sweettillhurtsweettillhurt Forum Posts (22)

RE: when do you break all ties?

Block her and be done communicating with her.
She disrespected you. You owe people like this absolutely
nothing. Know this there are some evil women
in this world make no mistake. It makes sense to seek
women in your country. Even if you are interested in dating
a different nationality. Find one that has already arrived.

RE: What if love had a scent?

It would be Egyptian Musk.

Tampering with Medical Results

2 Nurses 1 head Nurse,1 Chief Medical Officer 8 doctors 3 persons that investigate medical staff, 3 Members of Parliament and 2 Opposition Members of Parliament,2 newspaper journalist and a second lot of lab test. Since August 13 2013 I have been fighting to get results. Bermuda was a nice place to grow up in. I always loved it. Now I hate it. This place is full of people who are afraid to stand for what is a matter of human rights. How can a Chief Medical officer tell anyone that their medical records do not have to be given to the individual. How can I feel confident to believe these ones are on point when the previous were altered via writing. Since this is what the Medical Care has become maybe the insurance should withhold payment the way doctors withhold results here.

Tampering with Medical Results

2 Nurses 1 head Nurse,1 Chief Medical Officer 8 doctors 3 persons that investigate medical staff, 3 Members of Parliament and 2 Opposition Members of Parliament,2 newspaper journalist and a second lot of lab test. Since August 13 2013 I have been fighting to get results. Bermuda was a nice place to grow up in. I always loved it. Now I hate it. This place is full of people who are afraid to stand for what is a matter of human rights. How can a Chief Medical officer tell anyone that their medical records do not have to be given to the individual. How can I feel confident to believe these ones are on point when the previous were altered via writing. Since this is what the Medical Care has become maybe the insurance should withhold payment the way doctors withhold results here.

Your Medical Records

I thank you all for your feed back.
I have test results here but doctors
have been scared off of giving them to
me. They are here in lab. I can not get them
without a doctor. Each doctor I get 3 since
August chickens out. I feel their practice must
be threatened. I was a hospital employee I worked
August 9th and became ill August 11 this year.
Something is biting my skin inside my nose itches
and I keep getting conjunctivitis symptoms.
The times when I worry I will not ever learn what is wrong
or get treatment that is when I get sick. So I take garlic pills
and keep check of my thought process. There are offices
trying to address these matters. Like anything else it takes time
To get to the bottom. I feel sorry for others they are doing it to. Some
may not be as physically strong as I am
Some people are heartless.

Your Medical Records

I thank you all for your feed back.
I have test results here but doctors
have been scared off of giving them to
me. They are here in lab. I can not get them
without a doctor. Each doctor I get 3 since
August chickens out. I feel their practice must
be threatened. I was a hospital employee I worked
August 9th and became ill August 11 this year.
Something is biting my skin inside my nose itches
and I keep getting conjunctivitis symptoms.
The times when I worry I will not ever learn what is wrong
or get treatment that is when I get sick. So I take garlic pills
and keep check of my thought process. There are offices
trying to address these matters. Like anything else it takes time
To get to the bottom. I feel sorry for others they are doing it to. Some
may not be as physically strong as I am
Some people ate heartless.

Your Medical Records

In my country the Physicians are with holding
Medical records. Sending sick people home to die
telling them that all their test results are fine. Some of US are
fighting daily to get answers from the labs physicians and the
Chief Medical Officer. Some have started to go to the Media.
If physicians are no longer obligated to use any type of
professional ethics, shouldn't everyone be entitled to have
copies of any test results given to the individual as well
as the physician. Been off for two months fighting to find out
what I have without treattment one nurse said the symptoms sounded like MRSA.


Have you noticed how you can type a complete and correct
sentence and your android will turn you in to a blithering fool.
How do you know on CS rather the person does not know to write
English or they just happen to have a high tech illiterate device.

RE: Think of 1 thing u wish u had?

You can have mine four daughters. Two which are teenagers.
I will bring a toupee for you when I visit. Trust me they will turn you
bald.laugh Darling be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

RE: Does L.O.V.E still Exsist 4 some people???

