I read both sides the Fox News report about what Mitt Romney said about
Iran building Nuclear weapons. Than I went to the CBS web site and heard
their side. I read the media reports that the World, including China and Russia
are not for Iran obtaining these weapons. I swear this is a insane low blow
on our President's efforts on trying to discredit him for votes. Let's pray
our Super Powers including ourselves in the United States stop and hinder
Iran from any nuclear weapons. They are radicals and radicals don't get
power in our world bottom line.

Bottom line the way the Private Sector is treating America I believe our best bet is a Democrat in office, to ensure unemployment and welfare to keep our economy somewhat balanced and keeping American's head above water. They pressured a
cut budget from Obama and a lot of Government reasources where taken. If this continues this will bring us into a great depression and last time I checked that is a National Security threat. I am a Spiritual man in Christ and the Republican polices
and ways are not the ways of my Lord and Savior. God is not for over worked and under paid people, God is not for people with no hope or no care from their Country men.

I pray they handle this Iran Nuclear weapons problem and prevent it and make sure it doesn't happen to prevent anther war for Oil in my opinion by the Republican party.
I repented to the Lord to forgive me for not studying and understanding politics and not seeing the polices the Republican Party has done to our Country. The last Republican before the other 2 was Reagan and notice he had no stocks or ownership
in the oil business<<< didn't do bad as President. There is to much in my opinion, manipulation, trickery and poor politic's by the Republican party and my opinion tells me possibly a hidden agenda that may be a economical crisis and starting wars for reasons other than what they are saying.

It's funny to me during the 10 years in the middle east our Troops followed dead leads and not much success. We got a new President and he didn't care what the other party was pressuring him and done things his way and came up huge on results.(((notice))) Major terrorist where killed and a huge move to slow down illegal drug trafficking through the middle east. Honestly if possible if Government could create industry and made America more independent again without having to relay on the Private Sector as much would really be a huge turn around for us. That cuts out the middle man and gives people hope of non bias jobs and employment without the middle man trying to create loop holes taking from the workers to make more money.

Ever since free trade came about a lot of companies are going over seas paying the workers there not much at all which is wrong and selling their products here to us without giving us any jobs. It's like them taking from America and prospering from us without giving back. I don't trust the Private Sector and bottom line the labor laws created in the last 2 terms before Obama has really opened up plenty doors for companies to induce slavery in my opinion, under paid over worked people and no laws to protect the employee. In Va you can turn your boss down for a date and you can be fired yes that law no reason for termination is effective in Va. A smart business man that is done wrong over and over should take new direction for better and more productive ways to prosper our Country.
God Bless the United States of America
and Lord God please give us ideas and courage
to get out of the Clutches of these people of greed
with no humanity or conscience
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