would you ever loan your ex any money...?

don't have to read much between the lines to see the good ones as wer are lookin4ubabe do we? innocent teddybear

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

look out amahlala loveableone is about to put his hand out to go away next hehedevil

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

amahlala so was buyin his lack of love cheap or not?sad flower

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

seekndestroy the more chips you feed the seagulls the longer they will stay away yes?

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

seekndestroy the more chips you feed the seagulls the longer they will stay away yes?

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

hi Scubadiva and welcome so yr learning a bit of cautious discernment there yes? gift

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

to the heart 'from the heart'...

heart beating

RE: Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus

is this a question, title, salutation, language or name...

thatz the burnin question now, isn't it ww??? very mad

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

oranges2apples nice to see a few other men do have generous hearts and can let go the bs we often separate over too...cheers

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

sweet_saucy2008 hehe how much did you say you wanted???

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

hmm, suggests you are also a stand up babe yes .ookin4ubabe?sad flower

has a dream ever predicted your future...?

hi EliteOne it is a long time since a dream surprized me in terms of what they can offer. i have studied and taught of their value for decades now.

i have been warned of a coming encounter with death i would survive a week ahead of it. i have been told i would gain chattels of a separation after walking out in faith as requested of me with nothing when she thought it would be all hers. a week later she was the one on the streets not me and it was not my doing.

interestingly, the dreams displayed in the bible speak through the same symbolic language as our sleeping dreams do still. it is not a lanuage many of us ever consciously learn at all yet all minds think to its same symbols and process.

to me this is evidence of a bulk mind transmitted forward with our seeds, a single being of which we are all a part.

how else can a universal language of our sleeping minds ever perpetuate?



so, try Apostophe...?

we are all waiting holding our breath now...?? wine


but rob dating IS healing. i understand your reluctance but stayin in yr cave is not necessarily healing. get back on yr horse as soon as y can once the bones heal...

won't you? heheuh oh


keep smilin mate...

anything else hertz like hell... doesn't it? sad flower


hehe thought that myself as i was posting it. a bit like taingirl's its rainin men post yes?


would you ever loan your ex any money...?

actually we are firm friends since splitting 15yrs ago. there is no other person i would trust so freely. she has a clearer awareness of what integrity really is than any other person i know. wine

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

i asked because i was shopping with an ex yesterday and she had left her money home. so i pulled a grand out of the bank for her without even thinking about it.

she has loaned me similar sums on occasion too... 'what are friends for?'handshake

would you ever loan your ex any money...?

uh oh


again, i think you are aware and well on yr way mate and good luck for all of it.dancing


i know, it gets demoralizing again every day, doesn't it? but unfortunately, only reempowerment through each painful point in turn ever werks, does it skypilot1946?
sad flower

how many feel they have been damaged by uncompassionate parenting?

YES and these are the aspects of our past i intended we explore for those who haven't jumped that gap yet and i invite you to tell us of some of your experiences as you choose?



nuthin's ever easy is it skypilot1946? we are all presented with terrible relating dilemmas in here from time to time.

if you are not participating actively nobody is looking actively at you repeatedly... are they?

how man women who are not talking are you giving any focus toward in passing? solve the defacit by challenging your fears and beliefs...

to progress you can and you must...

gift wine uh oh


wherez the tick icon rob??

i respect you mate. and hell you work hard in here? hope it brings you your dream soon? i watch you every day in the thick of it and smile.

one of my sayings i often use is:

'what you focus on 'creates''...

miracles begin in our minds through right and constant focus that is positive and sincere... all the best to you.
heart beating wine

RE: Would you tell?

no, it is not my business or lesson.

i would never trust the involved parties again and they would not be allowed among my closer friends.

i only want people of integrity close. the rest will cause problems i have no need to suffer...

won't they... kekei? innocent

how many feel they have been damaged by uncompassionate parenting?

careful how you post people hecklers have been reported.
keep it positive or i will ask for you to be removed.wine

is integrity dead...?

yep and the other side of integrity for treating people badly is that then you become the bad guy who needs to reconsider...

don't you then Sunny75

is integrity dead...?

nothing mixed up about you mate. and, i like to see others state it too. good luck.

how many feel they have been damaged by uncompassionate parenting?

hey morgan5...

and, did you find you had to reexamine your past to gain these empowered insights finally too...?
gift heart1

how many feel they have been damaged by uncompassionate parenting?

hi merriweather how are you liking our merry weather?

i may indeed be from the same state? but, that may also depend on whether you have any relevant questions or just also think it is fun to heckle what you have no clue of too?

wine wink

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