Majority of Covid deaths are the fully vaccinated and A&E attendance is breaking records

UK - We are learning the effects of these new “vaccines” that allegedly combat Covid-19 in the real world, not a single person has any idea what the long term consequences may be. But we do know some of the short term consequences.

According to the MHRA Yellow Card reports as of the 9th June 2021 there have been 949,287 adverse reactions reported alongside 1,332 deaths. However only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are reported and the MHRA state that 1 in every 142 people are suffering an adverse reaction. But in reality the actual rate could be as high as anywhere between 1 in every 14 people or 2 in every 3 people.

The adverse reactions suffered are not just things like a sore arm, or a headache. They include things like blindness, seizure, paralysis, brain damage, and stroke, and now we may be seeing evidence of antibody dependant enhancement courtesy of the latest data published by Public Health England on variants of concern in England.

We must question why A&E departments across the country would be breaking records for attendance in June, when the highest month of attendance is usually January. Could it be something to do with the fact that as of the 20th June 2021, 35 million people in England have had at least one dose of an experimental vaccine and the consequences of their decisions are beginning to be realised?

There are multiple conclusions we can come to due to this data –

1 – These people did not die to Covid-19 but instead died due to other causes and were just labelled as Covid-19 because they happened to test positive 28 days prior to their death.

2 – The vaccines do not work.

3 – The vaccines are causing antibody dependant enhancement, as has been proven to happen in trials for SARS and MERS vaccine candidates.

Vax killing more people than Covid itself. Media Silence.


In the June 16 online survey by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) in Tuscon, Arizona, nearly 60 percent of over 700 both retired and practicing physicians said they were not fully vaccinated and would decline the shots based on their assessment of risk.

“This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on 300 respondents,” the AAPS stated in a press release.
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