RE: Giving up!

Perhaps all of us that have basically ‘given-up’ but stay on the orums should have our own sitelaugh Perhaps because of the distance factor many have come to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to ever actually meet someone; it seems to usually turn out that opposite sides of the country is the reason’ the next being trust issues as long distance travel is brought with both trust and financial pre-requisites. Shame, but that is life, or lack of it…Enjoy what you


“Resistance is futile."grin


Fair enough; never did a thing for me one way or another, but--I do like nail polish to use on my paintings; great for different items such as sip, nightclub and bar windows with neon signs; flimsy type gowns and see-through negligés...grin

RE: Why do women always have to have the last word?

Oh I recall, somewhat vaguely how it was , ‘scoring’ became boring; there are better things in Life. A ‘meeting of the minds’ is so much better than the meeting of our various parts, a few gasps and then part…rather empty; draining a bottle of fine wine is more satisfying especially with someone with whom one can have conversations about the meaning of Life, the universe and everything as we stagger down the street doing the silly walk a la John Cleese...laugh wine

RE: How to get rid of unwanted guests?

I’ve known people in those circumstances; some left and went shopping; one couple left and went to a motel, came back next day and their relatives were still there! I took my father’s advice or similar situations as he had learned to always have a fallback position. It involved the use of a firearm. Works every time.grin

RE: Why do women always have to have the last word?

rolling on the floor laughing yay

RE: Would you pay for guaranteed privacy (email) or chat?

You are aware that just several weeks ago, NSA was caught diverting thousands of brand new computers from several countries and installing their spyware into them and also of altering new programs as they sat in warehouses waiting for shipment to stores as well as monitoring on line developments then overriding their operating systems…it’s a bloody all out war in cyberland and you; we are the enemy…not the Chinese or Russian hackers.sigh

RE: Nibiru

Zacharia Sitchin’s translations of only a small portion of the Sumerian Tablets that have been found, cover billions of years according to the Creation Epic. Since those translations were published, most scientists in fields from Astronomy to Zoology have been pouring over the materials with a great deal of satisfaction over the numerous confirmations of what the Sumerians wrote down as history as told to them by the creators of the human race.
Astronomers had long wondered about the erratic orbit of Pluto and why an object of it’s size wandered so far out to the edge of our system. By all rights, it should be a moon of one of the larger outer planets.They also suspected that the asteroid belt were the remains of a planet but the debris lacked enough mass; the Sumerian answer to the puzzle was that the missing mass is actually Earth, but then pushed into a different orbit. Scientists have also found evidence of tremendous heat and destruction occurring on the moon well after its creation which now is open for that as nothing matches Earth. NASA has confirmed the cataclysmic period with numerous collisions of other celestial bodies hitting the moon; massive radioactive materials from the interior, now on its surface as well as lava beds.
The Sumerian tradition of the composition of the outer planets and their amounts of water have been verified, even to the colours given by the Sumerian, such as Neptune depicted as bluish green, confirmed by Voyager 2 because of its “slurry mixture of water ice on its surface and “swamp like patches” of blue and yellowish- green. The list grows as research continues.
The Sumerians were very accurate about a primordial collision in our solar system, but what about the ‘Gods” home world of Nibiru, the 12th planet? The search for “Planet X” has been making headlines around the world for decades. Astronomers have been searching the skies for this planet’s elliptical orbit. Several have announced evidence for it. In 1983, the orbiting telescope called the Infa-red Astronomical Observatory,IRAS) spotted something large enough at 50 billion miles and possibly moving toward Earth; in 1985 the “Nemesis Theory” was proposed based on Nibiru’s alleged effect on Earth causing mass extinctions at certain intervals. This theory got a boost later on as other scientists found rare, non terrestrial elements evenly distributed around the Earth at a depth associated with great extinctions and other calamities worldwide.
Just recently, satellite photography has discovered another described Sumerian event: a great scar in the Sinai desert. This is the location of what was a ]missile/ rocket city and space landing facilities destroyed by atomic weapons. Scientists have no explanation for this ancient burned, blackened plain that stands out from all the surrounding white rocks. Could this have been the ancient spaceport? “That which was raised toward Anu to launch they caused to wither, its face they made far away, its place they made desolate.”??
Sumerian knowledge os astronomy is definitely making its mark on all aspects of astro-archeology. If modern astronomers searching for Nibiru, it will be the strongest yet endorsement of Sumerian sciences. If the Sumerians were correct as to the planet’s inhabitants, then by the time we find it, it will be all too late as ‘they’ will be here…again. Given the translated timelines, they would be nearly one million years ahead of us…old enough to learn how to ‘hide’ a planet from detection by ‘their’ off-spring. Penn State is now slowly publishing a Sumerian Dictionary one letter at a time…no serious objections by linguists , even the few that can decipher Sumerian, over Sitchin’s epic translations which is also attracting scientists from many disciplines eager to find confirmations for their evidence and theories.

