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A Perspective: Men and the Myth of The "Midlife Crisis"...

Men and the so called 'mid-life crisis; is a myth, sort of...Many seem to believe that all men go through a mid-life crisis when they are in 'middle age'.
Not quite. Many middle aged men do go through midlife crises, but it's not because they are middle aged. It's simply because their wives or "significant others" are. From the evolutionary psychological perspective, a man's midlife crisis is precipitated by his wife's or girlfriend's imminent menopause and end of her reproductive career, and thus his renewed need to attract younger women. It's all part of our evolutionary process; perfectly natural.
Accordingly, a 50 year old man married to a 25 year old woman would not go through a midlife crisis, while a 25 year old man married to a 50 year old woman would, just like a typical 50 year old man married to a 50 year old woman.
It's not his midlife that matters; it's hers. When he buys a shiny red sports car, he's not actually trying to regain his youth; he's trying to simply attract young women to replace his elderly and menopausal migraines wife by trumpeting his flash and cash he has for his newer female interest. That's life and life does go on while dear ol' menopausal wife needs a sedative. The love that may have developed between this typical couple, simply "ain't got nuthin' to do wid it"... That is the thing about life, we're all a bit unhappy with
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Mugabeland; Old Memories Return As Dreams and Some Nightmares all Mixed in...

Since the beginning of the latest "crisis" in Mugabeland, I have been following all the news on it and for the last 3 nights have been hard to get any sleep as so many memories keep flooding back after the light goes out; all the firefights; all the ambushes, all the near misses; all the things that went wrong and then terribly wrong especially by the use of little experienced young Rhodesians as non coms that got us lost or blundered into lethal situations by not following normal precautions such as having scouts out on flanks; to sudden evacuations of a village due to her activities all around; scenes constantly switching places as from our firebase at Mt. Darwin to suddenly the swamps inside Botswana or the Caprivy Strip; whole villages turning into blazing infernos and filled with bodies everywhere....I am amazed at so much suddenly coming back and so jumbled. Near our old firebase at Mt. Darwin, there was a small village area I recall as Bukumbura Several of from Europe used to make jokes about it and in one kaleidoscope of rather bizarre images, it had a sign as similar to the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign....totally wrong and Plumtree, the proper border crossing point into Botswana, was huge swamp march filled with hippos that we had to wade through on one of our "lost patrols" thanks to a totally incompetent Rhodesian born kid in his early 20's. (he was later sent again to repeat his corporal's course...for a third time). So many weird, strange and bizarre panoramas of memories and yet some didn't change as when 4 of us were dining in a restaurant in Salisbury famous for its exotic painting of the Pink Panther in a negligee reclining on a sofa( laugh) a couple of terrs threw some molotov cocktails through the window, interrupting our usual shish kabobs...we all hit the floor and then we took the Pink Panther painting down and carried it to the kitchen to keep it safe...Police and some bystanders nailed the terrs. That was out favourite place to eat when on leave...ahh well. I find it amazing that the news from old Rhodesia still affects some of us. Our Vietnam vet carried a lot of strange dreams from his time there and just before he left Rhodesia, he started having dreams also all mixed up...I was relatively fine after about 2 years from when I left...or so I thought until a few nights ago. I guess there is no expiry date on those types of dreams/ nightmares... So many of us had put our heart and souls into the dream of Rhodesia...
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Politicians, Public Figures and all Married Men in General...

