling and the giving of gifts, not only during Christmas, but year round, so what's pagan about this? These are not just a Catholic thing, these are Christian things and are not pagan practices or unholy traditions according to Scriptures.

I can't rightly say the baptist practice pagan practices, and I've been in the baptist denomination all my life. Our practices are based on Scriptures and are not man made rituals, ceremonies or practices. Not to put down the Catholic church, but to expose the truth, such as ministers/priests not being able to marry, or the worshiping of statues, Mary, and saints, etc.... these are man made practices and traditions and are not found in Scripture to support such practices. All the Apostles of Jesus were married and some even took their wives on mission trips with them. The Apostle Paul was the only one who was not married by choice, to my knowledge.

Yes,it would be nice to narrow things down and define those baptist traditions and practices that are supposedly pagan in the baptist church. I would like to know this for myself, being that I am a baptist.confused dunno

Article findings...

My question, So what are some of the pagan practices, belief systems and traditions of the baptist?dunno confused

Article findings...

Theresa and Ken, thanks for your comments. Some good stuff Ken.
But Teresa, what does being a baptist have to do with whether or not a person is spiritual, but not religious? Help me out here... are you saying being spiritual, but not religious has to do with a denomination? confused dunno

LJ, thank you for your comment I appreciate and do understand your views. But I don't find many of the Old Testament rituals, religious traditions, and/or ceremonial practices of the Old Testament laws being practiced in the New Testament church of today. Because many churches realize and accept that certain strict laws, and ceremonies of God and Moses were done away with under the New Covenant through the birth and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.

But, I, personally, find the Catholic church does practice many man-made rituals that are not even biblical based on the foundation of what God speaks, and this has come to turn many away... just my spiritual findings, thoughts, opinion, views based on what I read in God's Word, the Bible....just sayinghug

Of course, all churches must observe many of the laws God has laid down(10 Commandments)of the Old Testament. But man is not able to fully keep them even so, the Ten Commandments, nor are we righteously able to keep not many of the laws because, it is impossible without the help of God's Holy Spirit living on the inside of a person. This is why God did away with many of His laws and the Mosaic laws man was trying to keep, but man couldn't properly keep them without falling short. Therefore, there is no longer a need for man to make sacrificial offering for sins as was in the Old Testament. Because God offered Jesus (God Himself incarnated) as the pure and perfect sacrifice for sins, once for all, and all for one. We are to live now under this grace and love and not the laws, rituals, or ceremonial practices of the Old Testament.

Old Testament is good and holy, and provides us with teachings, history, understanding of the Hebrew customs and institutions, God's redemption of His chosen people, Gods' status, precepts, and laws for righteous living before God... the OT is for our remembrance of what we could not do by ourselves, and to guide us into knowing the person-hood of God on a personal level. The order of the New Testament provides for better quality of life style for our daily living before God and before others, and for our eternal hope of glory through Jesus Christ

For me, as I have come to understand in my research of the meaning of being Spiritual, but not religious... to be spiritual means to me, to be spiritually connected and open to the knowing there is a true living God the Creator of all things and His mighty power over all things in heaven and on earth... to not be religious has come to means for me, not following the practices of rituals, ceremonies, and certain laws of the Old Testament or the any man-made laws of any church that cannot be found in the Bible, in an attempt to present one's self as being holy and righteous, in an effort to be in close relationship to God.

Spiritual, but not Religious

Hi there Catfootwave
Thank you for your comment. No I'm not worried, I was just courious and wondering if those who state they are spiritual, but not religious really knew what it was all about, and how such worked. confused but I did find the answer from a research article and many other readings.

Basically, from all the articles read, SBNR, are those who are unchurched who have never gone to church nor were raised in the church as a child,nor did their parents attend; they are those who know nothing about God because they reject the truth of what God's Word has to says, so they distance themselves from reading the Bible and cast it off as being "just a book written by mere men" yet, they read and believe in other books that are written by secular men; some lacked faith to believe in God, because they want things to go their way or no way (rebellious, disobedient, stubborn, etc.), and do not understand what faith is, or how faith works; many are angry at God, because they may have prayed for something and nothing happened, or prayed for someone dear to them who was sick and that person still died; some have been hurt by the leadership in a churches, and have given up hope.