RE: Would you pay for guaranteed privacy (email) or chat?

laugh so that is what the NSA, DOD.FBI, NIS, AEI and all the other members of the alphabet network are: “third parties”???rolling on the floor laughing Not to worry, after all, they all have the capabilities of remotely turning on your computers and in fact, all other electronic devises in your homes once they have your ip address . Most computer come conveniently equipped with locators so you can even be tracked with portables. We should all feel secure as, not bugs in a bed, but as bugs under a 24-7 microscope.applause

RE: when u realize you r nt importanat

It is just the ‘normal’ way people are; we are all no deposit, no return disposable ‘items’ and everyone acts accordingly so why be sad; why be surprised as all relationships have a ‘shelf life’.
Modern life; so expectant...

RE: USA, the greatest threat to world peace

This leaves several questions hanging, such as which ‘fellow Arab ‘ countries need to get their armies and pilots trained in full scale battle mode having not been used for years if not decades…how efficient are they under fire? Jordan hasn’t used it’s armed forces in decades, especially its ultra elite forces of the legendary Arab Legion which had always been commanded by British officers and as far as I know, still are with their special dispensation for service to Jordan and the Trucial/ Gulf States; same for Morocco. Algeria’s special desert forces? Saudi special services haven’t had a real fire fight in years…lots of unused armies out there. Makes me wonder what is Spain’s position on lending out their Sahara desert forces such as The Spanish Foreign Legion, instead of letting them rot in the so called ‘Spanish Sahara’ when they might love to tackle ISIS….Of course France could always unleash their Foreign Legion against ISIS…its been a long time since French troops were in Syria…perhaps its time for a return…with Assad’s cooperation after all, the French are good at making ‘accommodations’ with former adversaries…just thinking out loud, as it

RE: USA, the greatest threat to world peace

Love the editorial cartoon; good choice. But this does underline the problem with Putin and Syria. After days of talking about bombing alleged targets in Syria, there hasn’t been a single mention of the facts that Syria is under a defence agreement with Russia, as Putin pointed out weeks ago. Syria’s missile defence system is handled by Russian crews on a rotational basis for the last several years. Assad wants a phone call from Obama asking [permission from a sovereign state to overfly and bomb targets and Putin must be chuckling waiting to step in or is he going to allow US planes over his ally to bomb targets…if the US govt. has a secret agreement with Putin not to object , verbally or by his silence seems to be the unasked question by the US Congress. Could Putin allow his Syrian ground crews to open fire on US planes invading their air space…some people seem to have totally forgotten that Syria is a Russian ally and they have the very same type of agreement as many of the US allies have; that an attack on one is an attack on all other allies. The legal and moral obligation to defend one’s ally becomes paramount. Why would Syria not open fire if Putin remains silent or by remaining silent, is Putin allowing the US to attack selected targets or could he be setting up a pretext to open fire on US planes…no one seems concerned.

RE: Riding bicycles on sidewalks

and tricycles for those that wear yellow raincoats and hats…(Laugh In TV show)

RE: Scotland voting on the 18th Sept...... Nay or Yay ????

I think you need to re-read history on Scotland, Scotland has never been conquered in any battle, the ENGLISH not British gained Scotland when King James VI of Scotland also became King of ENGLAND.

Scotland is (at the moment) part of Britain, therefore British subjects that are resident in Scotland are eligible to vote.