It's perfectly natural for politicians and married men in general to risk everything for an affair, especially if they are male.
On the morning of January 21, 1998, as Americans woke up to the stunning allegations that their dear President Bill Clinton had had an affair with a usual 20 something white House intern, Darwinian historian Laura L. Betzig thought,"I told you so," Betzig pointed out that while powerful men throughout Western history have married monogamously (only one legal wife at a time), they have always mated polygynously ( they had lots of lovers, concubines and even female slaves). With their wives, they produced legitimate heirs; with the others, they produced bastards. Genes make no distinction between the two categories of children. But humans and their institutions on governments do.
As a result, powerful men of high status throughout human history have attained very high reproductive success, leaving a large number of offspring (legitimate and otherwise), while countless poor males died mateless and childless. Mouldy Ismail the Bloodthirsty, the last Sharifian emperor of Morocco, stands out quantitatively, having left more offspring,1,042, than anyone else on record, (not to even mention, Genghis Kahn!), than anyone else on record, but he was by no means qualitatively different from other powerful men, like Bill Clinton.
The question many have asked in 1998, "Why on earth would the most powerful man in this world jeopardize his job for an affair with a young woman?" is, from a Darwinian perspective, a rather silly one. Betzig's answer would be: "Why not?" Men strive to attain power, consciously or unconsciously, in order to have reproductive access to a larger number of fertile women. Reproductive access to women is the goal, political political office but one means. To ask why the beloved (aren't they all) President of the United States would have a (oh horrors!) a s*xual encounter of the first kind, (some would say "the best kind"), with a young woman is like asking someone who worked very hard to earn a large sum of money would then spend it...
What distinguishes Bill Clinton is not that he had extramarital affairs while in office, most others have, and many more will; it would be a Darwinian puzzle indeed if they did not. Perhaps all parties could then simply sign contracts as outlined by noted author Desmond Norris in his book,"The Human Jungle" allowing this type of behaviour. What distinguishes Clinton is simply the fact that it became public. Now the Clintons may have had a verbal agreement to "fool around" but with a written out contract specifying his liberties, signed and sealed by Hillary and the majority of the US Congress all being over 21 in the name of everyone in the US, he would not have had to resign or ever be impeached and he could continue on impaling all the young female interns or waitresses or whatever. Be adult about it and not hypocrites is always the best policy. A verbal agreement with Hillary was not worth the paper it was written on about having the freedom to have affairs. Desmond Morris missed his chance to have possibly saved the Clitnon Presidency with his ideas for a formal written contract...rolling on the floor laughing
Comments , I will simply ignore and won't bother answering. I loathe trying to argue with unarmed people who are as newspaper headlines with about as much depth. If one argues with a fool, people won't know the difference and taking them seriously would be an insult, an affront their intelligence and for those that can't/ won't try to control their crude, repugnant vocabulary as with those types that resort to threats of violence as a refuge: it is the hallmark of the incompetent. When I wrote for newspapers, I never dealt with any of the "letters to the Editor; 99% of which where just thrown out by editorial staff as most were deemed as "unprintable" in any regardwine
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Book Of Joshua; the Bawdy section...

Yes, Onward to bawdier pursuits! Joshua, chapter 2 raises a pressing question: What's with all the prostitutes? There's scarcely an unmarried woman in the Bible who isn't a prostitute, or treated as one. Tamar turns a trick with her father-in-law Judah. The Moabite women whore themselves to the Israelites. The Midianite harlot is murdered by Phiehas...the loose behaviour of Jacob's daughter, Dinah, sparks a mass slaughter, and then Rahab...No wonder they call prostitution the oldest profession; it's the only profession that biblical women seem allowed to have had. What were they doing when not turning tricks...goat-herding? We have no clue.
My theory: In many non European tribal cultures, women have been essentially banished from the public sphere in order to control their virtues/ 'charms'. Today, we still see this in the strict Islamic interpretations of their Koran wherein women aren't even allowed to speak to men other than their relatives and husbands. Throughout the bible, the Israelites have been obsessed with controlling all facets of behaviour of their girls and women. Today,in North America, it is the same controls put in by mostly men who are Protestants...they are just as, if not more so, obsessed with controlling all aspects of the private and very personal matters of all women. They just can't leave women alone. They must regulate them like animals.
Perhaps that is why there are so many laws about female purity, sexeual misbehaviour, and intermarriage. Presumably because of these specific constraints, the Israelite women seem to have played no role whatsoever in public life...well, except for Mose's sister, Miriam,(and in passing, Noa and her sisters'), there isn't one woman since the book of Exodus who's had any public presence. Just lots about the pubic joys and games by prostitutes and their hapless customers; perhaps we keep hearing about prostitutes because all the other women were locked up in their kitchens forever barefoot and pregnant. It is beyond me why any peoples of a European heritage should want to have anything to do with such an alien culture.let alone admire it..mumbling
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The Changing of Clocks; Politics or Seasonal ?