There were so many other reasons found as to why people use the phrase Spiritual, but not Religious. But mainly, they use the phrase, and really don't know what the phrase means themselves, but as long as it disconnects them from the local church, they will use it. But no one is without excuse for not believing in a true living God whether a person attends church or not. Cuz, GOD IS FOR REAL! Ripples believe it or not laugh

As the saying goes, I would rather live my life on earth as a person believing there is a God, and then die, only to find out there really is no God or no heaven or hell; than, to live my life on earth as a person believing there is no God, and then die, only to find out there really is a God, a heaven and a hell. wow! that would be messed up!rolling on the floor laughing

All very interesting... thanks again for your comment. Stay blessed teddybear bouquet

RE: Ankle update

Hi Ken, thanks for sharing. I pray that God Himself will touch your foot (ankle) with His healing hands and make it whole again,in the mighty powerful healing name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May it be unto you according to the faith that works in you, Amen!angel2
... take up your bed and walk yay::gottago: heart wings

RE: Mail order brides? Would you do it?

I don't think a mail order bride is any different than an internet bride or groom from a dating site.Same principle I would think. Back in the day they had no internet dating services, so ads were placed in newspapers or in mail order bride magazines and books seeking for brides...

There is nothing new under the sun... internet dating sites have replaced many newspaper ads and mail order bride magazines and books.

Good topic, Windhead banger

A Man Should Love His Own Wife As...

iotaoo, thank you for your comment... you are a hot messrolling on the floor laughing yes, go give it some thought then return and give us YOUR conclusion of the matter... I've given some key points to ponder over. So I will await YOUR final dissertation professor smoking

RE: Burn Free

Hi Keys,

Nice piece.
"COME, LET'S SET THE WORLD AFIRE FOR GOD AND ENLIGHTEN THE HEARTS OF ALL MEN EVERYWHERE to Revolute, to Turn Around, and to Receive the Blessings of Heaven! This is your day. Let it burn! Tomorrow will be too late!"

Sounds like a sure fire winner contending for the faithboxing

Have you seen him??...

Hi SamrtA, We must keep it moving, as Sola has said, he may be right in our faces... and we may be too close to the mirror to see himcool

Have you seen him??...

Heeeeey, Sola, I'm going fishing in the morning lightbulb idea motorcycle thanks for your comment.handshake

Have you seen him??...

Sorry, Im'just getting back to all your comments, couldn't figure out how post individually other than one at a time, so I must do it one one page.

Fruitloop, I've had a great day, hope the same for you Thank you for your comment.BTW, hope this is the guy you have been writing about... or was that you?dunno dancing if so,I think he should stay in KSA lol

Hello Calwave , I just knew for sure you would have seen him hanging around the bend or some place. wink

Thanks for the insight ED, I think I will wait for a while if I can't find him, I'm not ready for heaven not at this timeangel

Lyla, if I even come in contact with a close family member danceline at least they will have matching DNA close enough to write home about or at least I could talk about talk what could'da,shoul'da beenhmmm I'll keep an eye out for yawink

Have you seen him??...

Hey there Ken,crying thanks for letting me know the truth of the matter, how dare you!!!scold I've been searching and searching moping no wonder I haven't been able to find him, he's been hanging out with you. weeell, I ne-veer!... and probably never will again rolling on the floor laughing frustrated doh very mad but if when he returns please do let him know I've been searching.. hummm, that reminds me of the song from the 60's "I've Been Searching"dancing yay banana

Have you seen him??...

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Cap,wow uh oh that is too funnee!rolling on the floor laughing and the sad thing about it is that you're most likely right rolling on the floor laughing dunno

RE: the president for impeachment

Hi there LJ,
Yes, I came to the site 10 days ago... Good blog you have posted...

Have you seen him??...

yes, Angel that's what we say in Texas, that things grown big, or we do things big in Texas... but its just an illusion... kinda-like looking through a glass dimly, or dimly looking through a glass, either way its still a foggy sightdancing lol

Have you seen him??...

Hi Angel, thank you for your comments. You guys area hoot!rolling on the floor laughing yay

PR, I had the same problem, I don't think there is a way to edit comments before posting, not that I have found. I saw where to edit blog on the panel to the left, haven't tried it yet for comments.

funny comment, uh, Triplets? I hope he's the first born of the three, I might have a changerolling on the floor laughing I'm in the process of concluding that maybe True Love died in WWII and nobody told me crying rolling on the floor laughing but I refuse to settle for less until I find him or his tombstonedunno laugh

RE: the president for impeachment

Personally, I think all THE demos and repubs should be impeached. Get new blood, and establish one party especially, those in office'who may be calling for his impreachment.

Clinton came very close to impeachment and they destroyed Nixon and he was sat down by impeachment. Had President Obama come into office with an attitude of unity, instead of thinking he could be president all by himself and bring about his own ideas of change, I think he would be fairing much better than what he's doing,

He thought sweet would conquer all. President Obama is not a man of war...

This is a list of blog comments created by SistaCallie.

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