It all seems very sad to me, but a vote by the people would be the right way to move forward on this emotional subject.[/quote

Point taken, “conquered” may be a bit strong with perhaps the exception of the Scottish defeat at the Battle of Falkirk by Edward the First in 1297 or 98. And by 1304 Scotland was indeed conquered until Robert The Bruce seized the Scottish throne and re started the wars until 1350 something; those wars of Scottish Independence. Scotland, ended those wars with the Treaty of Durwich or Barwick if I remember , still able to keep their status as an independent state until Henry the 7th or 8th declared another war over wanting his son, Eddie to marry the child known as Mary, Queen of the Scots. Edward the Sixth carried on that war despite having become totally ludicrous to continue by around 1550 or something. It was the last conlict between the 2 countries until the so called Union of Crowns or States around 1603 0r 04 in which James the 6th, as you said, of Scotland , also took by inheritance, the throne of England and Ireland with the amalgamation of the three under a single monarch following the death of Elizabeth, double cousin, twice removed to James. Soon after, around 1709, I think, both parliaments of Scotland and England merged into a single, united kingdom, newly called “Great Britain”…( I found all this British history excruciating to remember and it all bored the hell out of me; all these petty frivolous wars of greed gone mad by petty monarchs trying to take over the turf of the other like gangsters vying with each other in turf wars. The only English monarch that I found interesting because he was a total loon and funny was Richard the Second who had a peculiar and passionate interest in fashion, fine cooking and books, and is actually credited with the invention of,( sorry Beau Brummel ), the invention of…the handkerchief! rolling on the floor laughing Despite my best efforts to skip English/ British History classes all through both high school and at university, I could not avoid them all. What did I gain from them? Absolutely nothing The only English history that I found interesting was pre 1066 and the immediate aftermath. Always thought it a damn shame that the Saxons(from Saxony, in Germany), never came to the aid of their “kith and kin” and help defeat the Northmen. Ah, well, so is history; a long line of missed opportunities and what might have

RE: ISIS Created This Crisis

Just speculating but if ISIS is attacked, could some Human Rights group start filing law suits to stop the attacks based on religious discrimination, persecution of ISIS due to their religious beliefs (of which, to wage Jihad against who they see as Infidels) and that a state like the US would be in violation of their separation of Church and State clauses in acting against a particular brand of religion; it would be like the US govt. attacking the Branch Davidian sect all over again as they did at Waco, Texas or the current Westboro Chuch that are against so many things that they just may be the American version of ISIS… Religious freedom to believe in whatever religion and to practice that religion is a right usually recognized by most countries; Jihad is just another expression of their peculiar belief…or dos the world retreat to banning and killing a particular set of believers, like the British tried with the ‘Thugees’, followers of Kali in 19th cent. India which basically declared theirs as a religion unfit to be practised…one could say that about virtually all religions and then what…back to the tired old game of “my God is better than your God!” Why not, right...laugh

RE: Scotland voting on the 18th Sept...... Nay or Yay ????

I watched a BBC newscast the other evening wherein they interviewed Brits living in Scotland and got the impression that they are voting against independence…British residents are allowed to vote on this??? If so that is truly bizarre…I personally would think that only true, ethnic Scots should vote on this question as Scotland was invaded and conquered and annexed by the British and totally ludicrous for any Brit to have a say…
Independence is always good for all peoples and the more countries, the better.

RE: every woman should have a man

Stat wise, there aren’t enough men or males for every woman on earth and it only gets worse with every new war…perhaps women can boycott govt.’s to stop having wars…why not, women threatened to boycott the NFL over the player they just sacked...grin

RE: What should North America do about the Ebola Outbreak in Africa?

Totally beside the point; what you wrote, everybody knows...doh

RE: What should North America do about the Ebola Outbreak in Africa?

Just an observation that both ‘East Africa’ and the entire Congo area has been the home of research and development of many 'secret' biological warfare programs, especially by both the US and Russians since the early 70’s.
Several were still going on well into the 90’s and all during the Iraq war. Is it just mere happens chance that another outbreak of Ebola happens and s
when a viable drug looks good to combat it, the virus conveniently mutates not just for one but for 2 new experimental drugs to attack the virus. This has been going on since 1990 including the strain identified in Reston Virginia; Uganda back in 2007, all from monkeys which was the favourite animal for infecting with virtually all the experimental strains of viruses. Some people are still convinced that the Aids virus was created in the Congo by US intelligence agencies secretly experimenting there with Mobuto’s full co-operation that continued unabated after 1997 when Mobuto was overthrown….strange ‘coincidences’...

RE: ISIS Getting Closer To West

rolling on the floor laughing There are now groups in all the “Western countries”,
(including the US), that have formed to ‘re-integrate former ISIS fighters into ‘normal’ society and help them legally if charged…go figurelaugh

RE: From the Book of Useless Information

Many of the best restaurants in London served actual pieces of real mummies for people to eat. It was "very fashionable”...barf

RE: do guys find intelligent women scary or not.....