Most of civilization, as we call it, is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice.
You water down all standards which would lead to any form of bravery. The State restrains your will; it regulates all appetites; including hopes, wishes and desires across a wide spectrum of daily life. Your horizons are fenced in.
The State which is made up of certain types of personalities, makes laws for every movement and moment of your life. You deny the existence of any form of chaos. You teach your children to breath slowly and not get excited.
You become tamed by those types that feel a desire,a pathological need to control every aspect of peoples lives because they feel that they know what is good for you. It is all done in your name; "for the good of the people" of which you are one. And you comply...
Dangers lurk in all systems. Systems incorporate the unexamined beliefs of their creator "god". The system becomes your way of life; you accept all of its beliefs and you help facilitate and strengthen any resistance to change even they should urge you to keep looking back to those so called "golden ages" of times that actually never existed in any recognizable form through what is labeled for you as "nostalgia'...
Nostalgia represents an interesting illusion. Through 'nostalgia' people start wishing for things that never were. Actual memories and 'nostalgic memories are always at odds as to which was real or an illusion that you think makes you feel better as opposed to the hard realities of the now. Over a few generations actual memory tends to weed out more and more of what really was refining them down to a distillation of simple human desires for a better future.
Word images begin to distort the instant of utterance. Ideas imbedded in a language require that particular language for expression. This is the very essence of the meaning within the word 'nostalgia' It distorts reality from what was to what could be , which as then actually a possible future of a time and reality which in fact never existed for a better life. The haze of nostalgia covers a time ,making those times something entirely different than they actually were. That is the way today changes history. All contemporaries do not inhabit the same time. The past is always changing, but few ever realize it. Turning clocks back in season is one thing but not turning them back by decades of time , to when the State actually did regulate every moment of peoples lives and for everyone to conform; to comply or you were punished in some way, be it ostracized by those eager to conform or brutalized by a penal system organized by those who were eager to comply to make all others obey. Systems like that depend on their people being cowards...
Nothing is morally sacred, or fixed eternally in marble, about a country or form of government or regime. Rather, the only sensible justification in either preserving or changing is that doing so would clearly provide the greatest amount of liberty and well being to all the people who live there. Turning clocks back is only required because of season, not politics which are only as temporary as as the latest fashion craze, yet so based on lies, falsehoods that may totally divert a potentially bright future into a living nightmare ruled over by those who would otherwise be under psychiatric treatment in an isolated institution. People generally look forward to contribute to the betterment of as many as possible, not backwards to repression for all.
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Abandoned Homes and Symbols Left Behind...

Part 2
I Recently explored an old abandoned house that in every early morning, as sunlight began to stream in through an eastern window, the light projected a geometrical likeness of the missing panes unto the far wall and one could observe that make slowly moving down that wall as the angle of the sun increased to higher than the window that contracts then eventually fades. One could sit there and experience the intensity of emotions; to contemplate the mystery, and sometimes, meanings of my experience.
This moving metaphor of life is an emotional experience. In an hour or so I could observe my beginning, my constant transition of form, always simple in its broad outlines yet full of complexities rich with ambiguities. and finally my fading into unbroken shadow, where all of us will eventually will fade into.
The west window, hours later,gathered the warm rays of the setting sun in a small room as it turned to gold.
In the shadows of the eastern part of the house, the interior was a dark grey then became radiant; could the real purpose of a window is to let light shine out...
These two windows, like eyes allows one to 'see' all the abandoned houses differently, to think of them not only as a symbol for the loss of self but also as a symbol for the giving up of self, by which I mean the gradual process of self acceptance. If we are lucky, well before we die we will have no secrets that cannot be shared at long last, no doors and windows that we are afraid to leave open to the world, and thus, no fear of living. Most will this 'journey' long and difficult, and our physical bodies, like the old towns along rarely used old roads, show some obvious signs of decay by the time we arrive...
Some, of course will never make this journey; those that feel angry about the symbols of abandoned homes; of families any suffering lost relics over the years; of things left behind during hard times. For whatever reasons, they are afraid or unable to admit ,even to themselves, the possible personal meanings of symbols for/ in or behind abandoned homes.
Reveries. Dreams. Figments of my imagination...And, therefore, more real than reality. Episodic snippets of exploring abandoned homes evoke bigger can we all participate more fully in the experiences of living? Collectively, the symbols left behind in or for abandoned homes repeat the symbolism of the morning light; the moving image of shade and form down the wall and across the floor; an overview of a chance to see myself from a place outside of myself and outside the normal constraints of time and space.
Whether I'm inside or outside. I want the doors and windows open .
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Abandoned Homes and Symbols Left Behind...

