RE: America Election , who will win ?

SO far it may be impossible to give a real answer as the future can sometimes surprise us. My first impression though is that I do not think that anyone will really "Win". Meaning that no matter which person is "elected" I really don't think with the current system that anyone in the USA will "win". But hopefully some good will come. It is indeed a very frustrating position to be in as a average person that lives in the USA and though I can vote I probably have little power to have much effect on the future of the USA as a Country...
I can of course do things that I feel are good for the community I live in and hope that others might follow suit, but beyond that I have no means to employ the kind of influence that "Lobbyists" have in directly communicating with higher and more powerful figures in the USA government what make bills and laws pass which effect us all.

RE: Who owns the rain?

Interesting post "Dedo". Now here where I live in Portland Oregon it is kind of interesting...sometimes a bit maddening. Let me explain.
For instance. Here our water bill and our sewer bill are combined.
So when I went away for a few months I literally turned off my water at the main and inside at another main. This means that no water, nit even a drop was able to pass and I also wrote the number from the meter so I would know that in fact no water was used.
when I returned I was surprised that I had a water bill that was not very different than usual. In fact if memory serves me it was a bit higher than the month before. So I talked with the Water Bureau and Billing.
They explained to me that I must pay for water that disperses from my property when it rains and then of course makes the way back to some sewer or even just into the ground!. Yes, I was not impressed. but like many things it is just the way it is. But kinda lame.

Here is the other one that is crazy, especially in what they did to the person in the OP. We have the option to collect water from our downspouts and then keep it contained in such a way that no mosquitoes can put their larva their as that would not be good. Then we can tap into that water for watering plants and so on. They will actually reward you in doing this and give you directions on how to do it successfully and without problems. I think they may even give you the barrels to catch the water but that may have changed.
Wow! , right before I posted this I realized the guy lives in Oregon. So I did a little more research and found on "Snopes" that though it may be true it is not exactly the way it sounded. I am now wondering how different each city or county in Oregon deals with this. here is the link to "Snopes"

Very interesting though Dedo

RE: Write a Story with Three words

~Fear overcame henceforth.~

RE: Best Chili Recipe


I never saw that one Conrad but it is pretty silly!! lol


RE: Wow! This Is A Hillary Clinton Voter



see what you think. I just am sharing something a friend shared with me that seems to make sense.
Thanks for the hijack. I am sure that none of the candidates would want this to happen.

RE: Diet

I went for my evening "walk", and recently picked up a bag of powdered protein, not to lose weight but more for the "amino acids" (this was a few hours 5) and WoW! I really noticed that I suddenly was feeling "energetic". I finally took a closer look at the ingredients and found that it contains "Organic Maca". Now I have never heard of this one and will add it to the list of things to avoid. I can't stand those type of stimulants! lol. Years ago that would have probably given me a certain anxiety but now just feels uncomfortable.... i still like my coffee but the natural stimulants like guarana and the many others I just don't care for.


RE: Wow! This Is A Hillary Clinton Voter

I have to admit that you really know how to find bottom barrel viddys, stringy. That interviewer is an idiot, I have not idea why he felt he had to intimidate these people off the street. The first woman was really on the spot to the point that it was just pathetic. The man that spoke after that could hardly form sentences and to think that others might think this is your average voter than well, "living in a fantasy world" I think all this election business is just more of a way for people to make fun of the USA. I have seen mostly that in the past weeks...months. At some point it is a bit obvious though. At least I would hope that even the people having fun doing the hating are not getting pulled in while they spend so much time having a good laugh.

remember, "We are what we think"


RE: Way To Go Washington, Guam, and Wyoming!!!

"Beck" can really be a pain in the neck. Obviously not the only one but everyone seems to yell to get the point across. It seems like they either yell or make sarcastic and snide remarks. Nothing new I guess, just seems a bit "more", but this whole World feels like it is something "More", than years gone by. I bet to the real young kids that it will be a few decades and they will think that their era at some point is going crazy as well. Maybe this is all just the same but through new eyes. the "neverending" story on crack.


Keith Emerson of Emerson Lake and Palmer dies at 71

Yes, it is indeed very hard to understand and to accept that someone can be in that much pain be it emotional or physical to take their own life. It has only been a couple of years since my Dear friend
"Orsi" who was also a Musician walked into the Danube and was lost to this world. It was her third attempt and it haunts me still that it all happened during a time when I thought her career as a musician was at it's high point. This last few years there have been far too many people both very close to me and others that I admired that are now gone. It can be overwhelming at times.

sad flower

Keith Emerson of Emerson Lake and Palmer dies at 71

"Rizlared", Thank You for your post. Though they filled huge arenas with their concerts I know that still there are many people that never actually realized what a great musician Keith Emerson was. I have more than once purchased some equipment based solely on his endorsement and use of it. ( and never disappointed for it )


Keith Emerson of Emerson Lake and Palmer dies at 71

I was kind of hoping someone else would post this but maybe with all the Political obfuscation he was overlooked...but I would not want that.

