30 October 2010

On 30 October 2010, I watched my best friend die & there was nothing that I could do to save her. Anyway, Princess, a Siamese seal point cat, at the time of her death, was 15.5 yrs old & had been with me for almost 7 yrs (7 yrs in January 2011).

Let me tell you, Princess knew that she was a princess & expected to be treated like royalty. We'd have lovely conversations. Over the next few years, she would yell at me if I didn't get up fast enough. Princess was very particular about people. She disliked strangers, loud noises, & sudden movements. She wasn't too fond of other cats either but would tolerate them if needed. I loved it when she would follow me through the house when she thought she'd get a kitty treat. Princess may have appeared to be anti-social to some but that was apart of her breed. It took her awhile to warm up to people.

In mid-October (2010), Princess hurt her hind leg. I took her to the vet & he said that she had a sprain. There wasn't anything he could do. When I got home, I put out 3 extra bowls of food and 3 extra bowls of water. I put out the extra bowls so she didn't have to walk to far to find food or water. I even gave her extra kitty treats and extra wet food (canned). She was 15 and a half years old, so I let her have whatever she wanted. I order this stuff to put on her gums. She would then lick it off and it was supposed to help give her some extra nutrients and energy. I knew that she was getting worse when she wouldn't or couldn't clean off any of the extra stuff that got on her face or whiskers. Halloween fell on a Sunday. I knew that she didn't look good. I asked my parents to pray for Princess because I didn't know if she would make it through the day. If she did, I was going to take her to the vet for another check up (potentially to be put to sleep). It was heartbreaking. After I had lunch, I went back to the house. I brought her into the den and laid her on a blanket. One blanket was a soft blanket and it was underneath a blanket that my mom I had made for her for Christmas in 2009. Princess tried to stand and couldn't. I had to help her. She tried to walk, but was unsuccessful without my help. Her eyes got cloudy...so I'm sure she went blind. If you have ever seen a Siamese cat, you know how crystal blue their eyes are supposed to be. It was heartbreaking to watch her die, knowing that I couldn't do anything to save her. I wanted to make her better, to take away her pain and I wanted her to be a happy, healthy cat. During the last few hrs. of her life, I talked to her. I would go and pick her up and love on her, give her kisses, and tell her how much she meant to me. At approximately 6 pm on Halloween, Princess took her last breathe. It killed me. I wanted to die right there with her. I just held her...crying. I don't normally cry. But when I do....it's really bad.

I miss having her wake me up on the weekends. She'd hop onto the bed and start meowing as she walked towards me. Princess would get close to me and I could feel her whiskers. Sometimes, I could feel her wet little nose. If I didn't move fast enough, she'd hop off the bed and start scratching the carpet. Princess knew that she wasn't supposed to do that. She knew that would get me up and then she could have some kitty treats. I miss having her greet me at the front door and I miss having her jump me for a piece of turkey. She'd circle you like a hawk until she had a tiny piece. Once she had a piece, she'd go off an nap. I miss playing with her, and hearing her snore, and I'll miss those times when I'd scratch her chin and she would enjoy it so much that she'd start to drool. I'll miss her crazy antics.

There are times when it feels like her death has just happened. I can't believe that my little furbaby has been gone for a year. If you want to see a picture of Princess, go to the page with the pictures. There is a picture of me with Princess. It will be obvious because it's the one with the Siamese cat.
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Comments (4)

I am so sorry for your beloved cat and friend, Field! I feel you hug

I have a cat and can understand everything you wrote in such a touching way...

Your Princes was wonderful and you both were happy to be together! sad flower
What a beautiful cat she was fieldworking. I have cats myself so I know how you feel. I had my Snowy put to sleep just after Christmas last year, she had cancer and in January the eldest out of all the cats, Scratchy, was put to sleep because of his age, all of his internal organs had started to shut down. hug comfort
Your story reminds me of what my daughter goes through when one of her dogs dies. You had Princess for 15 years. Be grateful for those years and focus on how much fun you had with her rather then on the fact that she isn't here anymore.comfort
Thanks guys. Princess was with me for almost 7 years but I felt like she'd been with me since she was a baby. I fell in love with the breed because of her and hope to adopt another Siamese seal point one day. I have adopted another cat within the last 4 months. One day, my new kitty will have a Siamese kitty as a friend. I'd get one now but I can only have one pet where I live right now. Thanks again guys.
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by fieldworking
created Oct 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 19
Last Commented: Oct 2011
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