Doors and windows need walls as without them they could not exist. What is true of our physical construction is equally true of our emotional ones. Whatever we might think of doors and windows, physical or emotional, we need also to think of their context.
Doors and windows that open to the outside of buildings are usually kept closed. Doors make it easy for us who live and work in buildings, to come and go at will but they also protect us and ensure our privacy. Not only do they keep other people and creatures out, but keep the elements at bay including even fire. Windows on the other hand, are designed to let us see out and to let light flood in.
This difference of purpose between windows and doors take on special meanings when we think of a house as a symbol of one's self, which it is for most people. We identify with our houses; our homes, of whatever sort and if we don't, we set about changing them; knocking down walls or adding them; adding windows; raise or lower ceilings etc. until we have transformed the house/ home into a place we feel at home. We fill our dwellings with, consciously or unconsciously, not only what matters to us, but also with a lot that we euphemistically call 'junk'.
Our homes/ houses, so to speak, are us.
In long abandoned houses, doors often stand open and many window panes are missing which allow all the various elements in. Because these elements are continually changing/ altering the physical character and appearance of the interior, the symbol of the house as an expression of the self may be replaced by the symbol of the house as a loss of self. Many people find abandoned homes as threatening, and many more experience a sense of loss and sorrow; can this be why many people like to see old buildings "fixed up" or restored...It is never easy to deal with or accept the loss of self, at any level.
And what about us, we the people that find old derelict dwellings endlessly fascinating, who can't get enough of them? Why is our explorations never finished? What is our symbol?
part 1
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Vibes Within The Forest Gloom

British Columbia has over 200 some "ghost towns" that are known and on occasion some intrepid hikers/ explorers along the coastal waters or the interior mountains deep in forests discover another one as one town was only a few years ago . It had about a dozen buildings fairly intact . It was a fish canning town approachable only by boat lost in the trees and undergrowth with only vague shapes seen from the shoreline. All of any docks or piers had long vanished due to probable storms. The discovery was made by several members of a few families who upon their return to Vancouver reported the town to the proper department that it was "unknown". They decided to put in a land claim and some went back to live there. After a few years they obtained "squatter's rights and the town, with all it's contents was theirs. All the old machinery, the buildings became their property including a large company safe. The founding company was long gone and they had to hire someone with experience on the model and make of the safe to open it. It was empty save a single old penny.
I took some time this summer and went exploring along the coast of the mainland after renting a canoe and taking foods and various equipment stopping now and then to take some good close looks into the closely packed trees from the shoreline. I found several abandoned old homes and a few commercial buildings silently rotting away within the perpetual hazy gloom of the forests. A few remnants of canning factories were found along with offices and several homes all overgrown and some leaning up against each other as well as some that had collapsed in all stages of rot and decay...I love old abandoned buildings and homes, ever since childhood, from perhaps my earliest memories of being driven through the ruins of bombed out Berlin and so many other places and exploring them as I grew up. I especially loved all the overturned trains just lying in fields or in what was a train station. I could climb in and out all day and go through all the old luggage left behind.
As I wondered through through these old abandoned buildings along the BC coast, peering into or entering one collapsing building after another, the scattered remnants of family old iron bed, a fallen kerosene light beside it, a small chest of drawers, an overturned bookcase , discarded toys or a mould encrusted doll,or a rotted mattress and pieces of rotting clothes amidst the piles of old whiskey bottles outside many of these cannery homes caused me to imagine , again and again, the people...the families that once called theses houses "home".
All families are microcosms of the complex world in which we live. Here is where we first experience the shock of the disgusting and the presence of possible evil, suffer from deprivation or overindulgence, have the chance to learn value of balancing completion with cooperation, and feel the love of imperfect beings around us. A family is a training ground for life.
Whenever I think of families long departed from these towns or homes and, indeed, of the very concept of family itself, it is children that always comes first, and vividly, to mind. Perhaps it is because our childhood stays with us until we die, in more ways than we know or care about to admit...
The mothers, usually caring and nurturing; the fathers, both caring and uncaring, how were they to their children in these isolated "towns"? Were they physical and emotionally there or absent long enough for the children to be strengthened or weakened by it...How was life for these people of a "company town"..? I don't imagine for a moment that it was as nice as any TV family of the 1950's ....
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A Kaleidoscope of Societal Malfunctions part 2

