breadcrumb Ariel28 Blog

Lavender Marriage

Recently, reading about some famous writers and actors, I met the English term "lavender marriage" which I hadn t known before.

"A lavender marriage is a type of male-female marriage of convenience in which the couple are not both heterosexual and conceal the homosexual or bisexual orientation of one or both spouses. In gay slang, the spouse whose presence conceals the other's s*xual orientation is referred to as a "beard".

Reading more on it, I got (slightly) surprised that in the era of acceptance of homosexuality (at least in the Western world), this type of arranged marriage is still quite spread and even there is a dating site for gays and lesbians called like this!

It seems that it s often practiced by famous people, for example in Hollywood, in purpose not to "ruin their name and popularity".

What do you think of such a solution of a gay situation? Have you got such a proposal and how would you react?

For me, everything that works well for people and makes them happy, without hurting others, is fine. Although lies always reward with stress and other bad reactions... wave

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Life Strategies

Do you know what you are going to do today? Tomorrow? In one month, year, decade? Do you plan it or you go with the flow?

Do you have a route map in your life travel or you just wander about :)

Do you make little steps or do you sprint?

Do you follow the ancient moto:

Festina lente ("Make haste slowly")

or Shakespear's verses:

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.

Do you stop here and there and explore other paths, enjoy the scenery, the sunrise/sunset? Or you concentrate on the distance and the direction?

I personally, like to plan things and to act with clear purpose. I have great patience and put all my efforts in what I follow. On the other hand, I can be impulsive and grab the moment when I feel it.

I believe that there is a lot of truth in the saying:

Our destiny depends on our personality.


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Sweet Nothings

What sweet nothings do you whisper in your lover's ear?

What sweet nothings you want to hear? (Shhh Big Scammer is listening!)

Have you whispered special sweet nothings with every partner or you have a constant repertory?

How do they affect your love life smitten

Or you are against nothings, no matter sweet or salty ones... dancing

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Controlling is a way to tame and conquer reality. Other ways are to understand it or/and to love it.

Control normally doesn t include understanding and loving. It aims purely pragmatic reasons: to eliminate fears and danger.

Wise people say that one of the paths towards peace and happiness is to distinguish whatever you can control from whatever you can t. And not to bother with the latter.

It s easy to say it but in reality people try to control things that are out of their touch and thus they waste time, efforts, and even can ruin themselves.

There are different tactics for controlling things that bother and scare. The choice of tactics depend on the personality and the goals of the controlling person.

Aggressive Controlling Tactics

1. The Carnivorous Plant:

Showering the others with thick verbal love syrup in purpose to block the normal communication, let alone disagreement, criticizing or negativism. The interlocutor, paralysed by the sticky liquor, is already harmless and therefore can be "digested" by the controlling one.

2. The Cobra:

Injecting poison in the interlocutor and thus blocking every reasonable reaction. It s proven that the most efficient poison consists of the following ingredients: Hatred (36%), Jealousy (34%), Envy (30%).

3. The Shitshowering:

Pouring shit of all kinds on the interlocutor till they get an absolute mess and can t see their own face. It s most efficient when the shit consists of: Personal attacks (38%), Lies (24%), Mockery (20%), Foul mouth (10%), Insinuations and Hints (8%).

Defensive Controlling Tactics

1. Labeling:

Putting labels identifies the unknown, "tames" the scary, lowers the high. It s even more efficient if it follows the rules of the king of propaganda: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” (Joseph Goebbels).

2. Censuring:

Depriving the other from expressing their point eliminates the other voice. Then the censor gets the only one on the battle field. Alone with his demons.

3. Building A Fortress:

The utmost and most desperate defense. You lock the enemies outside and ignore the outer world. And the world ignores you.

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Drama Queen / King Vs. Easy-Going

The expression "drama queen" is very popular and we can see it quite often on men's profiles on dating sites, for example. Of course, in phrases like: "Please, NO drama queens!". Usually opposed to the expression "easy-going".

What is a drama queen and why are men so scared of this type of a woman? I guess it s a woman who:

- makes big problems from literally everything;

- is always ready for a nice scandal;

- is always ready to cry a river;

- always plays the victim...

What are the reasons for such a behavior?

Some women are too vulnerable, histerical, insecure, and/or irritable. Others are just bored and/or consider the drama a good means to make the relationship more exciting. Third ones use the drama as the perfect blackmailing to achieve their goals, since 99% of the men are terrified by scandals, nagging, and tears.

Now, the more surprising for me is that I found out there are drama kings too. The drama behavior has been traditionally attributed only to women considering their specific personality traits. There are men though, who perfectly play the dramatic role. Is it the famous feminisation of the males? Or other issues of the modern era (the women's emancipation, insecurity reasons...)?

