Oswald Chambers: Paul there was only one thing he lived for-persuading people of the coming judgments of God and tell them of the Love of Christ.This total surrender to the "Love Of Christ" is the only thing that can bear fruit in your life. And it will always leave a mark of God's holiness and His power, ((never)) drawing attention to your personal holiness.

Oswald Chambers: Our spiritual life cannot be measured by the success as the world measures it, but only by what God pours through us- and we cannot measure it at all.

In my own experience I have dealt with some crazy people, when it comes to wanting better for myself or wanting a Christ centered character. He is a fake, he is a fraud, on and on and on. Ok accusers, what am I gaining?? what does one gain these days with wanting to be a good person?? Evil is accepted and laughed about, so really it takes miles of guts to want to be a good person these days doesn't it?

This isn't about me, I am making a valid point. If a man goes to prison and finds the Lord or any other religion to want better for himself who in the hell are you to tell him, he is a fraud? or the person in rehab wanting better for themselves? Why give them a hard time about it?? We have to be careful even with the Pope these days, but what my point is don't nag the hell out of people wanting better for themselves.

And what in the heck is this testing mess?? or giving lessons to people?? Are you nuts?? want to be God?? or is it control and power you seek? I don't need some nag telling me how to live or how to act, I have the Holy Spirit building my conscience daily, your insanity not needed. Want to be important?? well simple walk in the Love of Christ act like you have some sense is a good start.

I rather hear a man on the side of the street preaching the Gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, than some crazy man with a degree thinking in his mind he is God. Bottom line is this get off your high horse it doesn't exist, God has done wonders in my life and I still know where I come from, and I still know He done the work not me.

I've been called stuck up, he doesn't live love. He doesn't do this and that and that and this. Act like you have a lick of sense, I respond to respect and morals not insanity. But in my experiences people can't accept that. Everyone wants to corrupt everyone to build that grain, that conscience where anything goes etc. I want no part of it, I'm old fashion and I believe in morals and trust and honesty. And if that is what the lame duck is these days, I am that lame duck amen and freaking proud of it.

I've held the cool card................... honestly it ticked me off. Why because the demand is so great you end up looking 50 and your only 20. Again no thanks, I have my independence card, don't like me get the hell on somewhere. As an American you don't have to be an evil moron, you are free to be a well rounded person that does great service to your country and that's for the world also.

So when the moron, says rehab Jesus, or prison Jesus, or even any cause Jesus. Keep in mind everyone had reason or need for His Love. I did and I'm sure the bastard's giving you a hard time could use His love. Greatest freedom I have found is being free and independent in the Love of Christ and being what He molded me into not listening to control freaks.

With this applied you can be a great service in life and for your Country. There isn't really nothing more important than that. Let them test, nag, accuse, run their hating traps, act all nutty, doesn't matter character matters and in my opinion is a great treasure. Don't let morons take it from you. They call it fire, I call it a bunch of spin less turd's attempting to rid society of character and morals, don't let them. You are free to be you, I am free to be me......................
God Sense 101
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jesus is the only way to the kingdom of god. jesus said NO man come to the father but by me
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