part 2

Not enough food. The world is starving and no Green revolution can supply surplus foods. Meats of all types must be imported by those that can pay. How soon before you start pulling your belts a notch or two tighter?
And as our collective unhappiness rises, crime rises. Women march. Blacks burn their slums and arm themselves. Kids confront and everyone worries about their safety.
All of u usage police, or demonstrators, or caught in between and more is to come. Your country acts like one more self-righteous monolith. Policing the world in the part it controls, in the name of one ideal or another, but in practice supporting dictators, suppressing people who want fresh air to breath as much as any of us all, with as much right; in practice taking, stealing vital resources from others claiming less than 7% of the world's population, consuming more than half of the world's productions...How long will this be allowed to continue...who's your next target nation to bomb and kill it's peoples?
Our collective societies may be much worse than a shambles. Certainly, in spite of inventions, the sciences, the progress, the 'magic' at our command, our problems are not growing less. Each year is worse than the one before it. Marches, demonstrations. Riots. Assassinations. Crime. Frustrations; malaise. General inability to cope; sides on the rise. We are all in a hell of a mess...
Head beatings and suppression are not solutions. Barricades are no solution. Bloody revolutions merely exchange one set of power brokers for another.
But the problems are real and immediate. Those that are hungry, unskilled, jobless, homeless, or simply chronically ill or unhappy, cannot be told to "Awww, shaaatup!" The over 100 million youths cannot be told to "Awww fukk off!" The over 100 million who are old and infirm cannot be ignored. The over 20 million who are black cannot be all killed by police or NRA fanatics or trailer park Klan members and supporters, or deported 'back to Africa', or subjugated economically at any cost short of your total ruin as anything approaching human beings. And so far we have no solutions. Merry the same old knee- jerk reactions of confrontation and suppression, then police bullets ( Would the military revolt is told to slaughter their own people..?)
There may be in fact no solutions...
We may be on the one way trip to total self annihilation...These just may be the last years of the humans, or the last bearable ones that any of us will
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A Kaleidoscopic View of Societal Malfunctions...Part 1

Our entire 'society' is imperfect. That's what we all say, and we shrug and let it go at that all in agreement. Societies change in their own good time, and there isn't much that an individuals can do to cause change or direct it. Most people don't try. They have a living to make,and whatever energies are left over they know how to put to good use. They leave politics to the ever changing faces of the frauds, cheaters liars and crooks that masquerade as politicians.
But let's be honest, Our societies in general is not just imperfect,our societies are in unhappy shambles. Leaving politics to 'politicians' is ,as usual, proving to be a dangerous business as leaving science to public opinions, war to Generals, and profits to bankers and other profiteers.
I read, I watch. I listen. And I judge by my own experiences. The best of us are basically miserable. Most , it seems, take drugs...alcohol, tobacco, and pills by the handful. We do work in order to live and live to work like a cog. An endless unsatisfying round of self abuse. The jobs are no pleasure. Employers shunt us from one plastic paradise to another. Nearly one half of the country now moves each year. No roots, no stability; like the wind ...(ever see the film, The Wind and The Lion? )
We live out our lives in public, with less and less chances to ever know each other. To know anybody.
Farmers can't make a living. Small businesspeople can't make a living anymore. Combines and monoliths take them over then push them out or close them down. And because no-one questions the ways of a monolith and stays or rises in one, only the most ruthless survive, run by the narrowest and hungriest and self important among us.
The results: rivers stink of sewage, water is poisonous, industrial waste produce only dead fish. City air is the equivalent of smoking 2 or 3 packs a day; the 'countryside' is turned to decaying rubble. Chemical lagoons stain hillsides with their overflows. Fields of rusting vehicles litter once prosperous suburbs.
And all the while, the population continues to grow "Progress', new consumers to buy imported products. Institutions are less and less able to cope with the growth. Not enough houses or apartments. Not enough shelters. Not enough schools. Not enough doctors or teachers or jobs for entire countries. Not enough room at the beaches...not enough beaches; victims of rising oceans...
end of part 1
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Mind Pollutants: Ads May Be Harmful To Your Mental Health