Have you behaved as a drama queen/king and what were the results? How do you cope with such a behavior of your partner?

For me, more interesting is the characteristic "easy-going". Most of people (and again, most of men) claim that they prefer to be with someone who is easy-going. What does it mean?

Someone who agrees with you all the time?

Who is in a good mood all the time?

Who doesn t bother you when you are not in a good mood?

Who is easy to talk with about everything?

Who is always patient, considerate, loving, and understanding?

Who is low maintenance (whatever it means)?

Who is not jealous and respects your private space?

Who doesn t have (too) high expectations from you and accepts you for who you are?

Who doesn t rely on you but copes with everything on their own?

Generally, whose presence brings you only positives? wave
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Time To Talk, Time To Be Silent

There is a saying: "Talking is silver and being silent is gold". There must be some wisdom in the thought that often, staying silent prevents from troubles, misunderstanding, and conflicts. It gives us time to listen: to the others and to our thoughts. On the other hand, there are many situations when a word can say/save everything...

Like about everything else, there is a right time for talking and a right time for being silent. The thing is to know when these times are..

Some situations:

Your beloved man comes home from work hungry and tired. Do you pour on him everything that has happened to you during the day? Your complaints, problems, and worries? Or you give him a kiss and a tasty dinner... and your love? And leave the talk... for when? He falls asleep in your hug after the love session. And in the morning he hurries for work... Dear gentlemen, when is the best moment to share with you our thoughts and problems?

You love somebody. You know that the person in question has some feelings too but you want to know exactly where you are. At the same time you don t want to scare the person away. Do you directly ask about their feelings or you keep the things vague since you prefer the vagueness and hopes than the possible negative answer? Everything or nothing? Or patience and vagueness...

Do you intuitively feel when to talk and when to stop and "bite your tongue"? Does the never ending chatter means a better communication? Does the long silence mean a broken one? Do you share your worries or you prefer to keep them for yourself?

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Happy Birthday Kathleen!


My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water'd shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these,
Because my love is come to me.

Raise me a daïs of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.

Christina Rossetti

Happy Birthday dear Golden!

Stay the unique lady you are!

...And keep writing!

cake balloons happy birthday angel2 teddybear bouquet

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Being a person who always searches for a logical and reasonable way, these days I felt I needed to get to know more about aggressiveness, regarding the atmosphere on CS blogs lately. What I read, can be summed up in the following way:

There are two main reasons for aggressiveness:

1. Fear (of being hurt, revealed, abandoned, etc), therefore the aggressive behavior is self-defence through attacking;

2. Striving for justice (defence of someone, of some idea, cause, etc), therefore the aggression is a try to make the world a better place through imposing some "ideal model".

The aggressiveness has many faces, from mocking, sneaky comments, and sarcasm to direct personal attacks (here I won t comment the physical aggressiveness which is not relevant in our case).

The first impulse of the attacked one is to reply with the same and even more so the initial attack soon turns into a fight where there might be a logical winner (the one who uses strongest arguments or the attacked one) but actually there is no winner. Why? Because the aggressiveness unlocks irrational energies, where the logic and common sense always fail. The irritation, fear, fury, jealousy, envy, and hatred are very strong feelings coming from the dark realm of the unconscious, and drag us back to the uncivilized.

What to do when we meet aggressiveness? Obviously, there are two ways: to react or not to react. They both have their strong arguments. The psychologists suggest several steps to deal with aggressiveness. First of all, to try to understand the attacking person. To see their fears, or other reasons. Not to speculate with them, though. Understanding the other helps us seeing them rationally and with empathy, not as some furious monster who menaces our inner peace. This understanding extinguishes our anger and stops us from replying to the attack with attack.
A second step could be either ignoring the attacks or replying in a firm but calm and polite way.

Remember: You can never change the other person. You can t "bribe" an attacking person with kindness nor defeat them with logic. Better focus on yourself and leave them fighting with their demons.

Pro Domo Sua

The net and especially CS (blogs) unlock aggressiveness in many people, including me. For quite a time I have asked myself why. The well-known argument of feeling safe while being hidden behind the pc is true. We d never talk to someone the way we talk here if it was eyes in eyes.
But for me, there is another, more intriguing reason. The weird, awful familiarity between people on the net. The luxury to share everything, even the most intimate stuff with random people has a very high price: we get terribly familiar with these people and therefore we lose our private space. There are no limits between us anymore which means no inhibitions for our interference in the personal life of completely unknown people. We allow ourselves to give advice and to comment without being asked, to be mentors, to ask arrogant questions etc, etc, everything that in "real life" would be considered utterly unkind and out of the bonton.

