RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Kid, I am sitting at a desk that has several thank you letters from the Obama's White House sitting on it.

What I find interesting is that every time someone suggests a wrong has been done to GWB, Sarah Palin, or John McCain.....everyone pops up with the Obama card.

It is Obama supporters that need to defend him. Not those opposed him during the election. They are the one that need to defend the TARP II and the unemployment, the homes being lost, the SBA program that are not getting loans to main street America.

I have posted here (in other threads) the hard data on unemployment and economics, TARP II being spent for silly expenditures, only 6% of it being spent during this 'economic crisis', going to a SBA meeting where 1/2 leave before it ends.....and few of his supporters say a word. Jvaski did some.

They all consider it a personal attack on Obama. It is not. It is a starting base for a solid debate on the issues. And few seem want to enter that debate.....because they have fallen for the entertainment and show value of the DEMs and the new President...or their commitment to him is so weak they cannot make a case.

There is not much entertainment value after you go to the movie, watch the show, eat the popcorn and leave. That is what much of the country bought into in 2008 Presidential. They went to the Obama show, eat the DEM popcorn. Now are leaving the theatre to see to the same world again. jmo It did not change much and a lot of hope did not fall from the sky with his election.

The latter is a political attack. But there is no anger, hatred or malice to it. I do it to get a few hairs on the back of your necks to raise.:-) But there is not a nasty word in the two para. Also to give you some present thought that is circulating in conservative circles.

But the former (facts, figures and solid debate) is how I would have preferred these threads to go. There you can come a to meeting of the minds and to some understandings.

My days here are limited. Work and family are not going to let me post as much as in the past. If all you are doing with your political to attack with anger and malice the opponent and their positions......then it is a pretty immature reasoning you bring to the debate.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Kid, if Sarah can land a few big settlement from the media outlets....that is not coming from my pocket. She might even be the tipping stone for that prestigious liberal news paper, the New York Times, heading into the Hudson river. I read the NYTime about once every 5 years. So no big lose to me there.


She has a right to a day in court. From the I saw of the media on her during the campaign....there was a whole lot defamation going on (you can sing that to a Elvis song). I could see her having a list of about 10 media outlets to sue.

I even mentioned it in a Dude thread at the time. I asked why NOW was not stepping to the plate to defend her? No answer here. And none from NOW then.


Like our President has said....words do matter.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Gee Raphael....did you make any of those hateful comments on Huffington Post?? Better find yourself a good attroney....LOL

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Winning or not winning.....Mr. Letterman and his employeer might be sending a nice check to Sarah Palin soon.

All those DEM sponsored investigations of her can be tossed into the court action as well. If her attroney can connect that the liberal media was getting leaks from those investigation from DEMs....ouch.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

In legal sense, defamation is not defined by quantity of the criticism. But on the abusive nature and honesty of it.

Honest Kid, some the stuff at Huffington Post came right from the gutter at her. You know that. Since the media outlet failed to moderate or to restrict it....let it get wide public viewing....
they have risk and liability.

In a court of law....what was/is being tossed at GWB or Obama is not even going to be part of the evidence. Seen many media outlets let people defame President Obama during the campaign or sense?

She is going with a strong feeling in the country, that the media was in the tank for President Obama. Each of those negative campaign ads, each foul worded blog, each altered and provocative pic now her staff has made hard copy of. Each is evidence to defamation.

Just the court cases themselves will keep her in the public's eye till 2012. Sarah Palin fighting the good fight.....walks her family into the court room....shows the contriversial material to the court and the jury. What does the media outlet have in defense? Others were doing it as well? Let let GWB and Obama get roasted to? It is almost slam dunk, Kid.

Pretty smart campaigning one might say. Even if she decides not to run in 2012, she can work in the lower 48 and has the court cases to get publicity any time she wants. She wins several of these courts cases...with large settlements....she has a campaign war chest for 2012.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Careful what you all say....Sarah Palin is considering defamation lawsuits against media outlets. CS would be considered a media outlet....

The SNL, Huffington Post, NBC, Leterman might end up giving Sarah Palin a lot of money for a President Run in 2012/16.

RE: A new American Revolution

Maybe we should go the other way, Zee. Nation build all the planet, Export radical Christianity. Threaten gov't and people opposed to that with destruction and death. Occassionally do a decaption attack on a foreign leader. If some country want to operate vessels in the Caribbean, we send fast boats out to threaten them. Maybe do a little nuclear Christian terrorism. Organize a radical Christian group to carry suit case nucs into foreign lands.......

sound like any country in the middle east?

RE: A new American Revolution

LOL.......I read so far back in college, it is long forgotten. What I find interesting of the Iranian that while President Obama could start that single grain of sand moving....he seem hesitant to do so. I know the arguement....the US should not be the "foil".

