The economy

In the wake of Trump's undeniable economic success, what is the 2020 Democratic Party argument for why voters should back their candidate over Trump?

Saying 'Obama built it' doesn't count because Obama didn't.
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Comments (8)

Dont you have any sense of respect for the truth and your (supposedly) country's honor?
The 'osama built it' ploy has already been debunked. One need only to compare GDP growth from his 8 years....tops %2.2 %. And that was the worst performance of any administration coming off his 'great' recession or anyone else's.
Besides, why argue about something on this site that is beyond all of its liberal viewers? Its President Trumps economy.....Period.

I keep showing you that fall in unemployment graph but your apparent "memory losses" interfere .
Despite repubs efforts to foil him unemployment fell from 10% to 4.7% his last year. Unemployment fell
year after year, every year! In 2017, when Trump hardly did anything, it fell even further.

Man up to the truth. I've had to repeat this over and over. Your dodging is bad for the repub image.laugh
What candidate? Until they get one to defend it's all just more hyperbole.
Can you say....'Brokered Convention'? response to the Trump economy.....who'd mess with that when the current plan for America as put forth from their leading contender is a 114 trillion hayride to free education, free healthcare and free health insurance for illegals. I guess we'll have to pass the candidate before we get a chance to read the candidate.

So is Trump responsible for the global growth in respect for the American Way? Respect? Who cares, might is right, right? Growing respect, or growing contempt? Who cares? Well who does indeed care?
Just as I thought, No one can say why their candidate is better for the job. There must be nothing good about any of them.
A candidate hasn't been picked yet.comfort
Picked is a good word, because I doubt there will be a definitive consensus.

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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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