America the Beautiful - There are none so blind as Democrats who will not see.

To watch and listen to the Democrats debate, you would think we were not unlike Nazi Germany, a land of brutal, state-imposed racism. How crazy can you get? This is America the brave and the free. This is where most of the people on the planet would like to live if they could, and to get here unimaginable hardships are undertaken.

Yes, we had terrible racism for centuries. But this is the only country in history where the dominant race shed its blood by the hundreds of thousands to give freedom to the minority race. This has never happened before or since.

Yes, we had terrible inequality under law here for centuries, but this country is also the only one where for 60 years now, the dominant race has rolled up its shoulders to work to give everyone a fair shot at progress and prosperity — and in many cases, to wealth and fame as well. This is where the once-despised race gets preferential treatment in employment, education, and social status. This is where we are already giving reparations in many ways to the once downtrodden blacks.

This is the glorious nation where the pitiful remnant few Jews, Cambodians, Armenians, Blacks, can and do make a great life for themselves under the red, white, and blue.

But the Democrats complain and complain and character-assassinate as things get better every day. What is wrong with these people? How lucky can any of us get to be born as Americans? And how dare we complain about our treatment by our fellow Americans?

There is a great God-sized, spiritual-sized hole in the souls of far too many of us.

Let’s be grateful and stop whimpering.

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Comments (14)

Only thing you need to know about country to know if it good or evil is whether peoples try to get in or try to get out.

No country in world more people try to get in than United States of America. America most great force for good in mankind history.
Aaah another copy & paste from a hard right rag.

"The American Spectator Foundation educates the public on new ideas, concepts, and policies that favor traditional American values, such as economic freedom, individual liberty, self-sufficiency, and limited government. To this end, the Foundation also trains and cultivates young writers for careers in journalism and serves as an outlet for a host of both young and established conservative writers and thinkers."

This is one Democrat who sees through you like a pane of glass.
I like use chop stick!
Aaah another copy & paste from a hard right rag.

Always scream 'right wing media' when you can't back it up with facts.
Oobie, I do give you credit for one thing. You have the backbone to admit you are a Democrat.
GG. Exactly
Trump will be in for another term wether the demons like it or not. mainstream media is not your friend.

Very well say!

President Trump not perfect, but he real human with haat in right place. He take big loss serve as president. Expert say cost him more than billion dollar US to be president so farr. May end will cost him 3 billions dollar US after he finished term after 8 year. He real patriot, not like his enemy who hat America.
No problem
You misinterprets! I being facetiousness.

Embedded image from another site
I agree with you Europe cannot afford too much poor and alien culture immigrant. It crazy take so many in!
Feelin like a dumba** mic? Don't sweat it, it happens to a lot of people.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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