"I can do all things through Christ Who gives me s

A young man who has been raised as an atheist was training to be an Olympic diver. The only religious influence in his life came from his outspoken Christian friend. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend's sermons, but he heard them often.

One night the diver went to the indoor pool at the college he attended. The lights were all off, but as the pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was plenty of light to practice by.

The young man climbed up to the highest diving board and as he turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out, he saw this shadow on the wall. The shadow of his body, was in the shape of the cross. The man felt a strange feeling, like someone was speaking to him. Instead of diving, he knelt down and finally asked God to come into his life.

As the young man stood, a maintenance man walked in and turned the light on. The pool had been drained for repairs.

angel angel angel angel angel
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Comments (7)


Is this a true story? I do not know if you have ever been to Las Vegas, but the road that used to come in from AZ was a two lane road, one night while my husband was still alive, he and I were on our way home when he pulled off the road. I asked him why, he said that he was told to. I did not pay much attention to him. We were both exhausted and we both fell immediately asleep. The next morning we went on into Vegas and stopped at the first dinner we found and the waitress said that there had been a huge accident on the road we came in on. It seems that 8 cars killing 13 people had been in a massive pile up and it happened at the same time we pulled off of the road.

Angels were looking out after us that night. My husband would only say that he was told to pull off the road and neither he nor I heard anything or saw anything, we were that deep asleep.

True story. I have always believed in God and his messengers.
Nothing more than a "very lucky day"

Perhaps you are right. Who knows, all I can say is that we were driving along at about 70 and he was doing fine, not even yawing and then all of a sudden we were so tired we could not hold our eyes open and could do nothing but go to sleep. We did not even recline our seats, just fell into the deepest sleep that I can ever remember before or after this happened. We slept on the side of the road for over 4 hours. It was one of the strangest experiences. My husband was not superstitious and he always complained that I put too much credit into God and angels. But, again who knows...we may have been just lucky.hug
another one of those Religious-Tract True Stories?
god bless us all.
Well he was obviously a biscuit short of a full packet - not even noticing that a swimming pool was empty of water - so I guess that really does tell its own story.
Wonderful, insightful true stories! Yep, God does watch out for us. I would have been dead a long time ago, if it weren't for my guardian angel.

There's no such thing as luck. Everything happens for a reason.

By the way, it's "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" I think.
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