A question for the guys.

I do? Okay.

How about, what have you found repulsive in their behaviours and emotions and what have you found attractive.

What would your significant other have to be like to keep you attracted to them?

Would they have to be kind, have humour, be independant, know how to cook, be smart?

Could you accept a partner that was more extroverted than you or more introverted?
Could you accept a partner that displayed jealous tendencies or didn't display any at all?
Could you accept a dominant partner partner or a submissive one?

Fill in the gaps here:

A few months ago I met the most wonderful person. Things were going great until the other day. I don't understand how this happened, what attracted me to them in the first place was ______. Now I feel turned off because they _______.

These don't have to be one word gap fills either, elaborate if you want.This is just an example by the way. Feel free to express your thoughts in your own words if you wish.

This is also just a broad evaluation of men so women may see what 'possibly repetitive' mistakes they may be making when it comes to relationships. Men are from Mars, after all. wink

A question for the guys.

In your personal experiences with a prospective partner, what has turned you off or on in their behaviour?
What are the do's and do nots that a prospective partner should be aware of in their ability to keep your interest alive?

RE: Use END word and add two more to make a phrase

you are everything

RE: finally photos from Glasgow Get-together?

those are so neat :D

wish I'd been there! looked like fun!

RE: finally photos from Glasgow Get-together?

any more?

RE: What would you bring to a new relationship?

my sarcastic wit?

RE: What you miss now you are single?

someone to cuddle with and share quiet thoughts with.

RE: Greatest Rock N' Roll band in YOUR opinion


Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac are my favourites....

but IMO The Beatles are the best band of all time.

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

These particular refugees are Malay? Why shouldn't they be shipped back.

What constitutes being 'Australian'in the first place?

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

Maybe so, and in those exceptional circumstances they should apply through the correct channels. Yes?

You may feel somewhat different about it if a plight of homeless, persecuted gypsies converged in your backyard though, and here's me telling you to deal with it.

RE: ROBIN HOOD.. How renegades are made?

You are aware that 'Robin Hood' is a loosely based fictional interpretation based on someone at some point in time, right?

Please, do not go to wikipedia, half of it is not fact anyway.

I guess I understand the main point of what you're trying to say, Robin Hood is a bad example. Ned Kelly would have been more appropriate.
Your use of Robin Hood in this respect is akin to holding steadfast that the toothfairy really does exist and showers the entire world with money so she can have our teeth.

RE: ROBIN HOOD.. How renegades are made?


RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

Natural disasters have no bearing on this topic in it's original post tyvm.

I'd also like to point out the humble axolotyl. An amphibious creature that when it loses one limb, it regenerates said limb. How about this for an idea. Countries that have alienated their own people through ignorance, poor management, over population and stupidity improvise and fix their own mess instead of offloading their problems onto other nations?

Can you imagine what it would be like if China mismanaged it's own country and billions of ppl converged on India and expected India to cowtow to the chinese peoples traditional ways and demands?

Countries need to be more accountable for the welfare of their citizens and the citizens need to stop being so lazy and greedy.

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

When a refugee flees and/or evacuates their country do they not have an uncertain future ahead of them anyway? They know ahead of time that conditions on the boat, on the sea, in a strange land can be full of dangers; yet they still take the chance. Are you telling me they do not know they could be sent somewhere else? Do you honestly think that telling them would make a difference to how many try and come here illegally?

Do I see it as an issue we have to be concerned about? No

Call me harsh but I don't give a flying fig. If they can't apply through the proper channels then they get deported and if their own country won't take them back.... then I don't know. Perhaps cleaning up the outback so it's habitable for residential status might help. Stone by stone. Call it their upkeep for free housing, food and tuition in the detention centres that they regularly complain about. Conditions in these centres (I might add) are better that what they came from in the first place... but it's just not good enough for a desperate group of people that always seem to think the grass is greener on the other side..

gimme gimme gimme.... refugees are never content, always wanting more!

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

So what you're saying is that the 'white man' of australia has no right to refuse refugees? Only the indigenous has a right?

Do you think they'd want refugees anyway? The aborigines? A people than cannot sustain anything but mass growth?

I understand things are harder everywhere because of generations of mulitplying and australia may be quite vast but as of this moment, much of it is unhabitable. Antarctica is very vast as well, and about as complementary and welcoming.

All I can think of at the moment is something about not defecating in ones own nest, something the OP seems to be ignorant of.....? *cough*

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

wave wave wave wave I agree!

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

don't they say ignorance is bliss?????

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

I like you! thumbs up

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

yes, because then one sends a letter home to the rellies and they all pack up to come here.

Like I said. If they had applied through proper channels there wouldn't be a breach here, but alot of refugees know they don't have any claim or right to be here. Now emergency asylum seekers can apply, but not everyone gets granted residency status without due cause as to why they deserve it.

The simple fact is, a lot of third world refugees come here without any skills ( they bring entire families with them)... we have high unemployment as it is, we pay taxes like any other country.. how can a refugee with no skills contribute to society. Most cannot speak the language. Is it fair to have Australians pay higher taxes to look after refugees; or not be able to gain employment because of cheap 'cash' labour?

RE: Australia sens refugees back to death

I would think it's the refugees fault for not applying through the proper channels and selling everything they have to scammers anyway.

Stinks of duplicity.

RE: Smurf names...

super smurf!

da-da-da-da-da- dahhhhhh 'Smurfy Power'!!!

RE: Lets Swap

sheep usually don't moan and groan when you count them..... what are you doing that's so different?

RE: Lets Swap

<<<< is amused,.... and no further comment.

RE: Lets Swap

malarkey.... allegedly.... something you've never found in a partner I take it?


RE: The Perfect Burger?

You forgot Beetroot! Every decent burger worth it's weight has sliced Beetroot in it. thumbs up

RE: This True Love business...

I'm just looking for compatibility with people and out of those friendships, maybe find my 'new' best friend?

I have found alot of incompatible people so far, but also a few that have the same humour and personality as me(both male and female).

Time will tell as to whether anything will come from one of these friendships (males only :P), because I won't be adding a string of meaningless relationships to my name.


Ohhhhh this was a good one to answer!

Let me explain something to you though.
Athiests deny the existence of god. Not agnostics.

Agnostics believe in something, they're just not sure what. See the difference?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines an "atheist" as "one who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." An "agnostic" is "one who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God" or "one who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism." This dictionary also notes that 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley invented the word "agnostic."

ag·nos·tic (g-nstk)
a. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
b. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
2. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

a·the·ism (th-zm)
1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
2. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

I am agnostic. I believe in something 'other', something 'special'. I'm just not sure what it is yet.

Now I'd like to redirect..... how can you be so certain that god exists? Have you seen him? Does he look human? Out of the billions of planets in the universe with any possibility of life... why would god look human?

RE: all the new profiles........

try adjusting your settings as to who can contact you.

You put in requirements for what you are looking for and areas that you are looking in. Anything outside these requirements will go directly to filtered mail. You won't get it. saves alot of crap sorting.

RE: Some one true or just fast...

Better to wait and be certain than to throw unknown obstacles in your way. The question is: How do you know that maybe one of these so called flings isn't what you've been waiting for?

I guess for me, if I know they're not the right person, I wouldn't go encouraging anything more. I'd rather save myself and take a chance on someone who could be. wink

RE: can we call it a relationship?

interesting thread

This is a list of forum posts created by Emerold99.

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