The REAL reason why people don’t believe in God

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Comments (157)

Thanks Stringman! It is interesting in a way because when we study a Bible verse everyone else pulls out their phone app, even during Church service.
I carry my Bible in the open.There are a lot of types of Christians, and what they want to rename to cancel all Christianity is
some political
mumbo jumbo.
You should know all about "cancelling" things there, Ms Hipster........scold
Unfortunately, this little fella would seem to intellectually outshine some of the dull witted "fundamentalists" who have commented here.........

rolling on the floor laughing
Cute little fella, ain't he?............rolling on the floor laughing
He's even poking his tongue out, must be an "animal Einstein"..........professor
This makes this charming little bloke smarter than at least half of Humanity! The truly sad thing is that there are most likely even smarter dogs around.....tongue
And more tragic and pathetic (yet still) is that my Little Canine Hero could certainly be said to have more nobility, goodness, and faithfullness, in his nature than most of the "esteemed Christians" on here...........professor
if you think it is all BS in your mind , why do you bother coming on this blog. I surely don't listen to you anyway.
Correct and sound doctrine is crucial to salvation and growth in spiritual maturity. It comes as no surprise that God warns us many times in Scripture to be aware of false teaching. Christians need to be able to recognize false teachers in order to know when they are being led down a path that God did not intend!

These are excellent Bible verses to have as a reference and a loving guidance.thumbs up
Robplum I think you should not act if CS is your exclusive domain.
An OP can absolutely post topics as he wants.
Please stop with your hostility because you
can not grasp diversity.thumbs down
god is an observer has nothing to do with the things u make its up to u to choose which is good and which is bad if he had to punish everyone no one will be living on this earth cause everyone make mistakes so that is why u have a brain its not to be washed away its there to use it in any situation just thing how to get tru the day and enjoying it cause tommorrow is never written
mind your own business please my post was clearly directed to the OP please mind your own business
Those that come here for these reasons alone I will not listen to either, unless there is reciprocity.
The one-sided rants.thumbs down
That is to the new gentlemen.
Thank you for being positive minded,
even though you believe differently.

if you don't like it don't let the door hit you on your back side while you leave.
I did not weigh in on Fargo's comments because that was not my business.(Consensus is not what I come here for).But I will not be tarred with the same brush.
rolling on the floor laughing
See the dog with an IQ of 102 (above).......
To give a simple example the Earth has rocks older than 200 million years; yet people on here insist that the Earth was made 6000 years ago. As I said both pathetic and sad. (The intelligent dog (above) could see the fallacy in that reasoning)!
Well it's just you and I Stringman again.hug
Stay Blessed!
Trying to "buy" your way into heaven are you all?
Kids say the darnedest things.grin and sing 'em too.
Momma told me there would be days like this.

Skip ahead a bit to kids and the Bible. Just Beginners.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
laugh these kids are closer to GOD than anybody.
BEWARE - Seducing Spirits Are On The Loose | Perry Stone

Sorry, copy and pasted into the wrong blog! really dreadfully awfully sorry!....rolling on the floor laughing
So carbon dated (and verified) fossils, dinosaur skeletons, etc, are not proof, hey bgjob?...If your argument wasn't so ridiculous it would be laughable (As a matter of fact it is who is the "intellectual" now)?.....rolling on the floor laughing

btw, I don't consider myself all that intelligent; although (luckily perhaps) on this particular blog, there is not much competition.....professor
Dinosaurs were certainly on the earth at one time but Carbon dating is completely inaccurate and was invented to pull as many people away from God as possible and has succeeded. Another invention is the "missing link" which does not exist.
Anyway I won't waist anymore of my time on you or anything else you want to blather on about.
If they "were certainly on the Earth" how were they "made" 6000 years ago?...dunno

Anyway, what is that "morse code stuff" you put up here (using your other identity?)
Are you mad? (because it sure looks like it).....rolling on the floor laughing

Creationists, etc: They want all the benefits of modern science and technology, yet they ridicule science (which, however, is based on facts) and insist on believing in Fairy Tales. You are less than Children.....professor
Anyway creating the world in 6 days, fire and brimstone, Adam and Eve; a "vengeful" God, etc, etc, etc, may well have been ok when people were running around in the desert, (as ignorant as goats), 2000 years ago, (in fact, it may well have been necessary to control them) - however, these days there is really no excuse for it....... professor
Psalm 14
King James Version
14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
I agree.
Just between you and I,
the abominable Snowman
named Bumble comes to
mind first then of course
Obama-nation. dunno
stingman u fell lonely and u need some company try to take a walk and go and see the living things that surround u maybe u will contact with nature and all its beauty
Thank you for that statement, I fully agree.handshake

Every opportunity I give them to focus on
a positive exchange, they refuse and only
want to repeat one liners like a broken record.

(rolling on the floor laughing probably no one uses albums for music
except collectors).grin you get my point.
BJB, you and I delete comments so handshake
we know exactly who this refers too.

Stringman it is a wonder to me why they want those comments to remain, if they want a caring partner.
well said if you don't want to believe that is up to you, but if you want to know some thing you can make your own judgement in the end it is your journey you will have face the real judge.
wink brings us full circle, the video said this in
a caring manner but it was very direct.
yes we all have make that journey. and it is the beginning not the end.
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wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada

easy going like to dance, play golf, curl. in pretty good to stay in shape. [read more]