Soul City


Soul City

We won't be back til the money's all gone grin

RE: Do you care what some people might think of you...?

Other peoples opinion about me is none of my business conversing

Soul City

We need to go to soul city grin kiss

Soul City

Soul City. that's where were heading, dancing and singing til dawn
Soul City. that's where were going, and we wont be back til the moneys all gone.

Advice For Daily Life


When you are driving in traffic, weave a little, the other cars will stay back from you.

If you want to dry out hot peppers faster, microwave them.

If you are becoming a firefighter, start smoking cigarettes, it will acclimatize your lungs to smoky buildings.

If you join the army and go to war, dress as a clown, they are going to be looking for army guys, not clowns.

The best way to bathe a cat is to get in the bathtub with the cat.

If you find yourself in hospital hooked up to a morphine iv, give the bag a squeeze when the nurse is not looking, your day will get much better.

RE: Help....

A pot of coffee and something with a little sugar.

RE: Which type of men should women avoid dating?

Men like me should be avoided at all cost conversing


Lets me play the music loud too laugh


Mom lets me stay up late laugh


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RE: Can a relationship with a narcissist work?

Correct! thumbs up


Its still hot in Cali, will be for a spell yet.


Climate change in action.


The fires in California are the largest since record keeping began. The worst part of fire season is yet to come so there is going to be lots more of this.


At the moment, the haze is light but more moderate levels are coming within the next day or two with heavier smoke following up behind that uh oh

RE: Can a relationship with a narcissist work?


Error: please correct the following in the form below:
[Enter Your Comment] must contain at least 4 characters, you entered 2


The smoke from the California wild fires has made it to Newfoundland, a distance of 5007 km.

uh oh

Did You Know

The largest recorded contiguous colony of ants in the world stretches 6,000 kilometres (3,700 miles) from northern Italy, through the south of France to the Atlantic coast of Spain, and is made up of a species of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) introduced into Europe approximately 80 years ago.

The ants have shown the ability to recognize each other even though they may come from opposite ends of the colony. The discovery of the "super colony" is the result of research carried out by Swiss, French and Danish scientists whose findings were published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Research suggests that the Argentine ant super colony could even straddle oceans. Based on behavioral observations and genetic comparisons, related Argentine ants have been found not just living across Europe, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii and California, USA. It's believed the super colony originated in South America some 100 years ago, before spreading around the world – in part via cargo on ships.

The workers of this species are 2–3 millimetres in length.

Moral of the story. No matter how much ant poison you set out, you're not getting rid of the ants conversing

Musician's Joke


Mom's side of the family is all musical, used to have bands on the go. I love music, I actually have a few videos uploaded.

Musician's Joke

You never know when it be useful to know laugh Ironically, I paid no attention in music class in school because lets just say that three blind mice blasted on the recorder didn't quite tickle my musical tastes. Only when I got in high school when I first started playing guitar did I wish I had at least paid attention in those old classes.

Musician's Joke

Yup laugh hug

Musician's Joke

Yes, both indicating the same note because sharp of one note is flat of the note above.

Musician's Joke

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RE: Do you prefer to read...long or short comments?

The shorter the better. I hate reading through paragraph after paragraph after paragraph. Even before texting back when I was in high school, we would be given a assignment. Most people would write out 4 - 5 pages, I would sum everything up in less than 2 small paragraphs. Had more than one argument with the teachers, they always ask me to write more. I would say to them "did I sum everything up?" Did I miss anything?" They tell me I covered everything in what I wrote up, then I say to them "well why am I standing in front of your desk with you asking me to write more? Would you rather waste 20 minutes reading some long winded crap that said nothing or get all the important points in less than a 2 minute read?"

Same go every assignment, I refused to write one word more than was needed.

Anti Bucket List

Give a cat a bath

Try to put worm medication on the back of Furby's neck (that ended bad for my arm)

Put a collar on a cat unless its a break away design

Try to pet a sossy feral cat

Pet a moose (yes I really did pet a moose, it ended well enough but on reflection, wasn't a smart thing to do).

Have someone blindfold me, then we drive around on the atv with the passenger telling me to go left or right

RE: Name some qualities that make you unforgettable

Rude, crude, and completely on my own cloud.

Anti Bucket List

What is something you will never do again?

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I'll never take mushrooms by myself ever again laugh

RE: Anyone else here have body piercings ?

I had a stud in my ear in my 20s. The hole is still there even after all these years.

RE: Lunch

My lunch was the same as my breakfast and supper. Tea, Pepsi, and pot.

This is a list of forum posts created by Track16.

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