Haiku. The poetry that does not rhyme

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Shoe laces.
Must attack at once.
Didn't know that was you.

C'mon people, don't make me do all the work.

Let's see your inner Zen. or Tao. or Chi. or something.

Liver health and Natural Supplements

Q: No way!

A: Whey.


Liver health and Natural Supplements

Thanks Butch.

I figure it'd probably be wiser to actually purchase any needed supplies rather than toadstool myself by mistake.

RE: My new guy friend, puzzles me


Interesting. I'll have to read more about Tantra.

I lived and operated in East Asia for awhile (Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and the Filippines) and as much as I learned, I sensed that there was more to learn.

After that, I began working as a government contractor in Washington, DC. The petite daughter of a Indian consular official had been on my daily commute nearly a full year before I realized that she'd been harboring an interest in me the entire time.

The funny part was that, during this time, she just seemed to do things just to irritate me. When I finally had had it, I started yelling at her, asking why she said the things she said. She froze me in mid-shout, saying:

"because I want you to pay attention to me."

I remember standing there, flummoxed, my wagging finger still in the air, my expression transformed from anger to complete puzzlement.

We started dating the next day.

She was from Uttar Pradesh, and I learned a bit about India and Hinduism (but just scratched the surface, I'm sure). Chakras, Nirvana, Karma, Kundalini and so forth, and how cooking with yogurt could be surprisingly tastey and Indian food could be surprisingly hot.

It would interesting to learn Tantra, and this exchanging of energy.


Liver health and Natural Supplements

Thanks everyone.

I suppose what would be really helpful is one, go-to product, just to keep things simple. That and an evaluation of how it has worked for you.

Lastly, but very importantly, warnings against doing the wrong thing / clashing ingredients with...

Thanks once again, and do continue.

Liver health and Natural Supplements


Glad you liked it. Yes, Ive been hearing good things about Dandelion. Ive found a distributor that sells biotics and supplements very inexpensively in bags of powder, buds, what-have-you, but you have to buy and weigh and load your own capsules.

Any special trick to preparing dandelion? Do you just use the stems, etc... ?

Profile Pic, Too Good to be True? Check it!


Glad to help, Bro!

RE: My new guy friend, puzzles me

I heard that you're required by law to warn him that you have a Black Belt in Kama Sutra.

RE: SeeYaa

Think of this whenever you say goodbye to someone you care for.

What if it's the last time you ever see them?

RE: SeeYaa

From the end of DR. STRANGELOVE

RE: A frog in boiling water

Likewise Calliope. Nice to meet you.

RE: Colloidal Silver

Yes, I served in the military, cross-training with all branches, save the Coast Guard, and many foreign militaries besides. Then I served in government.

It was my honor to serve, Ma'am.

RE: FBI introduces 'rat on your family member' program

Chancer, Dude,

It's frightening. I have to look twice when reading your stuff, and wonder if I'd written that.

Great minds, ya know?

RE: FBI introduces 'rat on your family member' program


Don't pay Uncle Fester no never mind.

He's what the Left sends us for comic relief.

He's kind of like the bug-eating Renfield lackey to verbal gymnastics' Dracula.

RE: FBI introduces 'rat on your family member' program

Uncle Fester, who is not a millionaire, nor made America energy independence nor kept us out of wars, is even more of a nothing-burger.

RE: Colloidal Silver

Several have commented on biologics, myself included. My health plan only covers FDA approved pharmacology, and the staff nutritionists look down their noses at biologics.

It doesn't help, I suppose that I remind them that late night TV is filled with law firms suing Big Pharma for this, that or the other medical or process that had been FDA approved.

I actually started watching the YouTube infomercials concerning Lectins and biologics to control Cortisol.

As one poster pointed out, unless you can identify the plant spot-on, you might want to use a vendor so you don't accidentally toadstool yourself.

Good luck!

RE: Bamboo

Those who live in or who have served where bamboo grows can tell you that it has remarkable properties, and is extremely durable.

(Dating myself), when I was young, "made in Japan" meant cheaply made, and likely to break if it worked at all.

The graphics associated with Asia back then was closely associated with bamboo, which in turn, meant crude and ramshackle.

But a visit to Hong Kong revealed scaffolding made of bamboo, soaring stories up. Lightweight, inexpensive, strong and resilient. Of course, once it dries out or rots, different story.

Anecdotes from Military Life, Part Deux

CORRECTION: In THE VICTORS, it was an American and a Russian, knifing each other in the ruins of Berlin.

I prefer the scene in PATTON, wherein , at the wars closing days and the Russians and Americans meet, the Soviets through a celebration with song and dance and vodka.

The Soviet general, through his interpreter, offers a toast to their victory over the Fascists.

George C. Scott, as General Patton, stands, smiles, and tells the interpreter:

Tell your boss that no, I do not care to drink with him, or any other Communist (S.O.B.... spelled out). Go ahead, tell him.

Aghast, the interpreter tells the Soviet general, who'd been smiling all this time. Enraged, the general tells his interpreter, who, in growing panic, relates:

The Soviet general says that the American general is also an SOB.

Patton pauses a moment and laughs.

Okay, I can drink to that.

One SOB to another.

How to make Pine Needle Tea (fights Spike Proteins)

You are very welcome.

I try to inform and entertain.

How to make Pine Needle Tea (fights Spike Proteins)

Yes, the text and vids warn caution in selecting the right ones. Like mushrooms and toadstools, if you are not certain to distunguish one from the other, get your stuff from a health food outlet.

RE: To fill the life with true dreams

How do you say "God's blessings and good health to you" in your language?

How to make Pine Needle Tea (fights Spike Proteins)

Pregnant women should use the Dandelion tea instead, according to some of those biologic videos.

RE: It's been a VERY long day!

Hello Philipsen,

Here is some information which might turn out to be very helpful.

RE: It's been a VERY long day!

@ verbal gymnastics.

So... you're a retired teacher.

Not the developer of the PCR test, whose sending up warnings. Not the inventor of mRNA method, who is also deeply concerned with how this jab is being rolled out. As are the Frontline Doctors, as are the signatories to the Barrington Declaration.

But you have enough arrogance to say they don't know what they are talking about.

Meanwhile, you hang on the every word of Lyin' Fauci.

And even he admits the jab doesn't immunize the victim against Covid.

RE: Using the wrong Gorilla... the saga has ended.

(Forrest Gump)

"Stupid is as stupid does.."

RE: Why does NK do this?


well considering this is Luke's blog, you'll just have to put up with me as long as he allows my posts to stand, and vice versa.

Frankly, to me, you come across as a broken toy.

Might have been sane at one point.

Pity that.

RE: confused about the vaccine


Whingeing: (def) complaining persistently and in a peevish or irritating way.

That's you to a T.

Don't you have a Lemming run into the sea that you're late for?

RE: Why does NK do this?


One word: concise.

Two words: calm down.

Toldja. Jab gives Heart condition in the young and healthy

Uncle Fester,

I've been listening to that video of the 5 surgeons. It's very, very, very interesting and informative.

You might want to listen to them.

RE: confused about the vaccine


Quit whingeing.

Take your jab and let it do its work.

Poetic justice, really.

This is a list of blog comments created by Bohemund.

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