The very worst thing about this site is...

so, 2intrigued "what is the very worst thing about this site"? do you not want to share it with us maybe...?

The very worst thing about this site is...

by the ability to reason. do you have it too chrisetc.....?

The very worst thing about this site is...

twil be like flies to honey i expect but we will see...

The very worst thing about this site is...

The number of people ever willing to jump in to debase the thread its creator or last positive user by insisting on showing all of us how stupid they truly are.

It doesn't matter how often they do it or what form of debasements they apply, it is still all they ever end up doing anyway. Now let's watch and see how correct i am here shall we?

RE: What are you thoughts about astral projection?

the 'ignorants' will always knock what is outside their experience. I've had several - conscious and unconscious but remembered oobes. so have any number of other people. probably even most of those 'ignore-ants. studied their process for years but could not nail down a repeatable process and lost interest.

they are real regardless of knockers and fools such as this topic is clearly collecting rapidly. if you can't accept we can live fully aware apart from our body ignore-ant you will remain regardless of how high you can piss up this same wall after me.

RE: I Hate Men

And, i thought it was just the lack of women f.ucking up my happy world??

RE: Euthanasia, Your thoughts

Depression and anxiety are NOT illnesses. They are valid mind responses to damaged or otherwise distorted beliefs and expectations springing from them. If your therapist claims otherwise take their pills and pretend otherwise as long as you want. Your state of ill-ness will remain and will defintely be harder than you think to correct.

Forget the statistics. You can play them any way you want and what's so wrong with death? Its just the other side of 'life', isn't it?? Nothing to confront there except the fear itself... And again, fear is anxiety, isn't it?? That makes it just another 'illness' again yes???

I have been consciously out of my body and more than once, and lived to tell of it here. I've met the being at death's door, and again, fear was all I had to confront... And, the details it gave me across those moments about living a life utterly alone for learning beyond others where none have gone before or want to go yet.

RE: Euthanasia, Your thoughts

What a GOOD idea...

Peace at last.

RE: Have you ever met anyone your actually interested in on here?

the earth is yet to move but yes i have met women here i liked but most were scammers and as for the rest... well, where are they now??

we all have mental problems except those who think they don't... don't we??


Are we really a peaceful species...?

have to admit is is the feeling you offer reversed m'boy? starting to wonder if you know a pearl when its caste before you???

Are we really a peaceful species...?

spare us the endless one liners con give some real input instead of being an anchor all the way?

what would you like to contribute toward a saner world and happier future if you had the option to try?handshake

Are we really a peaceful species...?

Pudmuddle hi and yes it means my website is overdue too but i have too much for it and won't bother now until i have a better alternative?

yes we will always evolve but we can evolve into repetitous decay and social decine rapidly and harshly or we can learn from our mistakes and modify the potentials of all our futures for it.

if you want to look at it spiritually, war has its place. soldiers raping and murdering at will among us are useful experiences for souls on the day.

if you are to die and return to that other deathless state, what does it matter how harshly or brutally you choose your own demise then?

but then look at human evolution as a spiritual exercise and we can also assume any or all that has even been encountered has value in others experiencing it again, can't we?

do we seek toward ideals with best intent or should our veneer of civilizing expectations toward better be ever tempered by the fact that everything will be gone one day anyway?

we have an international problem ahead. the already existing burden of overpopulation will bring steadily encroaching catastrophy for many. we can embrace it as just the cycle adjusting again or we can try to react more usefully anyway?

its going to affect us but finding constructive international progression through it will be our most important consideration even as it starts to become now. from a spiritual perspective again, what will be different?

we are here to test ourselves against the trials and torments of our lives toward prevailing on the day. only doing so will feel good to us then whatever we must confront first until each destructive potential responds and recedes.

i've looked toward the real sources and cures using unique tools i have learnt to apply. something bigger than me has required it all the way 'instead of a life' for a long time now.

i've sought toward bigger pictures and answers. i've recorded my results all the way. now i really do want to find people and ways of extending my results together?

the knockers are useless and waste our energy and words. only constructive discussion shared is ever useful. but, i don't even know where to start?

