Off Her Rocker

Pelosi Demands Trump “Not Run” For Re-Election; “Do The Country A Favor”

Nancy Pelosi is reveling in her glory after retaking the powerful Speaker Of The House position following the midterm elections last November and is drunk with power as she pursues her vendetta against President Trump.

The aging Pelosi is surrounded by her cadre of socialist enforcers led by media sensation Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It was just this week that AOC showed how things are going to be done when she actually threatened moderate House Democrats with punishment for going against the glorious leader.

In addition to AOC, Pelosi’s snarling attack dogs include extremist freshmen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley who despite their inexperience, were all handed positions on the powerful committees that will be tasked with launching a plethora of investigations against Trump and his associates, many of whom will be hauled in front of McCarthyist tribunals like the Michael Cohen hearing last week.

While she has clearly exhibited multiple signs of dementia, Pelosi has arguably never been more powerful and enjoys the protection of a corrupt media that has become a propaganda machine that runs 24/7 to brainwash Americans by delegitimizing Trump and those who voted for him while promoting an authoritarian socialist party and glorifying the Mueller-led police state that it will rely on to stay in power.

Pelosi’s posse is chafing at the bit to get about the business of impeaching Trump because they can’t beat him legitimately next November and the soon to be 79-year-old has thrown down the gauntlet calling for a complete surrender from her nemesis.

The Speaker and her commissars were the subjects of a cover story in the far-left Rolling Stone magazine along with a video extra, during the shoot Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez decried Trump and demanded that he NOT even bother running for reelection.

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Comments (10)

are you sure she's off her rocker on this ? it looks to me the only way there will be a Democratic president is if Trump gives her that wish . Fec all chance of that .
This Pelosi woman has really got you guys worried, hasn't she? Your desperation to discredit her has got more than a little flavour of panic to it. drinking
you rekon ?
If you read me well, I said, Pelosi, and Trump, I care a bit
about both of them.
you got a point there, a good one, indeed.
but Trump doesn't, right?
Fast foward the video to 1:10:50 to get right to the meat!
My extreme reluctance to break the site rules is all that's stopping me from declaring you a delusional crackpot, Diamond. roll eyes
fark it ,have a go hairball , I'll put in a good word to the mods on this one .
Oh my god .......such ott language
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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