Anyone ever seen the movie time cop??? Where the corrupt senator wanted to buy the Election
and traveling through time to make money. Science Fiction but makes a valid point within the movie.
The part where he said a rich enough President doesn't listen to anyone and can change the way
America is our very ways of living. Basically the intent was money talks and if someone rich enough
to buy out Congress we are in serious trouble. I am free to my suspicions and bottom line I suspect
the very act going on today in our up coming 2012 election.

Notice Fox News made Donald Trump as their spokesman and even he made claims of running
for President for 2012. People didn't buy into his BS and his views from Fox News and now he
is going on CNN saying he is not a Republican or Democrat? Seems like he is going every which
way to gain the American peoples trust. He is constantly talking about bullying China anther
super power of the world and our Ally. Someone who is capable of paying off Congress and
has these radical views on Foreign Policies that could result in loosing Allies and maybe
bring about more war is this the best thing for America??

Everyone talks about how bad labor laws are and the American rights department is well
isn't so right and people are protesting about it. A good King worries about today and worries
about the people in the now. President Obama isn't perfect but his fight has brought aid
to millions of out of work Family's. He constantly fights for the middle class because as common
sense tells anyone the middle class make or break a economy. Fox News whines he is spending
to much but at the same time his spending has kept our heads above water. Fox News whines
about tomorrow. These people claim Christianity and a moral faith. Jesus said don't worry about
tomorrow today has enough worries on it's own.

I believe in good management and saving and being responsible. But I also believe if an issue is
pushed to a point where people eat or not I choose families having aid until jobs are created
so they can tend for themselves. I am warning America if we vote any of these radicals in we
will be an accessory in ruining our Country. I don't know about anyone else I like a Nation
prospering and people living good. Obama gets what makes a Nation great and understands
the middle class is the backbone of any Nation. Anyone who constantly attacks Federal
Government and wants less in my opinion are corrupt and have something to hide. Understand
our Federal Law Enforcement are trained and our Home Land Security. We need a President
willing to stand up and fight for the backbone of our economy the middle class not a wanting
the poor to become poorer and the rich become richer. And a message for the rich<<< Without
us middle class you loose a lot of money. If we can't afford to watch your movies, afford tv
or buy the ad's that pay you through tv doesn't seem to good for you also, that goes for
Sports, movies, products, and industry. Wake up and see reality please for this Nations
well being.
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