But with the tip of a foil, one can touch the ground ever so lightly to make a grain of sand move.

So though he is soon off too the talk to the Russians, they have already backed Pres. A's election. So the best he has right now is call Putin a cold war Communist and their desire to negotiate on the nucs.........

He might should have used that foil a little sooner, with a little more insight and force......on that grain of sand.

RE: A new American Revolution

Some how I see a difference. During the 2004 US Presidential, the media was free to go any place in the country. None were arrested. They were free to interview any one that had opinion or evidence on process. Some 2000 were not arrested, Kerry was not called a traitor and threatened with arrest and execution, it turned quickly into a court and legal issue, though some peaceful protest did occur.

Those that did protest were not suppressed by the FL or OH State militias. So some how I see it differently.

But you got to hand it to the Iranians. They were not going to let the Iranian election to be decided by only 560 votes. When they decide to steal an election.....they go for a big steal.:-)

RE: A new American Revolution

RE: A new American Revolution

Anyone realize that if we lived in Iran and had this little blog going on.....we all could be hanged for treason.

RE: Latest news in Iran

The son of a former leader of the Iranian revolution and supporter for Mousavi called for the Iranian legislator to reject the election of Pres. A.

Ali Reza Beheshti called for the Iranian legislation to pass a bill
removing Pres. A from office.

Conservative newspapers in Iran are still calling for Mousavi to be arrested and tried on treason charges. Conservative religious leaders are saying the same.

A group of Qon clerics did issue a statement urging clerics to support Mousavi.

So there continues to be a grow divide within the country to the course to take. Which leader to accept as legal winner of the election.

RE: July 4th Tea Party....

Gary it is the 4th of July. I am going to ignore the comment and enjoy the fireworks. Have good 4th.

RE: July 4th Tea Party....

When VP Cheney was in Afghanistan for a visit with Karisai, a suciede bomber got within 100 feet of him. Guess the Taliban or
AlQeada, felt he was enough of a military target to attack him.

RE: July 4th Tea Party....

Facts are straight, Gary. As Commander in Chief, both are part of the military, both participated in the decision making process of the Iraq and Afghanistn wars.

RE: July 4th Tea Party....

Obviously your American Gov't structure more prior to the taking the citisenship test.....both are in the command structure of the military as President and VP of the United States.


Answer for both, would be the last 7 years since 9/11. Commander in Chiefs are part of the military structure.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Fallingman, it is Obama himself that is shooting holes in the bottom of his boat.....each time that the failouts are talked and each time we find where the money did go or did not is another hole in the bottom of the boat.

US of A unemployment (9.5%)today equals....the EUs and is still increasing. CA unemployment is 10.4%. Then we find that the funds that were legislated for stimulus are going to such things as....

CA marsh mice, unneeded railroad tunnels, removal of Mormon crickets (a form insect), landscaping in front of a hotel, covered garages for bicycles, a bridge to connect two section of Microsoft Headquarters, gang tatoo removal in S. CA, road sign that say that the construction is being funded by stimulus funds, swine odor research......

this is the kind of FED spending is what will sink the Obama boat. Palin has little to do with it....other than she wants to be in the lower 48 to talk about it and have a shot at the 2012/16.

With spending like that...who has the lack of insight? And seems to feels empowered to spend at such a wreckless manner? DEMs Fallingman....not the REP.

RE: Happy 4th of July!

Sounds like you listened to the stories of our Fathers and Grandfathers from WWI and WWII. Today's American ...though in greater color with his Hawian flowered shirt and and his Bermuda shorts...are field mice compared to those Americans.

Have no fear, Summer.....when Yanks come in is either to vacation or to face down one of the World's nasties.

RE: Happy 4th of July!

Just don't ask me to drink French wine today, Zee. But hey they are getting things right...had it right in 1776. Give em a couple more 100 years....they will get the rest of it right.:-)

RE: Happy 4th of July!

A couple of hundreds of years ago, they would have taken old George to the gallows in front of that Old Hall. Indeed tried to...Benedict Arnold's plot was a kidnapping plot of old George.

But is it nice to have made friends since then.....after you drained the country of the three T's................ tea, tobacco, taxes!:-)
At least you did not get the two B's...................bournon and beer....which most came along after the British left.

I have the general feeling... that had you known that they were coming to the country......the Revolutionary War would still be going on.:-) But that is history now.

Here is the US of A. wine beer cheers And her friends around the world!wine beer cheers

RE: Obama Rocks ! Today ! The most serious attempt against more Wars !

Talkin debt and economy here.

As of Wednesday the national debt of the US was


That is slight over 80% of the countries GNP for a years time.

That is $37,000 per person in the US.

The $11.4t does not reflect the $45t figure for unlisted liabilities,
unfunded retirement obligations and health care.

That would put the countries debt at $56t...or $184,000 per American.