so, these things considered i placed this thread before all of you here to see if there are any relevant people interested in exploring these themes so important and before us all now?


we are not a monogamous species...

again, here is the purpose of this thread, to show the commitment is often impossible in the face of its promise. love it the key but life is the result.

just practice what you preach with integrity and never do what would hurt done back at you then. if it fails, realize it and put it behind you soon.

monogamy is only useful as long as the love bond that demanded it, unless you mutually choose to deliberately enjoy it differently. then, lick your wounds, get over them and get a life next, because, staying together in pain and foolishness is all there will ever be until you do.

rigid 'morals' are better replaced by flexibility and personal growth shared. if they can't be shared positively flip the coin again and see what life moves you both toward next. wine

Are we really a peaceful species...?

unfortunately i think the motivation will come soon enough now and it won't initially be pretty? its all going to change but it will be more than paranoia before it all starts to take off.

the paranoia is beginning but it will be shocking truth that it really is nearly too late for most of us that finally gets or minds ticking in unison and positively.

its nearly 5am here and my mind is past it for awile. so talk amongst yourselves for awhile won't you hehe?

Are we really a peaceful species...?

yep! we need 'natural hydroponics', organically generated fertilisers, and tidal power making hydrogen and fresh water to solve our food crisis everywhere.

we need to put carbon compost back into our soils and farm with seawater all barren coastal sand so the environment gets its water and life back in spite of us too.

this will slowly solve the co2 issues at their real sources.

switching to hydrogen fuels, and, correcting the now planetary removal of the organically stored carbon compost layer cutting all the trees down and letting the land dry out released - everywhere!

we are not a monogamous species...

i don't choose celibacy but it is a great vantage point from which to people watch and has been for half a decade.

and, i haven't even been into a relationship as an answer to my life. but, suddenly its important again. and i have striven to drop away all that is falsity.

i didn't want to say it better myself. some interesting corellations there? so trish123 have you been looking closely at your own deepest personal beliefs about life as i have? i've not actually met another who has so it would be an interesting discussion for me.

i've actually written thousands of pages exploring these things we bite our way into and i will argue any stance to see what it brings out?

Are we really a peaceful species...?

Buckg73 you have missed what i said. most cultures are going to virtually starve to death soon.

"WHAT does this mean for you?" look at the crowds growing internationally in dissent. they are never controlled. no military power ever will. look at recent history. there are twice as many people on earth as caused our current descent.

and of course your innocent enthusiasm is correctly place, life will survive it - but will you?

Are we really a peaceful species...?

hi Pudmuddle our species is about to be confronted with some quite unique challenges beyond usual.

we can expect some significant deviation within the next decade, our options will diminish sharply from there. we are just starting to be woken up now.

things happening to our world now, i have been learning about for 30 years. they are just starting to really bite now. watch africa, its historic decline has all occurred in my lifetime.

it is a good indicator of what is to come everywhere steadily soon. the condition of environmental degradation across each land is an indelible indcator of its future within a generation.

remember where africa was 20 years ago.
see where it is now.
see what the people are doing to each other, the disease, cultural and environmental decline. social decay.

afghanistan is a terminal result. watch the irate crowds in the media each evening steadily swell.

watch their dissent rise until one by one they implode and begin destroying their own cultures and livelihoods. a clear and inevitable reptetive process as food and materials run out now.

we are about to be confronted with the extinction of most major life forms at our hands alone. it is inenvitable now.

"Where people go the trees are all cut down and
the larger animals all die. When the trees are cut
down and the larger animals all die - we die!

The trees are all still being cut down...


The Gift...

Are we really a peaceful species...?

yeah and its gonna take some better ones to return us finally, isn't it? only ideas big enough for the people to all want to embrace can do it.

corruption is the inevitable end point of every cultural experiment, isn't it con?

they know they need to do better and the whole world is watching. good ideas have their time and place and the UNs time and place is numbered without some soon, isn't it?