A US marketing firm announces plans to send an inflatable billboard adorned with corporate logos into stationary orbit, viewable every night like a second moon; A Japanese schoolboy becomes a neon sign during hi his daily two-hour subway commute by wearing a battery powered vest promoting an electronics giant; Administrators in a Texas school district announces plans to boost their revenues by selling ad commercials on the roofs of the district's 17 schools arresting the attention of 58 million commercial jet passengers who fly into Dallas each year...A boy named David from Sidney, Australia, literally rents his head to corporate clients, shaving a new ad into his hair every few weeks. Some 2,000 students at his high school will be reading them; "I just wish that I had a bigger head." the somewhat sad student says. An American woman is paid $10,000 to tattoo the name of a casino on her forehead...Boy Scouts sell corporate ad space on their merit badges; Coca-Cola strikes a deal for six months with the Australian postal service for the right to cancel stamps with a Coke ad; a company called VideoCart installs interactive screens on shopping carts, so that you can see ads while shopping,(a company exec calls the little monitors "the most powerful micro marketing medium available today!" Some time in the 90's, marketers began installing ad boards in men's washrooms on college campuses, at eye level above the urinals, From an advertising perspective, it was a brilliant coup: where else was a guy to look...Makes you wonder what they so magnanemously did for the women's washroom ...Kids watch Pepsi and Snickers ads in classrooms on freely supplied audio-visual equipment by the advertising reach down and pull your golf ball out of the hole and there, at the bottom of the cup, is an ad for a brokerage firm or a law firm or a porn engineers demonstrate a program that turns your cursor into a corporate logo whenever you visit any commercial site. If you attempt to flee this corporate world of mind pollution by driving out into the countryside, your views of fields, meadows and woods will be broken at intervals by enormous billboards thankfully obscuring the usual overflowing junkyards of previous models of computer enhanced cars that no longer work or even operate ...
"Ad marketers are going through a difficult time", declares a company's website. "Channel proliferation, attention span reduction and overload are creating and increasingly cynical consumer audience who are each subjected to over one million ad messages per year,(or over 3000, per day). Seemingly some people are desperately attempting to free their mindspace, they are simply stunning out or turning off everything around them; flipping channels out of frustration with commercials; some even staring right-through banner ads on websites!
Even the "well-adjusted" (no pun intended laugh ) among us are feeling the pressures. The effects may be subtle...a slight anxiety, a cynical attitude, a sudden wave of fear or sheer panic at being possibly labeled as unpatriotic, but this makes people all the more insidious. You can see a Coke can in a movie, and you lose the plot to crave a Coke, yet you never see the subliminal ad ad running faster behind the see a kid wearing a bandana loitering by a convenience store, and a flood of mental images assault your brain and messages warn you that he may be a gang-member and you check your NRA approved guns...You so love their ads...makes ya wanna do things with those guns....laugh
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Mind Pollution; The Poisoning of the Human Mind

After we crawled out of the seas, it took us thousands of generations to learn how to breathe the air and adapt to living on the land, our "natural environment". It's reasonable to assume that it will take us dozens of generations to adapt to the new, electronic environment that's rapidly replacing our "natural" one. The wild mood swings and the barely repressed anger may simply be symptoms of the shock our systems are experiencing in our daily lives. We are emerging evolutionary creatures, panting for breath on an electronic beach.
That beach is full of pollutants and poisons that added to all the human made pollutants that infect our Earth, water, air, and food will and does pollute and poison all we have left, namely our minds or what we have left of them.
The ecology of the mind is under threat with things such as noise, the 'info toxins' from the ad pedlars; cultural diversity and info-diversity.
With the quiet that descends by turning off the household god, known as television the silence allows the free flow of thought. Many are afraid of thoughts and will seek to silence them with noise.
For most of human history the ambient noise was wind, rain, insects, birds, animals and people. Now the soundtrack of our lives is the hum of electronics driving our hydro rates up be it computers, the endless droning of appliances and various gadgets and the dull roar of traffic. Various kinds of noise; white, pink,blue, brown, are ever omnipresent. Trying to live your life above our wired world is like living next to a speedway: you 'get used to it', but at the cost of your mindfulness.
Les noise is what we need. Silence is to a healthy mind what clean air and water are to a healthy body. Long ago we learned to be careful of what we dumped into our bodies; now we need to be equally careful about what we dump into our minds. Our minds are the pastures of the ad pedlars and what the peddle is poisoning our minds, both individually and collectively. It is a question of freedom.
When men mutually agreed to [a** laws against robbing, mankind became more free, not less so. We must decide whose freedom is more important: the bank robber's or the banker's; the ad marketeer's or our own. We need to grasp the idea of mind pollution; what is it and who designs it and orchestrates it; who feeds our minds with poisons...
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