How to deal.....

how can you deal with a break up.... is it just laying around with tears in your eyes and sobs?

Yours truly, has been laying around the house socking pillows and shirts over the same guy for nearly three weeks now. a year and a half is a long time for someone to want to cling to something after just losing someone you thought was the best thing in your life. but i know he wasn't, of course i do. for he never treated me the way i should of been treated. and being blinded by hate of my family and friends i stay with him. they always told me, "you can have better" but the question i always asked myself was "do i really want better."

But love can do things to people to make them not see whats really there. yes, they can be charming, and good looking. But should appearance really matter. most girl are picky when in a younger age. they are always wanting to be seen with a "Hot" guy. But underneath all those looks, he can be nothing you wanted. being with this guy i came out with a couple of cuts and burses. but with it i never let get me down. i never thought he was the hottest shit on the block. i really only show him as a 6'4 gaint that happen to be cute. i always knew i would lose him sooner or later. whether it be break up or death or jail. But when we broke up he had told me, "I'm through with all your shit, i dont want you anymore." that was his words to the letter.

but aparently love can do things to men they didn't know that could happen. guys in their younger years say 18-29 are not always wanting to settle right away. of course he didn't. But being away from me has made him think... he had come over yesterday while we were having a birthday party for my father, and all he wanted to tell me. "I wish i never left, but shit happens." and he told me loves me. How is a girl like me suppose to let that one ride. seeing that im not over that fact we are no longer together.

How are you suppose to deal with such a sentence. I mean are we going to get back together or is he just wanting to pull my chain, so maybe ill wait until he can figure out whats going on in his head. dealing with something like this is not suppose to happen. or at least not in my world it doesn't. once a guy says good-bye it usually ends up being for good. How on earth do i deal with this?

being at the age i am, i dont have much advice for myself in this area. but instead of taking it emotionally, i took it as "he is finaly seein the big picture."
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Comments (4)

Your blog holds all of the answers to your questions. "you can have better" but do you "really want better". You are worthy of being loved by someone amazing! Don't settle.
the only thing i left out of my blog is that he has a new girlfriend and he still comes and see me... like today, he is in my drive as i speak....
sorry..but think u r just settling...dunno but soundzz like ur desperate...good luk with that....

well hun all i can say is . his trying to mess with ur head .he thinks that he can have u and the new girlfriend .if he has treated u bad before he will treat u x2 next time .pick ur self up go out and get a better man . and man not a boy .but ur young take ur time .enjoy ur life go out with ur friends have a good time . get over him .take care irishpeace
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by Unknown
created Mar 2010
Last Viewed: Apr 24
Last Commented: Mar 2010

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