Are we really a peaceful species...?

the UN can be replaced by a lot of people simply wanting better. but we are talking hypotheticals only here. i was asked and made suggestions off the top of my head.

but coincidentally i will also be in the same building as them in bali and i actually gained the attention of their international cultural site there and the invitation 5yrs before they arrived.

i can do whatever i wish there. but it doesn't need to be a UN approach directly. i have other options in the pipeline ready to start progressing now.

i have themes that can give our United Nothings the boost they know they need... do you think they would like to swell their numbers with a billion paying peaceful voters next?

"If you let others kill for you
or your country, or your religion,
you are no longer innocent... Are you?"

The gift...

we are not a monogamous species...

so many werdz from all of em when love is ALL we ever need yes trish123?

we are not a monogamous species...

keep yr shirt on and enjoy the show trish123. after all, i'm on your side too. i was showing the beliefs behind the statement were visible so stop bein miffed and explore us as you chews... hehe


Are we really a peaceful species...?

it all goes to the UN to supervise ever more usefully the steady planned deline of military operations everywhere. women would be paid to bring in their home weapons and bullets everywhere.

enrolling subscriptions will pay for them and all weapons are stockpiled for exclusive UN purposes. when they have the greatest number as whole nations realize the truth and value of the idea then world opinion will steadily pivot.

'united nations' means exactly that. not nations choosing to grind axes endlessly with murder and subversion the norm. if we want a united nations then lets finally start them?

because the organization claiming to be it now is a farce allowing mass murder for money and position and materials unchallenged endlessly still.

with the UN steadily becoming the only voted legitimate super power all people can vote for or against cultural prepression rising in it.

if the voting public and especially the women are joining from within every culture, steadily the men will be called to listen then consider the alternatives. what educated man will vote against his wife for long? the nights will get lonelier for some yes?

as for that government revenue, governments are oganizations generated to nurture world and culture wherever they are elected again.

there is not a bullet manufacturer in the world with a valid life nurturing reason to exist. make a bullet, become an accessorty to how it is used!

only our perspective on their intention needs to change, doesn't it? we can have peace or we can have more bullets. a vote for bullets is not a vote for a united peaceful world...

is it gypsylotts? a vote for more bullets is not a vote a united world public would ever engender...

Are we really a peaceful species...?

live by the sword die by it... there is a higher consciousness and i am aware of it directly.

there is a plan and progress to your life you are simply yet to become aware of regardless of orwell's enticing guesses.

our world is the playground of deathless beings masquerading as ignorant limited fools exploring all of the follies and games we enjoy. death is not a relevant obstacle to them.
yay angel popcorn boxing hmmm

we are not a monogamous species...

there are some who have called me brainless in here already...

weren't you one of em mate???doh

we are not a monogamous species...

careful there are ladies watching and yr slip is showing mate? at least let them think there is one yes bodleing?

we are not a monogamous species...

let's try for a alternative definition of happiness. you can seek yours in prison happy place or where you like but for me happiness is an empowered state of being where our mind is used postively against all obstacles toward generation of an improved life 'next'.

so my definition really is about positive practical approach to manipulation of our enviroment to suit us ever more ideally for the day, the event, or the life - monogomy or monoffamee!

when was an opinion not subjective Pudmuddle?? give me an argument for objectivity and i will counter with its subjective equivalent.

in a mind generated reality matter moves to mind. in a dream that unfolds before you all that matters is your next thought, so we all may as well begin making them good ones yes?

heart wings angel cheering lightbulb buddies violin

we are not a monogamous species...

if we can work without them we can work without them...

and, sooner or later that must generate a profound awareness to permeate the halls of phsycology the world over yes con?

and a few other places too hmm.

and, would you be any different without your brain col... i wonder hehe?

we are not a monogamous species...

called something like rizenthelia or such yes?

we are not a monogamous species...

hi trish123... and, it is certainly getting a bloody thashing here mate. thanks for your imput and keep it coming won't you?

i agree the parasites feeding on the inability of our cultures to embrace saner bonding alternatives as normal if not ideal are endless. the despair generated horrific and subverts whole generations of corrupted damaged youth unnecessarily.

and we only need to dump the one theme that humanity is 'supposed to be monogomous'. there is was and never will be a chance for it...

is there trish123?

gift wine

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