I’d be in general agreement with the above but one which makes me wonder about what would any man be doing going on a date with a woman that is disrespectful, or would that only come out with all the other negative traits as the date went on….confused
If that would be the case, how was it that you either asked or accepted a date with her; was she being deceptive just to show you all her other endearing traits….laugh

RE: What do you think about the new television show"Married at First Sight."

You could say the same for the other show, Naked Dating or Dating Naked, whichever. Virtually nothing in this ‘wild west’ part of the world is ‘sacred’, every thing, every value, every belief is wide open for mockery...where have you been ...sigh

RE: How do you believe you have been shaped from? family, society, yourself…..

No one person or thing stands out for's just been a journey that I have travelled largely alone, influenced by my own perception and understanding of the world.

That seems to sum-up mine as well; having taken all the roads that sane people would reject. Parents were lousy and totally irresponsible, never caring about how they influenced me . I saw the world without coloured lenses or Disney glasses but as place populated to a large extent by the proverbial “quick and the dead” and all the shades of the ‘good, bad, and ugly, and very ugly types that only revelled in causing and inflicting as much pain, sorrow and death on as many people as possible…I guess not having anyone to share those roads with was a good thing thing, or so as I’m still trying to convince myself of that...

RE: Great Old Forgotten Music

Since around 13 or 14, I had a fascination for the Rock-a-billie sound and the singers and bands from the 50’s and began collecting all that I could find, and the other day I was roaming through some old record albums in a ‘junk’ store and what should I find but an album from The Sun Rhythm Section is pristine condition for only 50 cents! Made my day!
Sonny Burgess on lead guitar with Paul Burlison also; Jerry Lee “Smoochy” Smith on piano; Marcus Van Story on ‘slap bass’; Stan Kepler on electric bass with J.M.Van Eaton and D.J. Fontana on drums. It is pure ecstasy to hear these guys from what I would call early Rock ’N’ Roll’s greatest rhythm section, with the sole exception of Little Richard’s back up band, The Uppsetters, surely Rock’s most hard driving group. Love the old Rock-a-billie and the early R&B bands as they transitioned into Rock and Roll. Just pure joy to listen to this.cheering

RE: ISIS Getting Closer To West

Why bother; no one protested when Genghis Khan came to town; no one denounced the sanguinary nature of General Custer when he wanted to wipe out the Sioux let alone the US when attacking a third world country with their weapons of mass destruction and are now trying to whip up more war frenzy against ISIS; let it consume itself as it eventually will.

RE: Word of the Day

Contraceptive: A device to be used at every conceivable moment…

Devil’s Dictionary’ by Ambrose Bierce???laugh

RE: Death of American fighting for ISIS

Americans, like most citizens of any country do have an inalienable right to die or what and whom they choose. I don’t understand all the superfluous media hype over this. Over the years that I worked as a journalist I knew many from many countries, Americans included that died in foreign wars and not a word was said by the media let alone the Govt.’s Several I remember died while fighting or both sides in Nicaragua and Argentina. Same for several African countries, like Angola, Rhodesia,Rep. of Congo,Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Western Sahara, etc., etc. This whole spasm with ISIS is no different in essence other than a much deeper sense of commitment to perhaps return to their respective countries and return with as US intelligence services put it, “with extreme prejudice” . If US ‘operators’ can roam the world killing with impunity and targeting people with predator drones out of ‘patriotism’, then so can fighters with ISIS who would see themselves as just as patriotic but with a higher sense of putting their alleged religious patriotism higher than merely being subservient to a peculiar form of Govt. and what it stands for. Everyone has the right to follow their conscience…and perhaps die fulfilled.

RE: Random thoughts

Random thought/ question; has anyone ever seen a copy of the book ‘Fish Who Answer the Telephone” by Yury Petrovitch Frolov, 1937 ??? Apparently very rare and worth mucho dinero….$$$$$$


Makes one wonder if getting out into orbit but you just keep on going which happened to several of the early Russian cosmonauts; one was heard from after a few weeks saying how beautiful it was and of all the lights flying around him…then silence. It is thought that at least a dozen disappeared into deep space trajectories…sort of makes one think of those battery commercials, that ‘just keeps going ang going, and goin….poor guys.

This is a list of forum posts created by Kattte.

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