Yes it exist. If you were filled with love by your
parents, family and friends you tend to be a loving person.
When you grow with love you don't just wake up one
day and say that is it, no more love. Just like the person who
was not hugged and kissed and shown love as a child sometimes
lacks the ability to be affectionate. We are mostly loving affectionate
people here in Bermuda. Yes some have become cold and selfish here.
Love is an emotion to be shared with more people than just our lover.
Maybe if we got back to being decent to the average stranger we would
be more capable of long lasting intimate relationships. Some of us treat lovers
just as cold as we treat strangers.

RE: How many hours do you sleep?

Way too much. No one to wake me up anymore
with a bone stabbing me in my back. So I am actually
tired from too much sleep. I am sure insomnia will be
next. It always does kick in when I have slept to much.

RE: Wiil you go on Holiday alone

I have gone on vacations alone. The truth is there are good
people all around the world. I have been fortunate to always end up
in good company. I was in New York once and my driver was friends
with an old neighbor of mine. I was in Miami airport and met a lovely travel
agent. We spent the time waiting for our flights together. I don't smoke but I went
outside with her while she had a cigarette. She was tiny blond lady. She was very
friendly. She had been married and severly hurt and i guess she needed to unload. Had I been with someone I probably would not have spent that time with her. Against friends advise I went Jamaica alone. Beautiful trip.

RE: What is the most useless TV show or channel ever ?

Reality TV. Do you really want know all of any bodies business.

RE: what is ur good quality?

Honest is one, compassionionate and faithful after that.devil

RE: is it possible to STOP thinking?

Yes it is possible. Often brought on by medical conditions
which can cause temporary power outages in the brain.
These issues reoccur occasionally. I have had them since
2007 when I had a life threatening allergic reaction to a doctor
prescribed medication. I was unable to speak. I knew what I wanted
to say but the words came out in wrong order. So I stopped speaking.
I went in to work and was sent home. As I past my desk I saw loads
of incoming trade documents so I set down start typing and filing.
Never spoke all day. Organizing my work desk help me to snap
out of it. Put my mind to work and obviously strengthen whatever damage
occurred. I came work following day and by the 3rd day I am sure my coworkers
wished I was still speechless. Yes you can have blank periods of your thoughts.
Also I encourage everyone to do allergy test. Worst time to find out is
after you have already consumed the item.

RE: Still single?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Thank you. I had a rough day.
Laughter is still the best medicine.

RE: Would you date someone with a mental illness? (Please answer)

No because I am a hand full and I would only drive the mentally
disturbed full crazy.

RE: Would you date someone with a mental illness? (Please answer)

There are so many forms of being unbalanced mentally. Not all require medication or doctors. One is having a low EQ. When one can not control reactions to emotional situations that person can be just as dangerous or more so than one on medication or visiting a mental institution. There is suicidal vs homicidal. I have found suicidal persons
to be loving and caring for others but often depressed. I guess it is who you are that will decide if you will take on one that is less than perfect. Love does sometimes heal wounds.
The same way growing up being I'll treated created some of these states of mental illness.

RE: Do you think the world would be better?

No and yes. I think half of the destruction in the world is when
you require people to change their culture and identity to fit in.
I often think what if I was forced to speak another language?
I must say it is different for employment which one is in
contact with customers. If it is an English speaking country your front line
staff ought to speak English.

RE: Whats the best combo, in your opinon...between lovers?

There are some short man out there that walk life's path like John Wayne and some tall ones that walk life's path in the same manner as a young child, irresponsibly. I love T.I.'s short stature, as far as a husband and father he walks as tall as any NBA Player I have ever seen. I would love a man even if I have to tilt my head downward to gaze in his eyes as long as he walks tall.

RE: can you date your best friend's Ex?

My best friends husband is my friend as well. I communicate with both of them and encourage them to ride through the rough spots. He is like a brother to me. She sends us to purchase items together and if she is busy he will drop me home. I feel if you can get involved with him after they have split, you might have had that interest all along. That will really hurt your friend.

RE: why are women so picky

One of the reasons woman are picky is that they have the right to protect their heart. If all you want is a rump in bed that is what you will get. Lucky for you, you found women that are down for the same slackness that you are. This site is to talk to and weed out those that do not compliment your agenda. The good thing about dating sites, ones you start talking stupid,Click and block.thumbs down

This is a list of forum posts created by sweettillhurt.

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