I myself, having some intelligence, logic and ability to express myself well, have been tempted to feel superior to many here. Yes there are silly people, hypocrites, mean people, arrogant ones, etc, etc. I felt it my "cause" here to defend justice and to impose some ideal model on CS blogs. Model which was in my head and according to which everybody here should be smart, interesting, writing great intelligent blogs, not attacking each other, always saying the truth, etc.
Totally unreal aim. The world and CS blogs in particular, are far from perfection. We can t make the fool clever, the hypocrite frank, the mean one an angel.

We can only work on ourselves and express ourselves in a balanced way. Whoever has ears will hear, whoever has eyes will see.

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We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.
C.G. Jung

I was born in 1968. Under the Sun sign of the eternal warrior and leader Aries and the Moon sign of the mysterious and kind Pisces. Aries: the youngest sign of impulsiveness and fight for causes and Pisces: the oldest sign of sacrifice and dreaming.

1968: A wild year of wars, revolutions, violence, changes, women's emancipation, and protests. Prague Spring, the Hippies, Vietnam, Apollo 7 and 8, Jacky Kennedy marries Onassis, Led Zeppelin visits England, Nixon elected for President, Yale University starts admitting women, Beatles' "White Album", the Zodiac Killer, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy's speech, Andy Warhol shot, Robert Kennedy shot...

I adore the fashion of that time! Simple and so feminine... smitten

I adore even more the music of significant rock bands formed in 1968:

Black Sabbath (as Earth)
Deep Purple
Judas Priest
Led Zeppelin (as The New Yardbirds)
John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band

What is your vintage and how do you feel it influences your personality? wave

Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

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Free Zone

I have always been very interested in words. Words which reflect our thoughts. Words as pure energy, the finest energy possible: the mental and emotional energy.

Words which we use as mediators between our mind and heart and the outer world. Words as messengers to the others and back to ourselves.

Words which we pick up, get together and utter to the world... and back to ourselves.

Words have the power to express us like nothing else can. We humans, were given this gift for a special reason.

I believe that words, like everything else in nature, don't get lost in the space. They go in that space and radiate back their vibes. Mostly back to us, of course.

So I believe that we should be utterly responsible for our words. It means responsible to our minds and hearts. When we say something, it is there, it doesn't disappear even if someone deletes it or denies it. It can't be erased.

When we say something, we should think of the effect and predict the consequences for the others... which is actually for us.

When we say something we should be able to elaborate it, prove it and defend it. Empty words lead us nowhere.

Dear CS members, this blog is a free zone for your comments on this or other topics. I won't delete comments selectively, I won't forbid comments, I won't delete this blog.

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Something Happened

Something happened and I am so happy!

Little things fill our life with sense and our heart with warmth.

Little things are the big ones...

I wish joy and happiness to all of you!

"Throw the first key into the sea of hate

throw the second key into the sea of fear
throw the third key into the sea of senselessness
and make the people hold each other's hands
the fourth key belongs into the sea of greed
and the fifth into the sea of ignorance
Disease, disease, disease my friend
for this whole world's in devil's hand
Disease, disease, disease my friend
throw the key or you may die

On a mound at the shore of the last sea
he is sitting, fixing your sight
with his high iron voice causing sickness
he is playing you out with delight
man who do you just think you are?
a silly bum with seven stars
don't throw the key or you will see
dimensions cruel as they can be
don't let him suck off your power
throw the key. . .!"

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No-Answer: Back to Reality

Believe it or not, but in reality I am a quite sweet and kind person. I even have problems with saying "No" sometimes since I don't want to disappoint people.

But some questions here bring the worst (or the best?) out of me provoking me to answer "No!" Such as:

Does Love exist? - NO, it doesn't!

Will I ever find my Knight in shining armor? - No, you won't!

Is there any Prince left in this big world? - No, there isn't!

Does he (the scammer) love me? - No, he doesn't!

Shall I stay on this awful site? - No, don't!

Is my love somewhere waiting for me? - No, it isn't!

Anyone out there? - No one!

Am I beautiful/handsome/sexy? - No, you aren't!

What annoys me in such questions is that they want one and only answer: "Yes". They want some cheering up, some ego stroking and they are flirting with the public.

In such cases I am not bad only with other people, I am merciless with myself too: when I pretend I don't know the real answer and ask:

Will he email me soon? - No he won't (because he doesn't care of you)!

Do we have a future together? - No, you don't (because you are different like fire and water, also see the reason above)!

Shall I continue waiting for him? - No, you shan't (see the reasons above)!

Back to reality...
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