There's no medicine for that...

A common response when someone posts an 'off the wall' blog, comment to a blog, forum thread or comment is to tell the person "Go take your medicine!"
I'm not a pharmacist, nor do I play on in a TV show, but I'd wager money to say there's no medicine for what craziness I'm witnessing on CS and It didn't didn't (only) come over when another dating site died, I'm really sure most of it was indigenous.

I had an annoying week and some coworkers noticed my rare moodiness, but it's the weekend and my wife and I will be busy doing some house painting together. It's work for a goal and though it would be nice to visit the beach in this 100 degree weather, we will be 'brushing up' on our remodeling skills. Brushing up... get it?

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Comments (4)

Fay, more than 90% of the people I ask about rentals who have experience all say SELL.

Evicting bad a bad tenant is difficult. One of my contractors who flips houses told me a horror story where they poked holes in the walls and tore out doors and kitchen cabinets. Yeah, they could be arrested... if you can prove who did it.

A high-school friend said to be careful, the new thing is pouring cement down the pipes resulting in thousands of dollars in repairs.

Either way, the place has to be cleared. I want it 'move-in' fresh for sale or rent.
Those stories are true but you aren't hearing the ones that are having good tenants and investment. It's a landlord's market. Screening the tenants, checking their credit history and referrals from other landlord's or apartments give a good clue.
However it is also well worth considering putting a nice price on it and if it sells quickly then headache over. Invest that money in your retirement tsk tsk.
wishing you luck, I am a renter for long time now, I do move a lot but property is always in good repair and freshly painted too. If it wasn't the estate agent would dock money from deposit, doh I have noticed though grin I never get any back to me leaving property better than when I found it cheering cheering
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chatilliononline today!


Boca Raton, Florida, USA

I have an amazing ability to sniff-out bogus profiles...
If you're half my age... Don't expect a response! [read more]

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created Jun 2019
Last Viewed: May 6
Last Commented: Jun 2019
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