its time tea party people went to work

i keep seeing all these tea party people at rallys going from one tea party rally to another. when do these people work! maybe if they got jobs they help the nation and have a leagidement reason to complain aboubt taxes since they would be paying them instead of running around at tea party rallys. like jon voit it would be nice if he go make movies instead of insulting the president of the united states. who wants to hear a bunch of complaining bums anyway.
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Comments (10)

Tea partiers have to continue to work to pay continue to help pay your taxes.
If this administration keeps imposing their will on free citizens of this nation the Pres. will have more to worry about then calm tea partiers.smoking
There are many ways to make a living that don't require 9 to 5 desk warming. If they didn't pay taxes I doubt they would be interested in the Tea Party...they would already be having a party.
its better than being a moron of a 'community organizer'.
The unemployment rate is up around 15 - 17 percent, also many of those involved in T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already), are retired Grandma's and Grandpa's.

Personally, I agree with the Tea Party Movement, and I have been to a rally myself.

The Truth is that it is not about the Right or Left,... but Right and Wrong, also Big Government -vs- Small Government.

Saving our Country, starts with saving your money!

President Obama has increased the deficit by 3 Trillion dollars with the passage of Health Insurance Reform.
The United states is about to loose our Moody's AAA Rating that helps us to borrow money at lower interest rates with China and Japan.

The President is now considering a VAT (Value Added Tax) because the U.S. is going bankrupt like Greece.

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) predicts that by 2020 (just 10 yrs from now), under the projected Obama Budget,
100% of GDP will be the equivalent of the National Debt.

That is a huge number! It's chilling to think that all the income we could generate in a year, would be all it would take to pay off the National deficit we have in spending.

Further, The Value Added Tax could break the President's promise to the middle class.

With this in place the tax burden for everyone would be at around the 75% range. With Federal Income tax, State income Tax, excise taxes combined at 50% of a person's pay check. Then with the additional sales tax which is after tax income, being taxed that puts it at about 14% that we pay at the store. VAT tax would be an additional amount added into our purchases that could be as much as 25%.

This is crazy! Are we only working to pay the government?

We don't need all these crazy entitlements, and government programs eating up our money. We can be self sufficient!
We can be financially responsible, and help others with charity, not government handouts.

Socialism can't be supported by the free enterprise system. That's why it is a government takeover of our economy!
Wake Up Everybody!

And I haven't even started on the President's Cap and trade ideas to tax our energy consumption. The states are already bankrupt because of Union pensions and other expenses like the additional Medicaid recipients they will be covering by the Health reform. Who is going to bail them out? The U.S. taxpayer, I think not.

This whole plan of President Obama's is unsustainable!

Now he want to Create Wall Street Financial Regulatory Reform which is really just a 50 Billion dollar slush fund of Permanent TARP that will put the American people in a constant position to bailout companies. If a company is too big to fail, maybe they are too big! We can't afford this!!

Further, President Obama received nearly One Million dollars in campaign contributions in 2008 from Goldman Sachs. If you look at that in terms of Tarp dollars, they spent a dollar for every thousand dollars they got in TARP Money. So at the end of the day that was a really good investment! Nearly Everyone in the Obama Administration is in the pocket of Goldman Sachs!

Further, Why aren't there New Rules being proposed for Federally backed Freddie Mae and Freddy Mac who made the bad FHA loans on risky mortgages, since they are the reason for our financial crisis?

The bottom line is that we can't afford Obama!
Very scary stuff. People who don't pay taxes don't care (and the numbers are growing). It's the fool who works who gets robbed...over and over and over again.

My taxes are so bad I can barely afford rent and health insurance (which are also very high).

Is there any hope?
The Tea Party peeps have a point. We are being taxed to death.....and paying taxes on our taxes. Obama is making things far worse than they already were. Longcoolwoman is right...we dont need the government butting its nose in our business and trying to tax every single thing we do. Its just redonkulous.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. – Winston Churchill

hadnt come across this statement. so true
well these Govts will resort to inflation to lower the real value of their debt. i think Ben Bernanke will do the same. as of now we are talking about Greece's road to bankruptcy
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santa monica, California, USA

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created Apr 2010
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Apr 2010
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