Still My Valentine

I had looked forward to this week
For once in my life
Because I had you to love me.
We planned it since we first met
And spoke of it often
Even on the last day I saw you.

You persuaded me to give you my heart
And made me believe it would be safe
That you would protect it as your own.
You told me you loved me
In so many ways
How could I doubt your sincerity?

I saw it in your eyes when you looked into mine
And in the sweetness of your smile.
I heard it in your laugh and
In the tone of your voice when you spoke to me.
I felt it in the way you held my hand
And in the strength of your embrace,
In the gentle way your fingers caressed my face
And most of all, in the tenderness of your kiss.
It was there in all we shared
Even the embarassing and nervous moments.
And it was there in so many things you said
Not least when you said "I love you."

It's been four weeks today since I last heard your voice
Yet I hear it in my head as if you were next me,
So close that I can nearly stroke your hair and feel its softness
In contrast to the roughness of your skin against my fingers.
And sometimes when I'm barely sleeping
I almost think I feel you lying next to me, reaching out to wrap me in your arms
And I think that you're not so far away
And that your heart is still with me.

I know some will say I'm a fool for continuing to believe in you
Or even to want you back considering what's passed.
I would agree that I'm a fool, but not for reasons they suppose.
I am a fool for not realizing the trust you had given me,
A fool for not cherishing and protecting the tenderness of your heart,
A fool for not being more sensitive to you,
A fool for losing sight of what really mattered;
A fool for hurting you.

And if I stopped believing in you now,
It would mean that I never should've believed in you at all
Because it would mean that I believed a lie.
And I know it wasn't a lie.
I know that it was genuine, the love that persuaded my heart to surrender
And if it was real then, it hasn't died
And is able to forgive an offense....and remember all that was good.

So on this special day remember
The magic moments
Of excitement and anticipation
Of fun and laughter
Of tender touches and warm embraces
Loving kisses and soft sighs
And the sweetness in surrendering to one another's love.

And if you remember you'll understand
That my heart is still held by just one man.
And I know that a part of your heart is still mine
That's why you are still my Valentine. broken heart frog
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by Unknown
created Feb 2008
Last Viewed: Apr 17

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