CA just began to issue IUOs. And 1/2 dozen other states are
soon to follow. 7 banks failed last week and for the year
some 62 have failed. Unemployment figure for June was 432,000.
When the stock market heard dropped 200 points.
Since the first of the year 2.5 m jobs have been lost.

President Obama stimulus package...has made or saved 150,000 jobs. 4 million was the goal. So far of TARP II, 6% has been spent. Guess he is saving the rest for a rainy day.

So if 4 million jobs was the goal.....why only spend 6% of the TARP II funds? Maybe the goals was not the 4 million jobs. But to make a big gov't with vast debt.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

That I do agree with. It seems to be the media that is saying she is running. They just want a moving target for a couple of years to fill
inches in the papers and the bi lines under their news programing.

From what I heard of her retirement statement...she seemed interesting taking a new path...or at least exploring it.

A lot of people in media are thinking at present.....hey if she does leave politics....are we the reason she did so??? Either way, I wish her and her family the best.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Clothes were bought by the RNC....were given to charity after the
Nov. election. And it was $150,000 not 80,000.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

Also, I think one of the reasons she did resign....was for some family time. Let us face it....she knows that if she does run in
2012/2016.....the Letterman joke is going to be a model for the
politic comments coming from the left and DEMs.


Take a year off....spend some time with the family.

Letterman should listen to Obama more. Such a lame apology on his Palin joke..could have been tuned up if would have listened to Obama's apology tours the last few months.

RE: Sarah Palin-stepping down

I seem to remember a certain IL Senator that seemed to leave office to run for seemed to work for him. Let us face it, Obama the last 14-16 months prior to the election did little for the State of IL as a Senator.

Plain has little ability in AK to fund raise. All of her fund raising
events are in the lower 48. So? By leave early she can make a full commitment to fund raise in the lower 48. Meaning a bigger war chest for 2012/2016.

She has a boat load of fund raising invites.....she need to participate in the Tea Bag parties...they are in the lower 48....

And......has that Senate seat of Stevens been filled yet?? If not she could run for or be appointed to that. If made REP Senator from
AK....with DC presences.....she is in a better position to run for the White House in 2012 or 2016.

How we doing seem to be taking this pretty hard.

RE: Obama Rocks ! Today ! The most serious attempt against more Wars !

Comparative politics....Magenta....comparative politicss....but if you wish to blog an Obama thread...sure I am game.

Why is Newt sensational then? Historian by trade. Not much sensationalism in that unless you have such a warped and revised understanding of history that you cannot understand the real stuff
when you hear or read it.

Of all the REP, he has more books published on a wide area of topics.From modern history, to American culture, to politics. Seems a few DEMs like to publish books as well. He is a college prof....something that Obama has done.

Organized the American solutions programs...that saw 1000s from all
parties come to give ideas on how to improve the country.

But I get it....he is sensational because he was the leading REP during the Clinton White House years. Did the REP Social Contract with America....that is the main gripe DEMs and Liberal have with Newt.

You know who kept Clinton in office after the Monica affair broke?
Newt G. If Newt would have pressed hard for impeachment it might have happened. Just like Nancy P is making waves on the CIA today,
Clinton had opened his administration up to such criticism and possible impeachement. Even Joe Biden...said if he cannot come straight on Monica...then let him impeach him. It was Newt that kept the sharks from nibbling more of the Clinton White House legacy.

But it the Social Contract with America is area that scared the bejeggers out of DEMs and Liberals. It showed them how out of touch with main street America they were. Now those Tea Parties and American Solution program may take the same turn...offer a new social contract with America. And Newt is leading the charge there.

Such as forcing CA to drill for oil. How can a new Social Contract with America do that? Well if one considers that CA desperately need revenues...has an estimate $5-6b worth of oil per sitting there.

Did you know that the seepage from the offshore fields to the coastline of SCA..equates annually to what the Exxon Valdes spill in AK did? That is how much oil sit offshore of CA.

But if the this new Social Contract with America....said hey....every State needs to have a balanced budget....then old CA would have to be drillin. And the DEMs and liberals don't like the idea of balanced budgets in Gov't.

RE: Obama Rocks ! Today ! The most serious attempt against more Wars !

LOL.....Polosi? Reid ? Murtha? Biden? Obama? are meek nice then??

RE: Latest news in Iran

There is lot of mud (confusing reporting and disinformation) being tossed up now, Magenta. Pretty hard to get clear reporting inside or outside, Iran.

RE: Latest news in Iran

Pretty hard for the western media to get any kind of a big picture of the events when some are under arrest and other have a travel limit to them.

RE: Obama Rocks ! Today ! The most serious attempt against more Wars !

And Newt is not stacking his town hall meetings and Q and A with former Obama campaign workers with prescreened questions.....

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