The peace deal with the Taliban....

....sure, we all want to see peace for the people of Afghanistan, and the region. No shortage of rare earth elements in that neighborhood.The altliberals will of course spin it otherwise, but all can see how this occurred largely with support from our Brilliant and Dazzling President Trump. The facts. After the Taliban got licked,with hearts and minds/militarily, and both sides saw little hope for a permanent military solution, and the Sunni religious radicals apparently cut ties with even more marginal groups, such as al Qaeda, the talks got moving. Recall, this is a decades long costly struggle, two decades for the USA. The Brits and Russians are hip, as well. And all know of the oppression of women, young school age girls, and many lovers of music, and much more, while under the Taliban. Not to mention thousands of amputees from the many car/truck bombing attacks, largely on innocent civilian Muslims. But I think this is one more brilliant example on the now dozen long list of campaign promises kept. All well know that for these radical religious leaders in the religion of peace, that this is merely an heuristic move. The Taliban has changed little---how could they, they are deeply into religious righteousness? Soon enough, the Afghan females will suffer once more. It's business, for Mr.Trump, mostly of keeping promises, which others have fraudulently made, such as the affirmative action last POTUS, and of cutting losses. By analogy with Nixon's Vietnam "Peace with Honor", where the final triumph of the North was long in the cards, and the populace had had enough of the costs, on most sides, it's simply an exit for the USA and allies. But for less than auspicious signs, don't take my word for it. The main message of the parades by the Taliban today, is "victory over the USA". The shameless spin of the alt lefties, will of course be, that It's merely a political move for a mandate in November. Which it surely, rightly also is. But we Yanks, and the West, have at least learned a few lessons concerning hegemony. Namely, if backing any group militarily, be sure their side has a large dose of religious righteousness on board. As with the (much later to fail) religion of Communism, in Vietnam. And we're not at all saying that the new region under the Taliban will be a near future ally as Vietnam to the USA, against China. But the dollar speaks. Much better in business than wasted in conflict.
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Comments (4)

Looks to me that America lost
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Sick of War ? There is a vast amount of money to be made in Arms, ISis is a product of CIA and mostly psychopaths working as mercenaries, the others are staunch Musims and a smattering of Eastern lunatics who were picked from Mosques and online.
Amazingly US rarely if ever goes in to sort out countries without oil, without lithium and other spoils.

US is a 'do as I say not as I do' country, a superpower with a very dangerous person at the helm.
Yes, GG. All have our TROUBLES. With killers holding various tillers.
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]