Keith Emerson was a big influence to me in my youth and I listened to the music with great admiration. Probably one of the first and foremost motivations for me to begin my interest and participation in playing synthesizer and that road that was not so much mainstream in the world of Rock.
May he rest in peace and that his sorrows be gathered up into a new fresh existence of happiness.

Here is a clip of what is listed as their first exhibition.

Young Emerson playing around. ;-}

30 minutes, but well worth the listen for those that were and still are fond of "ELP"

sad flower

RE: Germany suffers the result of Angela Merkel's decision

You do have a tendency to stir up things with certain individuals. I remember the first time I saw it when you expected someone to buddy up and when they stood their ground you just seemed to go from one side of an issue to the other. Even when I had tried to defend you several months ago you suddenly flipped that one around as well.
I believe this "victim" roll you use to get a thread locked if you don't get your way.

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

I just did not understand the post about "died". As for the whole scenario I think it is deplorable in many ways. I doubt that people will be asking her to carpool anytime soon.


RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

I see...I think. lol. But "Jamie Gilt" the woman that was shot is alive and stable I read.

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

who Died Sophia?

RE: Solo para hispanoparlantes... Termina esta frase.

I would love to hear you speak "Afrikaans", that would be a very special day indeed.


RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

Oh, Kimber is some pretty expensive stuff if I am not mistaken. I have no hands on experience with any of their models. One thing that really annoys me is that I never know if they are telling us all the information. Another reason I would like to hear from the Mother. And wouldn't it be interesting if the child could tell us what they were thinking. Probably will never know any of that though.

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

I remember when I stayed on the Oregon Coast at a small town (very small) in fact it has many signs that if the ocean came up with a tsunami that you were to immediately get out. Anyway, while staying there the few times back then I sometimes would really love to go for a stroll at night. I tell you one thing and that is I could actually feel the presence of the bear that were well known to walk right down the street at night. But even in that case ( and even with my dogs) I decided it was just not so fun to take that risk....firearm or not..I mean I suppose you could have a halogen attached to your fire arm to make sure you could see if it was a Wild animal or just another couple out for a stroll but I digress to simply stay in. lol. One thing for sure that can be said that in a country that has so many different states and many with so many different kinds of terrain and even internal social practices it makes it tough to have a catch all that applies to the whole place and would actually work. Not to say that there are not issues now but I think people will probably never agree on this issue and at best maybe they could hopefully come to some halfway point and make things a little better.

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

Thanks Galrads, I didn't know that the make of the firearm was identified. what kind of a .45 was it?

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

Not all have a "Safety". But as I mentioned it should not have been there at all. I wonder what the Mother will have to say about all this. Or maybe she will not comment.....

RE: 4 YO shoots gun loving mom in the back while she's driving

As horrible and miserably irresponsible this is I for one would like to hear what the mother has to say about this one. No matter if it was loaded or not I see no excuse for leaving a firearm out where a child or for that matter to where anyone could reach it or have access to it besides the owner.

RE: what truly turns you off

No, but thanks just the same. Today is actually the birthday of some other good folks though.

International Women's Day to all the Women around the World!

Yes, it is on Saturday, November 19 "International Men's Day 2016" But that is for another thread.
This one was created in honor of women all over the world to have this one day of recognition in a unified fashion, despite what the original intent may have been, that is what I posted it for. Only for good and positive celebration for women all over the world and all ages.



RE: Germany suffers the result of Angela Merkel's decision

Of course. Candidates (all of them) always make all kinds of statements that certain groups want to hear so they will become popular. Once they do get elected they become part of the system. Some though may be able to get some things done I believe. I saw for the first time on tv a very short clipet of Hillary and Sanders in a "debate" I think it was. I was horrified that she could possibly be the next president. up until now I do not watch these and I am glad I do not. It is all very insincere to say the least.
Only time will tell.

RE: what truly turns you off

yes, here there are many many dogs and many places for them to run. And even further out there are just lots of free space for them to run. Oregon has many places that are very open and not crowded. At the same time there are many places that are more populated for some events and so on.


RE: say anything thread continued

I was out having Sashimi and other tasty treats with some good friends here in my hometown. It is nice to just get out and leave all the problems and arguing to itself. Just good food and nice music. I think that "55" is going to me a good year.

heart beating



RE: what truly turns you off

oh nooo, I can say with great confidence that she is nowhere on hear. To my knowledge she never has. But from your post it sure did sound like her for sure! LOL. In all fairness I tried for many years to be patient, supportive and in the end she only became worse. It is very hard to see people that have a great potential driven by this mindset and very linear minded blindness.

International Women's Day to all the Women around the World!

Please tell us Dedo.


RE: say anything thread continued

Sorry I was not here all day but a special thanks to all the people that sent me all the nice birthday wishes! I was quite pleasantly surprised!



RE: Say Anything...the saga continues.....

just found out a childhood friend and musician has just died. Andrew Loomis Played drums with "Dead Moon" and had many friends and fans. Sad to see another one go. sad flower


This is a list of forum posts created by Dragos1.

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